The irony of the phrase “may the odds be ever in your favor” is not lost on the readers of the Hunger Games trilogy of novels or the film adaption. Despite the grimness of the story, over 65 million copies of the books have been sold. The total box office take so far has exceeded $1.4 billion for the four movies. The dystopian series tackles real issues like severe poverty, starvation, torture, oppression, betrayal and the brutality of war. It doesn’t fit into the standard film making success recipe of feel good fluff, politically correct storylines and happy endings. Each film in the series gets progressively darker, with the final episode permeating doom and gloom. The books and the movies capture the deepening crisis mood engulfing the world today. And they realistically portray the world as a place where there are no good guys in positions of power. The ruling class, in all cases, is driven by a voracious appetite for supremacy, wealth, and control.

An Ambiguous, Confusing, Dangerous World

The world is a morally ambiguous place where those in power and those seeking power utilize the influence of media propaganda and PR campaigns built around “heroes” and “icons” to psychologically control the masses, while enriching themselves and their crony capitalist sponsors. Endless war against the latest “bad guys” further enriches the arms dealers and their political lackeys who joyfully use faux patriotism and nationalistic fervor to insist upon more boots on the ground, drones in the air, bombs dropped, and missiles launched.

War is good for business and keeps the masses distracted, while the Wall Street financiers harvest the wealth of the citizens. The division of the country into 12 districts, sending their bounty to the capital of Panem at the point of a gun, while they are allocated a pittance to survive, is no different than our corporate fascist government as they extract hundreds of billions in taxes, fees, levies, tolls, and fines from the productive class, while regulating, enforcing, mandating, and authorizing the plebs to death.

We live in a confusing world of anxiety, hate, greed, deceit and immorality, where governments throughout the world are nothing but rotting cesspools of psychotic despots desperately clinging to power while using any means necessary to keep the masses sedated and docile. Good people, with noble intentions, still exist in this decadent world, but they do not seek power or have any say in the governance of this world. The oppressed are hopelessly enslaved in debt, kept submissive by welfare transfers from the corrupt state, dumbed down by the state education system, amused by technological gadgets and vacuous entertainment, and kept in perpetual fear of seen and unseen enemies. We are told who to hate, who to fear, who to love, and who to believe by a nameless faceless state run by people we didn’t elect, constituting the invisible government.

The world is a dangerous place, made more dangerous by a willfully ignorant populace who mindlessly go about their day to day existence without thinking, questioning, or considering the possibility their leaders are corrupt lying thieves. We are told Putin, Assad, China, Iran and ISIS are the bad guys. Previously we had been told Hussein, Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Mubarak, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were the bad guys. It is true that none of these men or organizations are good.

It is also true that no one in leadership positions in Washington DC, on Wall Street, in corporate America, or in the mainstream media are good. The entire world is under the control of deceitful, cunning, egomaniacal, corruptible, psychopaths who will stop at nothing to fulfill their personal agendas. They are human beings who have allowed their dark sides to dominate their actions. There are no good guys, just varying degrees of evil imposed upon the masses by erratic unpredictable people with wildly differing levels of intelligence, patriotism and judgement.

The Power of Propaganda

It’s a tribute to the propagandists who have taken Edward Bernays teachings to another level as they have molded the minds of millions, consciously manipulating the opinions and beliefs of the masses to further their agenda of world domination. Once the Cold War ended, the ruling class sought enemies to keep their military industrial complex and Wall Street financiers enriched and happy. 9/11 was used to further that agenda as war on a tactic (terror) will never end. Perpetual conflict is a chief goal of the establishment. Orwell would be impressed with how our keepers have perfected the We‘ve always been at war with Eastasia” propaganda tool to perpetuate their goals. Both parties continue to promote war and increase the profits of the military industrial complex.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan fourteen years ago to get bin Laden and rid the country of the Taliban. Bin Laden was supposedly killed in 2011, but no documentary evidence has been revealed to substantiate that claim. The Taliban is stronger than ever in Afghanistan after hundreds of billions in expenditures and thousands of lives lost. The occupation continues. The neo-cons convinced the dimwitted Bush to invade Iraq in 2003 because Hussein was a bad guy with weapons of mass destruction. Amusingly, he was our buddy when he was fighting our Iranian enemies and we provided him with the WMD (gas) he used on the Kurds.

After spending $1 trillion, we left Iraq as a festering quagmire of religious zealots with a bombed out infrastructure and a corrupt incompetent puppet running the show on our behalf. Then it was on to leaving Libya in a state of chaos because we overthrew another bad guy. We didn’t like the democratically elected leader of Egypt after we overthrew Mubarak, so we overthrew Morsi and installed another military dictatorship. The propaganda storyline is always about democracy and getting rid of bad guys, not the truth about securing oil resources, weakening the enemies of Israel, and keeping the profits flowing to our “vital” defense industry.

It seems the empire ran into a bit of a snag with their plan to remove the latest “bad guy” in Syria. Another “bad guy” – Vladimir Putin – saw through the American plan to eliminate Assad and have their co-conspirators in Saudi Arabia and Qatar build a gas pipeline to Europe. After overthrowing the democratically elected president (and friend of Russia) of the Ukraine and waging an unsuccessful war against Russian backed rebels in Eastern Ukraine, Europe was left at the mercy of an angry Putin as far as not freezing to death during the upcoming winter.

