The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated.

Jobs offshoring benefited corporate executives and shareholders, because lower labor and compliance costs resulted in higher profits. These profits flowed through to shareholders in the form of capital gains and to executives in the form of “performance bonuses.” Wall Street benefited from the bull market generated by higher profits.

However, jobs offshoring also offshored US GDP and consumer purchasing power. Despite promises of a “New Economy” and better jobs, the replacement jobs have been increasingly part-time, lowly-paid jobs in domestic services, such as retail clerks, waitresses and bartenders.

The offshoring of US manufacturing and professional service jobs to Asia stopped the growth of consumer demand in the US, decimated the middle class, and left insufficient employment for college graduates to be able to service their student loans. The ladders of upward mobility that had made the United States an “opportunity society” were taken down in the interest of higher short-term profits.

Without growth in consumer incomes to drive the economy, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan substituted the growth in consumer debt to take the place of the missing growth in consumer income. Under the Greenspan regime, Americans’ stagnant and declining incomes were augmented with the ability to spend on credit. One source of this credit was the rise in housing prices that the Federal Reserves low interest rate policy made possible. Consumers could refinance their now higher-valued home at lower interest rates and take out the “equity” and spend it.

The debt expansion, tied heavily to housing mortgages, came to a halt when the fraud perpetrated by a deregulated financial system crashed the real estate and stock markets. The bailout of the guilty imposed further costs on the very people that the guilty had victimized.

Under Fed chairman Bernanke the economy was kept going with Quantitative Easing, a massive increase in the money supply in order to bail out the “banks too big to fail.” Liquidity supplied by the Federal Reserve found its way into stock and bond prices and made those invested in these financial instruments richer. Corporate executives helped to boost the stock market by using the companies’ profits and by taking out loans in order to buy back the companies’ stocks, thus further expanding debt.

Those few benefiting from inflated financial asset prices produced by Quantitative Easing and buy-backs are a much smaller percentage of the population than was affected by the Greenspan consumer credit expansion. A relatively few rich people are an insufficient number to drive the economy.

The Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy was designed to support the balance sheets of the mega-banks and denied Americans interest income on their savings. This policy decreased the incomes of retirees and forced the elderly to reduce their consumption and/or draw down their savings more rapidly, leaving no safety net for heirs.

Using the smoke and mirrors of under-reported inflation and unemployment, the US government kept alive the appearance of economic recovery. Foreigners fooled by the deception continue to support the US dollar by holding US financial instruments.

The official inflation measures were “reformed” during the Clinton era in order to dramatically understate inflation. The measures do this in two ways. One way is to discard from the weighted basket of goods that comprises the inflation index those goods whose price rises. In their place, inferior lower-priced goods are substituted.

For example, if the price of New York strip steak rises, round steak is substituted in its place. The former official inflation index measured the cost of a constant standard of living. The “reformed” index measures the cost of a falling standard of living.

The other way the “reformed” measure of inflation understates the cost of living is to discard price rises as “quality improvements.” It is true that quality improvements can result in higher prices. However, it is still a price rise for the consumer as the former product is no longer available. Moreover, not all price rises are quality improvements; yet many prices rises that are not can be misinterpreted as “quality improvements.”

These two “reforms” resulted in no reported inflation and a halt to cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security recipients. The fall in Social Security real incomes also negatively impacted aggregate consumer demand.

The rigged understatement of inflation deceived people into believing that the US economy was in recovery. The lower the measure of inflation, the higher is real GDP when nominal GDP is deflated by the inflation measure. By understating inflation, the US government has overstated GDP growth.

What I have written is easily ascertained and proven; yet the financial press does not question the propaganda that sustains the psychology that the US economy is sound. This carefully cultivated psychology keeps the rest of the world invested in dollars, thus sustaining the House of Cards.

John Maynard Keynes understood that the Great Depression was the product of an insufficiency of consumer demand to take off the shelves the goods produced by industry. The post-WW II macroeconomic policy focused on maintaining the adequacy of aggregate demand in order to avoid high unemployment. The supply-side policy of President Reagan successfully corrected a defect in Keynesian macroeconomic policy and kept the US economy functioning without the “stagflation” from worsening “Philips Curve” trade-offs between inflation and employment. In the 21st century, jobs offshoring has depleted consumer demand’s ability to maintain US full employment.

