Muck’s Minute #18

Will we “Win” the “War on Terror?”


A quote from the best war leader Japan ever had: Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

“In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.”

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”

“I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” [said upon learning of the success of the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor]
This statement – an illustration of greater importance and a major determent for invasion of the American Continent was credited to Yamamoto after the very successful Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

This remains absolutely the same determent for any other hostile countries to the U.S.A. today as there is no profit or gain from conquering a country without occupying it. One cannot squeeze riches from your foe by turning the place to ashes – collateral damage is too severe and the raping and pillaging motive has limited appeal. Only completely insane person(s) would attempt a physical invasion of a country where weapons exceeds the number of citizens in the invaded country. (Guess where that is!)

This provides a two edged sword to the Government of the United States.

The edge of the sword that the Government would love to dull is that edge that allows the American citizen to defend himself against our own Government ( which may happen sooner than you think with the continued over-reach of every Governmental Agency from local to State to Federal) into the areas of possession and use of firearms, environmental  regulations, business regulations of ridiculous breadth and general huge over-reach of any and all State, Federal and Judicial segments of the government in our country.  The other edge of the sword (which benefits National Defense) allows for the very rapid deployment of self-armed militias in the event they should ever be needed. And the value of arms in the possession of law abiding citizens for self protection against the very few (relatively speaking) lawless members of our society (or invaders- few though they may be) who could care less about law, guns or any other kind is self evident.

How so? Just how long would you think it would take to train a rabble of armed citizens into a workable Minute Man militia – i.e. train an average deer hunter to shoot men instead of deer? Or cooperate and coordinate with lower level military professionals? Oh, about 3-4 weeks (mostly to install discipline and chain of command structure and far less if the threat is imminent). Casualties? Sure, quite high – for a little while – then things would get organized as communications, arms and other logistics are pushed into the field and we’d push back really – really – hard. Sophisticated air support plus U. S. Minute Men ( Note: Not terrorists (after all we’re fighting on our own soil !) on the ground and  maybe we could learn from Syrian and Afghan advisers?? (((AND GEE WHIZ!!! DOESN’T THAT GIVE YOU A FRESH OUTLOOK ON MOTIVATION OF NATIVE FIGHTERS HERE AND THERE ACROSS THE MIDDLE EAST!!!)))

Oh sure, like Yamamoto says – the invader would run wild for the first 6 months (less now, I think) and then the entire sentient population of the U.S. would squash the effort like stepping on a cockroach. Today, it would be the same way for anyone else who would attempt an invasion or tried to establish a physical presence on the North American Continent.

Right now the only ones succeeding are “bad”  refugees and sneaky terrorists which are like mosquitoes trying to find and ant’s ass to bite.  (Note this is not to demean those who have died in terrorist attacks.  It merely illustrates the probably – in this country – near zero- of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and get blown away.  It doesn’t lessen the loss or the pain, it merely illustrates the odds against it happening to any one person at any particular time is next to zip-squat..

At this time, there is NO ONE CAPABLE of even mounting such  a mass attack. Only ICBM’s, suitcase nukes or dirty nukes or individual/small groups of sponsored terrorists. would be capable of a threat and they would be fielded by absolutely insane (likely religious) regimes who don’t want to profit from a war but just want to destroy those who do not believe as they do.

Logistics are still on our side. As  I quoted before, MacArthur once said, “Never get into an armed conflict on the Asian Continent.” He meant it AND in spite of it would have still won a war there if he had been allowed proper support (but of course, Truman knew better – besides, China was a new factor in the equation that should have been foreseen a year in advance!)

(Oh well – 50% is better than nothing but look at the evil cesspool left to deal with in N. Korea).

‘Nam just proved that we learned nothing from past experience and Gen. Mac’s advice was ignored and total politicization of Gen. Westmoreland’s Vietnam was a goat rope based on lies, bad and warped intelligence and terrible decision making based on that shit intelligence from day one. The serious requirement was that the Politico’s sipping gin and tonics in D.C.  heard only what they wanted to hear.

A lot of my neighbors today suffer greatly from these adventure into the absurd – Korea and Vietnam. Korea was at least a partial  victory (1/2 is better than none) but Viet Nam was a total, complete loss where both military and political heads should have rolled.  None have and the pity for it.