Putin is a strongman leader of a country with a nuclear arsenal capable of blowing up the earth several times over. He will do what is in the best interest of his country and will not blink when confronted with the likes of corrupt feckless toadies like Obama, Kerry, Hollande, Merkel, and Edrogen. His counter measures and revelations about the true nature of U.S. and Turkish actions in Syria and Iraq have blown the lid off of U.S. plans in the Middle East.

The latest fear mongering propaganda device for the vested interests has been the dreaded ISIS. The captured mainstream corporate media fails to mention the U.S. created, armed and continues to fund ISIS as part of their master plan to overthrow Assad. The U.S. left Iraq in such a state of chaos and lawlessness, fanatical Islamist radicals used the vacuum of power and the billions of dollars’ worth of top notch U.S. military hardware to create a safe space for themselves within Iraq and Syria. The U.S. has been funding and arming the supposed “moderate” Islamic radicals fighting Assad for the last few years, while attempting to use a false flag gas attack to wage all-out war. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey created ISIS in order to further their economic and political interests. Lead neo con warmonger, Maniacal McCain, even had a photo op with his ISIS homies.

Once Putin decided to fully support Assad and actually concentrate on destroying ISIS, it became clear the U.S. was turning a blind eye to the billions in illicit oil profits being earned by ISIS refining, transporting and selling oil to Turkey. Putin began to destroy the oil infrastructure of ISIS and immediately saw a passenger plane blown out the sky and a bomber shot down by Turkey. So the organization we created is now the most feared terrorist organization on the planet, but we refuse to cooperate or coordinate its defeat with Assad or Putin because they are “bad guys”.

Turkey financially supports ISIS and is fighting hardest against our allies the Kurds, but we fully support their crazed dictator leader Erdogan. Iran is fighting ISIS, but more than half of Congress and all presidential candidates want to obliterate them on behalf of Israel. Virtually all domestic terrorism has a link to Saudi Arabia, they treat women like cattle, behead anyone not following Islamic law and are pumping oil at a prodigious pace in an effort to destroy the U.S. shale industry, but they are considered a close ally in the Middle East. It is quite clear there are no good guys running the show in this bizarro world of unholy alliances, backstabbing, revenge, and fear mongering.

A Lot of Hope is Dangerous

No one in positions of power can be trusted. Betrayal, violence, money, power and war are the weapons of the state. Loyalty, courage, sacrifice, love and hope are the domain of the people. The state walks a fine line between keeping the masses controlled through entertainment, debt, fear and hope. If the people lose all hope, despair leads to anger as those with nothing to lose take to the streets. President Snow of Panem explains the fine line between control and revolution:

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.”

In the Mockingjay portion of the Hunger Games trilogy you are left with the evil President Snow attempting to maintain the status quo, with Panem ruling over the formally subservient districts, while President Coin leads the rebels in attempting to overthrow the rotting immoral government of Snow. Both sides use the power of media propaganda, symbolism, false heroes, and despicable tactics to win. In the standard good guy/bad guy plot used to entertain the American masses, the rebels would be the good guys fighting for a noble cause.

Their symbolic mockingjay leader – Katniss Everdeen – is portrayed as the fearless revolutionary of the people. She is the hope which ignites a revolution and turns despair into a war against the oppressive state and the wealthy vested interests in Panem. The rebels have the moral high ground, but the underlying feeling of distrust is always evident. The good guys might not be so good.

The central question of the final episode was, real or not real? Who can be believed? Are heroes really heroes or are they just created by public relations propaganda specialists? When an icon used to inspire a revolution has served their purpose, will the “good guys” purposefully sacrifice them for the good of the establishment? Can any government be trusted? Can any politician be trusted? Can the media be trusted?

The truth is that no one in a position of power can be trusted. The only people who can be trusted are family and friends. And even they can turn on you with enough monetary incentive. It’s a confusing, brutal world driven by greed, endless military conflict, religious zealotry, and controlled by shadowy unelected men using their ill-gotten wealth to pull the strings on all aspects of society. We are living in a dystopian nightmare where the masses have been induced to love their enslavement.

Katniss undergoes a metamorphosis after seeing her sister blown up while rushing to the aid of victims and later confronting President Snow after the rebels succeeded in overthrowing his regime. President Coin, the leader of the “good guys”, reveals herself to be even more duplicitous and evil than the leader of the “bad guys”. She used the deep-seated characteristic of human compassion to kill Katniss’ sister along with hundreds of children and rescue workers as a tactic to turn the war in her favor. Those in positions of power will use any means necessary to gain or maintain power.

When Coin proposes a last Hunger Games sacrificing the children of the previous regime’s leadership, Katniss realizes Coin is going to just replace Snow as a dictator, perpetuating the despotic policies which created the rebellion in the first place. Katniss rightly decides that killing innocents, and especially children, is never justifiable. Therefore, she decides to kill Coin, while the rioting crowds kill Snow. She sacrifices her status as a national hero in order to give her country a chance to regain its former glory as a republic. The personal sacrifice on behalf of her country is almost unbearable, but ultimately sacrifice, courage, love, strength and hope for a better future are able to sustain her during the dark days.

