Paul Ryan Sneaks Massive Surveillance Bill Into $1.1 Trillion Must Pass Spending Legislation

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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On Friday, Congress will vote on a mutated version of security threat sharing legislation that had previously passed through the House and Senate. These earlier versions would have permitted private companies to share with the federal government categories of data related to computer security threat signatures. Companies that did so would also receive legal immunity from liability under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and other privacy laws. Today’s language, renamed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 (Division N of the omnibus budget bill) mostly assembles the worst parts of the earlier bills to threaten privacy even further.

We have about two days to figure out what this so-called Cybersecurity Act (OmniCISA) means for consumer privacy in the US. That unfortunate timing is thanks to Speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to include language announced at 2am this morning as part of a must-pass spending bill scheduled for a vote Friday.

– From Jennifer Granick’s article: OmniCISA Pits DHS Against the FCC and FTC on User Privacy

I know it’s hard to believe, but yes, Paul Ryan is indeed far worse than John Boehner. The fact that Republican members of Congress chose to make him Speaker of the House tells you all you need to know about the true nature of the GOP and who they really work for (it’s not you). After all, Paul Ryan’s public record speaks for itself. He voted for the banker bailouts as well as the Iraq War. He’s a very well behaved little status quo puppet.

Moving along, what Mr. Ryan just did to intentionally target the 4th Amendment rights of American citizens could be described as treasonous. A move which exemplifies the complete and total disrespect he harbors toward the people he claims to represent. For a bit of context, let’s turn to a post published here last week which unfortunately failed to get much traction titled, Paul Ryan is Aggressively Lobbying to Pass “Frankenstein” CISA Spy Bill Through Congress. In it, we warned:

Republican House speaker Paul Ryan has been leading the charge to push through legislation and reconcile two bills, the Protecting Cyber Networks Act (PCNA) and the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement with the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (Cisa), a controversial bill that passed a Senate vote in October.

The speed with which Ryan is trying to push through a compromise has worried privacy activists. “We’ve just learned that the Intelligence Committees are trying to pull a fast one,” Nathan White, senior legislative manager at digital rights advocate Access, said in a recent email to supporters. “They’ve been negotiating in secret and came up with a Frankenstein bill – that has some of the worst parts from both the House and the Senate versions.”

Now we know why he was in such a rush. Rather than allow a bill with such tremendous implications for privacy and civil liberties to be debated on its own merits, Paul Ryan figured it would be a great idea to add it to a “must pass” 2,000 page, $1.1 trillion Omnibus spending bill, which is precisely what he did Wednesday morning at 2am.

The National Journal reports in today’s article, Controversial Cybersecurity Bill Poised to Pass in Massive Spending Package:

After years of de­bate and man­euv­er­ing, a ma­jor cy­ber­se­cur­ity bill is fi­nally on the fast track to approv­al after law­makers at­tached it to a $1.1 tril­lion gov­ern­ment spend­ing pack­age early Wed­nes­day morn­ing.

Think about that for a moment. A controversial surveillance bill that has been debated “for years” is simply snuck into a $1.1 trillion spending package at the last minute. Please explain to me how this can be seen as anything remotely resembling representative democracy?

While busi­ness groups and na­tion­al se­cur­ity hawks are cheer­ing the news, it’s a ma­jor blow to pri­vacy ad­voc­ates, who fear the meas­ure will fun­nel more of Amer­ic­ans’ per­son­al in­form­a­tion in­to the hands of the Na­tion­al Se­cur­ity Agency.

This paragraph explains why it was snuck in so shadily, and who Paul Ryan really works for. He works for big business and the national security state. He doesn’t think twice about what’s best for the American people.

The le­gis­la­tion, now called the Cy­ber­se­cur­ity Act of 2015, would en­cour­age com­pan­ies to share in­form­a­tion about com­puter vir­uses and oth­er cy­ber­se­cur­ity threats with each oth­er and the gov­ern­ment. The bill would shield com­pan­ies from law­suits by their users for giv­ing private in­form­a­tion to the gov­ern­ment as part of the pro­gram.