The Pacific and Atlantic oceans provide us more protection than any armed force could possibly provide is simply because the logistical impossibility of mounting an invasion and supplying and replenishing it over a long, long term of combat that takes resources only the U.S. could mount(i.e WWI,WWII, Korea (not a total loss) and ‘Nam (big total loss!) in the event of a remote war. Period.  Any effort of a foreign power or another to kick our ass locally is totally out of the question.  It’s been this way since the late 1700’s and remains that way today. There will never be a war on the U.S. Mainland (unless it’s Civil – and we’ve been there and found that doesn’t work at all!).  But don’t forget the only winner in all these conflicts was the military/industry complex and contractors  — they didn’t loose a single police action or war!!  Amazing, when all those body bags came home and the profits kept flowing in. (and still are!)

So, at present, we must rely on the Federal Government (worse luck – but it’s the best system devised to date) to provide a defense envelope to take care of the big remote threats that come at us over the North Pole or out of the sea – which, in practical terms is a near impossible task but the capability of a retaliatory second strike is still, sadly, a must have and is, now, a fully functional capability of the U.S.A.. If it isn’t functional, there are a lot of people that we may hold a change of command for by borrowing from the Saudi Executioner Corps to accomplish!  Personally, I’d hate to find out that it’s not in place!

I’ve never believed in “MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction) policy. It sounds too much like a suicide pack. But I’ve always admired the New Hampshire State Motto, “Give me Liberty or Death”. I further suspect when push comes to shove, that motto is what I will live by as I bow out of this veil of tears.

So we are left with one deadly, viscous fly in the ointment – terrorism. I noted in several Muck’s Minutes that the word ”terrorist” has been deleted for all the MSM pap, politically correct verbiage and they have now been promoted to ‘insurgents” and “militants”. There appears not to be one single terrorist in the world in the world anymore as far as out Government (MSM) is concerned.

Not even by the Saudi Arabian Government who spends more and more time sharpening swords to decapitate more and more minority Shi’ites under their control. By the way – there is an absolutely deadly silence on the part of U.S. Government on any criticism of the ever backward movement of the Saudi Government to the Middle Ages.. No civilization there.. No sir.. But “Shhhhhh! They are our allies!” Right.

What with 19 men (as I remember – but I’m not positive of the proof of numbers – is an indicator of this number is “A” class of the TERRORIST crew that participated in the 9/11/2001 attack who who blew away the World Trade Center and almost 3,000 people and several hundred other innocent lives digging a large hole in Pennsylvania, I’ve never understood why we didn’t go after the Saudis like rabid dogs. I’ll never understand and am obviously less than properly informed on what the geopolitical ties between the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia are that we continue to allow them to behave like barbarians spreading blood, hate and discontent and killing any furthering of any chance of Sunni/Shi’ites understanding or collaborating any closer in an attempt to eliminate internal cutting of throats between believers of off shoots of the same Islamic religion. I’m not sure – at all – that Islam is even close to a single religion anymore and has schism’d into four or more very different religions with dead and dying men women and children strewn in their paths.

But then I do not understand why our Government has not condemned  Saudi Arabia for its’ ever regressive methods of suppression (think sword blades!) of those who protest against their increasing brutal and obvious Sunni plan to eliminate all the Shi’ities they can kill.

It would appear to Old Muck that a thorough review, change of course and change of policies will be necessary to ever start to penetrate the maze of religious war that is the basis for every bit of conflict in the Middle East (other that oil which is fading fast!).  Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Preferably interpreted as let the stupid religious bigots and radicals kill each other off with out our assistance in any way.  When they get through whittling each others number down to a manageable number, then we can go in with a couple of Divisions and finish the job in which ever direction suits out current geopolitical values. This is bound to bring us into conflict with Iran and Russian, but with a little luck, Iran will be caught in the general religious turmoils and commit suicide!   Any way it goes, we don’t don’t need to get involved and if Europe needs to get off its’ ass to protects its’ fuel interest, then it would be a good idea for them to do it!!

Of course, money, oil, power and religious dominance are are all mixed up in it but that’s what the Government’s are supposed to figure out. Oh Sure!   < sorry – a little sarc slipped in there!)

Don’t hold your breath as any time religious conflict is involved there is no rational solution to anything. People die. Civilizations perish. Populations flee hoping to live yet another month over the border and there is general shit to pay.