Turnkey Tyranny

As the former Republic known as America has descended towards the tyranny of a corporate fascist surveillance state, there have been two true patriots who have dedicated their lives to inspiring a revolution in thought and action to help this country regain its former glory based on the U.S. Constitution. One patriot is young and the other patriot old, but their message is the same – we must resist and oppose the ever growing oppressive power of a tyrannical state systematically dismantling the Constitution and stripping the people of liberty and freedom. Their words speak for themselves.


“The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things… And in the months ahead, the years ahead, it’s only going to get worse. The NSA will say that… because of the crisis, the dangers that we face in the world, some new and unpredicted threat, we need more authority, we need more power, and there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turnkey tyranny.”Edward Snowden

“The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.”Ron Paul

Edward Snowden is our modern day Paul Revere, but instead of riding across the countryside warning “the British are coming”, he used the power of modern technology to warn the world “the NSA is watching, listening, and monitoring”. He sacrificed his citizenship, high paying job, freedom, and possibly his life (if the U.S. government had its way) in order to blow the whistle on the blatant destruction and disregard for the Fourth Amendment being perpetrated by the NSA, with the full knowledge and approval of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

He knew his revelations would result in his persecution, attempted apprehension and ultimate imprisonment, as the corrupt malevolent establishment and their mass media mouthpieces would brand him a traitor for revealing the truth about the illegal malfeasance being conducted at the highest levels of government. He realized true patriotism is sacrificing your life for something bigger.

“I had been looking for leaders, but I realized that leadership is about being the first to act. I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, and that the return of this information to the public marks my end.” Edward Snowden

Snowden’s revelations exposed the U.S. government for what it really is, a corporate fascist organization designed to benefit a chosen few while oppressing the masses through debt, currency debasement, and perpetual war, while implementing Orwellian surveillance measures designed to capture dissenters and critical thinkers. The sustenance of the welfare/warfare state requires a dumbed down, passive, distracted populace who can be manipulated and controlled through propaganda and baubles.

Thus far, the vested interests have successfully convinced more than half the population that Snowden is a traitor. The power of propaganda in conjunction with a willfully ignorant public is a potent combination. Even though Snowden’s disclosures have not spurred a revolution yet, they have sparked an underlying dissent that has been growing, as trust in government, politicians, bankers, media and corporate leaders wanes.

“I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building. I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under. Everyone everywhere now understands how bad things have gotten — and they’re talking about it. They have the power to decide for themselves whether they are willing to sacrifice their privacy to the surveillance state.” – Edward Snowden

Snowden worked within the system until his conscience made it unbearable for him to support an immoral, rogue organization bent on trashing the U.S. Constitution at the behest of leaders’ intent on retaining their power, control and wealth through any means necessary. Ron Paul has taken a different, but equally noble path as one of the few patriots who worked within the system, but never became corrupted by the system. He has been a voice in the wilderness for decades, condemning the relentless march towards tyranny that he saw firsthand while in Congress.

The establishment, media and leadership of both political parties have scorned and ridiculed him as ineffective and inconsequential. There was never a piece of legislation with his name on it that passed during his time in Congress. His nickname was Dr. No, as he voted against anything that added to the national debt or took away freedoms or liberties.

This disparagement reveals the fallacy of what constitutes success in Washington D.C., as there are now over 5,000 Federal laws, 180,000 pages of Federal regulations, $18.8 trillion of Federal debt, $200 trillion of unfunded Federal liabilities, and every politician of both parties completely captured by corporate and special interests. There is one ruling party and the appearance of choice is nothing but a farce designed to make the masses think they have a say in the governance of their country.

“We’ve slipped away from a true republic. Now we’re slipping into a fascist system where it’s a combination of government, big business and authoritarian rule, and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen. When it comes to any significant differences on foreign policy, economic intervention, the Federal Reserve, a strong executive branch, a welfarism mixed with corporatism, both parties are very much alike.  The major arguments in hotly contested presidential races are mostly for public consumption to convince the people they actually have a choice.” – Ron Paul

The vitriol and bile hoisted upon Snowden and Paul expose the weakness of the ruling class, as truth, honesty, personal courage, and sacrifice for a higher purpose are attributes they cannot subvert or buy off. It’s the words and actions of men like Edward Snowden and Ron Paul that provide hope for critical thinking liberty minded citizens. The ruling class knows a lot of hope is dangerous, so they must undermine the messages of these patriots. Ideas matter. Words matter.

These two men have inspired me and an unknown number of other citizens who still believe in the Constitution and will do everything in our power to provoke a revolution of reason, truth and honesty. The odds will never be in our favor. Carroll Quigley understood the odds were stacked against the American people over 50 years ago. The domination of the world by central bankers representing private interests has never been more evident than it has since the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial crisis and the traitorous actions taken by politicians and central bankers in the last seven years.

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” Carroll Quigley

Even though the odds are never in our favor, there is still hope. Not everyone has to make the extreme sacrifice like Edward Snowden or dedicate their life to the message of liberty like Ron Paul in order to contribute to the revolution. There are thousands of small acts which will weaken the establishment. Arm yourself. Stop watching and listening to the mainstream media. Take your money out of Wall Street banks. Grow your own food. Barter with others and starve the beast. Reduce your tax footprint. Buy locally and boycott mega-corporations. Build relationships with neighbors and reduce your dependency on the government.