Civil-liber­ties groups warn the latest ver­sion of the meas­ure has been stripped of some of the most sig­ni­fic­ant pri­vacy pro­tec­tions, trans­form­ing it in­to a sur­veil­lance bill.

More on this later.

“In­stead of passing re­forms that would have stopped the An­them or [Of­fice of Per­son­nel Man­age­ment] hack, Con­gress has chosen to advance le­gis­la­tion that places the pri­vacy of Amer­ic­ans in fur­ther per­il,” Neema Singh Guliani, a le­gis­lat­ive coun­sel for the Amer­ic­an Civil Liber­ties Uni­on, said in a state­ment. “It would wrongly al­low com­pan­ies to share larger amounts of con­sumer in­form­a­tion with gov­ern­ment agen­cies, po­ten­tially in­clud­ing the NSA. This in­form­a­tion could be used for crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tions un­re­lated to cy­ber­se­cur­ity.”

Indeed, that’s exactly what it will do…

Al­though the bill would bar the NSA from directly re­ceiv­ing the data from the private sec­tor, it would in­struct the Home­land Se­cur­ity De­part­ment to share the in­form­a­tion it re­ceives with oth­er “rel­ev­ant fed­er­al en­tit­ies,” which pri­vacy ad­voc­ates note could include the NSA or FBI. Law­makers re­moved pre­vi­ous lan­guage that would have re­quired that the government only use the data for “cy­ber­se­cur­ity pur­poses,” which has pri­vacy ad­voc­ates wor­ried that the data could find its way in­to crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tions. 

The le­gis­la­tion could re­ceive votes in the House and Sen­ate as early as Fri­day.

Both cham­bers have already approved varying versions of the cy­ber­se­cur­ity bill earli­er this year. The White House had threatened to veto sim­il­ar bills in 2012 and 2013, say­ing they lacked ad­equate pri­vacy safe­guards. But Pres­id­ent Obama is ex­pec­ted to sign the le­gis­la­tion this time as part of the om­ni­bus spend­ing pack­age if it reaches his desk.

“We are pleased that the Om­ni­bus in­cludes cy­ber­se­cur­ity in­form­a­tion shar­ing le­gis­la­tion,” a seni­or ad­min­is­tra­tion of­fi­cial said in an emailed state­ment. “The Pres­id­ent has long called on Con­gress to pass cybersecurity information sharing le­gis­la­tion that will help the private sec­tor and gov­ern­ment share more cy­ber threat in­form­a­tion by provid­ing for tar­geted li­ab­il­ity pro­tec­tions while care­fully safe­guard­ing pri­vacy, con­fid­en­ti­al­ity, and civil liber­ties.”

What unbelievable sham theater all of this is. So President Obama “threatened to veto” previous versions, but now that an even more shady bill is set to appear on his desk, he suddenly welcomes it. Works perfectly for him, since he can’t be expected to veto a $1.1 trillion spending bill, can he? The willingness of the U.S. government to sell out its own people should never be underestimated.

Moving along, for some details on how bad this CISA sneak attack really is, let’s turn to an article published yesterday by , the Director of Civil Liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society.

From JustSecurity:

On Friday, Congress will vote on a mutated version of security threat sharing legislation that had previously passed through the House and Senate. These earlier versions would have permitted private companies to share with the federal government categories of data related to computer security threat signatures. Companies that did so would also receive legal immunity from liability under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and other privacy laws. Today’s language, renamed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 (Division N of the omnibus budget bill) mostly assembles the worst parts of the earlier bills to threaten privacy even further.

Yes, Congress really is sneaking in a bill that gives companies immunity for spying on their own customers and the Obama Administration is applauding the move. As George Carlin noted: 

The word bipartisan means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.

Now back to Granick…

We have about two days to figure out what this so-called Cybersecurity Act (OmniCISA) means for consumer privacy in the US. That unfortunate timing is thanks to Speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to include language announced at 2am this morning as part of a must-pass spending bill scheduled for a vote Friday.

It appears that OmniCISA is trying to stake out a category of ISP monitoring that the FCC and FTC can’t touch, regardless of its privacy impact on Americans.

