The irony of the phrase “may the odds be ever in your favor” is not lost on the readers of the Hunger Games trilogy of novels or the film adaption. Despite the grimness of the story, over 65 million copies of the books have been sold. The total box office take so far has exceeded $1.4 billion for the four movies. The dystopian series tackles real issues like severe poverty, starvation, torture, oppression, betrayal and the brutality of war. It doesn’t fit into the standard film making success recipe of feel good fluff, politically correct storylines and happy endings. Each film in the series gets progressively darker, with the final episode permeating doom and gloom. The books and the movies capture the deepening crisis mood engulfing the world today. And they realistically portray the world as a place where there are no good guys in positions of power. The ruling class, in all cases, is driven by a voracious appetite for supremacy, wealth, and control.

An Ambiguous, Confusing, Dangerous World

The world is a morally ambiguous place where those in power and those seeking power utilize the influence of media propaganda and PR campaigns built around “heroes” and “icons” to psychologically control the masses, while enriching themselves and their crony capitalist sponsors. Endless war against the latest “bad guys” further enriches the arms dealers and their political lackeys who joyfully use faux patriotism and nationalistic fervor to insist upon more boots on the ground, drones in the air, bombs dropped, and missiles launched.

War is good for business and keeps the masses distracted, while the Wall Street financiers harvest the wealth of the citizens. The division of the country into 12 districts, sending their bounty to the capital of Panem at the point of a gun, while they are allocated a pittance to survive, is no different than our corporate fascist government as they extract hundreds of billions in taxes, fees, levies, tolls, and fines from the productive class, while regulating, enforcing, mandating, and authorizing the plebs to death.

We live in a confusing world of anxiety, hate, greed, deceit and immorality, where governments throughout the world are nothing but rotting cesspools of psychotic despots desperately clinging to power while using any means necessary to keep the masses sedated and docile. Good people, with noble intentions, still exist in this decadent world, but they do not seek power or have any say in the governance of this world. The oppressed are hopelessly enslaved in debt, kept submissive by welfare transfers from the corrupt state, dumbed down by the state education system, amused by technological gadgets and vacuous entertainment, and kept in perpetual fear of seen and unseen enemies. We are told who to hate, who to fear, who to love, and who to believe by a nameless faceless state run by people we didn’t elect, constituting the invisible government.

The world is a dangerous place, made more dangerous by a willfully ignorant populace who mindlessly go about their day to day existence without thinking, questioning, or considering the possibility their leaders are corrupt lying thieves. We are told Putin, Assad, China, Iran and ISIS are the bad guys. Previously we had been told Hussein, Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Mubarak, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were the bad guys. It is true that none of these men or organizations are good.

It is also true that no one in leadership positions in Washington DC, on Wall Street, in corporate America, or in the mainstream media are good. The entire world is under the control of deceitful, cunning, egomaniacal, corruptible, psychopaths who will stop at nothing to fulfill their personal agendas. They are human beings who have allowed their dark sides to dominate their actions. There are no good guys, just varying degrees of evil imposed upon the masses by erratic unpredictable people with wildly differing levels of intelligence, patriotism and judgement.

The Power of Propaganda

It’s a tribute to the propagandists who have taken Edward Bernays teachings to another level as they have molded the minds of millions, consciously manipulating the opinions and beliefs of the masses to further their agenda of world domination. Once the Cold War ended, the ruling class sought enemies to keep their military industrial complex and Wall Street financiers enriched and happy. 9/11 was used to further that agenda as war on a tactic (terror) will never end. Perpetual conflict is a chief goal of the establishment. Orwell would be impressed with how our keepers have perfected the We‘ve always been at war with Eastasia” propaganda tool to perpetuate their goals. Both parties continue to promote war and increase the profits of the military industrial complex.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan fourteen years ago to get bin Laden and rid the country of the Taliban. Bin Laden was supposedly killed in 2011, but no documentary evidence has been revealed to substantiate that claim. The Taliban is stronger than ever in Afghanistan after hundreds of billions in expenditures and thousands of lives lost. The occupation continues. The neo-cons convinced the dimwitted Bush to invade Iraq in 2003 because Hussein was a bad guy with weapons of mass destruction. Amusingly, he was our buddy when he was fighting our Iranian enemies and we provided him with the WMD (gas) he used on the Kurds.

After spending $1 trillion, we left Iraq as a festering quagmire of religious zealots with a bombed out infrastructure and a corrupt incompetent puppet running the show on our behalf. Then it was on to leaving Libya in a state of chaos because we overthrew another bad guy. We didn’t like the democratically elected leader of Egypt after we overthrew Mubarak, so we overthrew Morsi and installed another military dictatorship. The propaganda storyline is always about democracy and getting rid of bad guys, not the truth about securing oil resources, weakening the enemies of Israel, and keeping the profits flowing to our “vital” defense industry.