Don’t be a slave to debt. Live beneath your means and accumulate some physical silver and gold. Don’t vote for candidates selected by the vested interests. Spread the message of liberty and freedom to anyone who will listen. Support the alternative media and send pertinent articles to family, friends and acquaintances. Think critically. Do not trust your government. Prepare for the inevitable collapse of this rotten, fetid, corrupt paradigm. Hope, love, courage, and persistence will ultimately win. The tide is turning. Panem will fall. What replaces the existing social order will be up to us.

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December 30, 2015 9:18 pm

EC – that is some funny shit right there! Bwahahahaha!

December 30, 2015 9:32 pm

What comes next?

USA Wisdom Network enables the Network Society development model and delivers the “1 USA” objectives of Economic Transformation and Government Transformation.

USA Wisdom enables the 3rd Industrial Revolution, distributed prosperity, distributed governance, economic transformation, government transformation, all-inclusive citizen empowerment, democratisation across every sector, regional/global integration and accelerates the shift towards a Network Society and a global humanitarian platform. Network Society consolidates all 8 types of capital underlying prosperity in few networks, rather than exponential fragmentation and centralisation of the Industrial Economy, at ‘Zero Marginal cost‘. Launch in 90-180 days. Transformation in 2-5 years.

Additional information is available at

Network Democracy – real-time citizen participation across government, democracy and industry
Network Society comprehensively empowers people across every sector within society. It also empowers people beyond their own activities. People in a Network Society can have a profound impact on global governance with citizen participation around the world. Network Society enables real-time citizen participation and contribution across government, industry, democracy and corporations. Rather than citizen participation with a single vote for a political party or a yes/no question, technology can enable citizens to participate and and contribute daily on individual issues in industry, government, democracy across any organisation, institution or global project.

December 30, 2015 9:57 pm

Marcus – may I suggest you take your self-serving advertisement and stick it up your ass.

Fucking imbecilic dickhead.

December 30, 2015 10:14 pm

“Also what is your explanation of the man, the ox, the lion and the eagle?” —- Bea

Rev 4 takes place entirely in heaven. These four “living beings” have ONLY ONE function according to Rev 4:8 ——- “Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.”

I would think after 856 Billion Years (just to pick a legitimate random number) that someone is getting pretty damned bored. At any rate, whatever they are, they MUST be related to their position in heaven, and their One Big Responsibility.

In that regard, the explanation which makes the most sense to me is that each of the Living Creatures symbolically represents one of the four Gospels. That is, in fact, what the leading early church fathers did — they assigned “faces” to each of the Gospels.

— Matthew’s audience is primarily Jewish. He paints a portrait of Jesus the fulfillment of the promised Royal Son Of David …. the Messiah King ….. hence, the Lion (of Judah) aspect of Jesus.

— Mark’s audience is Roman. Jesus is portrayed as a lowly servant, hence the Ox.

— Luke’s audience is Greek, the Hellenists, and Luke more than the other refers to Jesus as The Son Of Man … hence, the man face.

— John’s Gospel soars above the others in theological pronouncements …. Jesus isn’t just born in a stable, he existed in heaven before time, the Eternal One, no longer just the Son Of Man .. but the Son Of God … depicted as an eagle.

Soooooo ….. rather than picturing these four living creatures as literally saying the same thing over and over for trillions upon trillions of years …… it is easier and more palpable to my senses to see them SYMBOLICALLY as representative of different facets of Jesus life, as depicted in the four Gospels, which are testimony to all the universe forever and ever.

That makes the most sense to me. Many disagree.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 30, 2015 10:16 pm

I skipped Marcus’ comment. Who besides Maggie posts with they pic? This is a clubhouse with secret identities and bent thumb handshakes. Without those protocols this becomes just another corner beer joint.

OK, Marcus aside, Jfillet was an interesting flash in the pan. He lasted almost a week and got direct responses from Admin and HSF within 15 minutes of each other. Most folks here live out their lives without that life-changing experience.

It makes me a little sad to see the little fry go. I never saw Admin warn anybody like that. Jfillet and Bea in the same thread. Must be the weather.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 30, 2015 10:34 pm

Great, Stucky. You make a lot of sense, as Paul said that he’d rather speak four words with intelligence than 1000 words nobody can understand.

One little niggle though, I would rather spend 854 billion years praising god than 2 minutes ruling in hell. Heathens always assume that praising god is boring.

Did you ever read of the oil immersion experiment? It reminded me of the person who said they hurt themselves to feel pain. Feeling nothing and seeing nothing but darkness is hell.

In heaven one sees and senses the creator and he is more marvelous than all his creation, and according to some, the universe is quite marvelous. I don’t believe a person could compass the person of god in less than a few billion years. The chants are praise but they are exclamations of wonder as well.

It makes me sad to hear people repeating that devil’s lie about heaven being boring.

Look, if your worried about the time, you won’t have any other appointments. And Hawkins suggested that if time stops at the event horizon, then you are on pause forever holding the same thought.

I wish I could freeze that one moment and my joy looking at my beloved forever.

December 30, 2015 10:38 pm

Sensetti says:
“I will beat the vote for Trump Drum till he drops out of the race or until he’s crowned King of the Free World.”

Or until something “happens” to him. I think it would be a historical milestone (and I’m talking millennia here), if Trump got anywhere near the reins of power without something happening to him. The guy can’t be bought, he has everything he wants. Although it remains to be seen if he can be threatened.

