Ceiling Shattered: Trump Surges to 41% Nationally

Via Breithbart

GOP Candidate Donald Trump Campaigns In South Carolina

Proving once again that many of America’s political pundits are paid to shape public opinion through wishful thinking (disguised as analysis), Monmouth University just released a national poll showing that all this PunditSpeak about Donald Trump having a ceiling of support around 20%… No, 25%… For sure, 30%… is nonsense.

Monmouth has The Donald obliterating the competition nationally with 41% support.

In this particular poll, Trump’s closest rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), sits at just 14% support. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) trails with just 10%; Ben Carson plummets to single digits with 9%. From there it just gets embarrassing: Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee (2%), and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)(2%).

In this particular poll, Trump is surging. In mid-October the billionaire businessman sat at 28%. Cruz and Rubio both jumped +4 points. Carson lost -9.

A full 65% of primary voters believe Trump has the right temperament to be president. Thirty percent of those polled would be enthusiastic with Trump as their nominee, with 37% saying they would be satisfied. Only 12% would be dissatisfied, and 16% would be upset.

Despite a month of the worst media coverage imaginable, Trump’s favorability rating improved from 52% to 61%. His unfavorable rating dipped from 33% to 29%. In favorability, Trump beats Cruz (58%), Rubio (55%) and Carson (57%).

The Monmouth poll cannot really be written off as an outlier. A CBS/New York Times poll released a week earlier showed Trump at 35% with Cruz in second with 16%. In fact, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll getting all the attention today, the one with Cruz only -5 points behind Trump (27% to 22%), appears to be the real outlier.

In the Real Clear Politics poll of national polls, Trump enjoys 31.4% support, with Cruz a full -15 points behind with 16.3%.

Either way, in a 14 person race, Trump is obliterating second place with anywhere from 30% to 41% support. If he was anyone other than Trump, this race would be considered long over.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 15, 2015 12:30 pm

Trump. ZFG.

December 15, 2015 12:37 pm

Trump is the only choice that isn’t just more of the status quo.

And more and more people are getting fed up with the status quo.

I don’t find it surprising that he is so popular, or that the more the status quo power structure attacks him the more popular he becomes.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 15, 2015 1:08 pm

illegal immigrants, TPTB, RINOs, NEOCONS, Cuckservativests : BOWLING PINS Donald Trump : Bowling Ball down the middle

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 15, 2015 1:15 pm

Hoorah for the white guy !! 41%

Did anyone here see the video today of the Trump rally where they dragged out the knegrows and the crowd was yelling “burn them”, “pour gas on them”, “sieg Heil” and “hang them” ?

The kneegrows were disrupting yelling “black lives matter”. Guess Trump rallies will be all white from now on.

December 15, 2015 1:20 pm

41%. Because MSM and their polls don’t lie.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 15, 2015 1:32 pm

The Rump IS part of the status quo. He has financed politicians on both sides. His bombastic statements come from his “Rovesque” advisors.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 15, 2015 1:36 pm

Who downed my question ? That is a legit question.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 15, 2015 1:38 pm

I’m just the messenger here. Don’t shoot the messenger.

December 15, 2015 1:41 pm

Fuck all you TRUMP haters . I hope he raises your taxes!!!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 15, 2015 1:49 pm

Trump security was all over the kneegrows like flies on shite. Any of the pussy NeoCONS would have begged the black community to forgive whitey for dragging them out and pledged to never let it happen again.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 15, 2015 1:57 pm

Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to call out Trump for allowing this to happen?

Should the race-baiters slither out from under their rocks to stir the shit and Trump tells them to fuck off THEN we are making progress.

December 15, 2015 2:19 pm


The race baiters are afraid of Trump. He’ll kick them in the knee or something if they try anything (as he has already done)

If they concentrate on anyone it’ll be Sanders who has already proven he’ll just let them take over.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
December 15, 2015 2:30 pm

So one day I turn on TV and Cruz is now in front. The next day Trump is shattering a ceiling.


Who’s on first?

December 15, 2015 2:35 pm

Wait until the 2 per center’s start falling by the wayside. That’s when it will get interesting.

December 15, 2015 2:56 pm


I think the best way to tell this is by the size of the crowds Trump attract, and how little the MSM mentions them.

December 15, 2015 3:08 pm

“Who’s on first?………looks like Trump’s on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

December 15, 2015 3:17 pm

Trump will be a shoo in if he:

1) States that all immigration, all visas/H1B/etc will be held for 5 years, particularly all immigration from the MENA.

2) States he will track down VISA overstays and ship them home.

3) Order the IRS to investigate in full the timing and relationship of foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation and the approval of arms sales to those governments when Hillary was SOS.

