COVER UP: Parents, student CONFIRM refugee children choke, slap Canadian kids

Hat tip Francis Marion

Via The Rebel

Are Canadian children being abused in school by refugee students? We spoke to the parents of children who say they are.

Last week an article by the Chronicle Herald detailed multiple instances of Syrian refugees assaulting Canadian children. The article featured comments by a woman nicknamed “Missy” who explained how her daughter had been choked with a chain and her son had been visibly threatened on the soccer field.

The story was pulled soon after it was posted with members of the left-wing media decrying the story as “racist,” “Islamophobic,” “xenophobic” or simply just not true.

In place of the story, an apologetic message was left in its place saying the story needed more research and was “insensitive” to the refugees.

The Herald also didn’t like how its story found its way onto “right-wing” websites that are critical of mass Muslim migration.

And in a letter on the Halifax regional school board’s website, Superintendent Elwin LeRoux called the complaints by parents in the paper “unsubstantiated accusations” and insisted they were “not true.”

However, the Herald did admit that other parents had come forward with stories of their children being attacked.

In the aftermath of this story and the Herald’s self-censorship, no one in the Media Party bothered to do any research.

The Rebel, however, did.

Multiple parents and even one student spoke to Rebel reporter Faith Goldy who confirmed initial reports in the Herald’s story.

We sat down with Missy, a mother quoted in the original story. She says she feared backlash, and being branded a bigot. Which, she says, is far from the truth because it wasn’t long ago Missy was looking forward to the arrival of her children’s new classmates:

“I did a clothing drive when they first came. I did a basic needs and clothing drive. I’m all for the transition. I just can’t let this keep happening. Something has to be done about it.”

Missy revealed she went to the paper in public plea for more resources for refugees at the school:

“They need help in the school. They need communicators. Interpreters. Teachers. And more than one, Monday to Friday. They can’t have an interpreter up there two days a week. There’s kids that speak Arabic five days a week.”

Missy said that she had run out options at the school after learning her daughter was allegedly choked twice in one week by two different refugee students, but not with a chain as the Herald had reported:

“They said in the paper she was choked with chains two different times. That wasn’t what was said. She was choked twice, but once with a necklace. She was choked with their hands. Like it was just a bunch of little stories that kept adding up and I was like this is enough. Like, once or twice it happens, maybe its just rough play. But it’s happening a lot. And it hasn’t just been this week. There has been numerous things that have happened. Not just with my kids.”

Missy also confirmed her son’s reports of threatening hand gestures from across the soccer field.

“They stopped intramurals in school due to rough play. The kids are being slammed to the ground, choked, and hit. It’s not fair,” she said.

And what about the claim that refugees had shouted “Muslims rule the world” while choking Missy’s daughter? Missy replied:

“The kids said that somebody had yelled, one of the kids had yelled ‘Muslims rule the world’… They said it was one of the Syrian boys. Those kids do know how to speak some English. But they’re very limited to words… all the kids said [refugee boys] have said that more than once.”

When asked about whether or not school authorities were handling the situation, she says the school’s hands are tied:

“We went up on Friday to talk to the principal about the choking with the necklace, she said that her hands are tied. She said that she’s been fighting with her supervisor to get interpreters up there because she couldn’t contact those kids’ parents. And was here Friday. It’s been a whole week that that wasn’t addressed.”

“Yesterday my daughter was slapped in the face again by the exact same boy. Again. We got called up to the school and they had an interpreter in there yesterday and she said, the interpreter said, the little boy just wants to fit in.”

Days after being choked for a second time, Missy’s daughter was allegedly slapped across the face by a refugee student. When Missy reported the incidents to the principal, she ran into another child with a welt on her face after she, too, was smacked. Missy told The Rebel that addressing bullying of any sort is a problem school-wide; but now, there seems to be a double standard at play.

“If our students, our kids did that to these students it’d be a hate crime. It’d be something bad. And now that we’re addressing the problem cause it’s our kids involved, we’re still the bad guy. There’s no win to it. And everyone’s scared to come forward and say something because of what happened with that article.”

Another parent who didn’t want her name used, spoke to us and revealed that her daughter had also been slapped in the face by a Syrian refugee:

“She was slapped in the face by one of the refugee boys in the yard.. had a crush on him, didn’t like it, he slapped her in the face and left a red mark.”

