A Randian Derides “Libertarians” Who Don’t Support Ted Cruz

Guest Post by Eric Peters

My recent column, A Long, Hot summer (here) which wasn’t so much a defense of Donald Trump as it was a celebration of the salutary effect Trump’s candidacy is having on the irremediably corrupt GOP establishment, brought forth some defenders of (of all things) Ted Cruz. Now that the other frontman for the irremediably corrupt GOP establishment has been Trumped, all Hope is pinned on the former Bush Machine operator, who is – with an effrontery that would startle Borat – touted as an “outsider” who will rescue “our freedoms” from the grasping talons of the dread Hildebeast.Cruz 2

One such defender of Cruz questions the “Libertarian” (his air quotes) credentials of those who dare to criticize Cruz.

I thought perhaps it might be of interest to print – and then dissect – his missives.

Here goes:

Goodness, I am so glad to be assaulted on three or four sides by righteous “libertarians”! If one cannot figure out that a comment about a two inch penis is a “micro-aggression” than I guess it would be hard to explain just about any thing else in the world. As Mick Jagger once said “Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke”. The political process in this country is barely functional. I have hardly endorsed any political candidate over another except to say that a Dem victory in November will be a disaster for any of us who value liberty. If you think that now is the time for revolution in this country, I empathize, but in the same breath dare you to proclaim it so. And while you are at it make sure to publish the names of yourself and all of those who will rise up with you to overthrow the Government. Truth or dare baby. And just to make it interesting, I knew Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard. You folks have no idea. Sayonara, I am becoming quite bored with this discourse. Besides, I trust my motor vehicles are quite a bit more interesting than what you drive anyway.

My response:

I agree that a Democrat victory would be a disaster.

And so will a Republican victory.

There is not an iota of meaningful difference – from a Libertarian point-of-view- between the two (to use your format) “parties”… because in fact there is only one party with two wings.

It is the party of the authoritarian collectivist state.Jeblary

You are allowed to choose between a “wing” of the party that emphasizes warfare and a “wing” that emphasizes welfare – though both will give us plenty of the other, too.

The political process in this country is quite functional… if the object of the exercise is to enshrine and maintain the power (political and economic) of a relatively tiny cabal of interchangeable elites.

It is entirely non-functional if the object is to protect the right of the individual to be left in peace so long as he himself is peaceful toward others.

Will the election of Ted Cruz mean I and other peaceful Americans who’ve committed no crime and have given no reason to suspect us of having committed one will be able to fly without a crotch-groping? Will random, probable cause-free stop and searches on our roads be ended? Will I no longer be presumed guilty until I prove myself innocent? Will I no longer be forced to send money to the health insurance mafia?

How about the other mafias?long con

Will “the troops” be called home and disbanded to civilian life? Will the government cease making “war” on individuals who choose to put certain substances into their bodies and cause no harm (as such) to any other person by so doing?

Will the practice of monitoring and recording the private communications of individuals en masse, not even suspected of having committed any kind of crime, be discontinued? Will the federal government repudiate the use of physical torture/arrest/indefinite “detainment” without charge (let alone conviction) as policy? Arrest and prosecute those government officials who enacted and enforced such policies?

Will the creepy talk of a “Homeland” be ended, at last?

Please (as Clover styles it) tell me

Rand, incidentally, was something of a loon. If you knew her, you know this. While advocating in her work for the individual, she derided individuals in her circle of intimates who did not conform to her whims, even to the extent of their personal preferences regarding music and other art.Goldman Sachs

She admired the Apollo program, without mentioning (much less criticizing) the source of its funding (extorted funds) and failed to defend the non-aggression principle as a moral absolute, which is arguably her greatest failing as a philosopher.

On revolution: I dread what is coming, chiefly because I see the country as dominated by authoritarian collectivists of one species or another rather than people who have embraced the philosophy of non-aggression and voluntary, peaceful interaction. But even though I dread this, I do not fora moment believe that a Cruz victory is somehow going to hold the line. Not only because Cruz is himself an authoritarian collectivist (do you seriously deny this?) but because it is too late.

A people, a nation, cross a Rubicon at some point and become irremediable. Once this happens there is nothing to be done but ride it out. It cannot be undone or dialed back anymore than you can change the fact of old age.

I do not relish chaos or violence. I am appalled by the prospect of either. But perhaps it is better to let the sickness pass… and start over, with a healthy organism.charlie brown

And I fully understand that the disintegration of this country’s unitary/centralized system very well could entail even worse violence/oppression than we’re dealing with now. However, it could also mean real liberty for break-away regions. Perhaps not the ideal Libertarian society (as distinct from state) but certainly a vast improvement over the central/unitary state.

