The irony of the phrase “may the odds be ever in your favor” is not lost on the readers of the Hunger Games trilogy of novels or the film adaption. Despite the grimness of the story, over 65 million copies of the books have been sold. The total box office take so far has exceeded $1.4 billion for the four movies. The dystopian series tackles real issues like severe poverty, starvation, torture, oppression, betrayal and the brutality of war. It doesn’t fit into the standard film making success recipe of feel good fluff, politically correct storylines and happy endings. Each film in the series gets progressively darker, with the final episode permeating doom and gloom. The books and the movies capture the deepening crisis mood engulfing the world today. And they realistically portray the world as a place where there are no good guys in positions of power. The ruling class, in all cases, is driven by a voracious appetite for supremacy, wealth, and control.

An Ambiguous, Confusing, Dangerous World

The world is a morally ambiguous place where those in power and those seeking power utilize the influence of media propaganda and PR campaigns built around “heroes” and “icons” to psychologically control the masses, while enriching themselves and their crony capitalist sponsors. Endless war against the latest “bad guys” further enriches the arms dealers and their political lackeys who joyfully use faux patriotism and nationalistic fervor to insist upon more boots on the ground, drones in the air, bombs dropped, and missiles launched.

War is good for business and keeps the masses distracted, while the Wall Street financiers harvest the wealth of the citizens. The division of the country into 12 districts, sending their bounty to the capital of Panem at the point of a gun, while they are allocated a pittance to survive, is no different than our corporate fascist government as they extract hundreds of billions in taxes, fees, levies, tolls, and fines from the productive class, while regulating, enforcing, mandating, and authorizing the plebs to death.

We live in a confusing world of anxiety, hate, greed, deceit and immorality, where governments throughout the world are nothing but rotting cesspools of psychotic despots desperately clinging to power while using any means necessary to keep the masses sedated and docile. Good people, with noble intentions, still exist in this decadent world, but they do not seek power or have any say in the governance of this world. The oppressed are hopelessly enslaved in debt, kept submissive by welfare transfers from the corrupt state, dumbed down by the state education system, amused by technological gadgets and vacuous entertainment, and kept in perpetual fear of seen and unseen enemies. We are told who to hate, who to fear, who to love, and who to believe by a nameless faceless state run by people we didn’t elect, constituting the invisible government.

The world is a dangerous place, made more dangerous by a willfully ignorant populace who mindlessly go about their day to day existence without thinking, questioning, or considering the possibility their leaders are corrupt lying thieves. We are told Putin, Assad, China, Iran and ISIS are the bad guys. Previously we had been told Hussein, Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Mubarak, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were the bad guys. It is true that none of these men or organizations are good.

It is also true that no one in leadership positions in Washington DC, on Wall Street, in corporate America, or in the mainstream media are good. The entire world is under the control of deceitful, cunning, egomaniacal, corruptible, psychopaths who will stop at nothing to fulfill their personal agendas. They are human beings who have allowed their dark sides to dominate their actions. There are no good guys, just varying degrees of evil imposed upon the masses by erratic unpredictable people with wildly differing levels of intelligence, patriotism and judgement.

The Power of Propaganda

It’s a tribute to the propagandists who have taken Edward Bernays teachings to another level as they have molded the minds of millions, consciously manipulating the opinions and beliefs of the masses to further their agenda of world domination. Once the Cold War ended, the ruling class sought enemies to keep their military industrial complex and Wall Street financiers enriched and happy. 9/11 was used to further that agenda as war on a tactic (terror) will never end. Perpetual conflict is a chief goal of the establishment. Orwell would be impressed with how our keepers have perfected the We‘ve always been at war with Eastasia” propaganda tool to perpetuate their goals. Both parties continue to promote war and increase the profits of the military industrial complex.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan fourteen years ago to get bin Laden and rid the country of the Taliban. Bin Laden was supposedly killed in 2011, but no documentary evidence has been revealed to substantiate that claim. The Taliban is stronger than ever in Afghanistan after hundreds of billions in expenditures and thousands of lives lost. The occupation continues. The neo-cons convinced the dimwitted Bush to invade Iraq in 2003 because Hussein was a bad guy with weapons of mass destruction. Amusingly, he was our buddy when he was fighting our Iranian enemies and we provided him with the WMD (gas) he used on the Kurds.

After spending $1 trillion, we left Iraq as a festering quagmire of religious zealots with a bombed out infrastructure and a corrupt incompetent puppet running the show on our behalf. Then it was on to leaving Libya in a state of chaos because we overthrew another bad guy. We didn’t like the democratically elected leader of Egypt after we overthrew Mubarak, so we overthrew Morsi and installed another military dictatorship. The propaganda storyline is always about democracy and getting rid of bad guys, not the truth about securing oil resources, weakening the enemies of Israel, and keeping the profits flowing to our “vital” defense industry.

It seems the empire ran into a bit of a snag with their plan to remove the latest “bad guy” in Syria. Another “bad guy” – Vladimir Putin – saw through the American plan to eliminate Assad and have their co-conspirators in Saudi Arabia and Qatar build a gas pipeline to Europe. After overthrowing the democratically elected president (and friend of Russia) of the Ukraine and waging an unsuccessful war against Russian backed rebels in Eastern Ukraine, Europe was left at the mercy of an angry Putin as far as not freezing to death during the upcoming winter.

Putin is a strongman leader of a country with a nuclear arsenal capable of blowing up the earth several times over. He will do what is in the best interest of his country and will not blink when confronted with the likes of corrupt feckless toadies like Obama, Kerry, Hollande, Merkel, and Edrogen. His counter measures and revelations about the true nature of U.S. and Turkish actions in Syria and Iraq have blown the lid off of U.S. plans in the Middle East.

The latest fear mongering propaganda device for the vested interests has been the dreaded ISIS. The captured mainstream corporate media fails to mention the U.S. created, armed and continues to fund ISIS as part of their master plan to overthrow Assad. The U.S. left Iraq in such a state of chaos and lawlessness, fanatical Islamist radicals used the vacuum of power and the billions of dollars’ worth of top notch U.S. military hardware to create a safe space for themselves within Iraq and Syria. The U.S. has been funding and arming the supposed “moderate” Islamic radicals fighting Assad for the last few years, while attempting to use a false flag gas attack to wage all-out war. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey created ISIS in order to further their economic and political interests. Lead neo con warmonger, Maniacal McCain, even had a photo op with his ISIS homies.