The two things I like about him, and the reason I’d vote for him, is because he said “I can work with the Russians.” All those other psychos except Rand Paul what to go to war with Russia. Farting idiots. And because during the first debate he came right out and said he buys politicians, “And that’s whats wrong.”

December 30, 2015 10:43 pm

“Stuck- Can I make a request? Would you do something on the Book of Revelation ?”
————– Bea

You don’t ask for much!! I’ve been fascinated by it since childhood also. But, can’t do it. Too Big a topic. Besides, why ask me? Our belief systems are not well aligned. You would almost certainly disagree, probably vehemently, with anything I write.

But I’ll give you my 50,000 foot overview.

1. Revelation is a prophecy … says so right in Rev 1:3.

2. But, prophecy simply means “”speaking the mind of God.” A prophecy MAY predict the future, or it may not.

3. I believe Revelation speaks of the SHORT TERM future … measured in years, or decades only.

4. That means I believe the prophecies in Revelation are meant ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE LIVING AT THE TIME.

5. Specifically, it was written to The Seven Churches in what is today Western Turkey. And all that was written would “SOON COME TO PASS” …. soon!!, which is stated in several places.

6. The style of writing is “apocalyptic” …. a form heavily dependent on using symbols, images and numbers. Why write this way? Because the church was under severe persecution. Jerusalem was burned to the ground, the Temple destroyed, thousands upon thousands died. John himself was a prisoner of the Romans. He needed to communicate to these forlorn and persecuted Christians. However, he clearly could not do so in plain language. So he wrote in Code, apocalyptic code. John’s writings was complete nonsense to his Roman captors. However, the Christians (which were still mostly Jewish converts) would be very familiar with the Old Testament apocalyptic writings and would be able to understand all of it, SYMBOLICALLY.

7. Lastly — and I just know you will love this — this means that I believe Revelation has absolutely NOTHING to do with the 21st Century …. or any other century other than the one it was written in. Over the centuries, there have been literally thousands of fanciful interpretations of Revelation … each generation believing the book applied to THEIR generation! This simply cannot be true, logically. And in this century Christians believe even the USA!USA!USA! is mentioned (Russia too!!) and that John describes a nuclear war. This is nothing but fanciful bullshit.

That’s all I have to say about that.

December 30, 2015 11:17 pm

IndenturedServant says:
“As far as Trump goes, we’ll see how things shake out after his Come To Jesus meeting with the real owners of this country. If he’s still in after that, bookmakers in Vegas will be giving odds on Trump’s untimely demise/assassination. Trump will shake things up which is good but TPTB prefer their minions to be compliant with well lubed assholes and unchapped lips. Trump does not fit the bill.” Exactly.

re Sensetti, I’m guilty too …of drinking and postng. But what better way to watch Rome burn, than with drink in hand?

It looks like we were all born to live through this Crisis. How crazy (awesome?) is that? No boring old age for us, I’m sorry to say.

Admin, great article, and jibs with what I’m seeing and feeling. This is another one I’ll print out for my boss, thx.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 31, 2015 12:22 am

Stucky- I have been working on this for a long time and I have looked at it from your side and from the masonic side which encompasses the mysteries. That is my specialty as I have studied some of the old text. You say Revelation only refers to short term (measured in years or decades), but what would you say to only a couple of days? Time differential between the Earthly plane and heaven is one day to one thousand years, so there has been but two days of the Lord since the prophecy.(Genesis 1and 2 Peter 3:8, also Psalm 90:4).

You should understand that the hidden hand was here in the least 13,000 years ago, which is relevant for the second question about the man, the ox, the lion and the eagle. Your answer was very typical of someone with your training, sometimes you will get the answer that it refers to the Four Evangelists.

The Sphinx in it’s original form before time eroded the exterior was the front arms and paws of a lion, the head of a man, the rear portion of the body a ox and on the sides, the wings of a eagle. Does this in any way enter into the picture in your studies? Could Revelation be referring to this time here and now?

December 31, 2015 2:30 am

“never tell me the odds”
Han Solo

December 31, 2015 8:22 am

“Time differential between the Earthly plane and heaven is one day to one thousand years, so there has been but two days of the Lord since the prophecy.” ———— Bea

Why not 999 years? Or, 1,001 years? Or, 10,000 years? I do not believe it’s a mathematical formula. No, not at all. If it were, one could figure out exactly how “old” God is! Rather, it is a figure of speech which shows the difference between earth (where there is time) and heaven (which is eternal and timeless).
“The Sphinx in it’s original form before time eroded the exterior was the front arms and paws of a lion, the head of a man, the rear portion of the body a ox and on the sides, the wings of a eagle. ” —-Bea

I couldn’t find ANY such description of the Sphinx from a credible source on the internet. So, no, it does not figure into my thinking because I don’t know what you’re talking about.

December 31, 2015 8:53 am

EC, this is really me… all those other photos are just my fantasy

[imgcomment image&sp=28e093fd6a0d40c16b9cc865234cd4d3[/img]

December 31, 2015 8:59 am

Here we go, had a bit of a problem loading this one into the photojar.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 31, 2015 9:00 am

Stucky- So the Bible plainly states that one day in heaven equates to one thousand years on Earth and you say it is a figure of speech? OK (But how did you arrive at that conclusion?)