It seems the empire ran into a bit of a snag with their plan to remove the latest “bad guy” in Syria. Another “bad guy” – Vladimir Putin – saw through the American plan to eliminate Assad and have their co-conspirators in Saudi Arabia and Qatar build a gas pipeline to Europe. After overthrowing the democratically elected president (and friend of Russia) of the Ukraine and waging an unsuccessful war against Russian backed rebels in Eastern Ukraine, Europe was left at the mercy of an angry Putin as far as not freezing to death during the upcoming winter.

Putin is a strongman leader of a country with a nuclear arsenal capable of blowing up the earth several times over. He will do what is in the best interest of his country and will not blink when confronted with the likes of corrupt feckless toadies like Obama, Kerry, Hollande, Merkel, and Edrogen. His counter measures and revelations about the true nature of U.S. and Turkish actions in Syria and Iraq have blown the lid off of U.S. plans in the Middle East.

The latest fear mongering propaganda device for the vested interests has been the dreaded ISIS. The captured mainstream corporate media fails to mention the U.S. created, armed and continues to fund ISIS as part of their master plan to overthrow Assad. The U.S. left Iraq in such a state of chaos and lawlessness, fanatical Islamist radicals used the vacuum of power and the billions of dollars’ worth of top notch U.S. military hardware to create a safe space for themselves within Iraq and Syria. The U.S. has been funding and arming the supposed “moderate” Islamic radicals fighting Assad for the last few years, while attempting to use a false flag gas attack to wage all-out war. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey created ISIS in order to further their economic and political interests. Lead neo con warmonger, Maniacal McCain, even had a photo op with his ISIS homies.

Once Putin decided to fully support Assad and actually concentrate on destroying ISIS, it became clear the U.S. was turning a blind eye to the billions in illicit oil profits being earned by ISIS refining, transporting and selling oil to Turkey. Putin began to destroy the oil infrastructure of ISIS and immediately saw a passenger plane blown out the sky and a bomber shot down by Turkey. So the organization we created is now the most feared terrorist organization on the planet, but we refuse to cooperate or coordinate its defeat with Assad or Putin because they are “bad guys”.

Turkey financially supports ISIS and is fighting hardest against our allies the Kurds, but we fully support their crazed dictator leader Erdogan. Iran is fighting ISIS, but more than half of Congress and all presidential candidates want to obliterate them on behalf of Israel. Virtually all domestic terrorism has a link to Saudi Arabia, they treat women like cattle, behead anyone not following Islamic law and are pumping oil at a prodigious pace in an effort to destroy the U.S. shale industry, but they are considered a close ally in the Middle East. It is quite clear there are no good guys running the show in this bizarro world of unholy alliances, backstabbing, revenge, and fear mongering.

A Lot of Hope is Dangerous

No one in positions of power can be trusted. Betrayal, violence, money, power and war are the weapons of the state. Loyalty, courage, sacrifice, love and hope are the domain of the people. The state walks a fine line between keeping the masses controlled through entertainment, debt, fear and hope. If the people lose all hope, despair leads to anger as those with nothing to lose take to the streets. President Snow of Panem explains the fine line between control and revolution:

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.”

In the Mockingjay portion of the Hunger Games trilogy you are left with the evil President Snow attempting to maintain the status quo, with Panem ruling over the formally subservient districts, while President Coin leads the rebels in attempting to overthrow the rotting immoral government of Snow. Both sides use the power of media propaganda, symbolism, false heroes, and despicable tactics to win. In the standard good guy/bad guy plot used to entertain the American masses, the rebels would be the good guys fighting for a noble cause.

Their symbolic mockingjay leader – Katniss Everdeen – is portrayed as the fearless revolutionary of the people. She is the hope which ignites a revolution and turns despair into a war against the oppressive state and the wealthy vested interests in Panem. The rebels have the moral high ground, but the underlying feeling of distrust is always evident. The good guys might not be so good.

The central question of the final episode was, real or not real? Who can be believed? Are heroes really heroes or are they just created by public relations propaganda specialists? When an icon used to inspire a revolution has served their purpose, will the “good guys” purposefully sacrifice them for the good of the establishment? Can any government be trusted? Can any politician be trusted? Can the media be trusted?

The truth is that no one in a position of power can be trusted. The only people who can be trusted are family and friends. And even they can turn on you with enough monetary incentive. It’s a confusing, brutal world driven by greed, endless military conflict, religious zealotry, and controlled by shadowy unelected men using their ill-gotten wealth to pull the strings on all aspects of society. We are living in a dystopian nightmare where the masses have been induced to love their enslavement.

Katniss undergoes a metamorphosis after seeing her sister blown up while rushing to the aid of victims and later confronting President Snow after the rebels succeeded in overthrowing his regime. President Coin, the leader of the “good guys”, reveals herself to be even more duplicitous and evil than the leader of the “bad guys”. She used the deep-seated characteristic of human compassion to kill Katniss’ sister along with hundreds of children and rescue workers as a tactic to turn the war in her favor. Those in positions of power will use any means necessary to gain or maintain power.