Once Putin decided to fully support Assad and actually concentrate on destroying ISIS, it became clear the U.S. was turning a blind eye to the billions in illicit oil profits being earned by ISIS refining, transporting and selling oil to Turkey. Putin began to destroy the oil infrastructure of ISIS and immediately saw a passenger plane blown out the sky and a bomber shot down by Turkey. So the organization we created is now the most feared terrorist organization on the planet, but we refuse to cooperate or coordinate its defeat with Assad or Putin because they are “bad guys”.

Turkey financially supports ISIS and is fighting hardest against our allies the Kurds, but we fully support their crazed dictator leader Erdogan. Iran is fighting ISIS, but more than half of Congress and all presidential candidates want to obliterate them on behalf of Israel. Virtually all domestic terrorism has a link to Saudi Arabia, they treat women like cattle, behead anyone not following Islamic law and are pumping oil at a prodigious pace in an effort to destroy the U.S. shale industry, but they are considered a close ally in the Middle East. It is quite clear there are no good guys running the show in this bizarro world of unholy alliances, backstabbing, revenge, and fear mongering.

A Lot of Hope is Dangerous

No one in positions of power can be trusted. Betrayal, violence, money, power and war are the weapons of the state. Loyalty, courage, sacrifice, love and hope are the domain of the people. The state walks a fine line between keeping the masses controlled through entertainment, debt, fear and hope. If the people lose all hope, despair leads to anger as those with nothing to lose take to the streets. President Snow of Panem explains the fine line between control and revolution:

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.”

In the Mockingjay portion of the Hunger Games trilogy you are left with the evil President Snow attempting to maintain the status quo, with Panem ruling over the formally subservient districts, while President Coin leads the rebels in attempting to overthrow the rotting immoral government of Snow. Both sides use the power of media propaganda, symbolism, false heroes, and despicable tactics to win. In the standard good guy/bad guy plot used to entertain the American masses, the rebels would be the good guys fighting for a noble cause.

Their symbolic mockingjay leader – Katniss Everdeen – is portrayed as the fearless revolutionary of the people. She is the hope which ignites a revolution and turns despair into a war against the oppressive state and the wealthy vested interests in Panem. The rebels have the moral high ground, but the underlying feeling of distrust is always evident. The good guys might not be so good.

The central question of the final episode was, real or not real? Who can be believed? Are heroes really heroes or are they just created by public relations propaganda specialists? When an icon used to inspire a revolution has served their purpose, will the “good guys” purposefully sacrifice them for the good of the establishment? Can any government be trusted? Can any politician be trusted? Can the media be trusted?

The truth is that no one in a position of power can be trusted. The only people who can be trusted are family and friends. And even they can turn on you with enough monetary incentive. It’s a confusing, brutal world driven by greed, endless military conflict, religious zealotry, and controlled by shadowy unelected men using their ill-gotten wealth to pull the strings on all aspects of society. We are living in a dystopian nightmare where the masses have been induced to love their enslavement.

Katniss undergoes a metamorphosis after seeing her sister blown up while rushing to the aid of victims and later confronting President Snow after the rebels succeeded in overthrowing his regime. President Coin, the leader of the “good guys”, reveals herself to be even more duplicitous and evil than the leader of the “bad guys”. She used the deep-seated characteristic of human compassion to kill Katniss’ sister along with hundreds of children and rescue workers as a tactic to turn the war in her favor. Those in positions of power will use any means necessary to gain or maintain power.

When Coin proposes a last Hunger Games sacrificing the children of the previous regime’s leadership, Katniss realizes Coin is going to just replace Snow as a dictator, perpetuating the despotic policies which created the rebellion in the first place. Katniss rightly decides that killing innocents, and especially children, is never justifiable. Therefore, she decides to kill Coin, while the rioting crowds kill Snow. She sacrifices her status as a national hero in order to give her country a chance to regain its former glory as a republic. The personal sacrifice on behalf of her country is almost unbearable, but ultimately sacrifice, courage, love, strength and hope for a better future are able to sustain her during the dark days.

Turnkey Tyranny

As the former Republic known as America has descended towards the tyranny of a corporate fascist surveillance state, there have been two true patriots who have dedicated their lives to inspiring a revolution in thought and action to help this country regain its former glory based on the U.S. Constitution. One patriot is young and the other patriot old, but their message is the same – we must resist and oppose the ever growing oppressive power of a tyrannical state systematically dismantling the Constitution and stripping the people of liberty and freedom. Their words speak for themselves.


“The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things… And in the months ahead, the years ahead, it’s only going to get worse. The NSA will say that… because of the crisis, the dangers that we face in the world, some new and unpredicted threat, we need more authority, we need more power, and there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turnkey tyranny.”Edward Snowden

“The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.”Ron Paul

Edward Snowden is our modern day Paul Revere, but instead of riding across the countryside warning “the British are coming”, he used the power of modern technology to warn the world “the NSA is watching, listening, and monitoring”. He sacrificed his citizenship, high paying job, freedom, and possibly his life (if the U.S. government had its way) in order to blow the whistle on the blatant destruction and disregard for the Fourth Amendment being perpetrated by the NSA, with the full knowledge and approval of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

He knew his revelations would result in his persecution, attempted apprehension and ultimate imprisonment, as the corrupt malevolent establishment and their mass media mouthpieces would brand him a traitor for revealing the truth about the illegal malfeasance being conducted at the highest levels of government. He realized true patriotism is sacrificing your life for something bigger.

“I had been looking for leaders, but I realized that leadership is about being the first to act. I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, and that the return of this information to the public marks my end.” Edward Snowden

Snowden’s revelations exposed the U.S. government for what it really is, a corporate fascist organization designed to benefit a chosen few while oppressing the masses through debt, currency debasement, and perpetual war, while implementing Orwellian surveillance measures designed to capture dissenters and critical thinkers. The sustenance of the welfare/warfare state requires a dumbed down, passive, distracted populace who can be manipulated and controlled through propaganda and baubles.

Thus far, the vested interests have successfully convinced more than half the population that Snowden is a traitor. The power of propaganda in conjunction with a willfully ignorant public is a potent combination. Even though Snowden’s disclosures have not spurred a revolution yet, they have sparked an underlying dissent that has been growing, as trust in government, politicians, bankers, media and corporate leaders wanes.

