Advice for Trump

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I do not advise Trump. If he demonstrated that we need major reform or we are going broke, then he might attract more people who are on the fence. Let’s be realistic. Those supporting Trump distrust government politicians. They really do not care about his message. I at least would prefer Trump not for any policy, but any career politician will bring the same line of thinking to the table. There will be no thinking out of the box and we will be blasted with more regulation and taxes killing the economy.

FamilyObama stuffed Christine Largarde in the IMF and that has been far more devastating than any appointment to the Supreme Court. She has destroyed the global economy threatening countries to hand over info on everyone (except exempt politicians like her of course) so they can hunt money everywhere. They do not look at the net result, and only look at the world through their own eyes. I would hope Trump would look at this as a businessman and say you people are nuts.

The standard of living for families is declining. That is not because the “rich” are making more from investment, it is because of rising taxes and government robbing their savings to fund themselves and pretending they are there for their retirement. In reality, they keep lowering benefits because they stole all the money. Anyone in the private sector who did this would be in jail. We are prosecuted for fraud in the private sector, but fraud in public sector is rewarded and called “politics.”

What advice I would give Trump:

  1. We will not raise the minimum wage, we will eliminate payroll taxes and end the borrowing from the poor robbing them of interest by handing them a refund check so they think they are special
  2. Instead of QE for bankers, eliminate taxes and try QE for the people
  3. Eliminate Social Security for those under 50. Pay out those over 50. Replace Social Security with mandatory 401K investment plans
  4. Merge SEC & CFTC so advisers can provide advice on the best investment rather than just what they have a license for in equities v furtures
  5. Eliminate domestic corporate taxation. This will provide the incentive to bring jobs home
  6. Stop government borrowing. Limit the creation of new money to 5% of GDP (I do not want to hear that will be inflationary since QE failed to produce inflation which is all about confidence not the quantity of money). At times up to 70% of the national debt has been accumulated interest.
  7. Retire the national debt and stop competing with the private sector for capital
  8. Return the central bank to the original design of 1913. Eliminating government debt will do the job. During economic declines, the Fed should buy corporate short-term paper with its “elastic money” which will compensate for banks when the stop lending. Short-term corporate paper is actually paid off and that would then contract the money supply back to its original state prior to the crisis.
  9. Judicial reform is mandatory. I would retire ALL federal judges. Replacements should be nominated only by the legal profession with penalty to bribe and such appoint to be life imprisonment or death, the choice is that of the sentenced person.
  10. Expand the Supreme Court and make it an ABSOLUTE right to be heard rather than winning a lottery. Moreover, a panel of judges nominated by the legal community shall determine the constitutionality of ALL legislation BEFORE enacted. It should never be the burden of the citizen to PROVE the government is acting unconstitutionally. The Constitution is NEGATIVE and was intended to be a “restraint” upon government. ALL LIVES matter, and do this and they will.
  11. Reform the Grand Jury process. Both sides should be allowed to present ALL evidence to the Grand Jury and they alone will decide to indict. State prosecutors who protect police should themselves be in prison.
  12. Eliminate TSA at airports. You should be cleared as to who you are and no need for xrays and strip searches if you are known to be a normal citizen. If you are a foreign visitor, they alone should go through TSA.
  13. Eliminate all taxes whatsoever if you are not present to use such services.
  14. Eliminate all property taxes. You should be able to retire without having to cope with rising property taxes.
  15. No person should have to pay more than 15% of their salary to state and local government. If a government needs more, something is wrong and they need to be reformed.
  16. All government pensions must be eliminated. Part of the QE process should be the bailout of pension systems for government workers and end the process. If we eliminate taxation and social security, they will by law be required to save a portion in their own 401K

These are just for the start.

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February 29, 2016 6:56 am

Good thing you’re not advising him, martin. He’d have Rick Perry numbers.

February 29, 2016 8:19 am

Starfcker….good thing you are not running for Pres.

February 29, 2016 8:50 am

Uh…yeah…it IS a republic and Trump won’t be king.

Instead of all that, how about term limits on Congress and a Balanced Budget amendment?

February 29, 2016 9:18 am

“Let’s be realistic. Those supporting Trump distrust government politicians. They really do not care about his message.”


His message is why I support him and why most of his supporters support him as well.

The reality that no insider would or does promote the same message (and wouldn’t believe in it if he did) just makes it look like being an outsider is the main factor. Take away the message and there is no significant Trump support any more than there is Jeb Bush support.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 29, 2016 9:24 am

These analyses that say people like Trump because of his persona rather than the issues have it exactly backwards for me. I’m reluctantly willing to overlook the fact that he’s a bombastic asshole because of the the issues:
1) he’ll build the wall (I care far less about deporting most illegals)
2) he’s the only candidate – Hillary included – who actually opposes TPP
Either of those is sufficient reason to elect him. The rest are bonuses:
3) he doesn’t want to depose Assad and is generally opposed to the neocon agenda.
4) he doesn’t want to instigate WWIII with Russia.
5) he would finally get the corporate tax rate in line with the rest of the world (Canada, etc.) so that companies stop reorganizing elsewhere and parking their profits outside the US.

Quibbling about his lack of specificity on domestic issues is ridiculous. Has anyone ever won on “here’s how I’ll cut the deficit”?