When Coin proposes a last Hunger Games sacrificing the children of the previous regime’s leadership, Katniss realizes Coin is going to just replace Snow as a dictator, perpetuating the despotic policies which created the rebellion in the first place. Katniss rightly decides that killing innocents, and especially children, is never justifiable. Therefore, she decides to kill Coin, while the rioting crowds kill Snow. She sacrifices her status as a national hero in order to give her country a chance to regain its former glory as a republic. The personal sacrifice on behalf of her country is almost unbearable, but ultimately sacrifice, courage, love, strength and hope for a better future are able to sustain her during the dark days.

Turnkey Tyranny

As the former Republic known as America has descended towards the tyranny of a corporate fascist surveillance state, there have been two true patriots who have dedicated their lives to inspiring a revolution in thought and action to help this country regain its former glory based on the U.S. Constitution. One patriot is young and the other patriot old, but their message is the same – we must resist and oppose the ever growing oppressive power of a tyrannical state systematically dismantling the Constitution and stripping the people of liberty and freedom. Their words speak for themselves.


“The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things… And in the months ahead, the years ahead, it’s only going to get worse. The NSA will say that… because of the crisis, the dangers that we face in the world, some new and unpredicted threat, we need more authority, we need more power, and there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turnkey tyranny.”Edward Snowden

“The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.”Ron Paul

Edward Snowden is our modern day Paul Revere, but instead of riding across the countryside warning “the British are coming”, he used the power of modern technology to warn the world “the NSA is watching, listening, and monitoring”. He sacrificed his citizenship, high paying job, freedom, and possibly his life (if the U.S. government had its way) in order to blow the whistle on the blatant destruction and disregard for the Fourth Amendment being perpetrated by the NSA, with the full knowledge and approval of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

He knew his revelations would result in his persecution, attempted apprehension and ultimate imprisonment, as the corrupt malevolent establishment and their mass media mouthpieces would brand him a traitor for revealing the truth about the illegal malfeasance being conducted at the highest levels of government. He realized true patriotism is sacrificing your life for something bigger.

“I had been looking for leaders, but I realized that leadership is about being the first to act. I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, and that the return of this information to the public marks my end.” Edward Snowden

Snowden’s revelations exposed the U.S. government for what it really is, a corporate fascist organization designed to benefit a chosen few while oppressing the masses through debt, currency debasement, and perpetual war, while implementing Orwellian surveillance measures designed to capture dissenters and critical thinkers. The sustenance of the welfare/warfare state requires a dumbed down, passive, distracted populace who can be manipulated and controlled through propaganda and baubles.

Thus far, the vested interests have successfully convinced more than half the population that Snowden is a traitor. The power of propaganda in conjunction with a willfully ignorant public is a potent combination. Even though Snowden’s disclosures have not spurred a revolution yet, they have sparked an underlying dissent that has been growing, as trust in government, politicians, bankers, media and corporate leaders wanes.

“I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building. I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under. Everyone everywhere now understands how bad things have gotten — and they’re talking about it. They have the power to decide for themselves whether they are willing to sacrifice their privacy to the surveillance state.” – Edward Snowden

Snowden worked within the system until his conscience made it unbearable for him to support an immoral, rogue organization bent on trashing the U.S. Constitution at the behest of leaders’ intent on retaining their power, control and wealth through any means necessary. Ron Paul has taken a different, but equally noble path as one of the few patriots who worked within the system, but never became corrupted by the system. He has been a voice in the wilderness for decades, condemning the relentless march towards tyranny that he saw firsthand while in Congress.

The establishment, media and leadership of both political parties have scorned and ridiculed him as ineffective and inconsequential. There was never a piece of legislation with his name on it that passed during his time in Congress. His nickname was Dr. No, as he voted against anything that added to the national debt or took away freedoms or liberties.

This disparagement reveals the fallacy of what constitutes success in Washington D.C., as there are now over 5,000 Federal laws, 180,000 pages of Federal regulations, $18.8 trillion of Federal debt, $200 trillion of unfunded Federal liabilities, and every politician of both parties completely captured by corporate and special interests. There is one ruling party and the appearance of choice is nothing but a farce designed to make the masses think they have a say in the governance of their country.

“We’ve slipped away from a true republic. Now we’re slipping into a fascist system where it’s a combination of government, big business and authoritarian rule, and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen. When it comes to any significant differences on foreign policy, economic intervention, the Federal Reserve, a strong executive branch, a welfarism mixed with corporatism, both parties are very much alike.  The major arguments in hotly contested presidential races are mostly for public consumption to convince the people they actually have a choice.” – Ron Paul

The vitriol and bile hoisted upon Snowden and Paul expose the weakness of the ruling class, as truth, honesty, personal courage, and sacrifice for a higher purpose are attributes they cannot subvert or buy off. It’s the words and actions of men like Edward Snowden and Ron Paul that provide hope for critical thinking liberty minded citizens. The ruling class knows a lot of hope is dangerous, so they must undermine the messages of these patriots. Ideas matter. Words matter.