“I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building. I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under. Everyone everywhere now understands how bad things have gotten — and they’re talking about it. They have the power to decide for themselves whether they are willing to sacrifice their privacy to the surveillance state.” – Edward Snowden

Snowden worked within the system until his conscience made it unbearable for him to support an immoral, rogue organization bent on trashing the U.S. Constitution at the behest of leaders’ intent on retaining their power, control and wealth through any means necessary. Ron Paul has taken a different, but equally noble path as one of the few patriots who worked within the system, but never became corrupted by the system. He has been a voice in the wilderness for decades, condemning the relentless march towards tyranny that he saw firsthand while in Congress.

The establishment, media and leadership of both political parties have scorned and ridiculed him as ineffective and inconsequential. There was never a piece of legislation with his name on it that passed during his time in Congress. His nickname was Dr. No, as he voted against anything that added to the national debt or took away freedoms or liberties.

This disparagement reveals the fallacy of what constitutes success in Washington D.C., as there are now over 5,000 Federal laws, 180,000 pages of Federal regulations, $18.8 trillion of Federal debt, $200 trillion of unfunded Federal liabilities, and every politician of both parties completely captured by corporate and special interests. There is one ruling party and the appearance of choice is nothing but a farce designed to make the masses think they have a say in the governance of their country.

“We’ve slipped away from a true republic. Now we’re slipping into a fascist system where it’s a combination of government, big business and authoritarian rule, and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen. When it comes to any significant differences on foreign policy, economic intervention, the Federal Reserve, a strong executive branch, a welfarism mixed with corporatism, both parties are very much alike.  The major arguments in hotly contested presidential races are mostly for public consumption to convince the people they actually have a choice.” – Ron Paul

The vitriol and bile hoisted upon Snowden and Paul expose the weakness of the ruling class, as truth, honesty, personal courage, and sacrifice for a higher purpose are attributes they cannot subvert or buy off. It’s the words and actions of men like Edward Snowden and Ron Paul that provide hope for critical thinking liberty minded citizens. The ruling class knows a lot of hope is dangerous, so they must undermine the messages of these patriots. Ideas matter. Words matter.

These two men have inspired me and an unknown number of other citizens who still believe in the Constitution and will do everything in our power to provoke a revolution of reason, truth and honesty. The odds will never be in our favor. Carroll Quigley understood the odds were stacked against the American people over 50 years ago. The domination of the world by central bankers representing private interests has never been more evident than it has since the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial crisis and the traitorous actions taken by politicians and central bankers in the last seven years.

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” Carroll Quigley

Even though the odds are never in our favor, there is still hope. Not everyone has to make the extreme sacrifice like Edward Snowden or dedicate their life to the message of liberty like Ron Paul in order to contribute to the revolution. There are thousands of small acts which will weaken the establishment. Arm yourself. Stop watching and listening to the mainstream media. Take your money out of Wall Street banks. Grow your own food. Barter with others and starve the beast. Reduce your tax footprint. Buy locally and boycott mega-corporations. Build relationships with neighbors and reduce your dependency on the government.

Don’t be a slave to debt. Live beneath your means and accumulate some physical silver and gold. Don’t vote for candidates selected by the vested interests. Spread the message of liberty and freedom to anyone who will listen. Support the alternative media and send pertinent articles to family, friends and acquaintances. Think critically. Do not trust your government. Prepare for the inevitable collapse of this rotten, fetid, corrupt paradigm. Hope, love, courage, and persistence will ultimately win. The tide is turning. Panem will fall. What replaces the existing social order will be up to us.

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January 1, 2016 7:09 am
January 1, 2016 8:09 am

Okay, I had my pal go back into the archives and find a more appropriate image, but it is still a good one I think you will appreciate.

Maggie, circa 1982, ready for Halloween!

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January 1, 2016 8:19 am

And see, EC? No nipples. Just bare back and tan lines. Admit it, women are much more attractive when covered up with only their back exposed, suggesting something worth pursuing.

Is why the movies of the 40s and 50s are still so damned enchanting.

And why the odds now are not in our favor. (see, Admin…? I’m working HARD to stay on topic. and I have another nice picture of me to share if this one brings in any donors.)

January 1, 2016 9:01 am

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January 1, 2016 9:08 am

and the odds for victory are getting worse.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

― Winston S. Churchill

CALL TO ACTION: All able body men and women come to Burns, Oregon on or before January 2nd. Come prepared and be willing to stand.

Dear Friends,

An update on the Hammond’s and Harney County is well overdue. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. I personally enjoyed the sweet spirit of the Lord as I contemplated His birth and what it means to all of us. I love the Lord and know he lives and guides us each day, if we allow Him to.

As most of you are aware I have spent many days in Harney County working with the Hammond’s and the good people of that area. I have gained a great love for them and seen what good people they are. Over the past few decades they have been experiencing a great change in their livelihoods and community dynamics.

Once they were a highly productive people with the highest incomes in the State of Oregon, well above the national average, now they rival as the poorest county in the state. Their average income has dramatically dropped $22,000 under the national average.

Once ranching and logging thrived and produced many jobs and opportunities, these industries were spawning a hopping economy with everybody in the county being the beneficiaries. Harney County’s labor force is now at its lowest point since the 1960’s.

As Amy Hsuan from The Oregonian wrote: When times were good, logging trucks and recreational vehicles burned rubber down the pavement, now the roads are starved of vehicles. Shuttered businesses sit on their shoulders. There are no new jobs in sight. An old mill, formerly operated by Louisiana Pacific, sits idle under the weight of it’s collapsing roof. Next door, a giant shed once used by a mineral processor has sat rusting.

“People were leaving and they never came back,” says Art Ayre, a state employment economist. Young families with children are becoming a rarity in a county with few family-waged jobs. Commissioner Grasty keeps a database of kids who’ve graduated from Burns High School. Every now and again, he’ll send them a letter, asking when they will return. He has yet to get a response.

So what happened to Harney County? Since the first pioneers until the 1970’s, the Harney Basin was a high producing area with a robust economy. After gaining almost complete control of the ranches and land user the U.S. Government took on a new approach to land use. They expanded the no use areas putting most of the ranchers and loggers out of business. The ones they allowed to remain, they regulated them to the point that many closed their doors.

As the wonderful Suzie Hammond wrote in 1990, (an article to the people); The grief and heartache caused these families as they were forced out of business or forced to began to build a new operation, will never be fully known. She went on to write; the economic impact was significant, not only to the local communities but also to Harney County as a whole.

