Hat tip Boston Bob

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April 2, 2016 12:33 pm

This is excellent.

Have you seen this on the same meme:

Why are we afraid, A 1400 year secret: – Dr. Bill Warner

April 2, 2016 12:33 pm

And now they are over-running Europe again. In fact, they have been invited to do so in the name of multiculturalism and diversity. The European SJWs are getting the multiculturalism that they strive so hard to achieve. Sadly, it is only temporary as in a few decades Europe will be one culture only – Muslim.

They are already marching down German streets chanting “With Allah’s help, we shall conquer you.”

Muslims March in Germany Chanting “With Allah’s Help, We Shall Conquer You” (VIDEO)

April 2, 2016 12:38 pm

Why is that gold advert there in place of the vid I posted? Search YouTube for the video. Some kind of censorship is happening here.


This is excellent.

Have you seen this on the same meme:

Why are we afraid, A 1400 year secret: – Dr. Bill Warner

April 2, 2016 12:46 pm


There is no censorship here.

Sometimes the maker of a youtube video checks a box (or however it is done) that does NOT allow the video itself to be posted anywhere other than youtube. That’s why, on some youtube vids posted, only the link shows up. Not sure how to know that beforehand.

April 2, 2016 12:46 pm

Everybody should watch Dr. Warner’s video.

April 2, 2016 12:48 pm

I didn’t mean to imply censorship at TBP. I was thinking that it was YouTube. Sorry I wasn’t clear.

April 2, 2016 12:49 pm

My avatar should be an indication that I LOVE CRUSADES.

We need more of them. Now! Especially Germany, Sweden, and other Euro-pussy nations. Before it’s too late.

April 2, 2016 12:51 pm


No problemo.

a Rose
a Rose
April 2, 2016 3:04 pm

The last time Europeans completely repelled the Moors was the catalyst to the conquering of much of the New World by Spain. They had raised up a generation of young men trained to brutal fighting tactics (required to get rid of the Moors) and once the Moors left, those young men had no use for their skills (and probably some nice psychological hangups too, war tends to do that). When America was discovered, it gave them exactly the outlet they needed: a challenging land to conquer, and plenty of backwards people to ride roughshod over as they had been trained to do. And ride roughshod they did, in a brutal manner very different from that of the English and French (who were still pretty awful by today’s standards but nothing like the Spaniards, who were just ruthless).

If I could make a long term prediction, it would be this: it will take the west a long time to mount another crusade, but eventually it will. To do so, all of the niceness of love thy neighbor and more tender sensibilities of the modern era will go by the boards, and we will see a generation of tough, no nonsense, ruthless people arise. That is what you need to be to deal with problems as massive as this.

We will need to see the reappearance of aggressive masculinity, it is the only thing that will defeat a foe like the Muslims. Right now we prefer to do our fighting in a more “civilized” fashion (although it might better be called womanly), fomenting rebellions and using spies and subversives, a war of words and spin. That won’t work, the Muslims are aggressive and the only thing that will stop them is a brutal confrontation with men more savage than they are.

At the end of it all, I would predict that Europe will conquer Africa as it did the Americas, not as a colonial power, but as an occupying one, with the intent of replacing its indigenous culture with Europeans, just as it did in North America. It is the only remaining frontier. It is filled with backwards people who are easily conquered because they are ignorant and lack technology (which they cannot even use effectively if it is handed to them on a silver platter, much less fabricate it for themselves).

As the world becomes more brutal, and resources become more limited, I find it VERY hard to believe that aggressive fighters will allow a continent as rich as Africa to stand occupied by people who still live in mud huts. Harsh, but true. Those who cannot modernize and advance are destined to be removed from future history, as the Native Americans were (they still exist, but their cultures are mostly dead and they are certainly not a force in any regard whatsoever, a broken people). I also refuse to believe that people as intelligent as Europeans will be content to shuffle along in chains forever. Eventually, the Vikings will roar again.

April 2, 2016 3:14 pm


Dammit. It’s Moops! (Many people make your mistake.)

Other than that, spot on. I really enjoy reading all your posts. “Eventually, the Vikings will roar again.” …. I love that line.

April 2, 2016 3:19 pm

” Right now we prefer to do our fighting in a more “civilized” fashion (although it might better be called womanly),”

Where’d you get this ‘we’ shit?

” It is filled with backwards people who are easily conquered because they are ignorant and lack technology (which they cannot even use effectively if it is handed to them on a silver platter, much less fabricate it for themselves).”

Check out this video from Rhodesia, er, I mean Zimbabwe:

a Rose
a Rose
April 2, 2016 3:32 pm

Thanks, Stucky, I always enjoy your postings too:)

Ed, I got the “we” from how our society acts. We don’t march out and address things in the open, as men do, western powers hide in the shadows and send emissaries to do the dirty work and pretend that they are blameless.