These two men have inspired me and an unknown number of other citizens who still believe in the Constitution and will do everything in our power to provoke a revolution of reason, truth and honesty. The odds will never be in our favor. Carroll Quigley understood the odds were stacked against the American people over 50 years ago. The domination of the world by central bankers representing private interests has never been more evident than it has since the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial crisis and the traitorous actions taken by politicians and central bankers in the last seven years.

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” Carroll Quigley

Even though the odds are never in our favor, there is still hope. Not everyone has to make the extreme sacrifice like Edward Snowden or dedicate their life to the message of liberty like Ron Paul in order to contribute to the revolution. There are thousands of small acts which will weaken the establishment. Arm yourself. Stop watching and listening to the mainstream media. Take your money out of Wall Street banks. Grow your own food. Barter with others and starve the beast. Reduce your tax footprint. Buy locally and boycott mega-corporations. Build relationships with neighbors and reduce your dependency on the government.

Don’t be a slave to debt. Live beneath your means and accumulate some physical silver and gold. Don’t vote for candidates selected by the vested interests. Spread the message of liberty and freedom to anyone who will listen. Support the alternative media and send pertinent articles to family, friends and acquaintances. Think critically. Do not trust your government. Prepare for the inevitable collapse of this rotten, fetid, corrupt paradigm. Hope, love, courage, and persistence will ultimately win. The tide is turning. Panem will fall. What replaces the existing social order will be up to us.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 29, 2015 7:44 pm

I/S – Sorry to disagree but one cannot begin to change his view until one accepts the truth about those who control the levers of the Emerald City. Mostly all is done to further their pirating and criminal activity. I was happy back when I had a reasonable government and a puppet president we could believe in. It was just as much a lie as what is in motion today but things were tolerable.

OZ has always been Oz but you can’t enlighten people on a local level, keep dreaming.

December 29, 2015 8:11 pm


1. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).2. Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17).

3. The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (Rev 17:18).

4. The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3).

5. Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian religious movement (Jer 51:44).

6. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order (Rev 13:16).


1. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end time nations (Jer 50:12).

2. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7).

3. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 18).

4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23).

5. Babylon is called a lady, and has the symbol of the Lady (Isa 47:7-9).

6. Babylon would be the praise of the WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41).

7. Babylon is center of world trade (Jer 51:44; Rev 17:18; 18:19).

8. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23).

9. All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich (Rev 18:3).

10. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH (Rev 18:23).

11. Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities, and great wealth (implied throughout).

12. Babylon is nation “peeled”, or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).

13. Babylon is land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).

14. Babylon is a land that is measured out, and populated throughout (Isa 18:2).

15. Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).

16. Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).

17. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

18. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).

19. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

20. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer 50:26).

21. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

22. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer 50:37).

23. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).

24. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13).

25. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).

26. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC (Rev 18:22).

27. Babylon’s musicians are known around the world (Rev 18:22)

28. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10).

29. Babylon’s skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 51:53).

30. Babylon has a huge space industry, has “mounted up to the heavens” (Jer 51:53).

31. Babylon fortifies her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).

32. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).

33. Babylon is a nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).

34. Babylon is a coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS (Jer 51:13).

35. Babylon trades with all who have ships in the sea year round (Rev 18:17-18).

36. Babylon is nation filled with a “mingled” people (Jer 50:37).

37. Babylon is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51, Hab 1).

38. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many counsels (Isa 47:13).

39. Babylon’s governmental system breaks down (Isa 47:13).

40. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot govern properly (Isa 47:13).

41. Babylon’s leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).

42. Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).

43. Babylon falls to the occult just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)

44. Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).

45. Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).

46. Babylon’s Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).

47. Babylon’s Christian leaders are “strangers” in the Lord Houses of Worship (Jer 51:51).

48. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).

49. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions in the world (Rev 18:2).

50. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).

51. Babylon turns upon its own people and imprisons and slays them by millions (Jer 50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25; Rev 13:7; 17:6; 18:24).

52. Babylon sets of detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).

53. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence from her birth to death (Jer 50: 12).

54. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12).

55. The mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4; Jer 50:12).

56. The mother of Babylon will be a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 50:12).

57. Babylon is considered to be a lion’s whelp (Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).

58. Babylon will have the symbol of the EAGLE and builds her nest in the stars (Dan 7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53).

59. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).

60. THE KING OF BABYLON is called LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).

61. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).

62. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY (Isa 14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).

63. This world entity will be a diverse entity, different than all other ruling bodies of the world (Dan 7:7, 23).

64. This entity will be a TREATY POWER ENTITY (Dan 7:7, 23 DIVERSE).

65. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).

66. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).

67. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).

68. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev 18:22).

69. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev 18:13).

70. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev 18:22).

71. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev 18:12).

72. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world (Rev 18:23, implied throughout)

73. Babylon is a nation of higher education and learning (Isa 47:10, implied throughout).

74. Babylon is a nation with a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)

75. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION, untouched by major war (Isa 47:1).

76. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer 50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).

77. Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God’s people (Jer 50:47; 51:45).

78. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).

79. Babylon’s enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world, over the poles (Isa 13:5)

80. The enemy of Babylon will be a FEDERAL OF NATIONS (Jer 50:9).

81. The enemy of Babylon will be largely Moslem in make-up (Jer 50:17; Rev 17:16; Psalms 83:5-12).

82. The enemy of Babylon will have nuclear missiles capable of reaching Babylon (Jer 50:9, 14,; Rev 18:8, 18).

83. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13, 14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).

84. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).

85. The enemy of Babylon will come into Babylon unnoticed (Isa 47:11, Jer 50:24; 51:2, 14).

86. Babylon will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan 11:21).

87. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of

escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).

88. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Implied throughout)

89. Babylon is land vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).

90. Babylon will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11; 51:7).

91. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)

92. The people of Babylon would not know their true identity (Jer 50:6, implied throughout).

93. The people of Babylon would think they are God’s elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, Rev 18:7).

94. The people of Babylon would enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 18:7).

95. The people of Babylon would grow mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).

96. The people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).

97. The nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa 47:8).

98. Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).

99. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

These are but a few of the many parameters listed to help us identify this last great nation that the Lord calls BABYLON THE GREAT. America does now, or is in the process of fulfilling each and every one of them. No other nation upon the face of the earth can fulfill these parameters. AMERICA IS BABYLON THE GREAT. There would likewise be a series of SIGNS that would would begin to emerge that would give BIRTH TO, and WATCH THE RISE OF, as well as THE FALL OF AMERICA-BABYLON.
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December 29, 2015 8:17 pm
December 29, 2015 8:22 pm

Bea, I already do not believe or trust the govt. I KNOW they and the Wall Street oligarchs & scumbag bankers are out to fuck us at every turn. I’m pretty sure I instinctively knew that as early as high school. I don’t need to delve into every or any conspiracy theories anymore. I could not muster a lesser amount of respect for the govt than I already have.

I must be farther down the rabbit hole than you because at this point I’m convinced that there has never been a reasonable govt or president we could believe in since before I was born in ’66 and maybe not ever.

By local I meant attending to local things in your own life and community that you can influence and change. You’ll never convince anyone who isn’t naturally curious and seeking enlightenment….local or otherwise. With approx. 50% of the population on the take in one form or another there is no benefit to any of the sheople to know what is coming. There’s nothing they could or would be willing to do to change things anyway. I fully support them being on the take too not because I agree with it but because a complete meltdown and crash is actually needed to begin fixing things and the faster they destroy confidence in our currency the better. Even then I doubt we’ll get any of the kinds of fixes we here on TBP want.

December 29, 2015 8:38 pm

Golden country your face is so red
With all of your money your poor can be fed
You strut around and you flirt with disaster
Never really carin’ just what comes after

Well your blacks are dyin’ but your back is still turned
And your freaks are cryin’ but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin’ or your country will burn

And the time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand, oh

Mortgage people, you crawl to your homes
Your security lies in your bed of white foam
You act concerned but then why turn away
When a lady was raped on your doorstep today

Well your blacks are cryin’ but your back is still turned
And your freaks are dyin’ but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin’ or your country will burn

And the time has come for you my friend
image:comment image

To all this ugliness we must put an end
And before we leave we must make a stand, oh yeah

Golden country your face is so red
With all of your money your poor can be fed
You strut around and you flirt with disaster
Never really carin’ just what comes after

Well your blacks are dyin’ but your back is still turned
And your freaks are cryin’ but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin or your country will burn

The time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand, oh yeah

And the time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
And before we leave we must make a stand
We must, we must make a stand, oh yeah

December 29, 2015 9:13 pm


John Bechtel
John Bechtel
December 29, 2015 10:36 pm

An exceptionally rational, lucid, well written article! I came to this post via Lew Rockwell, but I have bookmarked Jim Quinn. I am 66 years old, and I am an optimist in all things except government. I have given up the hand wringing and have adopted the advice of the now deceased Harry Browne in his book How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: (to paraphrase) There are lots of traps and one of them is the Government Trap, feeling that we are compelled to take up the cause of reforming government. None of us can predict how the current state of affairs will turn out, or even guess what we individually will live to see. But anxiety about the future should not cloud our vision of living our life to the fullest, in the present. Even in a very unfree and unfair world, there is still a terrific amount of joyful living possible to all of us–short of being in prison. BTW, I am usually appalled by the idiotic and nasty remarks in the Comments section of online political articles. So I was delightfully surprised at the civility and respect shown by most of the commenters on this post. Judging by your comments, many of you appear to be the kind of people I like as friends. By trade I am a travel writer, but you might enjoy an essay I wrote in 2012 “Beware the State” at 2. Happy New Year to all of you, and Jim, I look forward to reading more of your stuff. Your content is good, but you are also a talented writer.