Simply put, the federal government has adversely stolen the lands and resources from the people, destroyed thousands of jobs, and the economy of an entire county. Now anyone who has enough guts to stand against them, they annihilate through their own court systems. The Hammonds are a tragic symptom of a gross violation. The U.S. Government has forced the people from their rights and then claimed the people right for their own benefit and power.

The ranching and logging industries were only a start, since then these modern day conqueror’s (federal agencies) have moved onto the housing, banking, auto, manufacturing, financial and the list goes on and on and on. I do not need to say much more, it is time to change the tide before the people become too weak to stand. We are presently at a dividing point in history and must choose how the future of our children and our children’s children will lay out. I and many that stand with me are asking that you come to Harney County, be prepared, and be willing to make a stand.

It is time!

Ammon Bundy

CALL TO ACTION: All able body men and women come to Burns, Oregon on or before January 2nd. Come prepared and be willing to stand.

January 1, 2016 9:17 am

BEA LEAVER’s desk plaque.

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January 1, 2016 11:47 am

Caveat – Now, I’ll admit I didn’t read through every single one of these posts, but I did read most of them… and nothing jumped out at me re: the following…

I also know that Admin wrote this article. It’s a good one, but Jim should not be exempt from scorching commentary simply because he runs this website. Fair is fair.

That said….

Jeezus H. Khrist, peddling a bike, on his way to Mass, passing a busload of grannies! YOU BUNCH OF BLIND CHUMPS! You just got played… and nobody noticed.

Maybe you noticed on a subliminal level and didn’t formally recognize it… who knows…

What am I talking about?

An article about us being manipulated, while manipulating us the whole time.

I guess manipulation is okay, so long as Jim thinks his intentions are noble and he’s the one doing it… they can even couch their manipulation in an article ABOUT other people manipulating us! And not one single one of you all noticed it…

Perhaps Jim didn’t notice the original manipulation and happily used THG as an example… I’m likely to think the latter – I don’t think he sees what I see, and while he’s smarter than a whip, all of us have a derp moment now and again…

For a bunch of people who think they’re adept at seeing through the bullshit, you guys sure wiffed this one…

“But Billy! You’re just an ignorant country hayseed! And a fuckin’ RAAAYCISS! Other juvenile namecalling! I didn’t get chumped! Where exactly is this chumping taking place??! You’re full of shit!”

Oh ho! So quick to say I’m full of shit? Let’s play Connect the Dots – or at least delve down through the layers of bullshit to get to the aforementioned chumping… once you learn to see these things for what they are, you cannot unsee them. Here, take this blue pill.

1. Article bitching about us being manipulated uses The Hunger Games to illustrate parallels between our own world and a dystopian future… let’s look at that, shall we?

The Hunger Games.

The above article opens with this —> “The dystopian series tackles real issues like severe poverty, starvation, torture, oppression, betrayal and the brutality of war. It doesn’t fit into the standard film making success recipe of feel good fluff, politically correct storylines and happy endings.

Doesn’t have ‘politically correct storylines’?


No shit and for real?

And “happy endings”? We’ll get to that, but let’s look at the original statement.

The Hunger Games is NOTHING BUT “political correctness”…

A. “Good Guy” who symbolically leads the revolution and inspires the poor proles to overthrow the “Bad Guys”?

A woman. Not even really a woman – a girl. With a bow and arrow.

Now, what does this say on it’s face? Since manipulation is all about symbolism over substance, let’s take that head on.

In the history of the world, I can think of perhaps TWO – exactly TWO – instances where females have inspired and led any sort of rebellion, fight, push back, war, battle or conflict in any way, shape form or fashion.

Two. In all of history.

The first being Boudica, ‘queen’ of the British Iceni tribe who fought against the Romans about 2000 years ago. Interestingly, her old daddy was an ally of Rome and left his kingdom to his daughters. The Romans blew that off and took their shit, so she led the revolt. Good for her.

The second being Joan of Arc. We all know how that turned out.

Other than that, I can think of no major female players on the world stage…

So the odds (heh) of some girl with a quiver full of pointy sticks – no matter how disconcertingly beautiful – is going to “lead” a revolution with the Boy Scout salute? Right. Sure. Okay.

It’s literally displacing the strong male Hero archetype and replacing him with GIRL POWER!

The bow itself? I bash it because the “Good Guy” (girl) uses a bow. A thinly veiled effort at “Woman as Goddess”. You guys remember Artemis?

“Wait… what? The fuck are you on about, you stupid redneck?”

Artemis? Also known as Diana? Goddess of the hunt? Archery? Any of this ringing a bell?

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Well, HOLY SHIT! Who does that look like??!

[imgcomment image/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/248?cb=20120425184057[/img]

And a BOW?!?

“Good Guy” (girl) uses a bow… “Bad Guys” use GUNS! And fighter jets. And bombs. And other tech…

Let’s look at the “Bad Guys” now…

President SNOW?!?

Really? Fuckin REALLY!?!?

An old WHITE dude – smooth talking and quietly menacing – with WHITE hair – with the name SNOW???

Come the fuck ON! It couldn’t be any more cliched if you named the bad guy Snidely Whiplash…

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Bad Guy No. 2 is President COIN.

Really? Coin? As in “Money is the root of all evil?” Who also happens to be a white chick with going-white hair…

Seeing a pattern here?

Howabout the “good” players from the first Hunger Games movie?

Katniss gets “saved” by a wee little bi-racial female who somehow figures out that dropping bees (or whatever) on the hunters – bees that are hanging almost literally right next to “Our Hero” in the tree – is probably a good idea…

Other time she gets “saved”? Black male. Revenge killing for the killing of the wee little biracial female…

Message? It’s okay for non-whites to tribe up and revenge kill for each other – but the whites tribing up to eliminate those who would eliminate them is BAD….

End Part 1.

January 1, 2016 12:06 pm

I thought it was metaphor. Now I’m confused.

Could be the hangover.

January 1, 2016 12:07 pm

Part II.

“Dude! You’re a conspiracy theory nutbag! And a rayyyciss! Other bad names! Why should I listen to you?”

Because I’m right.

So, we have the strong male Hero archetype being replaced with a girl. Since the bad guys use guns, and guns are ‘bad’, our hero has to use a bunch of pointy sticks because she’s the modern day incarnation of Artemis/Diana and has to fulfill the Goddess role…

Secondary players are also not exempt.

White dude assigned to “help” Katniss? An alcoholic fuckup.

Guy who designs the completely-awesome outfits she wears? Black guy – probably a GAY black guy…

Doctor “helping” people when they get bombed into dog food? Black female.