The mysteries are not available under quick searches on the internet, you have to be a little flexible here Stuck.

December 31, 2015 9:02 am

EC, you finally wrote something I’m going to plagiarize.


It makes me sad to hear people repeating that devil’s lie about heaven being boring.

Look, if your worried about the time, you won’t have any other appointments. And Hawkins suggested that if time stops at the event horizon, then you are on pause forever holding the same thought.

I wish I could freeze that one moment and my joy looking at my beloved forever.

December 31, 2015 9:08 am

@Stucky, I don’t like to discuss it much, but at one time I did a great deal of Bible study for a book project. I agree with what you point out about Revelation not being about the 21st century.

But, using EC’s “delicious” word, one little NIGGLE… so much of the Bible is foreshadow, it is sometimes difficult to eliminate the possibility for prophecy.

But, definitely Russia is there and USA is NOT.

December 31, 2015 10:03 am

“Stucky- So the Bible plainly states that one day in heaven equates to one thousand years on Earth and you say it is a figure of speech? OK (But how did you arrive at that conclusion?)” ———– Bea

I guess you want me to conduct a Bible study / grammatics?


How do I know? Because of the word “AS” !!!

Peter does NOT say — ““With God one day IS a thousand years and a thousand years IS one day.” No! What he wrote was —- “Beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is AS a thousand years, and a thousand years AS one day”

The word “as” used in this construct points to a figure of speech known as “simile”. We use it all the time in our daily lives; “bb is as dumb as a box of rocks”. So, is bb a rock? Of course, not. A simile makes sense only if one understand the literal difference between what is being compared. If there were no difference, then it would be meaningless to use such a figure of speech. When Jesus said that he would like to gather us “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” … does that mean Jesus is a chicken? When Jesus refers to himself as a lamp unto the world, what do you envision … a GE lightbulb? Let common sense rule.


It ANNOYS me to no end to constantly see people rip a single passage of Scripture to “prove” whatever point they want to make … while totally ignoring the context surrounding the passage. This can only lead to false, if not ridiculous, interpretations.

The context of 2 Peter 3 has to do with “scoffers” in the last days saying, “Where is the promise of His (Jesus’) coming?” Peter wanted the church to know that “the Lord is not slack concerning His promise” of returning. Nicely sandwiched between these thoughts is the idea that time does not affect God’s promises. Whether 100, or 1,000, or 2,000 years go by, God’s promises are as good as if He made them …. yesterday. It is only with men whereby the passing of long periods of time affects their keeping of promises. But, not with God! THAT is the idea Peter wanted to pass on, that God will do what He said He will do, no matter how much time passes, because time has no bearing with God because “a thousand years are LIKE a day” …. symbolically, not literally.

More Context – and More Math Problems For You

Furthermore, Peter is quoting from Psalms 90, which in verse 4 states —– “For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it passes by, Or AS A WATCH IN THE NIGHT.”

A Biblical “watch in the night” is about 4 or 6 hours! So, which is it,Bea? Are a thousand years like 24 hours, or 6 hours? Anyway, if a thousand years is 4 hours, you have a lot of recalculating to do!!


Sorry for any typos or grammar errors. In a big rush here …. we’re leaving in just a few moments and won’t be back until the afternoon.

December 31, 2015 10:13 am

I would like to return and see this thread hit the 200 mark !!

Thank Yeew.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 31, 2015 10:17 am

Thank you Stucky, that was a reasonable explanation and nary an expletive to be found.

Good on you.

December 31, 2015 10:27 am

For you, Stucky, we’ll get it there. The odds are in our favor.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 31, 2015 10:41 am

tayronachan says: “It looks like we were all born to live through this Crisis. How crazy (awesome?) is that? No boring old age for us, I’m sorry to say.”
Edgar Cayce said humans reincarnate in groups and the present Americans are reincarnated from Atlantis (as well as other epochs). He also said Atlanteans destroyed themselves with their own technology–a massive earth upheaval that sank the majority of their continent.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 31, 2015 10:45 am

IndenturedServant says: “As far as Trump goes, we’ll see how things shake out after his Come To Jesus meeting with the real owners of this country. If he’s still in after that, bookmakers in Vegas will be giving odds on Trump’s untimely demise/assassination. Trump will shake things up which is good but TPTB prefer their minions to be compliant with well lubed assholes and unchapped lips. Trump does not fit the bill.”
What if Trump IS the “real owners” of this country’s choice? Maybe they figure he could be the iron fist they need to maintain control and since he already has much popular support, they can easily steer him to their evil ends.

Just sayin’…

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 31, 2015 10:51 am

This is how I picture Maggie (and I’d crash her gate anytime!)

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 31, 2015 10:55 am

“@Stucky, I don’t like to discuss it much, but at one time I did a great deal of Bible study for a book project. I agree with what you point out about Revelation not being about the 21st century.” ———Maggie

Indeed! Our viewpoint is known as “preterist”. There are four schools of thought regarding the proper interpretation of Revelation.

—- IDEALIST …. Views Revelation (and, Dniel) mostly as symbolic pictures of eternal truths about good and evil. I believe this is the primary methodology of the Catholic Church.

—- HISTORICIST …. Revelation/Daniel is a symbolic story of future history spanning the days of Daniel until the end of the millennium (which follows the second coming of Jesus). They attempt to match the symbols and actual events of history that progress through time.