December 30, 2015 8:42 am

@ John:

I’m going over two blogs of yours:
Financial Literacy Source
and John Bechtel Blog.

I’m enjoying the reading, but it seems like you haven’t written much since 2014, and I don’t see any information achieving financial literacy.

Do you have another place where your writings are posted? Are you going to begin posting on these two blogs again in 2016?


December 30, 2015 9:15 am

@Smash… REO Speedwagon played at proms around this area when I was in elementary school. Enough already.

December 30, 2015 10:52 am

Merry Fucking Christmas and A Happy Nu Year to ya.

Just got back from someplace warm with steel drums in the background!
Excellent Christmas, probably my bestest ever.

I’ve not had a chance to more than glance through Admins writing here, but I will get to it in full. Preliminary findings suggest he never mentioned Trump’s name, weak, and puzzling! Since Mr. Trump is our future President!!
Ron Paul is but a blip in history, probably won’t even get an honorable mention in the history books, but we are still entertaining impossibilities, sweet!! Ron Paul is a foot note in history and Snowden is an illusion.

If Mr Snowden wanted to rise above the status of CIA counterintelligence agent he should have stood trial. A Paul Revere he is not, Paul Revere put his life on the line in contrast to Snowden who is a coward and unworthy of mention. If you are going to fall on a sword fall like a man, rather than a spineless parasite. Where is Snowden? What impact has Snowden had?
Answer is: hiding in Russia and none!

December 30, 2015 11:22 am

Someone, anyone, please challenge my ass concerning Snowden. What impact has he had? Nobody even remembers his name at this point! Snowden is irrelevant, prove it otherwise, show me how and where he made a real difference! What grand movement did he foster? Maybe he’s behind black lives matter, no, no, that movement was inspired by the robber of a convenience store! So Michael Brown has had more of an impact on our society than Edward Snowden!
Men that make an impact on history are not Ron Pauls, and Edward Snowden’s they are men like Mr Trump, courageous men that stand and fight!

Can you see Trump pulling a Snowden? Absolutely not!! Why? Answer that question and you’ll have a grasp of men that impact history!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 11:23 am

Sensetti- Happy New Year, glad you are back. I thought you were off on a drunken bender, nice to hear you were traveling.

I’m on the shit list again so nothing is new around here. I have turned over a new leaf and promised not to bash Trump for the whole month of January.

December 30, 2015 11:41 am

Everyone whined and cried cause poor Ole Ron Paul was robbed by the GOP when he ran for President! Let’s contrast that with Trump! He walked in turned the GOP’s tables over and told them to fuck off and then attacked the media because they did not report his interdiction fairly!

This Country doesn’t need Ron and Rand Pauls or Snowden’s! We need George Pattons, Douglas MacArther’s and Donald Trumps!

Wake up people, play the cards you have in your hand! Fuck idealistic ideas such as unicorn’s shitting skittles on streets of gold paved by libertarian ideals. Shits not gonna happen like that!!
Vote for Donald J Trump for President, he’s all you’ve got left!

December 30, 2015 11:52 am

B I’ll have to catch up to see why you’re on the shit list. Don’t worry you’re probably speaking truth to convoluted reasoning!

December 30, 2015 11:58 am

Boy, I got to Admin. Awesome!

Looking Forward to 2016. It’s going to be an interesting year. I will beat the vote for Trump Drum till he drops out of the race or until he’s crowned King of the Free World. ?

December 30, 2015 12:06 pm

Admin Arkansas is an awesome place when you come to visit I’ll show you around. But go ahead and explain to me how Ron Paul or Snowden have had a meaningful impact. Ten years from now no one will even remember their names. I know you wish it were different, but it is what it is.

December 30, 2015 12:24 pm

Sorry Admin, Boozman and Cotton both voted Nay!

December 30, 2015 12:45 pm

Donald Trump’s IQ is reportedly 156 plus, Goggle it, my poor little 139 IQ makes me a worker bee! Oh well, you play the cards you’re dealt. Sitting around opining a different reality is insane,
Jump on the Trump Train, if nothing else, he’s shaking the system like no one in years. Actually it’s the people shaking the system, we’ve had enough! It would be foolish to say Trump is more of the same, he’s not and won’t be!

December 30, 2015 12:51 pm

Sensetti, I got a 146 on the IQ test in high school, but I cheated.

December 30, 2015 12:56 pm

I really did… I was friends with the high school counselor’s wife because I took piano lessons from her off and on, so I visited her the week before he was giving the test and while she was busy with the baby I peeked at the test materials. It pays to be trusted by those in positions of authority. Is one way to help the odds.

I’m not saying I’m not almost a genius naturally, I’m just saying I cheated. Whew! I’m so glad that is off my conscience.

December 30, 2015 1:10 pm

Maggie I took a legit IQ test at work a few months back, totally voluntary of course, and I scored 139! I was just elated to be in Tripple digits! But it is what it is, and it ain’t what it ain’t! Embrace reality, play the cards on the table! What else is there?