ALL the primary and secondary players in this series are so blatantly, OBVIOUSLY ‘politically correct’ it’s literally nauseating…

This movie manipulates you with political correctness from the first moment and does not let up until the end credits roll…. to say that it does not have politically correct storylines is myopia on a breathtaking level.

And because this movie almost goes out of it’s way to manipulate you, using it as an example only exacerbates the manipulation… which I find funny as hell, being as the one of the main gripes Jim makes is about BEING MANIPULATED…

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And not one single one of you caught it…



Granted, there is a great deal of truth and wisdom in Jim’s article… but to use such a blatantly obvious politically correct series of movies as an example of NOT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS only torpedoes the greater portion of the article…

The movies harp on stuff that we all bitch about – corruption, evil, obfuscation of the truth, political machinations, maniacal power hungry assholes, war, economic hardship – and thus it’s easy to rally behind these movies…

But what are you rallying behind?

You’re rallying behind a celebration of the replacement of the traditional strong white male Hero Archetype and his replacement with Girl Power Goddesses. Blatantly obvious Tarzan-level ‘guns bad’ anti-gun propaganda. That white people are evil and not to be trusted. That non-whites are noble and good and usually spend their time saving whites. That non-whites tribing up is fine and all, but anytime whites do it, it’s bad and evil and raaaaayyyyycissss….

And that’s why you lot got chumped…

All of you.


January 1, 2016 12:13 pm

NB Sorry, forgot to address “happy endings”…

Anyone ever read “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”?


It’s a book about how most cultures from antiquity to the recent present have the same hero – same qualities, etc – and sends them on a journey where they must endure extreme hardship before overcoming whatever antagonist is in the story – often losing his life in the process, sacrificed nobly for the greater good.

THG not only replaces that Hero with a little girl, but demonizes that Hero.

The little girl goes on to kill The Big Bad, while the rampaging mob kills The Other Big Bad – both Big Bad’s being white people… the implication is that now that the Evil White People are gone – President Snow the Official Patsy Stand-in For All White Males is dead and President Coin the Official Patsy Stand-in For Money defeated and rejected – the world can go back to balance, right over wrong, good triumphs, blah, blah, blah…

This is not a “happy ending”?


January 1, 2016 12:20 pm

Okay, Billy, I think you have a point, but perhaps you are reading something into this of which I am not completely sure. (I was going to add “of” but that is a preposition and the grammar nazis may be out today in force.)

I haven’t seen any of these movies or read any of these books, so you’ll have to forgive me for being a bit ignorant of the characters beyond what Admin and you describe.

End of my intro:

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 1, 2016 12:23 pm

Flash says: “CALL TO ACTION: All able body men and women come to Burns, Oregon on or before January 2nd. Come prepared and be willing to stand.”

I read a report yesterday (can’t find it now) that said the Hammonds don’t want those militias to get involved. Apparently this “Call to Action” isn’t sanctioned by the Hammonds or others in Burns, OR.

I lived not far from Burns in the late 70’s/early 80’s (in Bend, OR), and it’s desolate high-desert country. Lots of BLM scrub land. Back then was also the scandal of the Rajneeshee commune cult incidents. Those ragheads were toting serious firepower.

[imgcomment image[/img]

“The tale is stranger than fiction. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a guru from India, gathered 2,000 followers at a remote Eastern Oregon ranch. Arriving in search of enlightenment, the Rajneeshees became a political and social force that collided with traditional Oregon. Ultimately, the conflict led to attempted murder, global manhunts and prison time. Twenty-five years later, long-secret government files and now-talkative participants make it clear that things were far worse at Rancho Rajneesh than many realized.”

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 1, 2016 12:31 pm

@ Billy

Regarding symbolism and its purpose. Yes!!! The deconstruction of western civilization is all around us and infects most institutions.

Sensetti writes:

“Ron Paul attempted for years to do what Trump has done in six months, turn the GOP upside down. I believe most, or all, of Trumps success is due to the circumstances of this Fourth Turning, but never the less, it’s real, and it’s growing! People are fed up with politics as usual!”

Horse shit. And you know it.

Paul’s purpose was not to turn the GOP on its head – he tried the impossible – to bring ethics and a moral compass back to the party. He failed because the party and the majority of the voters do not want to think, play connect the dots or be concerned with virtue or ethics in the political arena.

Trump is successful not because he is smarter but because he is a demagogue and likely a bit on the sociopathic side. He says the right things at the right time to a largely non thinking, pissed off voter base. Voters do not want to look inward so he appeals to their anger and tells them what they want to hear. It doesn’t mean he is not correct on certain issues (a stopped clock is right twice a day) but it does not change what and who he is.

The two men are of completely different character. That is why one failed and why the other appears to be wildly successful. BUT! This is more a statement on the character and quality of the American voter than it is on the intelligence level of either man.

Some one with your IQ level should know better.

Bilious Warmonger
Bilious Warmonger
January 1, 2016 12:34 pm

As much as I hate to say it, and as much as I hate the blowhard tough guy act which always accompanies Billy’s way too long posts, and as obvious as it is that Billy truly is a white trash racist piece of shit that most people would try to avoid in any real life social situation, he does have a point here.

January 1, 2016 12:46 pm

I rarely, if ever, like action movies with a female protagonist, simply because the ability of the audience to “suspend disbelief” is almost impossible and requires some sort of illicit agreement such as you are suggesting (an anti-male hero sentiment dominant). (There is ONE exception that comes readily to mind… Geena Davis’s The Long Kiss Goodnight 1996 was a “stay at home Housewife’s Daydream” kind of movie and had such wonderful dialogue and interplay with Samuel Jackson that it worked very well. If you have avoided it because of the female lead, do me a favor and at least watch this clip and then see if you aren’t intrigued.

Okay, now that I’ve agreed that the characters offered in Hunger Games support your premise, I will say that I still think Admin’s use of the storyline as a metaphor could have been without malice intended.

I don’t think he thinks we are all idiots, although I agree that he thinks most of us are.

January 1, 2016 12:47 pm

Teaching people to be passive victims:

State debt vs. assets:

Mandatory no refusal blood draw check points in TN:

January 1, 2016 12:48 pm
January 1, 2016 12:50 pm


Well thought out response. Quite interesting, really. I didn’t like THG enough to even watch the last installment.

Admin is probably still hung over … or writing about it.

His response to your response should also be quite interesting. I do have popcorn ready.