This section of OmniCISA would not only interfere with future privacy regulations, it limits the few privacy rules we currently have.

The essence of CISA and OmniCISA is to allow private entities to give the federal government categories of data that could be called cyber threat information in exchange for legal immunity for sharing that information, even if it includes private personal information. I’ve written here that a good information sharing bill should be clear about what types of information we are talking about sharing in the name of enhanced security practices. Vulnerability information means software flaws, virus signatures, threat signatures and the like. Security experts agree that private data, the kind protected by ECPA and other privacy laws, is only rarely needed for such reports. Nevertheless, OmniCISA would allow for sharing personally identifiable information by default and gives companies that share liability protection even if there’s no need to share the private data.

Information sharing, generally a good thing, is nevertheless is not going to make a huge cybersecurity difference. Security experts and a bi-partisan coalition of privacy groups told Congress that we don’t need to waive communications privacy laws — as OmniCISA does — to promote sharing of threat signatures. So why are we sacrificing even more American privacy on this altar? It’s amazing that, given all we are learning about government surveillance, Congress will actually vote to expand the federal government’s capacity to obtain personal data from private companies without court order.

Finally, here’s what one of the organizations on the front lines of the fight against unconstitutional government surveillance, Fight for the Future, had to say about Paul Ryan’s CISA move:

After several delays due to widespread outcry over privacy and civil liberties concerns, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has successfully exploited a loophole in congressional process to include the final version of a controversial cyber bill in the must-pass “omnibus” budget bill unveiled late Tuesday night. 

This puts the controversial legislation on the path to a vote without meaningful transparency or debate on the final text, which has been significantly altered in secret negotiations and stripped of nearly all privacy protections.

“It’s clear now that this bill was never intended to prevent cyber attacks,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, “it’s a disingenuous attempt to quietly expand the U.S. government’s surveillance programs, and it will inevitably lead to law enforcement agencies using the data they collect from companies through this program to investigate, prosecute, and incarcerate more people, deepening injustices in our society while failing to improve security.”


For related articles, see:

Paul Ryan is Aggressively Lobbying to Pass “Frankenstein” CISA Spy Bill Through Congress

Meet CISA – Dianne Feinstein’s Latest Attack on Privacy, Civil Liberties and the Internet

Facebook Caught Secretly Lobbying for Privacy Destroying “Cyber Security” Bill

Business as Usual – Paul Ryan Pushes Through Multiple Wall Street Giveaways in the Highway Bill

Paul Ryan Hires Lobbyist Who Pushed for Obamacare and the Trans-Pacific Partnership as His Chief of Staff

Paul Ryan Channels Pelosi on the TPP – You Have to Pass Obamatrade to See What’s in Obamatrade

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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December 18, 2015 1:16 pm

What an absolute fake that arse is.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 18, 2015 1:17 pm

I keep fantasizing about someone sending a hunting arrow through that guy’s temple.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 1:52 pm

what a con, i was audited 35 years ago, here are my choices, pay, jail or death. so instead of saying screw you buddy, no now all these years later your burners who work have to pay for my decisions, instead of stepping over me in the street. just 16 years ago life was good, thanks to our friends who direct our lives i am dead meat, while they expect the taxpayers to cover their backsides after 30 years in some cases meaning retiring at 50 something. the liberals have eaten our lunch for how long now? nice to know transgender fem/nazi’s got more balls than most in the gop. a toast to the end of the con, like the bastille, will soon come to an end. paul ryan needs higher walls surrounding his mansion.

December 18, 2015 1:59 pm

A politician lied?

Shocked I am SHOCKED!

Statist fuckwads all of them.

December 18, 2015 2:08 pm

Lots of money for surveillance.

Lots of money for Planned Parenthood.

Lots of money to import Muslims.

Lots of money for illegals.

Lots of money for Obamacare.

250,000 low end workers from third world to compete with Americans for the lower end jobs that are all many of them are capable of and grateful to have to support themselves.

Ain’t Republicans great.

Ain’t the Tea Party great.

Vote Trump if you think this needs to be changed, he might actually do something about it, or vote for the Democrat if you don’t.