Anyone who gets in the way of a religious pogrom – especially a large geopolitical pogrom involving multiple religions or racial “purity” programs (for example, Nazi Germany, radical Islam, moderate Muslims (say what?”  Moderate Muslims cannot speak our for fear for being buried to the neck and stoned to death!) , Christians,et al) need only expect to get into the middle of an unwinnable conflict where there are no allies and everyone is an enemy.

Let’s hope the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans continues to be a defensive shield against all but the most sophisticated of oppressors.


Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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January 23, 2016 8:03 am

The federal government knows gun culture is white culture. That’s why they are attacking gun rights. Gun violence in this country is black inter city violence. The political class knows this but doesn’t care.They want whites disarmed.

Saudi Arabia is a major holder of US debt. Plus they help us keep the petrodollar . This is why the Saudis government gets away with murder.

Muck ,something must have happened to you .You’re starting to make sense. Did you hit your head or just finally find God.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 23, 2016 9:00 am

Muck, an essential historic reference, “A rifle behind every blade of grass”.

Yes, we are unique in our situation between two oceans and in that we have a population that is well armed. Yes, gun deaths are overwhelmingly an artifact of Black criminality, overwhelmingly gang related (tribal/ethnic) and therefore gun control as it is currently designed (law abiding citizens following legal edicts) is aimed not at controlling the criminal class, but the citizenry who are still majority White and a perceived threat to the political class.

It is becoming more a math problem than a social/political issue- demographics=percentage of people you want to control and time on the clock=how much longer they can keep the economic bubble inflated. Clearly when it comes to doing what they want “legally”- giving an air of legitimacy to the removal of our rights while ignoring their own criminality, they seem to be winning handily. The problem is that they are losing the appearance of legitimacy (having someone who is currently involved in an FBI investigation as the Presidential candidate for one of the two parties is a stunningly inept move on their part) at an equal rate to the demographic transformation they have imposed on their citizenry against it’s will. The two happening simultaneously seem to be acting as a catalyst, however (vinegar and baking soda) by making people uncomfortable in their personal lives at the same time they’ve lost trust in the political class.

Interesting times indeed.

January 23, 2016 9:01 am

Geopolitical is the word of the day. Events meander accross borders, ethnicities and religions. Humanity has evolved as tribal in nature, always has and always will. The oceans have served America well since 1776, but enemies foreign and domestic have infiltrated the admistrative bureaucracy. The proverbial straw that breaks the camels back is about to be piled on!

January 23, 2016 9:36 am

love your thoughts this morning Muck…
I read it fast and only saw one sp. typo.

Black on black and increasingly black on white
crimes are the big problem. People w/ guns,
minding their own business, are not.

…”while ignoring their own criminality, they seem to be winning handily. The problem is that they are losing the appearance of legitimacy (having someone who is currently involved in an FBI investigation as the Presidential candidate for one of the two parties is a stunningly inept move on their part) at an equal rate to the demographic transformation they have imposed on their citizenry against it’s will…”

Thank you HSF…the gov is overrun with bullies, running through the halls, knocking
people down, and (apparently) laughing all the way to the “bank”…
It won’t last forever, it can’t. Gov has lost its collective mind. Hillary? What a colossal

January 23, 2016 9:49 am

BB-The federal government knows gun culture is white culture. That’s why they are attacking gun rights-Yes,at pre school starting with brainwashing pop tart finger word gun or color book gun.We must push back!Teach children that gov is bad evil not to be trusted

January 23, 2016 9:58 am

Long time lurker here…couldn’t resist asking… why are you so concerned about foreign military threats? The US Federal Government has more animosity towards the American people than any foreign peoples x10. They have actively undermined the legal and economic interests of Americans for more than 30 years!

The war is currently underway. It is a subversive war. The American people will lose this war without a single shot being fired. Americans are no better than the Irish under the English Crown these days. They have no voice, and only a fool would think otherwise. Perhaps the next ruler of America can suggest a “Modest Proposal” for Americans falling on hard times.

January 23, 2016 10:04 am

“Only completely insane person(s) would attempt a physical invasion of a country where weapons exceeds the number of citizens in the invaded country. (Guess where that is!)’

Then we must concur that Congress and POTUS have indeed, collectively lost their minds because enabling a foreign invasion is an exact act of undeclared war, the treasonous scum is engaging in right now.