January 1, 2016 12:54 pm


I’m not reading anything into this that isn’t already there.

The movies push feminism and the demonization of men – specifically white men – promote the Woman as Goddess and Savior of Humanity. That “guns bad”. That “non-whites good”.

I mean, for God’s sake, look at the end scene – Katniss chooses to “sacrifice” herself symbolically by eliminating The Big Bad. She takes responsibility for it.

But wiping out The Other Big Bad? President Snidely Whiplash? Oh, “the mob” does that…

What do all mobs have in common?

Lack of accountability.

If “the mob” did it, how do you hold anyone accountable for what happened? They “tore him to pieces”. The Official Stand-in Patsy for All White Males got taken down by a faceless mob of “the people”….

So what, exactly, is the message here?

January 1, 2016 12:59 pm

I would also like to know what Billy thinks about my comment above concerning female antiheros… and if he has ever seen the Geena Davis flick I mentioned.

January 1, 2016 12:59 pm

@ Warmonger

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January 1, 2016 1:04 pm


I’ve seen The Long Kiss Goodnight… I actually like it and – shockingly – I own it on DVD.

Despite the obvious, blatant overtones – which did not escape my notice the first time I saw it – it’s still fun to watch…

“We just jumped out of a building!”

“Yes, it was very exciting… and tomorrow we go to the zoo…”

“…and tomorrow we go to the zoo” has become a staple in my lexicon of smartassed things to say… right along with “ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT??!”


January 1, 2016 1:07 pm

I haven’t seen the movie… If that is indeed what happens in the movie and there are not any white males left, I would say you are right.

Symbolism in Hollywood is real. I have books from college about how to use symbolism in stories and in screenplays (if I wanted to write any, which I don’t because you have to join the screenactors guild to sell them) accurately.

So, yes, you are correct in that assumption if you have portrayed the events in the movie accurately.

January 1, 2016 1:20 pm

In the Mockingjay portion of the Hunger Games trilogy you are left with the evil President Snow attempting to maintain the status quo, with Panem ruling over the formally subservient districts, while President Coin leads the rebels in attempting to overthrow the rotting immoral government of Snow. Both sides use the power of media propaganda, symbolism, false heroes, and despicable tactics to win. In the standard good guy/bad guy plot used to entertain the American masses, the rebels would be the good guys fighting for a noble cause.

“The central question of the final episode was, real or not real? Who can be believed? Are heroes really heroes or are they just created by public relations propaganda specialists?….
The truth is that no one in a position of power can be trusted. …
men ….. pull the strings on all aspects of society. We are living in a dystopian nightmare where the masses have been induced to love their enslavement.”

Thats what I been sayin! They change the narative to fit. So no one can make heads nor tails of it. Thats why these big shifts in direction or turnings can happen ! ”
You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time!”

January 1, 2016 1:23 pm

Other things that do not escape my notice..

El is an asshole and likes to rename himself from time to time using the initials EC in some variant he thinks is clever…

BW is an asshole who likes to rename itself from time to time using the initials BW in some variant it thinks is clever…

Not really as clever as “they” think…

January 1, 2016 1:26 pm

Sup Stuckmeister?

Hope your holidays were good…

I wasn’t trying to poke Jim with a pointy stick – I specifically went out of my way to say that I think Jim fell into the latter category and that his using THG as an example wasn’t intentional malfeasance…

Ironic as hell, but malicious?


January 1, 2016 1:46 pm

I am NOT opening a can of worms here, but…

There seems to be a certain “bread and circuses” element to this theme, right? And in my little symbolism book, I turned to Panem and what did I discover but… HOLY SHIT: When elected rulers provide food and recreation to citizens to avoid uprising and discontent.

January 1, 2016 1:49 pm


I think The Long Kiss Goodnight – with Geena Davis as Action Wife – was indeed a housewife’s daydream, despite the blatantly obvious symbolism and parts that were simply not credible…

Remember when Geena was being attacked and that goon shot at her with what I think was a grenade launcher? She hid behind the door of the fridge and was saved by it, even though she was tossed to the other side of the room in the process…

Right… because General Electric makes all their fridge doors grenade-proof, just in the off chance an Escaped Bad Guy somehow obtains military grade hardware 4 minutes after escaping prison and then tries to kill you…

Suspension of disbelief? Eh… no.

But Geena Davis in a nightie, tied up and soaking wet? What’s not to like?

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 1, 2016 2:06 pm

Boudica was am absolute military genius .She attacked an ungarrisoned city slaughtering scores of innocent civilians and when she finally ran an escaping inferior Roman force , which was extremely fatigued by hunger and thirst , to ground, she flung everything she had at the legionariesdisciplined lines, fouling a many Roman gladius in the process….and the rest is history.

And lest we forget ,there the little known history of how the English bow women of Agincourt defeated the much superior forces of the French.
English bow women were started at archery training by the tender age of 11, so as to gradually build their strength up over the years which would allow them to fully draw the awesome English war bow backs to their ears. The English bow was the WMD of its time. It was much feared due the the fact that in the right hands in could penetrate armor ar 200 yards.

So don’t knock warrior women .The don’ t just exist in fiction , they real Rangers now too.

Report Claims Women’s Ranger School Graduation ‘Planned In Advance’.

Report Claims Women’s Ranger School Graduation ‘Planned In Advance’

January 1, 2016 2:07 pm

Billy, exactly… it was definitely a stay at home housewife’s dream come true. And do you know that Samuel Jackson won over the director with the idea of his playing the role of Mitch? In the screenplay, Mitch was white and Jewish. Anyway, there are just too many favorite interactions in that movie for me to recount… and yes, I have the DVD too and Nick and I have our favorite line that mean almost nothing to people around us.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 1, 2016 2:18 pm

Happy New Year Billy !

It’s A great day at the doomstead in Podunk, KY. Cold but sunny.

January 1, 2016 2:18 pm

Billy, you just don’t understand diversity. Diversity is ideas, see ..and you put all this ideas into a big pot and melt em’ down to one big stinky idea that really isn’t idea at all , but a state chaos. And, out of chaos comes order. Got it?

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White people do not understand diversity

White people do not understand diversity in the same way conservatives do not understand pluralism. In the happy view they have sold themselves, white people and conservatives see diversity as a type of meritocracy: everyone becomes one big happy, and then we each do what benefits us, working together toward the goal of our happy pluralistic society.

