President Clinton? How Google ‘bias’ could be election’s deciding factor

Guest Post by raven


For what it’s worth.

The article will not be news to most of you. It’s important, but serves more as a starting point to the following thoughts, which have been bouncing around in my head for quite some time now.

Sometimes I feel like many today, and me especially, spend entirely too much time ranting about the darkness, and don’t spend nearly enough time and energy highlighting the signs of renewal happening simultaneously and all around us. I’d rather light a candle than curse the darkness, but the darkness is so darned alluring! I need a sharpening focus and attention on using my time and energy in the service of renewal.  Enlightened elders, many of you fall into that category, are indispensable to me, as your distilled understanding and support, accelerates my understanding, clarifies my vision and emboldens me to take action.

I’ve already arrived at the finish line, as have nearly all of us here, in terms of a decent understanding of where we’ve come from and where things are going, yet I largely continue to harp about and expose the why’s and how’s in the battle of darkness and light, which appear salient in the moment, yet are ultimately irrelevant, because it contributes little to securing the future.  Understanding the “why” of current events is hugely important, but equally important, and maybe more so, is actioning a clear vision of the path ahead, and working diligently to secure a future worthy of our loved ones. I feel like I (we) don’t have a unified vision of our future.  We don’t have a battle plan.  Perhaps it’s just too soon as the full scope of the storm is not yet clear.  Even still, a lot of energy is spend exposing and excising the cancer, all good stuff, and so very little is clear or energized about what’s needed to heal.  Doesn’t that leave us all vulnerable to the worst of the fates before us?

As I look to our future, I have to be able to discern between the innumerable options, avoid the distractions, step forward with faith and confidence, grasping with both hands and making my own, a vision of hope for our wounded world.

Thanks for listening.

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March 28, 2016 1:35 pm


This issue was first brought to light by research from….I cannot remember their name. But the salient point here is that it is Bernie Sanders that has been the recipient of the big 4 search engine manipulations and bias. It has not been Hillary, and certainly not Trump either.

harry p
harry p
March 28, 2016 1:36 pm

Anyone watch the latest season of house of cards?
It is eerily accurate to what we are seeing, almost to a comical effect.

March 28, 2016 1:50 pm

“…yet are ultimately irrelevant, because it contributes little to securing the future.”
You will need a critical mass of support to maintain your own existence across the Crunch and into the future. A group of like-minded individuals who will do their own planning / prepping, border and surround you to form a defensible position, and back you up when the thieves come for you and your stuff. Without that, you will not REACH the future, more than likely (you could possibly hide out, but that’s just as chancy).

“…We don’t have a battle plan. Perhaps it’s just too soon as the full scope of the storm is not yet clear. ”
(1) Develop your own battle plan : how are YOU going to reach the future? What is your part in it? What vital supplies, knowledge and skills will you need to get there? What will you do for a living when McDonalds / Facebook / International Harvester Corporation (makes big tractors for farming) / local government / whatever you work for goes to $0 and shuts its doors forever? How will you become INDISPENSABLE to your friends and neighbors so that they want to keep you alive?
(2) DO NOT TELL ANYONE what your battle plan is, the same way the generals don’t tell anyone what the battle plan is so the enemy does not learn it and TAKE COUNTERMEASURES. In this case, the government is NOT your friend, as it is corrupt, power-mad and wants to control you (and everyone else) as much as possible; if you buy a piece of land, make sure it is remote and not likely to be Kelo’d out from under you right before you need it. Plan, act and make your maneuvers quietly, and keep your hole cards to yourself.
“no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy ..” Be flexible and multi-faceted; you may want to make and sell useful wicker baskets after the Crunch, and wind up raising pigs instead. If you are alive in twenty years, YOU WIN. Best of luck.

March 28, 2016 2:34 pm

I think what jamesthewanderer is saying without actually saying it is that we cannot change the course of the mega-state called the US of A or any of the other mega-states for that matter. It is too large, run by people with too much power, and too far gone in a direction we don’t want to go in. What we can do is each focus on changing and protecting things closer to home. I agree with this sentiment.

I do see an inherent contradiction in jamesthewanderer’s post, though. Each group does need critical mass to survive, a group of like-minded individuals. Yet, the advice to NOT TELL ANYONE about your battle plans, which is critical, is in direct contradiction to being able to form a group. How do you find and connect with like-minded individuals if you can’t tell anyone what you’re thinking?

March 28, 2016 2:44 pm

Mrs. Peaceout and I just finished watching the last season of House of Cards and it was amazing how many times we looked at each other and wondered aloud how long ago they filmed the last season because it was like watching the evening news every night in real time. The writers hit it out of the park with this series.

A must watch for all TBP’ers.

harry p.
harry p.
March 28, 2016 3:00 pm

indeed, they absolutely make the terror.

Just finished S4 this past weekend, House of Cards is the only reality show i watch. What is amazing is that as the audience and knowing all that they’ve done and do they’re less evil than the current shitheels running the show.

