The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War

Sputnik interview with Paul Craig Roberts

The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War
John Harrison, Host

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, shares his view that there is a real likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out. Below are the main points covered in this radio programme.

“Firstly there is the Wolfowitz doctrine, which basically makes it clear that the United States should prevent the rise of any state that could present sufficient power to threaten American unilateral action. Russia has risen and has displayed such power. This is the reason for the constant demonisation of Russia’s leader. We have the number one candidate for the democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, who now compares the President of Russia with Hitler. So what has happened is that every American president during my lifetime, especially Nixon and Reagan, worked to create trust between the two major nuclear powers. But beginning with the Clinton regime, the trust that had been achieved was progressively destroyed.”

“When you destroy trust between nuclear powers you recreate the possibility of nuclear war, either by intent, or miscalculation. So this is a reckless and irresponsible act on the part of Washington. The information war that is going on now is to prepare the American population and NATO allies for military conflict with Russia. We now have high level people in the US government and military who go to Congress and say that Russia is an existential threat. This is rubbish! You have to remember that before the wars started in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, it was the constant demonisation of the leaders of the governments, against the Tailban, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad. When you see these kinds of demonisation it fits a pattern.”

“A hot war can come from a new cold war. Another factor is the American military industrial complex, with a turnover of a trillion dollars annually. Their entire revenues come from serving the war capability of the US government. They have a huge interest in having a major enemy. They tried to make terrorists that enemy, but that is not serious enough, so this complex has great interest in recreating the Russian threat. From the neo- conservative standpoint, they actually regard any country with an independent foreign policy to be a threat to the United States. So that part of the equation means that they can move the cold war into a hot war, it only takes a small amount of miscalculation. I don’t see how the Russian government can believe one word coming out of Washington.”

“Some neocons say: what’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them? They have a theory that the US has sufficient superiority to win a strike against Russia. If the US cannot win against a few thousand Taliban, it will not be able to win a possible conventional war against the Russian Army, Washington will go nuclear rather than lose a conflict with Russia (or China). A nuclear war cannot be won.”

“The neoconservatives now have no competition. There is nobody out there apart from Washington wishing to take over the world. As long as the American vassal states that comprise NATO accept American hegemony, they magnify the chance of a new massive war. Republican candidates are competing with each other to see who can treat Russia the most aggressively.”

Listen to interview:

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March 25, 2016 1:48 pm

PCR is right and our only non-war choice among the Presidential candidates is Bernie Sanders. Hitlery is a tool of the neocons and Trump doesn’t know which end is up, literally. He wants to “spend more” on the military and bring back waterboarding and other yummy war crimes.

Meantime, Sanders is breaking through the bullshit mainstream media and is likely to be 3 for 3 in the voting Saturday.

Corporate Media Tries to Bury Sanders Alive

March 25, 2016 1:53 pm

Sanders will spend all your money on his schemes. No thanks.

March 25, 2016 2:10 pm


Trump is the only candidate that will oppose further war.

Sanders will go along with whatever the ruling establishment want, that is why you don’t see them opposing him the way they do Trump, even if they would prefer Hillary since she wouldn’t need any encouragement or supervision by them.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
March 25, 2016 6:13 pm

Enjoy 🙂

“We’re going to slash the Military Budget, yet have the World’s strongest Military . . . . .”

Of course, what pisses off the MIC so much is how Russia has arisen from the Western – imposed disaster (fall of the Union) and become an effective, MAJOR player once again, in a relatively short timeframe. The example set in Syria (go in, do the job, leave promptly) was certainly noted by ALL the World, in comparison with the US’s tendency to just stay there (and cause more problems).

March 25, 2016 6:17 pm


sanders has already voted for war b4, several times…
he has said no, then yes. Bernie Sanders wants us to
be Sweden…80% tax and cradle to grave mandates.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
March 25, 2016 7:08 pm
I will not post
I will not post
March 25, 2016 7:59 pm

nuclear war ? nah , no way .
It would interfere with the POCB’s profits .
Oh shit !
Crap , maybe they got enough stuff !

Shit , lol , who am I kidding .
They will never have enough power, control , etc , to fill the void in their soul .
Whatever .