But when the mother’s daughter told the school they simply told her to not approach the refugee students.

“[The school] told her not to go near them, walk away, that’s their solution for everything.”

We reached out to Halifax Regional School Board spokesperson, Doug Hadley, so see if these allegations were being investigated. He said:

“We have to stand up and stop allowing people target a specific group or suggest groups of people behave in a certain way based on who they are and where they’re from. We have to be tolerant of all people and respect their differences. Students have to follow the rules, but we have no indication that any of the allegations in that original article actually happened.”

He then said that no student or parent had come forward, which was a direct contradiction to what the parents we had spoken to told us.

“When we look at the specific allegations … we ask the school what do you know about this… they tell us not only did they not see anyone doing those things, no parent, no student ever came forward to tell an adult that this was a problem or it would have been dealt with immediately.”

“Some of the parents at the centre of this article, the school was speaking to just last week and will continue to speak with them,” Hadey admitted despite the fact he just claimed no student or parent had come forward about the refugee problem.

So, which was it?

We asked one mom if she thought there is a cover up at Chebucto Heights right now. She answered:

“Yes, I do. They gotta look good is what it is. Nobody wants to believe children are being bullied and nobody’s doing anything about it but it’s the truth.”

It’s inconceivable that young children in this country are being bullied by newcomers and nothing is being done about it.

That’s exactly why not a single major media organization sent even one employee to Chebucto Heights to actually talk to the parents there… many of these media organizations, by the way, have offices right there… IN HALIFAX…

Our job as journalists is to tell the story.

But they didn’t believe the story could be true.

So they just didn’t bother to find out.

WATCH Faith Goldy’s ENTIRE one-hour investigative report, with full length interviews and more: CLICK HERE.

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April 16, 2016 3:53 pm

Thanks for contributing that Francis Marion, and thanks for getting my BP off the scale. Faith is exactly right. The progressive left is willing to put political correctness above the safety of their own children. The question(s) is/are : for how long and what degree of danger will immigrants be allowed to inflict before political correctness takes a back seat to Islamic thuggery?

Three strikes and you’re out – as in out of the country, back to the shit hole from whence you came – along with your entire family. No questions. If you invite a stranger/immigrant into your home and he beats you up and/or steals from you, do you shut up and say nothing in the name of political correctness, or do you kick his ass out? Pretty easy solution. Ship in ingrates out.

April 16, 2016 4:01 pm

…the same thing was common in the 1960s when “racial integration” was forced upon us by official government decree.
Blacks could rob, rape, beat, and harass whites with impunity and nothing was ever done about it.

I grew up during the first “civil-rights” era and have a decidedly different “take” on this whole “civil-rights movement” era. In fact, I saw for myself, what went on during those turbulent times.

Despite the lies and fabrications by the so-called “mainstream media” the “civil-rights marches” in the South were not peaceful “gatherings” that were met with dogs and fire hoses, but were violent black confrontations that actually set back the “cause” of TRUE “civil-rights”. .

The so-called “civil-rights” demonstrations were waves of lawlessness that disrupted the lives of peaceful citizens. There were many black citizens in these areas that were against these “outsiders” coming there to cause trouble. These “civil-rights” marchers committed crimes, rapes, robberies and other crimes, and trashed the areas they were protesting in. I WAS THERE . . . Of course, the cameras were turned off during the episodes of violence. . .then just as now, the news media could not “let a crisis go to waste” . . .

It was mostly ACLU, $PLC and ADL types that riled things up. . .and then later on “melted into the woodwork” only to become “civil-rights” attorneys, race hustlers and poverty pimps.

One incident comes to mind–the tragic death of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo–Mrs. Liuzzo was a Detroit housewife who traveled to the “deep south” (without her husband) to run around with “freedom riders” at night–this was a recipe that was asking for trouble. What business did she have running around with blacks at night in the South while she had a family in Detroit?? Why did she put herself “in harms way”??

I WAS THERE during the “civil-rights” disturbances and witnessed the misbehavior of these “civil-rights” groups (that never got reported). . .

Of course, the “victors” write the history. To the victors–how does it feel now that those you pushed and supported are now turning on you??