—– FUTURIST ….. EVERYTHING in Revelation takes place just before the Second Coming of Jesus and onward from there. They recognize the intense symbolism in Revelation/Daniel, while at the same time attempt to “literalize” as much of it as possible. The predominant view of American Protestants, Evangelicals, Fundies, …. Which has led to one of the most ridiculous “religious” books of all time, “The Late Great Planet Earth”

— PRETERIST …. That would be me (and, you?). This method of interpretation takes the position that almost everything in Revelation is about contemporary events of John’s time. This position is highly unpopular with the other three schools.

NOW I’m outta here. Really.

December 31, 2015 1:31 pm

But, but, but,…. you didn’t address my foreshadowing comment!!!

I wanted to say something about Snowden here, Rockefeller ties or not.

I knew someone very much like him when I was in the Air Force. I was working in an office responsible for keeping the proficiency records of crewmembers during the Desert Storm buildup and war (if you want to call it a war — it was more of a forced evacuation of the Iraqis from Kuwait and a lot of bombs being dropped to make a point).

Now, some of you may or may not remember, but there was an incident where a UN helicopter was shot down and an AWACS Weapons Officer was Courts Martialed as being responsible. About ten minutes after that happened, I was called back in from home (I was very pregnant at the time and had left early with a terrible back ache, but when called, I came back in. I could tell it was important.)

I spent the next two days going through every single record of every single person deployed (not just on that airplane) to Saudi and Turkey. I’m not going to tell you what I was looking for or what we did when we found anything.

However, back to Snowden. One of the troops who was there was a very upright sort of guy who was a surveillance troop (track dots versus direct dots) who had asked for and received an extension of his enlistment while deployed. He’d wanted to just re-enlist while he was there but due to some administrative snafu, he couldn’t re-enlist in “theater” but could only extend for 90 days at a whack. (He happened to work in the same office with me as an additional duty when he wasn’t flying, so since I was pregnant and grounded, I ended up doing a lot of the paperwork for the guys who were deployed.) I remember telling him on the phone that he could NOT re-up there to get his re-enlistment bonus in time for Christmas and he was really upset, because he wanted that bonus money in time to send gifts home to family and have for his wife, just in case.

Well, he was on the surveillance team on the airplane with the weapons officer accused of directing the UN helicopter shootdown. After the incident, the entire crew had been held there until a full investigation was conducted and by the time they were released and brought back to the states, his extension time had ended and technically, he wasn’t even in the Air Force any more.

I had his paperwork for him to sign as soon as he came in to extend him until his re-enlistment could be performed.

He looked at it and took me back into the classified closet where all the double dog secret stuff was stored and talked about. He told me everything he knew about that incident and told me that he’d told the investigators the same thing. He said that he wasn’t going to re-enlist any more. He said he was a free man and he was going home.

And he did.

When I look at Snowden, I see him.

December 31, 2015 1:33 pm

And, by the way, after that “incident” the term being wanged became synonymous for being the scapegoat in the AWACS dictionary.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 31, 2015 1:35 pm

200. I win again!

Rise Up, you never let me down. Maggie is HOT in a preterist and even idealist sort of way.

December 31, 2015 3:05 pm


December 31, 2015 3:14 pm

IQ analysis by a smartie/interview

December 31, 2015 3:30 pm

the very casual use the the term “assassination” with reference

to a presidential candidate is disturbing. apparently, for many

responding here, the potential for that event is ho-hum.

What do this mean? Could it be that a president doesn’t matter,

and is just a repository for polar opposites to park their love feeling

or conversely their hate? Perhaps we should just spend our time

doing what is best for our family and community? The richie-rich DC

greater community is largely a private facility with virtual walls that

leave us out. Hunger games may be the plan for us. Zones. Go look that

up. Planned zones for the US.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 31, 2015 3:55 pm

It was a big deal in the past and could earn you a visit from the FBI. After Hillary implied that with regards to BO, it became a sheik topic for tea parties, like what Caitlyn is wearing to Hillary’s inauguration ball.

If The Donald was to get whacked, it would make him into a martyr like JFK and his successor would see to it that Da Trump legacy became law.

An aborted Camelot II would spawn a reverse Great Society called the Great White Society with a concommitant rollback of social programs and introduction of Work Makes Free affirmative action programs for minorities.

December 31, 2015 4:05 pm

Suzanna , Molyneux is my favorite anarchist atheist… can’t wait to watch that vid, but will download it first and watch it on a bigger monitor.. but not now since I’m already over bandwidth allowance.

December 31, 2015 4:16 pm

Great commentary on biblical time Stuck and you didn’t mention your penis once.Kudos.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 31, 2015 5:51 pm

Stucky- Thanks for your input on the question, O Learned One. I am not convinced that there is no connection at all to our time with regard to Revelation but there is no attempt on my part to make it fit into current events.