December 30, 2015 1:25 pm

“Maggie I took a legit IQ test at work a few months back, totally voluntary of course, and I scored 139!” ——— Sensetti

I call bullshit.

140 is Einstein genius level. You have given NO indication of that. If you’re at 139 … I really do have a 12 inch python on my pants.

Trump at 156??? Bull fucken shit. You lie!! Why? Just to “build up” your faux hero? Pathetic, bro.

December 30, 2015 1:26 pm

This is not apocalyptic drivel, it clear concise analysis

“The most disconcerting aspect of Fourth Turnings is they have always climaxed with total destructive all-out war. Not wars to enrich arms dealers like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, but incomprehensibly violent, brutal, wars of annihilation. There are clear winners and losers at the conclusion of Fourth Turning wars. Leaders mobilize all forces, refuse to compromise, define their enemies in moral terms, demand sacrifice on the battlefield and home front, build the most destructive weapons imaginable, and employ those weapons to obtain victory at any cost.

It may seem inconceivable that war on such a scale will happen within the next ten years, but it was equally inconceivable in 1936 that 65 million people would die in the next ten years during World War II. We valued all the wrong things and made all the wrong choices leading up to this Crisis and during the early stages of this Crisis. The accumulation of unmet obligations, unpaid bills, un-kept promises and unresolved issues will provide the fuel for an upheaval that will shake our society to its core and transforms the country’s direction for the next sixty years. The outcome of the conflict could be tragedy or triumph. Our choices will make a difference.

There will be war on many fronts, and they have already begun. The culmination will likely be World War III, with the outcome highly uncertain and potentially disastrous.”


December 30, 2015 1:35 pm

Stucky I’m just telling what the score was, belive or not! I thought it was a joke myself, number sequence’s and pictures asking you which one doesn’t belong or what’ number is next in this sequence!

About Trumps IQ , just Goggle it there’s a lot of reference’s

Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and anthropology. Mensa doesn’t accept SAT scores from after 1994. However Mr Trump was a student at Wharton when it was possible to derive an accurate IQ core from known SAT scores. Given the usual requirements for admission to a top school like Wharton, I estimate that Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 1:36 pm

Sensetti- Notice that Admin (really nobody) answered your question about Snowden? Wonder why?

Like I said, I’m on the shit list so I’ll shut up for now. But really, why don’t they answer?

December 30, 2015 1:42 pm

@Stucky… I got a 146 in 1979 and I only cheated a LITTLE. I was Valedictorian of my Senior Class (of 32 students), so everyone already knew I was REAL SMART.

Then I went to Engineering school and learned what it felt like to be an idiot.

December 30, 2015 2:01 pm

Maggie, you are very smart!

Bea the reason no one will respond is because intelligent people know truth when they see it! Drop back, read my comments above, every word is true! Ron Paul attempted for years to do what Trump has done in six months, turn the GOP upside down. I believe most, or all, of Trumps success is due to the circumstances of this Fourth Turning, but never the less, it’s real, and it’s growing! People are fed up with politics as usual!

December 30, 2015 2:07 pm

I took an IQ test and got bored so I filled in the circles

in a random fashion…results? 123…I doubt that!!

I think these tests are inaccurate. Try passing the

LSAT…good score? = you are a smartie. 110 is a

good IQ. If the test is properly administered.

December 30, 2015 2:12 pm

Admin, I would almost have to be insulted by the T-shirt above on behalf of my stepson, but because he had a wonderful stepmother who took him to a periodontist to save his teeth after his lesbian mother took his braces out with pliers, he only qualifies for the 85 IQ. HOWEVER, I’m delighted to report that hard work and effort go a long way in making a difference when the odds were always against him.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 2:19 pm

Even high IQ persons can truly believe that buildings can fall down at near-freefall speed by themselves, right Admin? So IQ really does not count for that much in the great scheme of things.

December 30, 2015 2:23 pm

Sensetti is a poster boy for why marijuana should remain illegal.

There was a time when he wrote great stuff.

What happened. Pot. Pot makes you dumb.

Actual x-ray of Sensetti’s brain
[imgcomment image[/img]


December 30, 2015 2:26 pm

Susanna, I took the GRE in 1999, scored 1485 which was more than good enough back then for getting into Grad School. The scoring is all different now so I have no idea what that would equate to… I also know I don’t care.

As for the IQ test? When I was in high school, I was a bit insecure about being the smartest in my class. I had this one guy who was always threatening to “beat” me out at Valedictorian and for some reason, I worried that if his IQ was higher than mine, they would give it to him and my scholarship would go away. Well, since I bombed my grades the first semester, the scholarship went away pretty quick anyhow, so taking a peek at the test sheets to get an idea of the topics to review before the IQ test is simply a bad mark on my personal character assessment and didn’t help me at all in the grand scheme of things.