The so-called “news media” had an agenda then as it does now. White-on black crime (although relatively rare) is ALWAYS described as a “hate crime” where as black-on-white crime is NEVER described as a “hate crime”. . .Actually, ALL crimes are “hate crimes” . . .

April 16, 2016 4:35 pm

Canadians are as Canadians do.

Hollow man
Hollow man
April 16, 2016 4:55 pm

Dicked headed politicians cannot be trusted none of them.

April 16, 2016 5:05 pm

I like it when a do-gooder liberal without common sense supports the cretins then later her small children get attacked.

Justice – yeah I love it.

April 16, 2016 5:07 pm

I fear there will be rapes and sexual assaults in Nathan Phillips Square (Toronto) on New Year’s Eve, just like last New Year’s Eve all over Europe, (although thanks to The Rebel it sounds like there’s already been such incidents in the past month in cities where the government is putting the refugees, so maybe we won’t have to wait until Christmas for the real trouble to begin).

Thanks to all you idiots who put T2 and his globalist crew in charge and allowing them to put Canada on the fast track to ruin (headed by Gerald Butts, who had a large hand in the ruin of Ontario over the last decade). It seems we will be made to accept misogyny, rape and subjugation and abuse of women and children in the name of tolerance, because after all, aren’t all cultures equal?

Harper wasn’t great, but he had the right idea on immigration.

April 16, 2016 5:27 pm

Great post, kokoda

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 16, 2016 7:01 pm

What did they expect when they let these people into their country who teach their children that non-Muslims are infidels and must be wiped out?

Meanwhile, here in the USofA…

The State Department is hoping to bring an average of nearly 1,500 Syrian refugees to the United States per month in order to meet President Obama’s target of settling 10,000 refugees in the country by September.

About 1,300 refugees have already been placed in the United States since Obama first made the commitment in September.

That’s far fewer than those taken in by European countries such as Germany, who has dealt with an unprecedented wave of migrants fleeing Syria’s civil war, as well as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Yet the settlement has provoked a significant backlash, mostly from Republicans, who argue it puts the U.S. at risk from terrorism.

“It’s clear that ISIS wants to, has planned on attempting to infiltrate refugee populations. This is a problem. If one person gets through who is planning a terrorist attack in our country, that’s a problem,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, who recently returned from a trip to the region, said Thursday.

“The administration — whether it’s Homeland Security or the FBI, cannot tell us that they can adequately screen people. There isn’t really a Syrian to talk to on that end of the equation to vet people, so it is a problem,” Ryan told reporters.

The State Department says it has fallen behind schedule in meting Obama’s goal partly due to a lack of personnel available to interview refugees.

It is now doing a “surge operation” in Amman, Jordan, that is designed to process the rest of the Syrian refugees in as little as three months and leave them enough time to get to the U.S. before September.

April 16, 2016 7:26 pm

what about video surveillance? nanny cams? body cams? or even just cell phone video. lawyers get pretty good results with video.
suddenly the lying and bull shit drops away. it is no longer “he said, she said”. it becomes “he is lying and i can prove it”. don’t try to tell me that it won’t stand up in court, because with it, it will never get to court. suddenly settlements seems to be the order of the day.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 16, 2016 9:18 pm


April 16, 2016 9:52 pm

The left media does not even know they are lying.

April 16, 2016 10:55 pm

Your kids are being abused, threatened an injured at school. You gutless pussies what are you going to do about it?

April 16, 2016 11:33 pm

Most of these Leftists don’t like these people they are importing either. They preach all this tolerance nonsense, but they don’t mean it. Sure, the administrators like in the article might actually be that stupid, but they are nothing more than useful idiots. Those I’m charge are merely using these refugees as a weapon against their true enemy: people like us. As long as the mooslims serve that purpose, they will be brought in.

April 17, 2016 3:09 am

Overthecliff says:
“Your kids are being abused, threatened an injured at school. You gutless pussies what are you going to do about it?”

They’re going to beg the govt to DO SOMETHING, just like usual! Should work out great, just like usual!

Buster Cherry
Buster Cherry
April 25, 2016 11:48 pm

boxcutters. they’re still legal in canada, eh?