(And if the Republicans manage to oust Trump, vote third party to send them a message. It won’t do any good, but at least both sides will know you don’t like them.)

December 18, 2015 2:13 pm

I’m a amazed that they were able to find someone that is more of a treasonous corporate whore than Bohner.

December 18, 2015 2:14 pm

what the heck happened to Paul Ryan?

either he was a great faker for years, or he got videoed
with a pig in his mouth…or something.

December 18, 2015 2:27 pm

He always has been a FAKER … FRAUD w/ no backbone. Now that he’s in the decision position he will fail every time. As long as he could pose behind the scenes and critisize, he could appear plausible. He’s a pansy.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 2:36 pm

hate to break this to all the burners, enjoy this coming week, things will regrettably get much worst. we will beg for global warming, and “hey buddy can you spare a nickel.” all roads lead to insanity. the current times make the 20’s/30’s appear sane. i have no clue, i am a product of the times, boomers suck and i am one, therefore i suck as well. even as i fade away, i see my buddy a hawk perched, best of all i saw a bald eagle two weeks ago, i am grateful to the burners who have it together and continue the fight. welcome to the” lord of the flies,” just finishing an excellent book, collapse, by jared diamond, if you are looking for pieces of the puzzle this book brings so many things together, as well it is a reminder of how insignificant we are,. three cheers for La Pen, funny how women have the balls.

December 18, 2015 2:57 pm


I’ve noticed that our government pretty much fails at every single thing it attempts. The Chinese, though, may have figured it out. Look at this and weep. Game Over.

December 18, 2015 3:40 pm
December 18, 2015 3:41 pm

see the smug grow a beard dude/ how many steps toward
the presidency?

December 18, 2015 3:48 pm

Ryan’s always been this way, an implementer of orders given by his higher ups,

No one remembers how many actual conservatives were warning this is exactly what would be happening?

I suppose the Republicans, like the Democrats, count on the public both being gullible and having short attention spans.

December 18, 2015 4:57 pm

Ha Ha Ha. So, exactly why did “we” elect coruptlican majorities in the house and senate if they won’t block something like this with their majority?

Keep Voting.

December 18, 2015 5:23 pm


Rush Limbaugh says the GOP is shopping for voters.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2015 5:23 pm

That Sesame Credit video was disturbing. Not surprising, unfortunately, but still disturbing.

December 18, 2015 7:28 pm

I hate that motherfucker more than Nasty Pelosi.

What does Sensetti have to say?

December 18, 2015 8:36 pm

Citizens need to rein in the corrupt politicians that think they are dictators.Null and void all corrupt policy and have them all stand trial under citizens grand jury next audit,then prison cleaning toilets next to O,Jarret,Hillary,Holder.on and on.

December 18, 2015 8:53 pm

How many islam convert in the W H?

December 18, 2015 10:46 pm

Steady T4c your cursing is abhorrent! And talking about seminal fluid leakage is absolutely over the top!

December 18, 2015 11:04 pm

Sensetti appears to be sober as a judge tonight. Dang.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 11:27 pm

this country is in dire need of real men standing up, too bad they will not be found in the gop/ i went pass pissed a couple of years ago. what a shame, the experiment has run itt course, voting yourself a raise always works well, for those who do not work. fuck you janet. fuck you obama i hope you are happy with all the misery.that is overcasting us all, rich and poor alike. the problem is more poor people daily puts the rich in jeopardy, the buffer is going fast, build higher walls assholes.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 11:31 pm

there is no honor among thieves and this country has plenty of thieves, one problem, they are running out of suckers, jon corizine for president

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 11:47 pm

i bitch, i complain, then i say i could live in the ukraine, who is more screwed. what a pitiful state of affairs. talking about cannon fodder the people who work daily get abused daily by the scum who know what is best. for forty years i have hoped the average guy will throw the bird at sam, no money no power. bleed these bastards the only tool we have. we get no respect, little rodney dangerfield action. for me to get half drunk a holler feels good, all i know is the gop is no better than than harry reid and his crew, they will screw you, and laugh, sucker? t o work for these ass holes is the ultimate joke. this game has been going on for hundreds of years, we are played like a fiddle.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 11:57 pm

the italians are a mellow bunch, yet once pissed big problem. would i cry to see these assholes drug in the streets to a light pole, no i would not. mob rule you say, you are correct, yet that is what you get when you fuck over the CITIZENS with glee. the economy sucks, what happens when uncle sam is short in revenues? once again sounds like a personal problem, get ready to be raped again. suck it up, suckers. fiat is an illusion, jam your faith under the mattress, suckers. we lose. they win, unless?