Congress and POTUS will, at the behest of their global corporate masters, soon enough overwhelm our national resources, infrastructure and recourse to self-defense with imported hordes of uncivilized and uneducated peoples competing for jobs, welfare and security, which will , due to the inevitable clash of cultures lead directly to the imposition of martial law…checkmate…GAME OVER….America says Goodnight Gracie..

FWIW, I don’t buy the “rifle behind every blade of glass”BS .Maybe once it was true (if even then), but no more.
There was study commissioned by two generals after WWII that purported only 5% of men in combat pulled the trigger with the intent to kill the enemy , even when their life was in mortal danger. The moral of this research was that the inherent nature of the soldier of European ancestry was more attuned to the sanctity of life than taking it.

This study suggests to me that the will to be free might very well be overturned by a natural revulsion to killing, even in self-defense.

I suspect this theory of the morality over murder will be tested sorely in the coming years. If so, then the most pressing question of those calamitous times will be if other cultures besides those pf European ancestry share the proclivity to preservation of life so prevalent of we born of Western birth.

January 23, 2016 11:05 am

Technology has made defense by geography mostly irrelevant. The US could be quickly neutralized with missiles or an EMP. Militias would be dead or unable to communicate in order to mount a feeble response. We already see instances of our own military technology bring overwhelmed by others.

Destroying the US would be a terrible waste. Better to overpower it from within. Every day on this site we chronicle the gradual destruction of our economy and traditional national values, the ones that created the most powerful nation ever on the earth. America must no longer be allowed its preeminence, and its light of liberty must be extinguished. Only then can it be subsumed into a global entity that controls every facet of economies and individual lives while the leaders of said entity enjoy freedom and extreme wealth and ease.

Washington is thick with traitors patiently and effectively doing their work. I believe they will ultimately be successful. It would be so much easier if guns could be extracted from those pesky Americans who still grasp constitutional principles and possess a willingness to fight for the old ways. If a messy fight is ultimately necessary, so be it. Foreign troops can be invited to assist easily enough.

Where the military stands in all this I don’t know. I fear the Obama administration has corrupted it

January 23, 2016 12:18 pm

As for the title of the article, I always ask “what does a win look like?” We wage all these wars (drugs, poverty, terror, etc.) And this question always goes unanswered. If we can’t even describe victory how can we ever achieve it? Just proof positive that these “wars” are never what they seem.

Good comment about legitimacy, HSF. I think there is also a huge problem with logistics. There are hundreds of millions of guns already out there. Also, now there is a big push toward guns w/o serial #s. I personally know 4 people who are/have machined their own AR lowers and I talked with a guy at the outdoor expo who have made over 60. The govt can and will push hard on guns, but on this issue at least, it seems the citizenry will push back.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 23, 2016 4:08 pm

Muck About says: Your point about “enemies foreign and domestic have infiltrated the administrative bureaucracy” is an interesting idea but sounds a little too broad “conspiracy theory” for me.
Wake up, Muck!

FBI FILES: Valerie Jarrett’s Family Was A Bunch Of Communists

The Hidden Story of Barack Obama

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 23, 2016 4:38 pm

Oh, one more thing…we lost the “war on terror” when the Patriot Act was passed. Further losses include the creation of Homeland Security Agency and the NDAA. Trading freedom for “security” is the undoing of a great republic.

January 23, 2016 6:54 pm

I think the only way we can win is to keep the Musloid horde out of our country.

January 23, 2016 8:45 pm

Muck About: The infiltration is pretty obvious, the executive branch with Valerie Jarrett and formally Van Jones. The department of education pushing common core. Bill Ayers ghostwriting for BHO. These are a few of the proven conspiracies. If you desire more, will do. The straw can be anything, the world economy and the military industrial complex may mix it up pretty good, gotta make money. An ultimate barbaric terrorist attack consuming thousands. An act of nature. Our existence is fragile as it has always been, the gutless European Union, the (un)United Nations, the trade treaties benefitting the corporate interests. The attack on free speech and Christianity, I sound pessimistic, but there is also much goodness, evil ultimately will lose. It always does when it can consume no more.

January 23, 2016 10:06 pm

Good stuff, Muck, thanks for this and all your contributions.

I’ve done a lot of reading and given considerable thought to exactly what happened on 9/11 and when you really boil it down, the idea that 19 Muzzies with boxcutters accomplished this dreadful deed is pretty flimsy with the linchpin being left behind luggage of Atta complete with names and ID for the 19. Oh, and the “miracle passport” of one of the 19 found on a Manhattan street.
My point is, what if it was really Israel that attacked us in conjunction with the neocons in the U.S. Israel wins with much more U.S. involvement in their neighborhood; neocons win by having their “Pearl Harbor” on a platter.