The unemployment measure that the presstitute press reports is meaningless as it counts no discouraged workers, and discouraged workers are a huge part of American unemployment. The reported unemployment rate is about 5%, which is the U-3 measure that does not count as unemployed workers too discouraged to continue searching for jobs.

The US government has a second official unemployment measure, U-6, that counts workers discouraged for less than one-year. This official rate of unemployment is 10%.

When long term (more than one year) discouraged workers are included in the measure of unemployment, as once was done, the US unemployment rate is 23%. (See John Williams,

Fiscal and monetary stimulus can pull the unemployed back to work if jobs for them still exist domestically. But if the jobs have been sent offshore, monetary and fiscal policy cannot work.

What jobs offshoring does is to give away US GDP to the countries to which US corporations move the jobs. In other words, with the jobs go American careers, consumer purchasing power and the tax base of state, local, and federal governments. There are only a few American winners, and they are the shareholders of the companies that offshored the jobs and the executives of the companies who receive multi-million dollar “performance bonuses” for raising profits by lowering labor costs. And, of course, the economists, who get grants, speaking engagements, and corporate board memberships for shilling for the offshoring policy that worsens the distribution of income and wealth. An economy run for a few only benefits the few, and the few, no matter how large their incomes, cannot consume enough to keep the economy growing.

In the 21st century US economic policy has destroyed the ability of real aggregate demand in the US to increase. Economists will deny this, because they are shills for globalism and jobs offshoring. They misrepresent jobs offshoring as free trade and, as in their ideology free trade benefits everyone, claim that America is benefiting from jobs offshoring. Yet, they cannot show any evidence whatsoever of these alleged benefits. (See my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West.)

As an economist, it is a mystery to me how any economist can think that a population that does not produce the larger part of the goods that it consumes can afford to purchase the goods that it consumes. Where does the income come from to pay for imports when imports are swollen by the products of offshored production?

We were told that the income would come from better-paid replacement jobs provided by the “New Economy,” but neither the payroll jobs reports or the US Labor Department’s projections of future jobs show any sign of this mythical “New Economy.”

There is no “New Economy.” The “New Economy” is like the neoconservatives’ promise that the Iraq war would be a six-week “cake walk” paid for by Iraqi oil revenues, not a $3 trillion dollar expense to American taxpayers (according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes) and a war that has lasted the entirely of the 21st century to date and is getting more dangerous.

The American “New Economy” is the American Third World economy in which the only jobs created are low productivity, low paid nontradable domestic service jobs incapable of producing export earnings with which to pay for the goods and services produced offshore for US consumption.

The massive debt arising from Washington’s endless wars for neoconservative hegemony now threaten Social Security and the entirety of the social safety net. The presstitute media are blaming not the policy that has devastated Americans, but, instead, the Americans who have been devastated by the policy.

Earlier this month I posted readers’ reports on the job situation in Ohio, Southern Illinois, and Texas. In the March issue of Chronicles, Wayne Allensworth describes America’s declining rural towns and once great industrial cities as consequences of “globalizing capitalism.” A thin layer of very rich people rule over those “who have been left behind”—a shrinking middle class and a growing underclass. According to a poll last autumn, 53 percent of Americans say that they feel like a stranger in their own country.

Most certainly these Americans have no political representation. As Republicans and Democrats work to raise the retirement age in order to reduce Social Security outlays, Princeton University experts report that the mortality rates for the white working class are rising.

The United States government has abandoned everyone except the rich.

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February 18, 2016 10:33 am

He is spot on. The real unemployment/underemloyment rate is proabably 30-40% outside of the 2 coasts. He is also half right on “there is no new economy”. He actually is too kind, as this “new” economy demands one quarter to one half the workers that the “old” economy used. The leftists for whatever reason are lying about the true state of the country’s economic situation. Either the populace is bought off and are the FSA or there is some kind of collective denial going on. I just don’t get it. Out.

February 18, 2016 10:34 am

“Recovery” can always be defined or redefined in a manner that makes it suit your purposes no matter what is actually going on.

Same word used as in the past, but with a different meaning this time around.

February 18, 2016 11:03 am

The core root of the problem comes down to free trade agreements. All free trade agreements have one common theme, – to tear down the import tariffs at the borders. Free trade has nothing to do with the consumer, although it is aimed at the populace under the guise of cheaper refrigerators, appliances etc,. It is all about getting the lowest paying wages in a foreign country, to produce these goods, and get them across the border without any import tariffs.

