We’re All Fascists Now

Hat tip Francis Marion

If Donald Trump is a megalomaniac salivating over taking control of American Weimar, then both Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio are führers in the making. The same goes for the rest of the field, where each and every candidate aspires to be the Celebrity-in-Chief. Trump only looks worse because he doesn’t have the benefit of a sympathetic media on his side.

Nobody wants to admit it, but fascism defines modern American government. Washington, D.C., isn’t just a leviathan with its controlling tentacles in, around, and on top of everything. It is the molder and shaper of nearly all public life. Corporations take their cues from the federal government. The president tells us how to behave, what norms are appropriate, and how we should feel after a national catastrophe. The American public looks with reverence to the Oval Office.

In his book Fascism Versus Capitalism, Lew Rockwell wrote, “The state, for the fascist, is the instrument by which the people’s common destiny is realized, and in which the potential for greatness is to be found.”

Is that not the platform of every leading presidential aspirant, including Donald Trump?

The sensationalism of the modern presidency means that we’re all fascists now. All social systems rely on power to keep the citizenry in line. We happen to live in a constitutional republic that has fascist elements. We should thank our lucky stars that it isn’t much worse.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 30, 2015 2:57 pm

So Mr Miller, we are back to square one if they are all Fascist: Pick your favorite Fascist.

December 30, 2015 3:17 pm

Rockwell in the same book also defined fascism as “the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society.”

I’d say that pretty much sums up the state of current affairs. “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State. ~ Mussolini

“For fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative.” ~ Mussolini

O con noi, O contro di noi.

December 30, 2015 3:21 pm

Donald Trump – the best kind of Fascism that we have today.

December 30, 2015 3:27 pm

” The American public looks with reverence to the Oval Office.”

The leftist side of the aisle maybe, but not so much the rest of us.

December 30, 2015 5:39 pm

Bernie Sanders is the polar opposite of a fascist. And Trump has said Snowden is a traitor and should be hanged. Choose your candidates c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y!

December 30, 2015 6:48 pm

Westcoast, at this point I’d snap his little patriotic pencil neck myself, just to shut you up. There’s one hell of a lot more in play right now than snowden.

December 30, 2015 8:15 pm

I agree. People look for Trump to save us. I fear one person did not fuck this country up, one person will never fix it. Trump would be dead now if TPTB thought him a threat in the least. The fact he still exists is testament we are entering a new phase of the police state.

The problem will never ever ever be solved from the top down. It must be from the bottom up. A slim hope, but the only hope America has. Take back your street. Then your town, county and so on. Both state and federal governments are corrupted beyond the ability to salvage.

The only hope is with our sheriffs, our local law enforcement, to try to bulwark against the tyranny. The sad thing is, when America falls, and the light of liberty is extinguished we could enter into hundreds of years of tyranny.

There is no were to run to. There is no were to hide. We either defend liberty in America, or it dies for a very long time.

December 30, 2015 8:24 pm

No Political Guardrails
By Kimberley A. Strassel
14 December 2015
The Wall Street Journal

Twenty-two years ago, my esteemed colleague Dan Henninger wrote a blockbuster Journal editorial titled “No Guardrails.” Its subject was people “who don’t think that rules of personal or civil conduct apply to them,” as well as the elites who excuse this lack of self-control and the birth of a less-civilized culture.

We are today witnessing the political version of this phenomenon. That’s how to make sense of a U.S. presidential race that grows more disconnected from normality by the day.

Barack Obama has done plenty of damage to the country, but perhaps the worst is his determined destruction of Washington’s guardrails. He wants what he wants. If ObamaCare is problematic, he unilaterally alters the law. If Congress won’t change the immigration system, he refuses to enforce it. If the Senate won’t confirm his nominees, he installs them anyway. “As to limits, you set your own,” observed Dan in that editorial. This is our president’s motto.

Mr. Obama doesn’t need anyone to justify his actions. He’s realized no one can stop him. He gets criticized, but at the same time his approach has seeped into the national conscience. It set new norms. You see this in the outrageous proposals from the presidential field, in particular Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Mrs. Clinton routinely vows to govern by diktat. Last week she unveiled a raft of proposals to punish companies that flee the punitive U.S. tax system. She will ask Congress to implement her plan, but no matter if it doesn’t. “If Congress won’t act,” she promises, “then I will ask the Treasury Department, when I’m there, to use its regulatory authority.”

Mrs. Clinton and fellow liberals don’t like guns and are frustrated that members of Congress (including those from their own party) won’t strengthen background checks. So she has promised to write regulations that will unilaterally impose such a system.

On immigration, Mr. Obama ignored statute with executive actions to shield illegals from deportation. Mrs. Clinton brags that she will go much further with sweeping exemptions to immigration law.

Mr. Trump sent the nation into an uproar last week with his call to ban Muslims from entering the country. Is this legally or morally sound? Who cares! Mr. Trump specializes in disdain for the law, the Constitution and any code of civilized conduct. Guardrails are for losers. He’d set up a database to track Muslims or force them to carry special IDs. He’d close mosques. He’d deport kids born on American soil. He’d seize Iraq’s oil fields. He’d seize remittance payments sent back to Mexico. He’d grab personal property for government use.

Mr. Obama’s dismantling of boundaries isn’t restrained to questions of law; he blew up certain political ethics, too. Think what you may about George W. Bush’s policies, but he respected the office of the presidency. He believed he represented all Americans. He didn’t demonize.