Personally, I think the threat of global terrorism was invented and is being managed by the CIA. Too many in the mil/ind complex are making big bucks to end it anytime soon.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 23, 2016 10:06 pm


The last five thousand years of written warfare say otherwise. Always one side, or the other, deems itself good and the other evil.

January 24, 2016 2:00 am


I think that this is all a bunch of blather because nothing is going to happen until something happens. Folks are just too busy to be fussin’ & civil warrin’ and stuff. When a new reality does presents itself, that “something” will probably be related to food. After all, there is no place on Earth more than 3 meals away from a Revolution or worse.

So, my guess is food or electricity or both and then it will all play out in a war of all against all. People will begin starving to death so quickly that forming a disciplined fighting force might be impossible. In the end, we will probably use all of those guns on ourselves. Taking the weapons away isn’t going to slow any of this down.

January 24, 2016 9:09 am

The war on drugs or the war on terror? Which is it .gov? I never had a pot smoker yell Allah Snackbar before passing the joint my way. And the local muslim owned mini mart was giving us plow guys free coffee and sandwiches since Fri nite, oh, and they cook bacon and Taylor ham there, plus sell booze. I’m confused?

January 24, 2016 4:58 pm

“, but enemies foreign and domestic have infiltrated the admistrative bureaucracy. ”
Well OF COURSE THEY WILL!..They don’t waste time & resources infiltrating Iceland or Upper Volta or the Republic of San Marino. The U.S. has military power which they can use.So you get infiltrated.

January 24, 2016 5:05 pm

The war on terror is not meant to be won……….at least by those currently pulling the strings of power here in the US. The war on terror is COVER for the real agenda. The only ones who will “win” will be the MIC, the NWO and the bankers.

The current rulers/owners of this country do not hold any traditional American values in their heart. Just look at their words and actions. American values are the antithesis of their values and are EXACTLY what must be destroyed. They tried to destroy those values with abortion, destruction of families, dumbing down of education and dozens of other ways but it takes too long and breeds “bitter clingers”. Allowing third worlders to overwhelm our population is the quickest and surest way to destroy those values and to distract us from fighting the real fucking enemy.

Our politicians are constantly talking about the need to adapt to the times, embrace the New World Order etc. I believe the end goal is to destroy our American values, flood the country with third worlders who could not give a shit about our values, subjugate what remains and then strip mine this country of all it’s resources.

The owners/rulers of this country DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU…………..ANY OF YOU! You’re a fucking hindrance to their plans. Remember that! Boomers and X’ers are just about the last generations with deeply rooted American values. Once they’re out of the way the NWO plans will kick into overdrive. Just watch.

January 24, 2016 5:37 pm

Muck About says:
@IS: Damn, I wish I knew who you were talking about who is running this grand plot.”

The oligarch class. You know, the ones who own the political class and are driven by greed and lust for power. None of them give a fuck about you or us.

January 24, 2016 6:03 pm

Immigration is a weapon of war.

January 24, 2016 6:28 pm

The Left’s Endgame Hits the Wall
By Dan Gorski

If there is such thing as a “hockey stick” graph, it charts the disappearance of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and hope of the American middle class during the last 50 years. In 2008 Americans sleepwalked to the polls and elected a man who by his history, family, friends and even his own words left little doubt that his mission was to destroy everything that America has traditionally stood for. We entered the steep part of the graph.

The slow motion suicide that America has been committing since the mid 1960’s is no longer slow motion. In 2012 with Republican help they did it again. He has been remarkably successful and, astonishingly, it was a bi-partisan effort. Honesty, intelligence and common sense seem to have completely fled the field and are nowhere to be seen. Nothing being said or done by the so-called leaders and opinion makers computes with what we see going on right before our eyes. With fresh blood still on the floor in Paris, the three stooges, Obama, Kerry and Al Gore tell us that global warming is the greatest threat mankind has ever faced. We see millions of ignorant, unskilled, inassimilable people from dysfunctional third world societies flooding our country.