Presto!! there goes your good paying job…. across the borders and seas as if they (the borders) didn’t exist.
Too bad your government can’t/ refuses to see the destructive costs associated with free trade agreements. We the middle class pay the ultimate price – our jobs in exchange for junk – what a deal

starrfcker (still wearing the idiot hat)
starrfcker (still wearing the idiot hat)
February 18, 2016 11:31 am


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 11:44 am

People on sites such as this and ZH don’t believe the unemployment rate is 4.9%, they understand the maff. The problem is the great unwashed believe these lies they are spoon fed by the MSM.
The question is, when will they get a clue?

Star- That’s my line…….get your own. Have you always used two R’s in your name or is someone doppling today?

February 18, 2016 11:46 am

No, I just suck at proofreading. And my phone has a mind of it’s own sometimes. Thanks

February 18, 2016 12:03 pm

PCR is one of those who writes fiction concerning the economy. Who should you believe Obama or PCR?

February 18, 2016 8:16 pm

Well social security and Medicare will run a cash flow deficit starting next year. With only government bonds left in Al Gores lock box or lunch box , money is going to have to come from somewhere.

Trump will kick the illegals out so some of the 46 million on food stamps can go back to work. It’s either Trump or more Americans will morally give up and figure out how to graft the government for more freebies.

It really is a battle of morality. The stupid elites can’t figure out that many poor are at least honorable . Spit in their faces one more time and I say it’s everyone for themselves .

February 18, 2016 9:24 pm

Damn it was sarcasm.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
February 18, 2016 11:30 pm

Neo Conservatives
New Economy
New World Order
New Zoo Revue
New York Times

I see a pattern here in all those bad, bad things.

Clearly *novelty* is a recurring, underlying theme of destruction processes. Guess that’s why I’m conservative.

Are you going to laissez faire? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…

February 19, 2016 2:01 am


People seem to think that the greed, corruption and stupidity belonged entirely to the ruling elite but this just isn’t true.

Americans demanded cheap foreign crap. Americans did not want to pay union wages for consumer electronics and appliances.

In some instances (cars and audiophile stuff) the Japanese and Germans produced better goods. Think about Japanese cars in the late ’70’s compared to their American counterpart. It was no contest. Also, walk into any recording studio or top notch audiophile showroom and you’ll notice that the majority of the electronics are of German or Japanese origin.

A big player in the off-shoring of jobs was government regulation and ridiculous demands of affirmative action. Only the biggest of idiots would attempt to run a business where each and every employee presented a liability far in excess of what they were worth to the company.

The people did this to themselves and only the people, not the government, can fix it.

As for myself, I produce an American Made Product. I use locals to hand make my transformers; I use a local metal shop to make my enclosure; I use vintage American Made vacuum tubes to power my products. On any given day, hundreds of millions of people listen to music produced on my line of audio products. Once a month the city has a shuttle bus that brings people to my shop where I give lectures and encourage others to pick through the scraps of our deindustrialized wasteland and to build – to put it back together. Ill teach anyone that is willing to learn and do so for free. If we do not do this then there will be no one left to do it.

February 19, 2016 4:26 pm

@Mark, my how I love that (some) people can still believe that.

THERE are NO family supporting jobs and the illegals sure as hell haven’t took them (family supporting) from us.

Trump can build a wall and violate all the treaties he wants, it still will not bring family-supporting jobs back to our shores.

The laws and regulations – local, state and federal – have gutted both the ability of the industrious to build companies that (used to) produce jobs AND created a situation where families are financially punished for working while being convinced that employers are screwing them.

I love this argument, it just never ends.

Unless, and until, small business is supported, glorified and regulations are removed, this pipe dream of “bringing jobs back” will remain just so, a pipe dream.

For god’s sake, freaking Trump offshored his “custom and hand-crafted” clothing, and it wasn’t just because of the difference in labor costs. (thanks for that Admin, I’m not catching much of the postings but I did see that).

Unless you have employed legitimate, legal, employees you truly have NO idea how insane it has become.

Meanwhile, Detroit enacted a f*cking “downspout tax” which was $22,000 for three years on an empty, degraded, former factory.

Yeah, bring those jobs “back.” Lots of good it is going to do.

We traded jobs for safety, fairness, executive compensation, billion dollar campaigns and cheap socks. Ain’t it grand?