February 29, 2016 9:30 am

Anon, good post. Kokoda, that’s an unnecessary jab. I have just been noticing lot of the haters in the media now understand he is going to win, and are now all writing the same article, “trump would be OK if he would just (laundry list of their favorite cuck insanities)”. They aren’t quite to acceptance yet.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 29, 2016 9:34 am

Armstrong: “if he demonstrated that we need major reform…” For fuck’s sake, his tax plan eliminates deductions for state and local taxes (in exchange for lower rates). That alone is a monumental change that should help suppress waste at the state and local level – rather than subsidizing it. No one has reported on it because he doesn’t talk about it (too complex and could could easily be used against him) and reporters are too stupid to do simple arithmetic. He’s a guy from New York who wants to disadvantage New York (in relative terms) compared to low tax states like Florida and Texas.

February 29, 2016 10:05 am

“There’s every reason to be afraid of Trump,…”

And every reason to be be more afraid of Rubio and Cruz.

There, fixed it for you.

February 29, 2016 10:08 am

Starfcker…………….you are correct. After I posted, I knew it was stupid.

I would just like you to spend time reading M. Armstrong. There are a 1,000 issues he could cite but he rushed out a list to post on a blog. And many of those are extremely credible.

February 29, 2016 12:11 pm

I used to think that Armstrong was smart. He’s got a lot of valid points here but he’s missing the biggest one. The US government is being controlled by TPTB. You can come up with any laundry list of reforms for the US government to make things better, but whoever is president is not going to be able to make those reforms.

February 29, 2016 12:24 pm

“Those supporting Trump distrust government politicians. They really do not care about his message.” ————- Martin Armstrong

In just 14 words, there is no better summary of the Trump phenomena.

It perfectly describes you TBP Trump-eteers. And you people are supposedly The Smart Ones.

February 29, 2016 2:36 pm

“Retire the national debt”. Sure, but how. Same with the SS idea. Some specifics or else it is the same as every other promise. Given how deep the traitorous dogs have gotten us, the best we can hope for is not making it much worse.

My expected path for all western democracies where people vote to get stuff is one of decline, with ban of cash, wealth taxes, taking of retirement accounts as in South America and then collapse once the political elite have done everything to keep their racket going. Before they give that up they will destroy everything before admitting defeat.

Perhaps in a few hundred years it will be a warning to the new societies, but given how stupid we are since we already have evidence about big government and central planning I expect recurring episodes.

February 29, 2016 2:39 pm


His message, from borders to foreign labor, is what his supporters usually reference here.

I see no personality worship and little protest support involved in relation to the issues he brings to the discussion which are his message and what is gaining him more and more support.

But perhaps you don’t understand that so let me explain it: Trump is considered a political outsider because of the insider detested message he carries, and people have been looking for someone to carry that message for them into the mainstream of politics for a long time now.

February 29, 2016 3:03 pm

Trade, immigration and a return to the rule of law

February 29, 2016 5:01 pm

The Lion and the Sheep—–Why Trump Terrifies The GOP War Party

February 29, 2016 5:04 pm

Kokoda, we’re cool. To quote a commenter on ZH long ago, ‘the dress code is a thick skin’. I like just about all of the columnists Jim posts, and have been reading them for years and years. I just like to remind them that their biases and paying gigs are duly noted. Tough world out there

February 29, 2016 5:09 pm

OK, , duplicate comment?? No, I never did already “said that.”
But, if anyone wishes to partake of an exposure article on Trump’s enemies by anti war activist, Justin Raimondo, you can google maybe The Lion and the Sheep, or David Stockmans Contara Corner, just issued.

Could not paste it-“already said that” WTH??

February 29, 2016 6:13 pm

“But perhaps you don’t understand that so let me explain it: Trump is considered a political outsider because of the insider detested message he carries, and people have been looking for someone to carry that message for them into the mainstream of politics for a long time now.”
———– Anonymous

That’s exactly correct.

The problem is — perhaps you don’t understand that so let me explain it — you Trump-eteers BELIEVE him … the latest iteration of Hope’n’Change, albeit in white skin.

Trump-eteers — dumbest motherfucking gullible assholes on the planet.

February 29, 2016 6:23 pm

Stucky I like your “Trumpeteers” meme. Anyone who votes for Trump hoping he’ll do anything positive is, how can I put this nicely….fucking stupid. And how about this one….. “Hold your nose for Hillery”. Nahh, I’ll just vote for Sanders.

February 29, 2016 8:05 pm


I agree with your comment above 100% ….. except for one small error. I’ll correct it for you, and put it in caps so you can spot the subtle difference more easily.

“Anyone who votes for BERNIE SANDERS hoping he’ll do anything positive is, how can I put this nicely….fucking stupid.”

Yup. That’s better.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 29, 2016 9:02 pm

Advice for Trump-

If he will be running against the Hildabeast, call out TPTB for allowing illegals to vote in the election. Declare it to be unconstitutional and stir the voters into a frenzy until they back down. Hitlery does not have a chance of winning without the illegals and the Diebold electronic voting machines.

This crooked shit needs to stop. Say something Donald.

February 29, 2016 9:26 pm

go ahead and stone me…I don’t care…

I like Trump’s style and his message.

He may be an 80/20 (like most people)…

80% with it, and 20% unknown. Some

previous candidates were 100% nuts,

or even evil. “we came, we saw, he died…hahahaha”

There is one example of a present candidate. Some

people figure that as long as they get more money

it doesn’t matter how many “bystanders” die.

I would prefer someone that wants to get along with


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 29, 2016 9:40 pm

Story on Drudge tonight said 20,000 Mass. DEMS quit the party to support Trump. That is impressive as I never thought I would live to see those dumfuk liberals vote for a non-commy..