“They are here to do the jobs Americans won’t do”, reply our betters when asked. We are tempted to believe that the reason Americans won’t do those jobs is because they are sitting home watching TV, drinking beer and smoking pot on the 50% or so of our income that somehow disappears from our paychecks every month. We shell out thousands of dollars a year for schools with lavish facilities, administrators who knock down six figure salaries, athletic budgets running in the millions, yet produce graduates who would make the average medieval English villein look erudite.

The high profile behavior of the Lords of the tech world gets more cracked every day; the thinking of these great shapers of millennial opinion would fit right in to Orwell’s 1984, or maybe Frankenstein. We sit dumbfounded while supposedly “serious” people discuss whether or not a man should be woman of the year. We watch our military turn into a downsized, feminized, homosexualized, transgendered social experiment while China and Russia sharpen their bayonets. Islam happily tells us that they will cut all our heads off when they get here and our President helps them get here. All this is too bizarre to even be called Kafkaesque, this is the twilight zone.

It does not take an Ivy League degree to understand why all these calamities are descending on us. What is happening is living proof of the famous statement by Edmond Burke, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Beltway Republicans and the toothless conservative punditry, who were supposed to defend us have always gone along to get along, rationalizing the left’s objectives as only establishing benign and soft European socialism. They were whistling past the graveyard.

This is not Sweden and the American left are not benign social democrats. These are the violent heirs of Lenin and Stalin and they are out for blood, ours. Their objective is the destruction of the middle class and the imposition of top down tyranny, it always has been. They will enlist Islamic terrorism, race war, class envy and any other deadly tool to achieve the destruction of hated Amerika. These nihilists care nothing about their people or their civilization, only their warped worldview. You need look no further than at our president’s mentors, the misbegotten, hate filled spawn of the 1960’s anti-war movement who now run your government and your life.

Code words such as “populist,” “southern,” “redneck,” “nativist” and “racist” all mean white Middle America and their culture — the tough minded Scots-Irish traditions of honesty, hard work, honor, patriotism, and military ferocity. This is the left’s nemesis, what they hate and fear the most. These characteristics that for 150 years powered the ascendency of America are being dangerously corroded by a toxic mix of “white guilt,” “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” welfare, and an education system that that actively suppresses knowledge, especially historical knowledge.

All this crap has been dished out by the left with a purpose. If they can destroy your sense of historical place and nation, ethnicity, and yes, race, they have turned you into a rootless, apathetic slave. The feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness that afflicts white America is not an accident. Does the term “Frankfurt School” ring any bells? The left has used Americans’ inherent decency and incredible naiveté regarding its motives, objectives and methods, to worm its way, unopposed, into our institutions, co-opting them one by one. Federal bureaucracies, foundations, universities, NGO’s, the corporate boardroom and now the military have succumbed to this fifth column. Our traditional culture is all that is left standing and the left has been tirelessly working to destroy it since the 1920’s. They are damn close to getting it done.

Middle America is awakening from its 50 year coma. The only thing missing is a leader who will bluntly point out the obvious, who can understand and channel the pent up rage, fear, and frustration that we are feeling after 50 years of being insulted, stolen from and now physically threatened. Up until now, by their control of all the media, the left has made us feel that we were isolated and alone. The new media is changing that. It is one of the ironies of history that Mr. Facebook, Mr. Google and Mr. Twitter and several others have created the instrument of their own destruction. You can apply Lenin’s statement that “they will sell you the rope you will hang them with” to describe their plight.

Enter Donald Trump. Individuals have and always will change the course of things, unpredictably and suddenly. Trump has consciously or unconsciously punched our red button. Trump is real and he is emotive. Wonkish analysis and reasoned debate do not fuel mass movements, emotion does; mass movements are like the periodic fires that tear through an old, rotting, bug infested forest and start a new cycle of vitality. This country is too far gone to resurrect any other way. It is time to awaken the sleeping giant and let the chips fall where they will. Trump has tossed the match into the powder keg.

The genie is out of the bottle now and even if Trump falters there will be another to take his place. He or she will have to be irrevocably committed to turning this country inside out and not be squeamish about how it is done, starting at the school board and ending at the White House. If he or she ever utters the word “compassion,” it will be all over. We are so sick of that word it makes us want to throw up when we hear it. He or she had better not ever apologize for anything, anytime, anyhow. We don’t care about anyone’s personal foibles, we have to win and don’t particularly care about how it’s done. And there is another little matter of holding accountable those who inflicted this damage on us. They cannot be allowed to “walk.” The American Republic is in its endgame. Let the game begin.