December 30, 2015 5:39 pm

Admin says : Patriots don’t hide in caves in the mountains as civilization burns.

Snowden, your hero, is where?

Never in all my years here have I ever once attacked you personally? That’s what people do when they know they cannot defeat ideas! Shameful exhibition on your part! The Wise all knowing manipulator of all things charts and number’s attacks a poor dumbass Irish prepper from Arkansas who likes to live life to the fullest extent!

December 30, 2015 5:41 pm

Bea did I get him off your ass yet? You owe me!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 30, 2015 5:47 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Isn’t this David Wheeler, the FBI Sniper?

December 30, 2015 5:49 pm

Admin says: The hypocrite blathers about the inevitable Fourth Turning apocalypse and in the next liquor drenched breath screams for all to vote Trump because he will save us. In the meantime, he goes on Christmas vacations to the islands.

I never said Trump would save us that’s total fucking bullshit, the rest is true!

December 30, 2015 5:50 pm

Yes it is

December 30, 2015 6:15 pm

Stucky, I’m so disappointed in you! I’ve defended you so many times, offered you my motor home a few years back when you hit a ruff patch! Never have I attacked you, not once.

When your friends are willing to stab you in the back enemies are of little use!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 7:15 pm

Thanks Sensetti !!

Good job, I think Admin has forgotten why he is mad at me. You got back just in the nick of time as he was getting ready to punch my ticket.

December 30, 2015 7:38 pm


CHILL OUT!!! Just having some fun with you.

I do think you’ve lost your mind regarding The Donald. He’s fun to watch BUT HE’S FUCKING MOONBAT CRAZY!! I’m just trying to save you.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 7:57 pm

Stuck- Can I make a request?

Would you do something on the Book of Revelation ? I have been captivated by it since I was a kid.

Also what is your explanation of the man, the ox, the lion and the eagle? I spent a couple of years on that one, just curious what you were taught .

December 30, 2015 8:24 pm

Sensetti – chill pill, dude. Even I have not hit you hard as you deserve of late. The post where you said you run folks out of town for flying the flag upside down was some serious bullshit, and I only kicked you the once over it.

December 30, 2015 8:36 pm

Admin – read the article, finally. Very nice indeed. The comments veer off topic, no? Nice ass kicking you did, too.

John Bechtel says he appreciates the civility. John, you are in the wrong fucking place if you want civility.

Re the article, I agree there are things each person can do. It will probably not make a difference. Best to protect ones family as much as possible, and understand what comes will be diabolical.

I just finished putting in a water supply from my dams. I have enough water available to irrigate a substantial area. Drought is always possible down under – we are a continent sized dust bowl here, when it is not flooding, of course.

I have developed relationships with the surrounding farmers. They have been most supportive and welcoming to the greenhorn.

Many thanks, Admin.

December 30, 2015 8:44 pm

@Sensetti, not attacking you but with respect to admin saying “You’ve sort of become a running joke on TBP.” I have to agree. It has nothing do with your deep throated Republican tendencies, warmongering or support for Trump. It has everything to with you posting drunken, idiotic rants with increasing frequency. From afar it appears clear that you likely have a growing problem with alcohol or other substances. In comparing the numerous comments you’ve posted in years past with more recent missives there has been a serious decline in coherent, on topic, intelligent comments out of you. Again, not trying to attack you but it might be time for some sober reflection. That being said, it’s your life. Live it as you see fit. Best wishes in that regard!

As far as opinions of Snowden go see my 12-29 @ 5:32pm comment above regarding my guarded opinion of Snowden. I think you’ll find it quite reasonable.

As far as Trump goes, we’ll see how things shake out after his Come To Jesus meeting with the real owners of this country. If he’s still in after that, bookmakers in Vegas will be giving odds on Trump’s untimely demise/assassination. Trump will shake things up which is good but TPTB prefer their minions to be compliant with well lubed assholes and unchapped lips. Trump does not fit the bill.

December 30, 2015 8:52 pm

@John Bechtel, Please read the comments carefully. This place can go sideways in a nanosecond and get quite nasty. Admin (Jim Quinn) believes wholeheartedly in free speech and……well……… careful. We aren’t referred to as Shit Throwing Monkeys for nothing!

Main thing to remember is not to post shit you aren’t prepared to back up. Protect yourself at all times and come out fighting! Oh yeah, never apologize!

Apart from that………..Welcome!

December 30, 2015 8:57 pm

@LLPOH, are you an planning article about your doomstead? Also, can you disclose which quadrant or territory of Oz you live in?

I understand completely if you decline.

What was it like celebrating Christmas in the middle of summer? Assuming you were in Oz at the time of course.


EL Coyote, Fucknut
EL Coyote, Fucknut
December 30, 2015 9:02 pm

Bea Lever says: Also what is your explanation of the man, the ox, the lion and the eagle? I spent a couple of years on that one,

Two years? What, were you on THC? Don’t try to tackle animal farm, we’ll never hear from you again.