Question of the Day, Feb 29

Is Marco Rubio the worst presidential candidate ever? Every time I see this clown in a debate, he reminds me of Rafael Palmeiro declaring his innocence in the famous MLB steroid hearings. As practiced, and as full of shit.

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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February 29, 2016 8:23 am

Dunno man, Dukakis and Dole were pretty bad picks. That said, whenever I see Rubio, I can’t help but look for Batman lurking in the shadows, since he comes across as a halfwit sidekick at best.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 29, 2016 8:32 am

WTF, can’t you smell the sulfur coming from Obama and the Clintons?

February 29, 2016 9:00 am

Somebody outside of politic circles has actually heard of this guy?

February 29, 2016 9:08 am

From 25 years ago, on Oprah, who is losing big money with her WW stock, heh…

Trump! 2016!

February 29, 2016 9:09 am

The Republican establishment elite love Rubio and the Democrats would like to see him get the nomination since he wouldn’t stand a chance against Hillary.

That makes him the perfect pick for the Republican party, they’d rather lose another election than have win with Trump who wouldn’t follow their orders.

He really isn’t very popular among the Republican members who actually go out to vote based on anything other than habit though.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 29, 2016 9:29 am

I observe people the same way I do livestock. That sentence alone will probably come back to haunt me, but it’s the truth and there’s no way to avoid it. Living organisms are either sound and healthy, possessing all the characteristics of a thriving life form or they are not. Are the eyes clear and is the animal alert to it’s surroundings, responding to sound and light and it’s environment in a manner that clearly demonstrates it is in tune with the world around it or is it listless, glassy-eyed, fearful, agitated or otherwise oblivious or nervous? Does it have a healthy appetite without being over or underweight? Does it mix well with other members of it’s social group or is it at odds with those around it? Yes, I know that people are not cows, I’m not an ignoramus and that is clearly not the intent of my comment, but human beings are animals, they have a lifespan and a morphology, they are social and they are either hale or infirm. This doesn’t mean they cannot be loved, do not have contributions to make, can even be successful in life if they are broken down, morbidly obese, cancer filled and illiterate. Again, that isn’t the point. It’s that anyone with the desire and the observational skills of a child can easily “read’ the fitness of any other human with some degree of accuracy; their age, sex, physical fitness, looks, average intelligence, social comfort, etc.

Marco Rubio is uncomfortable in his skin. Part of it probably comes from his stature (shorter than average) his big ears (larger than average) his deliberate effort to conceal the truth, i.e. dissembling, a sad but clearly to them, crucial ability of a politician in the current era and what appears to me, his overtly feminine demeanor. I know that there are rumors about his alleged sexual orientation in the past, but he has never admitted to it, he is married to an attractive woman and has four children, clearly he is anything but gay, but he seems feminine in his manner, appearance and speech. It may be unconscious, a familial trait, the result of some other factor, but it is apparent.

The fact that someone desires the highest office in the third most populous nation on Earth demands a close inspection into the strengths and the weaknesses of that individual. I personally prefer a healthy, intelligent, confident, well adjusted and clear-eyed individual at the helm as opposed to the most ambitious, ruthless, connected individual with numerous flaws. Call me a reactionary or a throwback if you like, but that’s my opinion.

Marco Rubio does not look Presidential to me. He looks insecure, weak, effeminate, and unfit. He may be far more intelligent than anyone else on the stage, far more willing to politic and compromise with his opponents and supporters, but overall he looks like a very, very bad choice.

He should be culled from the field based on his fitness and demeanor.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
February 29, 2016 9:48 am

He’s only a senator because of the Republican party’s desperate attempt to appeal to minority voters. They found this guy with a vowel at the end of his name and propped him up, gave him handlers, speechwriters, publicists, a lousy haircut, and some non-threatening pastel ties. The result is a totally polished, totally phony shell of a candidate that is far more marketing product than it is individual statesman. It might have worked — it certainly did in 2008, but eight years of no substance Obama coupled with the rise of no fucks given Trump has doomed “little Marco” to a distant third place finish. He will lose his Senate seat too, and be relegated to lobbyist or consultant hack, probably milking his barely existent Hispanic street cred for everything its worth for the next forty years.

February 29, 2016 10:01 am

He has the tell-tale signs of a coke/speed user. Rapid speech and profuse sweating. Plus he just has a creepiness about him. You would have to have near zero levels of discernment regarding people to vote for that wanna-be.

February 29, 2016 10:56 am

The DC insiders love Rubio because he’s their favorite Congressional gym locker room twink. They have more dirt on this guy than a landfill.

February 29, 2016 11:11 am

“Is Marco Rubio the worst presidential candidate ever?”

He’s a punk. A pussy. A warmonger. Lacking sincerity. Has no original thoughts. Parroting bullshit. Hey … I could go on for another three thousand words.

But …. the WORST? Are you kidding me? You have a short memory. Look no further than Shitstain McCain and his Alaskan Bimbo … we’d already be in WWIII if those fuknuts were in power.

‘Murikan’s choices for POTUS in the last 40 or so years amounts to this, for both Repukes and Democraps — “Let’s find the most vile and malleable (to the powers that be) piece of human shit available, and go with that.”

February 29, 2016 12:51 pm

Hmmm…if were Trump I’d buy an industrial size tube of Preparation H and rub Rubio out .

Good Lord…can’t wait for the organ grinder and monkey show to get over with in November .

February 29, 2016 3:50 pm

My vote is for condom man.


February 29, 2016 4:11 pm

Rubio is merely one of several Goldman Sachs sockpuppets in the electoral theater, this year. He is there because his owners want him to be there.

February 29, 2016 6:17 pm

No, George W. Bush was the worst Presidential candidate ever. Sarah Palin, the worst VP candidate.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
February 29, 2016 6:32 pm

As long as Joe Biden walks the earth, Sarah Palin is not the worst.

February 29, 2016 8:52 pm

gut reaction? Rubio is a phony going through the motions
to fill out the stage.
AC said it pretty well.

Also he acts gay. Enough with the gay already.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 29, 2016 9:36 pm

I look at people as people. But if we are going to compare these guys to animals, I’d say dogs are a better choice. Here in sunny California we have a saying: it ain’t the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Leaders come in all sizes and shapes.

My guess is that it’ll be Trump/Rubio or Trump/Cruz. Those two dudes are running hard for VP. It is quite clear that Trump is their pack leader and they are his lap dogs. Their continual yipping makes Trump look like a serious statesman. Trump and Kasich are the alpha dogs of differing temperaments. I really believe JK adds gravitas to this fucking circus.

As for Carson, he is simply a token black. The country will never buy another black president, sorry. Which is why he tried to distinguish himself from ‘white raised’ Obama.