The dinosaur left, drunk with the success of conning America into twice electing an incompetent, Marxist stooge for President simply because was black, is totally surprised and is coming unhinged. They believed that traditional America was down and out. In their detached world of the beltway, green room and faculty lounge, they had assumed that anyone who would support Donald Trump was part of some marginal fringe group — which to their horror turns out to be most of America, or at least the part that counts. Their “playing the race card” to squelch any inconvenient truth that intrudes into public consciousness is not working anymore. None of their slogans of the past apply anymore. They can’t rail against “the man” because they are “the man.” They own this mess and no amount of lying by the incredible shrinking news media can hide it. They are looking more like Louis the XVI everyday.

These are not your grandfather’s Marxists’. These are not the deadly, self-sacrificing, true believers of Lenin’s time. Joe Biden is not Leon Trotsky, Hillary Clinton is not Rosa Luxemburg. Time has taken its toll on their movement. It has evolved into a stinking mélange of government corruption and crony capitalism and self-interest. Their hatred of traditional America is unabated but they are old and soft and have not had a new idea in fifty years. Their entire political base is on the take and is bought and paid for with our money. Tenured, overweight, overaged, academic leftovers from the 60’s and 70’s. Taxpayer funded race hustlers, the professional grievance industry, and all the other assorted thugs, criminals and perverts we see on TV every night. The beer drinkers and pot smokers sitting home living on your back. The young inmates of our university system, a bunch of overeducated, overindulged, overprotected, overmedicated punks who will vanish like the morning fog at the first drop of sweat or first pang of fear. Self-aggrandizing celebrity and media air heads who equate a tight ass with intellect.

This movement has no grassroots, unless it refers to what is being smoked. Other than environmental crap they have no ideological underpinning. They are simply the mother of all kleptocracies. Their soldiers will not march to the sound of cannon. They are ripe for a fall. They are as vulnerable as they are stupid and will be as inept at defending themselves as they are at running your life.

We don’t need an intellectual, a debater, a legislator or a compromiser. Legalistic niceties be damned. We want a man of action who will “fix bayonets” and lead us over the top.

Dan Gorski is a Mining Executive, Veteran, a Texan and NRA member.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2016 1:51 am

I posted that link because it bears on the whole neocon question. Chris Matthews is actually right.

January 25, 2016 8:41 am

MA- Nice post, flash ! But why don’t you POST it as submittable POST instead of a cut and paste comment?

Chiefly because I didn’t write it and don’t necessarily agree with all said.I just thought it an interesting essay on how far hard left the Dems have swung and the complacency with which the Republicans follow their leftloon lead.
And no, I don’t think Trump will right the Republic’s sinking ship , and neither will an heir to his unPC approach to the issues of lop-sided trade and to unhinged immigration policies. The situation , due to the mass amount of stupid now afflicting the majority of Americans, is now FUBAR. The culture/ideological divide is too wide and vehemently guarded by paid and unpaid interests alike to be settled by a newly elected national leader,in particular one who seems to swing so far right as Trump. If elected , Trump will only exacerbate the rabid fervor of the extreme left’s coalition of homosexuals , social justice warriors, race pimps, wacko environmentalists, militant atheists, and we are the world , Marxist asshats , which has he potential to grow into demonstrations of civil obedience marked by mass destruction, the likes of which the USA has never seen.

That said, I have no faith in the nature of humanity at large or any leader the mass of frothing stupid may elect to lead any party or govenrment . Sans Divine Intervention ,we of this world are set on a collision course with speeding freight train carrying a whole world of pain and destruction. You won’t get out alive.

January 25, 2016 5:30 pm

Flash says:

“Immigration is a weapon of war.”

Unfortunately, so is reproduction.

January 25, 2016 7:58 pm

Sleeping tiger quote is from Tora, Tora, Tora.

January 25, 2016 9:28 pm


Gorski is a good one for you to choose to share.

Divine intervention? Maybe that is the only thing to

save us. Meanwhile, as long as the majority have their

little comforts and routines, they won’t be taking to the

streets. Let them suffer more losses, more humiliations,

more threats, then maybe people will actually wake up!!

Apparently people don’t want change (in their personal

lives anyway) and until it becomes really painful, no one

will rock the boat. We need to rise en-masse, then we will

have the power to throw the bums out.