Emails Prove Hillary Knew Libyan Rebels Were Conducting Ethnic Cleansing, Supported Them Anyway

Submitted by Dan Wright via,

On New Year’s Eve, the State Department released 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from her tenure as secretary of state. While much of the corporate media dove into investigating pointless gossip, Brad Hoff at the Levant Report decided to look for more clues into understanding the epic failure that was the 2011 war on Libya by the US and NATO.

What Hoff discovered in the emails was Secretary Clinton being briefed by a trusted advisor, Sidney Blumenthal, on events in Libya where Clinton’s public statements appear to contradict her private understanding. The issues range from the early presence of special forces and al Qaida-linked militants on the ground to the material motivations of France (gold, oil). And, of course, more evidence that Clinton knew the claims about Qaddafi issuing Viagra to troops for rapes were bogus.

But, perhaps, the most troubling revelation is that Secretary Clinton was being explicitly told that the Libyan rebel forces were conducting racially charged massacres of black Africans under the rationale of labeling them “foreign mercenaries.”

In an email on March 27, 2011 [PDF], Blumenthal informs Secretary Clinton that a Libyan rebel commander told him that “his troops continue to summarily execute all foreign mercenaries captured in the fighting.”

Summarily execute is a nice way of saying they are straight up killing anyone they see, who they think could be a “foreign mercenary.”

So, you ask, how are the rebels determining who are (and are not) foreign mercenaries based merely on sight?

The answer is based on the color of their skin. But the killings were not just cases of mistaken identity, they were part of a racial grudge connected to perceived favoritism by the Gaddafi government.

As the BBC reported in 2011, the war for the rebels extended to black Libyan civilians and sub-Saharan contract workers. The town of Tawergha, whose residents were descendants of black slaves, was “cleansed” by the rebels. The 30,000 people who lived in Tawergha were forced to flee, many unable to outrun the rebels and subjected to beatings, rape, and those summary executions Blumenthal mentioned.

A 2011 report from Human Rights Watch accuses rebels of terrorizing the people of Tawergha. After setting their homes on fire, the rebels captured the black Libyans and subjected them to torture and severe beatings, sometimes leading to death.”

The ethnic cleansing campaign by the rebels continued throughout 2011 and into 2012, when The Telegraph reported black migrant workers, along with black Libyans, were imprisoned, abused, and labeled foreign mercenaries.

In a video published by The Telegraph, a black African is ordered by a rebel to eat the former Libyan flag while in a cage.

The tragic irony of all this is that Hillary Clinton led the charge for a war in Libya based on a claim of a potential massacre in Benghazi. The massacre in Benghazi never occurred (and was likely overblown), but real ethnic cleansing and massacres did occur when the US and NATO empowered the Libyan rebels to overthrow Gaddafi and use their weapons beyond the war zone.

Today, Libya is a failed state infested with the Islamic State and other Islamic terrorist groups thanks to Clinton and friends. Quite a liberation.

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January 14, 2016 2:44 pm


Uncle Joe Biden
Uncle Joe Biden
January 14, 2016 2:45 pm

I don’t see the problem here. They knew those ethnic types were dirty, and they were just being kind to offer them some cleansing.

January 14, 2016 2:53 pm

Clinton is one of the worst Sec ‘o State in the nation’s history. Lord help us if she were to be elected President, a feat which is happily more and more doubtful by the day.

January 14, 2016 3:00 pm

The Harpy needs to be put in an iron cage forever with no chance of bail or pardon ever.

January 14, 2016 3:20 pm

Her hypocrisy knows no bounds. She is morally and spiritually bare. Money and power are the twin engines that drive her.

She is complicit in the ethnic cleansing and massacres of black Africans – men, women, and children, and then has the audacity to court black America for their vote. “Speaking on the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ refusal to stand up on a Montgomery bus for a white passenger – an act of civil disobedience that sparked the US civil rights movement and eventually led to the end of legalised racial segregation in America – Clinton said there was still more to be done to ensure equal opportunities for every citizen.

“Even as we celebrate all that our country has achieved in the past 60 years, we must in keeping with the legacy of those who have gone before look to the future and the work that is left to do,” she said, according to Time magazine.

“Our work isn’t finished. We do have to pay it forward. There are still injustices perpetrated every day across our country, sometimes in spite of the law, and sometimes, unfortunately, in keeping with it.”

Yes Hillary, there are injustices perpetrated against Africans, and you stood silently and protested not. I believe your work is finished, you disgusting, money-grubbing whore.

January 14, 2016 3:31 pm

I doubt this means anything important to here followers.

January 14, 2016 3:33 pm

nkit, I would call her two-faced, but that would be an insult to Janus. So let’s just call her a slimy spineless weasel.

January 14, 2016 3:44 pm

That works for me, Persnickety.

January 14, 2016 7:20 pm

African blacks are different from American blacks. As The Who, Blue Cheer (and a host others) used to sing “I’d like to help you son, but you’re too young to vote”.

January 15, 2016 8:41 am

The perfect punishment for Hillary’s crimes would be to get locked into a 6′ x 6′ jail cell for the rest of her life…. with Bill Clinton.

January 15, 2016 10:06 am

She is the perfect front women for the up and coming war, between the house of Saud and the Persians, to be fought on Iraqi ground, where we have “a clear agenda”.

I bet she even lights the fuse, with some stupid no fly zone.

then oil returns to 100+ a barrel, and the petro dollar is safe for another 4-8 years.

January 15, 2016 12:17 pm

“I don’t care about any of that, she promised to give me all kinds of stuff and to take money from everyone who has more than I” said 50.01% of the voters.