It is for sure that the parlance of our time is in no way comparable to biblical times or even 150 years ago. Esoteric mysteries are most interesting but you will rarely find another student in a lifetime. Still hope you would do a little something on the subject just because it is so mysterious.:)

December 31, 2015 7:08 pm

Rise Up, you made me laugh out loud with that one… and, in honor of the New Years’ festivities, I’ve sent off a request to an old, old friend to send me a long discarded picture that my husband loathes and told me he never wants to see again. But, hey… what’s the viewership here these days? a couple hundred thousand? Who’s to know?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 31, 2015 7:12 pm

No nipples, Maggie!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 31, 2015 7:15 pm
December 31, 2015 7:19 pm

None… I promise. He has to scan and email it though. Is very retro… taken with 35 mm film. Do you remember when you had to have your film developed???

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 31, 2015 7:47 pm

Some time ago. Back then, I tried to get a roll developed at Costco. They refused because I had a picture of a GF all nude-like in bed. Shit, now you can make your own sex tapes movies and publish them online.

I got the pic printed at the camera shop. What was all the fuss? BTW, a picture doesn’t lie like lying eyes. All the time I thought she beautiful, she was a hound dog, if the picture is to be believed.

December 31, 2015 8:30 pm

LOL… I know what you mean. My pal hasn’t sent the image yet. It may be when we return from ringing in the New Year in the hills, literally. A friend has a lake on his property and we are going to shoot off fireworks a hoot and holler like a bunch of hicks.

Which we are.

Well, they are… Nick and I are infiltrating.

December 31, 2015 8:33 pm

TPB Monkeys – I know I said I was gone. Truth is, I really mean it. Still do. I will only come back when (if) Admin says so.

However – in the meantime – like Al Pacino in Godfather 3: “Just when I thought I was out… I keep getting drug back in”. Ugggh…

Yes – I have had my disagreements with the “big dogs” here. And yes, sometimes, I would like to pull a “Sean Penn” on them and beat their asses with full soda-pop cans inside of a pillow-case like in the movie “Bad Boys”.

And yes, I keep coming back to Sandy Hook – because Snow-bama can not create “Panem-murica” unless he takes the guns first. Also, I always question the media narrative about everything, ya know?

And yes – I am random and don’t think everything through like a lot of monkeys here before I post. Instead – I always looked at it more like a “active process” as opposed to figuring it all out first like, perhaps, DC Sunsets, Drud,and Indentured Servant. My bad on that.

In any case – we have a foot of snow on the ground and I would rather be snowmobiling under the moonlight right now… and I will be soon… but I need to say this for now…

On some of the other threads here (Marijuana Truth, etc) , there are two (2) whom I think the big dogs here need to take out. Archie and Joey.

Some may think these are me because “Archie” of the comic books has “red hair” like me. And “Joey” is Maggie’s son’s name.

But they are NOT me! Admin can have the “Man With No Name” check the IP addresses. Archie talks to EL C about “rabbits:, etc which is a carryover from past my past conversations here with both EL C and Maggie. And – the “Joey” name creeps me out.

Big Dogs – chase these assholes off. Don’t trust them. They seem like feds and they seem to be piggy-backing upon my past shit here.

Maybe I am paranoid. If so – I apologize. But my system has been under attack for weeks now.

No matter – just keep your “eyes open” on these fuckheads.

Just wanted to say this. In the meantime…, Happy New Year, everyone.

NOW – I am gone… again…

December 31, 2015 8:46 pm

Oh, dear heaven… EC, I can’t post that picture now. I thought that was a shared nightmare.

December 31, 2015 9:21 pm

suzanna says:

“the very casual use the the term “assassination” with reference

to a presidential candidate is disturbing. apparently, for many

responding here, the potential for that event is ho-hum.”

I think it is the loss of trust in our elected leaders. We’ve been lied to so much by those in power in Wash DC, that trust is gone. It’s almost like the people are now acting/feeling like an abused dog backed into a corner, and all it wanted was a little love. Wait! Is that sorry ass dog is starting to show it’s teeth? Ah…no, not yet I think.


December 31, 2015 9:22 pm

JFish – I would not hold my breath waiting for the Admin to invite you. You are not banned. Be happy with that.

December 31, 2015 9:38 pm

llpoh – I won’t hold my breath. I blew it with Admin. My deal. I banned myself. Truth is – it was all for your own protection. Now, I gotta go… Keep rockin’. U got this. Just chase off Archie and Joey and it’ll be cool. No one can do it better than you, my friend. TTYL… 🙂

December 31, 2015 9:50 pm

PS – if they

U ever need my help, I’ll B here. Just say “jellly-fish”. Please know I got your back, man. G’nite…

December 31, 2015 10:08 pm


You will live in infamy here on TBP, despite your short stay here. You are one of the weirdest dudes ever to walk amongst us. Ever.

January 1, 2016 1:49 am

Says the online interpreter of the Book of Revelation. No biggie. But keep in mind that no society in all of history has had the technological capability to control the buying or selling with a “mark” (Revelation 3:17).

This seems exclusive to our world today. Therefore, it is possible that Revelation could apply to the 21st century?

Just a thought…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 1, 2016 6:10 am

Llpoh says: JFish – I would not hold my breath waiting for the Admin to invite you. You are not banned. Be happy with that.

LLPOH is such a softie, how touching. Actually that is why we love the big guy. Behind that tough bucket o’ nuts exterior is a bucket of nails interior but once in a while we see a glint of humanity in his soul.

Jfillet, admin gave you a verbal warning, usually folks don’t even get that. Most of the time Admin’s warnings take the form of a hard kick in the nuts. He must be in a good mood this week. Do not test his New Year’s resolution next week.