Expecting the GOP to advocate for real liberty is akin to Charlie Brown expecting Lucy to not pull away the football at the last second this time.

And looking to a cretin such as Ted Cruz (for god’s sake) for a renewal of real liberty is downright pathetic.

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March 26, 2016 10:02 am

Who the insiders and who the outsiders are is pretty evident by the world Establishment efforts put out to stop him.

I have a pretty easy time saying Trump is one using that standard, but a far more difficult time saying Cruz or Sanders are.

FWIW, if you read beyond the American MSM (which most people here probably do but most Americans probably don’t) you see the growing anti-establishment movement is a worldwide phenomenon.

The Islamic Migrant crisis in Europe and the illegal immigrants here along with the growing Muslim population both demanding we conform to them and their culture is starting to wake everyone here and in the world up.

Interesting times we live in, interesting indeed.

March 26, 2016 10:20 am

What could I add? Nothing. Eric Peters rocks.

March 26, 2016 10:26 am

As I said somewhere else, I’m going to have to COERCE some people into LEAVING ME ALONE!

Why, oh why, didn’t Jesus say something like “Be not a busybody and leave your neighbor alone from your meddling”? Or is that something the Council of Nicea edited out?

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 26, 2016 12:44 pm

A great read. what a shame there are so many people that cannot see this.

corvus corax
corvus corax
March 26, 2016 5:31 pm

I’m new here and only just waking up. I’m just going to toss this out there. I hope it’s received in the spirit it’s intended:

Hopefully IF, and not when, we Balkanize (Pat Buchanan), but if we do, there will be no idyllic (Libertarian) resolution. We’ll have to defend the “state” we occupy from aggression from the “states” occupied by the establishment statists. They will have all the tech and weapons, we will have zilch in comparison. You don’t actually believe they will leave us alone do you? Living in peace will be out of the question. How about China or Russia, which has the potential to be a positive thing, comes here and claims potions of “Der Fatherland” just to add a little more spice to this shit pie? No, there is only one option at this point, to drink the “bitter waters”, and join the tide of global awakening that appears to be dawning, although there’s plenty than can and will be done to plunge us back into darkness. I really hate the situation we’re in. It’s a diabolical pincer move, global in scope, and in it’s final stages of implementation. There are some outliers who may be able to affect the outcome positively, but they’re not in the “west”. We’re going to reap the whirlwind before any hope of a rescue.

We need a divinely inspired rescue to counteract the diabolical. We’re all in “chains” for a very long time if not, at least until the Matmos ages out, or an enlightened one comes to free us from the Morlocks. It also bears mentioning, the world is ripe for a false messiah, so discernment is paramount. Unless you’re born with super intelligence, there’s only one path to attain clarity, and that is disciplined prayer and study. I suggest we all pray…a lot!

Thanks for listening to my rant. I’m very happy I ran across this blog. Great work by the admin, contributors and commenters. God bless.

corvus corax
corvus corax
March 26, 2016 5:40 pm

I forgot to include this above. 🙂

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 26, 2016 6:11 pm

Welcome to the party Corvus. Good stuff. The way of the red pill is hard, but it is the only way. The blue pill may be easier now, but will only lead to much worse disillusionment and suffering later. Congratulations.

March 26, 2016 10:58 pm

Sanders 2016. Proven public servant. Understands the issues and has solutions. Voted against the war in Iraq, the TPP, and a whole lotta other shit the establishment has tried to slip past us. Just won 2 states and maybe a third. Think about it.

March 26, 2016 11:17 pm

I thought about it, West. Sorry, no sale. Sanders is a politician and, as such, is a fraud by definition. Proven public servant’s ass. I befoul myself in the milk of The Bern.


March 27, 2016 9:04 am

Westcoaster, why on earth would I vote for Sanders when all he does is promise to take more of my money from me to give to others and thinks we need a larger more intrusive federal government?

He may be less scary than Hillary or Cruz, but that doesn’t make him a good choice. In that regard he is similar to Trump. Scary, but at least he is something a bit different.

Please explain to me why you think I should vote against my own self-interests.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
March 29, 2016 7:47 am

There is no such thing as a public servant, at least in the government sector. The government is the master and you are the servant. If you don’t believe me, just try to disobey your “servant’s” orders.