When this fails, conservatives and white people tend to rage at how unfair it is. How can these minorities and liberals not share this vision of our collective destiny? In that assumption of collectivism, conservatives show they have imbibed the egalitarian mythos and doubled down on it, applying its standards to itself instead of understanding the nature of pluralism and diversity, which is “every person — and tribe — for itself.”

Conservatives were shocked to see the lack of collectivist patriotism from students at Yale University (now a third-rate college, apparently) who were demanding special treatment for themselves as divided by ethnic groups. To conservatives, this was segregation and a class system all over again, and so they criticized these liberals using liberal rhetoric:

As students saw it, their pain ought to have been the decisive factor in determining the acceptability of the Halloween email. They thought their request for an apology ought to have been sufficient to secure one. Who taught them that it is righteous to pillory faculty for failing to validate their feelings, as if disagreement is tantamount to disrespect? Their mindset is anti-diversity, anti-pluralism, and anti-tolerance, a seeming data-point in favor of April Kelly-Woessner’s provocative argument that “young people today are less politically tolerant than their parents’ generation.”

The problem here is that the liberals and minorities are right.

Pluralism does not mean “E pluribus unum” (out of many, one) as conservatives surmise. Instead, it means that every group keeps its own standards so that it can maintain its own self-interest. This is the nature of pluralism: it is to agree to disagree, not to agree to work together toward anything, least of all the kind of pro-America Horatio Alger nonsense that conservatives usually babble in public.

White people do not understand this, mainly because — as in all things — the left two-thirds of the cracker Bell Curve statistically drown out the one in five people who can understand the issue and the one in a hundred who can analyze it to a solution. In the white mentality — dominated by college students, clerks and suburban women with too much time on their hands — pluralism is the answer to “why can’t we all get along?” In their view, it means that we all tolerate each other, and then act white as a means to the end of having the white society that people claim to enjoy.

In reality, there is something more important than convenience and it appears unvocalized in all people: the need for control over one’s own destiny. For minorities, to live in a white society even if they control it means to be servants of someone else’s dream and a defeated people in someone else’s kingdom. They need an identity of their own, including institutions and leaders, and this informs their definition of pluralism, but owing to their liberal ideology, they cannot see how this means that diversity ca never work — just as the honkies cannot.

History as always shows us an answer, which usually involves the grim fact that it takes centuries to see the consequences of any act. Media establishments were amazed at how relaxed Caucasians are at becoming a minority in their own lands:

In the early 20th century, Congress, backed by the “science” of eugenics, restricted immigration by the “races” of southern and eastern Europe, which were generally viewed as inferior stock. Madison Grant’s 1916 book, “The Passing of the Great Race,” argued for Nordic supremacy to maintain the nation’s stature. A 1917 law created the Asiatic Barred Zone to further curtail already limited immigration from most of Asia and the Middle East. And in 1921 and 1924 new immigration restrictions were imposed to privilege admission to the U.S. of immigrants from Germany, Ireland and the U.K. and to reduce the flow of most others.

Current resistance to nonwhite immigration — including opposition to the legalization of undocumented immigrants who are already here — is weak by comparison. According to a December Pew Research Center/USA Today survey, 70 percent of Americans supported legal status for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., with 43 percent also supporting a path to citizenship. Specifically among whites, 64 percent said undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally if certain requirements are met.

To Caucasians, diversity means that we just keep on truckin’ the same way we always have, but now we have ethnic restaurants and smart black hacker friends like in the movies.

In reality, the American nativists were correct all along. Diversity of any form destroys our control over our destiny by destroying our identity. After that point, there is no unity, only a sense of living in a place for convenience. Pluralism breaks down into each person doing what they want except where obligated, a kind of “anarchy with grocery stores” plus the jobs to pay for those groceries and buy your way into a gated community apart from the 80% of your society that is now a multi-cultural war zone of urban decay.

In this way, diversity takes us to a lowest common denominator. This was apparent to our ancestors. What intervened was 150 years of liberal propaganda based on the successful media blitz before the Civil War, in which the “new Americans” — Irish, Greek, Italian, Jewish, Slavic and lawyers — were convinced to beat up on the old Anglo-Saxon establishment in the South using slavery as a moral blank check. This missed the fact that starting in the 1830s, nations began abandoning slavery because technology was making it obsolete, and that the South was already phasing out slavery but did not want to take a single massive economic hit — or create diversity by freeing slaves.

Think through the logic tree of diversity. Different groups will either assimilate each other, forming a miscegenated substrate like we see in most third world countries across the globe, or will Balkanize, which is the minority view of pluralism seen above: each race segregates, gets its own facilities and institutions, and its own rules to protect it from the others. This will regress into ethnic warfare and end in mass assimilation.

Diversity means genocide. It will destroy whites, yes, but it will also destroy all minority groups and leave behind a less-capable tan group. Much as it was used as a weapon against Anglo-Saxons, who were genocided by liberals using “near-whites” from Ireland, Greece, Italy, Eastern Europe and Israel as a biological weapon to adulterate and replace the Anglo-Saxon population, it is now being used against whites.

This fits the pattern of liberal takeovers of society: liberals seize power, and all are afraid to oppose them because liberals have good intentions expressed in equality. Liberals then destroy any populations that have any beliefs which might come before liberalism, starting with the churches but extending to passive-aggressive ethnic cleansing. In the end, what is left is a 90 average IQ population that permanently votes leftist, and a country with no future.

But this remains unknown to whites. They trust their television, and they trust white liberals, who have led them on like a bull charging at a cape by allowing whites to have their illusions about what diversity is so long as whites support it. Now that the cape was been whipped aside yet again, whites are circling around for another charge, convinced that the square of red cloth, or minorities demanding pluralism as it is — and not the matador in the Che Guevara t-shirt — is the source of their frustration. Not surprisingly, this too will fail for them, just as it is intended to.

Author Brett Stevens

January 1, 2016 2:21 pm

Holy shitballs!

I used the Action Wife/Mom trope as a joke in response to Mags, but check this out!

The Action Mom trope led me to Action Girl, which led to the Magnetic Hero trope… guess what I found under that?

The subtrope Jeanne d’Archetype.

They even quote Catching Fire in the article! I won’t quote it here, but man… I didn’t know it was an actual thing, ya know?

From the article:

Jeanne d’Archétype is a fictional character inspired by Saint Joan of Arcnote . This can incorporate various elements of the historical Joan’s story. This character is Always Female, usually young, often an Action Girl, and often of humble origin….