Today’s divisive president never misses an opportunity to deride Republicans or the tea party. He is more scornful toward fellow Americans than toward Islamic State. This too sets new norms. Asked recently what “enemy” she was most proud of making, Mrs. Clinton lumped “Republicans” in with “the Iranians.” Mr. Trump has disparaged women, the other GOP contenders, the disabled, Jews. (Granted, he might have done this even without Mr. Obama’s example.)

Can such leaders be trusted to administer Washington fairly? Of course not. That guardrail is also gone. Mr. Obama egged on his IRS to target conservatives, used his Justice Department to exact retribution on politically unpopular banks, and had his EPA lead an armed raid of an Alaskan mine. Is it any wonder that Bernie Sanders’s climate plan, released last week, includes a vow to bring criminal prosecutions against “climate deniers”? And he would.

For that matter, is it any wonder that some Republicans are calling on the IRS to audit Mrs. Clinton’s foundation? When did conservatives go from wanting to abolish the IRS to wanting to use it against rivals? When did they turn their back on the institutional check of the filibuster? When Democrats busted through those rails, of course.

“No Guardrails” took aim at political and intellectual leaders who failed to elevate institutions and rules. When those leaders go further, and openly break all the rules, there really is nothing left to restrain the political passions.

The more outrageous Mr. Trump is, the more his numbers soar. The more Mrs. Clinton promises to cram an agenda down the throats of her “enemies,” the more enthusiastic her base. The more unrestrained the idea, the more press coverage. The humble candidates — those with big ideas, but with respect for order and honor — are lost to the shouting.

EL Coyote, Fucknut
EL Coyote, Fucknut
December 30, 2015 8:35 pm

That was bound to happen once the law bowed to the jumping Repugs shouting, stop the count! When these antics get results, the law and the legal process go out the window.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 30, 2015 8:42 pm

EC- You can drop the (fuknut), I was just trying to get a rise out of you.

December 30, 2015 9:53 pm

Peeps, seems to me we’re done. There’s no recourse. We stand on the sidelines like we’re not affected then fill out the tax forms. Our government affects farmer, machinist, waitress, all.
I’ve been trying to figure out tax avoidance for years but I’ve come to the conclusion it will take a Schiff act to make it reality. Dead in prison.
I can’t stand these people that run our country or want to. It used to be like comedy/theater to me until I realized how many people they kill. Obscene doesn’t begin to describe our government’s actions. Steady, relentless creep to oblivion?
What to do…move to Uruguay? Holy crap…

EL Coyote, Fucknut
EL Coyote, Fucknut
December 30, 2015 10:05 pm

I was a bit hurt, here’s why: you can hurt the ones you love, no problem. When I read the verse that says, love thy neighbor, I think it really means like they neighbor. You don’t really want to hurt people you like. I don’t know why that is so.

December 30, 2015 10:16 pm

Understanding love and then trying to understand why we hurt the ones we we love is age old. That’s why even Spike Jones sang about it. It’s an enigma I ponder each day and try to change. I know I can’t do it with my strength.

December 31, 2015 6:38 am

Critical thinkers are tired of the left wing bullshit, but lefties could care less. As the article Thinker posted above says, “they want what they want”. The only recourse left clearly not to be found in a ballot box…what then?

It Has Come to This
By E.M. Cadwaladr


I am tired of being told by Barack Obama on the one hand, and Bill O’Reilly on the other, what my American values are or ought to be. I can work those out for myself. I am tired of living in the dumping ground for whatever group of hostile immigrants the social engineers in Washington import to ease their guilty consciences. Let them move their Mexican underclass and angry Syrian colonists to Martha’s Vineyard or Marin County north of San Francisco.Maybe this would help our legislators and “opinion makers” alleviate a bit of their never-ending narcissistic angst. I am tired of nameless, self-righteous bureaucrats levering open the restrooms of my local schools to the confused transvestites that a liberal education churns out, then lecturing me about tolerance and individual rights. Where is their tolerance of my culture? Where is their respect for my rights? Where is the brotherly concern shown to my neighbors? I am tired of living in an ill-planned social experiment. Of taboo words and taboo ideas. I am tired of being called a racist by people who are, themselves, the worst of racists — and who have denuded the word itself of any meaning.

To be quite honest, I have no particular love for Donald Trump — but he is what we have. He doesn’t speak well. I don’t think he has any idea what a republic is. Then again, his last two predecessors didn’t really understand the concept of a republic either. No doubt it’s not a word they use at Harvard. Although I may not especially like the erratic, often juvenile Mr. Trump, it isn’t lost on me that he at least doesn’t hold me in contempt. He may make war on illegal immigration and Muslim fundamentalism, but most of the alternatives are making war on me. Twenty years ago I would have worried about a man who scares resident aliens, and even a few citizens, to death. You will forgive me if I have come to the epiphany that protecting absolutely every minority’s feelings is not a rational government’s primary purpose. You will forgive me, too, if I stop ignoring fourteen centuries of Islamic history, the stark brutality of Islamic scripture, and the barbarism of contemporary Islamic states. Give me a gated, crime-free community to live in, and maybe I can have the luxury of worrying about the planet’s weather.

January 2, 2016 11:04 am

This is one of the best articles I’ve ever read. Sums up the voter anger and frustration out there. The jig is up for the ruling class (aka establishment GOP, democrats, old media and their hangers-on). I’ll also check the box next to Trump.

January 2, 2016 11:07 am

The article by E.M. Cadwaladr is the best article I have ever read on voter frustration and makes the best case to vote Trump.