4) States he will completely reform the IRS, starting with a revision of the tax code to 10 pages and firing 95% of the agents. To include changing the corporate tax code to bring manufacturing back to the US with a priority to US citizens.

5) Will deport any illegal alien that comes into contact with the justice or health care system, in addition will prosecute to the fullest any employer knowingly hiring these folks.

6) Builds the wall with Mexico and puts Marines with .50 cal machine guns with overlapping fields of fire on the border.

7) Promises to revoke every single EO of Barack Obongo.

8) Promises to turn ISIS territory into radioactive glass for every terror attack or boast of a terror attack. Fuck, turn it all into a smoking crater and be done with it.

9) Promise to completely overturn Obamacare, shred every single rule/regulation/fine/penalty, fire every single extra IRS employee and pledge to keep the fed.gov the fuck out of health care.

10) Promise to burn to the ground the Dept of Education, the EPA, the VA, and generally 50% of the federal alphabet agencies.

There ya’ go. If Trump promises this, he will be elected in a heartbeat.

I’m betting on a Trump/Cruz or Trump/Carson ticket – and a complete implosion of the GOP if the Rep establishment tries to rig the convention.

The debate tonight should be interesing.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
December 15, 2015 3:38 pm

Interesting yes. I think Trump has it in bag. He controls the narrative.

The media wags might as well pour the gasoline directly on their heads. Trump is going to pull out some more retardation then everyone in MSM will be running around looking for matches.

December 15, 2015 3:47 pm

“pulling out some more retardation”…………..visualize the MSM as ant nest being poked with a stick!

December 15, 2015 4:23 pm

Hope, sorry but I downvoted you because of your “I’m betting on a Trump/Cruz or Trump/Carson ticket” comment. That would put either of these jerks a heartbeat away from becoming POTUS. Were Trump to win with that ticket I’m sure some of TPTB would force the line of succession. Better to pick someone like Rand Paul.

December 15, 2015 5:46 pm


You’re a Sanders fan, I’m not surprised you wouldn’t want to see a Trump/Carson or Trump/Cruz ticket.

Either one would stand for just about everything the left opposes.

And either one would be a far, far better choice than either Hillary or Sanders paired with anybody, especially each other.

December 15, 2015 8:56 pm

Donald Trump’s a breath of fresh air and hope in American politics.

Trump will talk about issues that Americans care about but that other Republican candidates shy away from. Remember the first GOP debate when Trump said that immigration wouldn’t have been discussed if he hadn’t brought it up.

Trump’s independent. Again, remember the first debate when Trump, mentioning Hillary coming to his wedding and his Republican opponents, said that they’re all in the pockets of their campaign contributors, the special interests. No one denied what Trump said then; no one’s denied it since.

Trump’s a deal maker unlike politicians who have the prevailing the-state-knows-best attitude. In doing deals there have to be compromises and, to get an agreement, each side has to feel that it’s getting what it wants. In contemporary politics, Trump’s opponents are accustomed to an unaccountable elite telling the rest of us, to their benefit and our detriment, what to do.

Trump’s been a successful businessman for decades. No independent businessman, like Trump , is successful unless he can provide products that the public wants, do so mostly honestly, and do so at a fair price. As for his opponents… is there even one you’d trust to do what the public wants if a big money contributor shook his head ‘no?’

December 15, 2015 9:59 pm

More on my rich Republican friends, their politics, and Donald Trump.
All these guys, who are in their 60s, 70s, and 80s, ignored Ron Paul, belittle Donald Trump, and parrot what the WSJ and the NYT write about foreign and domestic politics.
Yet, on most individual issues my country club friends sound like the Founding Fathers and Ron Paul. My friends don’t want more wars, bank bailouts, special exemptions (re Obamacare) and generous retirement benefits for Congressmen, NSA spying, government secrecy, illegal immigration, the expansion of the Free Shit Army, increasing taxes, etc.
Why the disconnect? This is what I think. These guys have been either corporate me-tooers or ones who’ve spent their lives buying into the system. For decades they’ve accepted institutional beliefs. Now they’re so accustomed to that that they can’t see how the person they’ve been trained to be differs from the person they think they are.

December 16, 2015 1:03 am


That is an impressive wish list for Trump.

You mentioning dumping the IRS twice.

Good for you.

December 16, 2015 4:12 am

Hope@one last thing Trump must do.PROSECUTE! Every last one of the teflon politicians and congress,bankers IRS CIA Hillary,Jarret, O on down.Let citizens see the law does apply ,put them that has committed treason in town square!.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
December 16, 2015 10:44 pm

Trump would probably be a rotten president. But he’s shattered the PC wall the liberal media created. He speaks what the middle class thinks but dare not speak. Go Trump.