March 28, 2016 3:23 pm

“I do see an inherent contradiction in jamesthewanderer’s post, though. Each group does need critical mass to survive, a group of like-minded individuals. Yet, the advice to NOT TELL ANYONE about your battle plans, which is critical, is in direct contradiction to being able to form a group. How do you find and connect with like-minded individuals if you can’t tell anyone what you’re thinking?”

Good point, Araven – poor phrasing on my part. Gathering a group of like-minded individuals is not going to a bar and announcing, “Hey, any other preppers out there? Wanna get together and fend off the zombies?” It’s more a long, slow process. You start by finding someone to do a favor for – a woman walking alone in the rain, a guy knee-deep in compost trying to get a cover on it before the rain hits. You do them a favor or two – most folks are (should be!) suspicious by nature, when you reflect that the Fed thinks 2% inflation is a target and LEOs are taught to shoot first. So you start slow – you build trust by DOING, not talking. Help someone build something worthwhile that they want, whether it’s a fence, a house or a reputation. Build together, and you will eventually talk (if they’re talkative at all). You will find out whether your thoughts and world views are compatible or opposed, and that will lead onwards or elsewhere.

I used to attend the Unitarian Universalist Church, and my wife was a religious education director for one (she’s atheist, so they’re open and flexible, or were). We moved here and the UU’s put up with my singing voice. Eventually, we parted ways; my wife never took a cotton to the local UU’s (and vice versa), while I grew more and more unhappy with their rabid liberal views and actions. The bunches back east were less vocal and strident about their liberalism, and it was fairly well leavened with Wiccans / Gaians, Transcendentalists, Humanists, Buddhist / Hindu / Taoist types, and so on. The local bunch here is rabidly environmental, rabidly refugee-friendly, and wildly political, all at once. We don’t see the same things the same way, so I left and quit attending.

Sad to say but DISASTERS are great for this. After a tornado or hurricane or flood, there are LOTS of folks in need. Be one of those who help rebuild, and folks WILL remember you. The more / better you do, the bigger your fan club will become.

Not talking about it was intended to convey not bragging openly to strangers that you have two years of food all saved up, shelved, and rotated as it ages so you stay current. Doing that will ensure you have unwanted guests when your own survival / safety and that of your family / loved ones is at stake. Those choices are going to be hard enough as it is, without throwing in a bunch of folks who think they are privileged by birth, outlook or religion to what you were smart enough to put away for a rainy day. Be willing to trade, assist or enable, but unwilling to be taken advantage of : carpetbagging didn’t go out of favor after the Civil War, it just put on new faces. Does that make it clearer?

March 28, 2016 5:16 pm

Thanks jamesthewander. I think I have a good theoretical grasp on some of those idea, but have trouble putting it into practice. Both hubby and I are not very good with connecting with people and the potential like-minded people in this area who talk about this type of stuff are mostly men and a lot of times they seem put off by a woman trying to join the conversation.

March 28, 2016 5:27 pm


Thanks for sharing…you are helping people think it through.

Even if all were hunky-dorey, and what evil there is was

hidden and remote…there are no guarantees. Never were.

Are you saying to quit playing, “ain’t it awful,” and go and do

something constructive? And, be appreciative?

Community…a sense of community, and concordant unity don’t

come from confidences and questions. Those develop over time and

incrementally, one may develop trust and others may trust you. I would rather

croak out in the countryside, essentially “alone” than in a city apartment,

or a suburban mecca. We have water and a wood stove…that’s 2.

Should our area become unstable and cut off…we will see who steps up.

I will. We will. And, seems to be, so will you.

March 28, 2016 5:51 pm

Nice post, Aravan. Nice observations.

You gave me the idea for tomorrow’s question of the day.

March 28, 2016 6:18 pm


I have a present for you! Beautiful living art, just fantastic. (Video rebel will approve)

March 28, 2016 6:22 pm

Two different people raven and Araven.

I really like raven’s post, but I can’t take responsibility for it 🙂

March 28, 2016 6:34 pm

Hey Araven!
” Both hubby and I are not very good with connecting with people ..”
Those who are socially adept MIGHT be thinking they can talk their way through the Crunch; I find that doubtful. You don’t have to be the life of the party though, just find a few people who might benefit from a favor (the elderly might need help getting groceries, their young might need childcare; then you are introduced to those who might be able to help YOU). Look for pathways, not immediate results.

” and the potential like-minded people in this area who talk about this type of stuff are mostly men and a lot of times they seem put off by a woman trying to join the conversation.”
So meet them with your husband, and meet their wives … who might be more easily approached and befriended. Look for pathways, not immediate results; if it takes six months to make friends, is that a problem? And I doubt anyone will take helping out and doing favors as a problem. Playdates for children? Whatever works.

A lot of the people who can see the need for preparing are INTJ types, not emotionally outgoing and rather reserved. Take your time, be pleasant, be there when they need you and be patient. Rome wasn’t burned in a day! (It took several years …)