Men face each other and slug it out, women kill with poison and sabotage, that is how weaker people fight. Contrast Putin (who I still think is a tyrant, but at least he’s a man about it, with no apologies for what he is) with people like Draghi, Merkel and Obama and the difference is plain. That is how western civ now behaves, with poisonous words and remote drone strikes, unwilling to look our enemy in the eye. We will win when we remember what it is to be men and to be confident enough to pursue our own best interests and tell those who don’t like it to go fuck themselves.

Can you imagine how William the Conqueror would have reacted to somebody bleating about “fairness”? Faint hearts can’t even win fair ladies, much less run nations or rule the world.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 2, 2016 4:33 pm

With only about 25% of American men fit for combat, the 5th Columns of Muslims, La Raza, Useful Idiots etc will do quite well here especially in the North East and the West Coast.

April 2, 2016 4:34 pm

The only real reason this is being allowed to happen is that so called Christian Europeans have turned their backs on the religion and savior that gave birth to western civilization. Same here in America. You can point to economics , history or whatever but the real reason is America has committed national apostasy just like Europe.

Christ is God ,Mohammed is another one of Satan’s gods. Simple as that.No in between , no middle ground . Either Christ or Satan. No other choice. If you decide not to choose you still have made a choice.

April 2, 2016 4:48 pm

“Christ is God ,Mohammed is another one of Satan’s gods. Simple as that.No in between , no middle ground . Either Christ or Satan. No other choice.” ————– bb

Your extremism is absolutely no different than that of a Mooslim. You both …. BELIEVE.

Giving me a thumbs down, or yet another wackadoodle “sermon” doesn’t change that fact.

John Angelo
John Angelo
April 2, 2016 5:39 pm

Can anyone recommend a scholarly film or book that presents a relatively objective overview of the Crusades? I feel like the 1,000 year period when the Popes ruled Europe (from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance) is a period I need to understand better in order to better understand the future. Thanks in advance.

John Angelo
John Angelo
April 2, 2016 5:41 pm

I did enjoy the movie Kingdom of Heaven. It’s too bad Western Civ courses often omit this time in history. I suppose the Black Plague has a way of doing that.

April 2, 2016 6:05 pm

John – check out a collection of papers on this topic in this book: “Remembering the Crusades: Myth, Image, and Identity” (2012). I have not read it yet, but have researched it and it seems well reviewed. It was on one of my kid’s college reading options for a past class paper requirement and I just searched the title again. Sometimes they consult with me on these things even though they always pick what they to do in the end. Currently, it is like #26 on my future “to read” list. There may be better ones out there, though?

April 2, 2016 6:18 pm

“Can anyone recommend a scholarly film or book that presents a relatively objective overview of the Crusades?” ———— John Angelo

Everything you need to know ———-> Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

April 2, 2016 6:26 pm

Actually, Stucky is right. Another definitive work on the Middle Ages (albiet, minus the Islamic quotient) can be found here:

April 2, 2016 7:32 pm

They stopped teaching real history in the schools when they changed the class name to Social Studies. In the curriculum titled ‘Social Studies’, the kids only learn of the flora, fauna and natural resources of Achmad’s country. They don’t teach that Achmad’s ancestors did their best to conquer and kill your Christian ancestors. The dumbing-down of the citizens has been a critical component in their ‘long march through the institutions’ strategy.

There is no God named Allah, and Mohammed (piss be upon him) was a false prophet.

Back to basketball.

April 2, 2016 10:48 pm

Stucky ,I’m right , your wrong .This is just another example. As Admin says …BLOW ME!!!!

April 3, 2016 12:40 am

I think the question , is when, does the rest of the world that wishes to pursue , continuing advancement , of all of the goals of civilization?

Islam , will be eradicated, at that time .

Until that time, TPTB , will use Islam to further their goals for their own interests , just a standard divide and conquer strategy .
Just as they use other class, race, religious, economic, etc, divisions to get to their goal .

Unless this becomes common knowledge , the so called PTB will continue to win .
Just a cook , whatever lol

April 3, 2016 5:36 am

This sums it up – out of control.
The wildfire has been lit. It has to burn it self out.

April 3, 2016 10:00 am

Stucky I think you want to do the right and moral thing. Though you reject the hypocricy of the Roman Church you still have the influence of the evil legalistic Jesuit bullshit.

April 3, 2016 10:14 am

Ed, I got the “we” from how our society acts”

I know, Rose. That was just my standard smartass line used as a lead in to that funny vid that was on Youtube. No disrespect intended toward your post, which was very good.

April 3, 2016 11:57 am

Muslims March in Germany Chanting “With Allah’s Help, We Shall Conquer You” (VIDEO)

Muslims March in Germany Chanting “With Allah’s Help, We Shall Conquer You” (VIDEO)