December 18, 2015 11:57 pm

Now, aren’t you liberal-bashing motherfuckers proud of your boy Ryan? Between this and the neocon idiots running our foreign policy into the ground on the way to WWIII, I seriously think you fuckers need to open your eyes to the fact that there is NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL between the political parties in this country, and you teabaggers or whatever you call yourselves, are being played for suckers.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 19, 2015 12:19 am

my dad, good guy, last words is makes us proud as i was delivered to selective service at 4 am, sorry dad, that flag decail won’t get you in heaven. there is a hole in daddy’s arm, the ass holes destroy lives. line their pockets and remind us leaving the country could be criminal. funny we can not get out, yet every asshole can come in. even the soviets had a better plan. like him or hate him, putin is a stud. next president should be trans something trans racial something, why, because he/she would be the first. damn something. , i love this diversity. years ago, i worked, interesting how all the rules conflicted, so regardless of what you did, some rule would be violated, then you got to file taxes, self incrinamication. instead of taking the 5th, i quit, told my governor to stick it up where the sun never shines, poverty is perferable to paying your salary. six years later, beans and rice, so what.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 19, 2015 12:36 am

friends would say, why did you quit? easy, three grand up front l plus quarterlys, with no work on the come, get real, maybe by april you are even, only to pay up again, the priviildge of work, fuck you sam, who works for who? watching sam walton and his ilk implode brings teas of joy to my eyes, warren buffet is the crowning asshole. the scam will end, we all will suffer, yet the bastards will suffer more.

December 19, 2015 5:53 am

Would anyone be sad if Congress recessed for the holiday and everywhere, members of Congress just started disappearing?

December 19, 2015 5:54 am

And Westcoaster? I despise that POS Ryan from the beginning. Bought and paid for by Wall Street.

December 19, 2015 5:58 am

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas if for all these bastards and bitches to disappear from the face of the earth. Or at least from North America.

The cookies will be in the bunker.


December 19, 2015 6:23 am

The Propaganda Meter thing? Creepy, yes. My score is negative already.

December 19, 2015 7:17 am

Paul “I like to fuck Americans in the ass” Ryan has now become the new Lois Lerner. I wish I could get close enuf to this traitor to break his fuckin jaw. But then I’d just end up in prison for 20 years and lose everything the wife and I work (just like all of you) so hard for. We, as Americans, are truly fucked.

December 19, 2015 8:26 am

So, since I’m in the negative anyway… what would happen if about a dozen Congresscritters just disappeared during the holiday?

December 19, 2015 8:51 am

Americans have cockroaches infesting WH and Congress.Needs to be fumigated.Pray Trump starts to prosecute and have perp walks prison and for treason town square! Faux said radical Christians need to questioned?wtf?

December 19, 2015 9:15 am

The positive outcome is Trump will win in a landslide.People are tired of being screwed by these batch of thieves,con men run by Sauds,Bilderbergs,Soros?They have been bought off America has been looted!

December 19, 2015 2:23 pm

Well, Ryan just assured himself a $5,000,000 per year lobbyist job..right beside Boehner. Go ahead and vote him out, he can’t wait!

Maggie on kid's laptop
Maggie on kid's laptop
December 19, 2015 2:26 pm

Okay, I heard on the trip to get my son at college that there is a petition in the UK to NOT allow Trump to visit UK because his comments supporting blocking Musloid immigration are so outrageous. How hypocritical is that?

December 19, 2015 2:53 pm

The Tree of Liberty is in need of its’ natural manure, the sooner the better.

December 19, 2015 5:54 pm

First Freeze his salary for an investigation into fraud and corruption perpetrated against the Citizens of the US!