Followed by:

Realizing her importance, it is highly likely her enemies will eventually exploit her own Honor Before Reason to lure her into a trap and subject to a public trial and execution. This, of course, is bound to backfire, as even past her untimely death, she will be turned into a larger-than-life mythic persona (such as a saint) by a zealous cult following that would continue to provide inspiration for generations….


Too funny….

January 1, 2016 2:48 pm

Now you have definitely gone and done it.

You triggered my XMEN memory. Jean was the ultimate mutant remember? The “5” that was so powerful that her abilities had to be muted and hidden.

Then, when she emerges, it is as the ultimate villain, until…

she sacrifices herself in the arms of Wolverine.

Dear Heaven… Look where you’ve led me.

I’m going back to my 1980s pictures…

January 1, 2016 2:50 pm

@ flash

Dead nuts on… +1.

@ Bea

Yep.. .clear and cold. Stuff is drying out, finally… our south field down by the fence is a mudhole. Other than that, just another day… everyone haying their horses (and maybe sneaking them an apple or two when nobody’s looking…) and other animals, doing normal stuff… the occasional gunshot in the distance, either someone poaching (which I loathe), trying out their new toys or dispatching a pest…

Y’all are probably a bit colder than us over here in the Piedmont… the mountains always make their own weather, even though you’re like right over THERE…

January 1, 2016 3:20 pm


The holidays were mostly uneventful …. just the way I like it.

Anyway, I’m working on a new Pic Essay ….. awesome war machinery from the past, which will focus on ideas that weren’t quite ready for prime time. Should be done by tomorrow. You should like it.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 1, 2016 3:20 pm

Who does it better? Katniss in blue or Rebecca Romijn?

[imgcomment image?itok=MWeFHcwG[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 1, 2016 3:44 pm

Nah…I’ll vote for Carmen Electra!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 1, 2016 3:46 pm

Katniss has the reptilian alien thing going on in blue, Rise The other chick, much nicer indeed

January 1, 2016 3:54 pm

It really doesn’t take much to send you pervs off into lala land, does it?

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
January 1, 2016 3:58 pm

Billy (Stucky) says: El is an asshole and likes to rename himself from time to time using the initials EC in some variant he thinks is clever…

I thought it was obvious as a hard-on in high school when the teacher caught you daydreaming about the girl sitting next to you with her sweet thigh showing and called you to go to the chalkboard.

OMG, Billy likes Geena Davis in a bondage scene. Your too cool, Billy.

The Long Kiss is one of my faves too. Nobody mentioned a similar housewife fantasy, True Lies.

Once you watch those under-rated chick/action flics, THG is a bore. News flash: movies have been using the noble Indian/Mexican or obligatory token/noble black for years. This has its own meme, the black/brown gets killed. Actually, anybody who plays the nice guy with a pregnant wife back home will get killed in a movie.

Admin wasn’t promoting THG like a damn movie reviewer, he was using the story line to explain his own clear view of the times we live in and the fucked up mess we are in. Instead of following his argument, you want to focus on the color of the characters and whether the heroine could have been improved if Ronda Rousey had the lead role. If it were up to you, you fucks would be outraged that god used a Jew to save the world and miss the whole point that the world needs saving.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 1, 2016 4:05 pm

Maggie says: It really doesn’t take much to send you pervs off into lala land, does it?
Hey, you started with the Xmen meme…me? guilty as charged!

January 1, 2016 4:29 pm

Back to test scores: I had a 1480 SAT and a 32 composite ACT, due to a random chance –

I was 16 and at home on a thirty-acre farm in a rural area; I had read the books at home I found interesting, and summer days on a non-working farm are long and fairly dull. I picked up one of my eldest brother’s college text books, just for something to read. He had just gotten a degree in microbiology, which I had nearly no interest in; but there just wasn’t anything else left! The one I was reading was on microbes, and a section on “lysis of phage” stuck with me; viruses that inject their DNA into a host (victim) cell; the viral DNA takes over the nucleus, and forces the host to produce more viruses, which then rupture the cell wall to spread out and infect more cells. Neat little graphic to illustrate the process.

Fast forward ten months, and I’m taking the ACT; turn to the “natural sciences” section and what is the subject? LYSIS OF PHAGE, from the same freaking textbook my brother had! I FLEW through that section (mainly intended to check reading comprehension, with a little deduction thrown in) and had time left over to go back and check earlier answers!

Eventual results: Natural sciences 34 (out of 36), English 33, Social sciences 32 and Math 28, for a composite of 32! My ACT scores were 98th percentile, largely due to the high natural sciences and English scores; if I hadn’t spent the previous summer reading that textbook, I doubt I’d have done anywhere near that well. My subsequent less-than-illustrious career must have been a mistake…..

Anyway, the strangest things make your path in life easier, harder or weirder; you never know.

January 1, 2016 4:30 pm

I jumped from Billy’s Jeanne d’Archetype to XMen’s Jean.

How we ended up with Mystique vs. Katniss was up to you.

Of course, I could claim that I was way ahead of Mystique in my blue Halloween getup in 1982 posted 809 a.m. Even had my face in blue paint.

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
January 1, 2016 4:36 pm

Francis Marion says: Regarding symbolism and its purpose.

It is all symbolism. Billy noted Diana the huntress and called to mind the Amazons. They were said to cut off a tit to facilitate using a bow.

Then we have Caitlyn who figuratively cuts off his dick to facilitate cross-dressing but in fact does not actually stop bringing home the bacon.

We are faced today with those two symbols, Artemis in the form of Hillary or the titless Amazonian Olympics champ. Trump represents the rejection of these female heros in favor of the macho male with a sexpot hanging off his arm; the natural order of things,the white man uber allen.

January 1, 2016 4:41 pm

Test scores are so last week.

January 1, 2016 4:43 pm

Another take – in spite of Billy & EL Corona -pointing out Hollywood’s obvious worship of Artemis.

(Man! A Corona does sound kind of good right now!)

Anyway – who here is going to change the course of the world with most of us using internet nom de plume monikers?

If the American Revolution was online, Patrick Henry would have been identified as “HateGeorge3” and Paul Revere would have been known as “Midnight Rider”.

All we can do is hope that the ideas here (and free speech) “Catch Fire”. We will see…

January 1, 2016 4:44 pm

In the meantime, Go Hawks!

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
January 1, 2016 4:49 pm

Didn’t we like kill Jpud in a different episode?

January 1, 2016 4:50 pm

Actually, last year.