The Smoking Gun: “Document 17” Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

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With the topic of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the Sept 11 attack on everyone’s lips, if certainly not those of president Obama who is currently in Riyadh where he is meeting with members of Saudi royalty in what may be his last trip to the Saudi nation as US president, many have been clamoring for the information in the suddenly notorious “28-pages” (following the recent 60 Minutes episode) to be released to the public so the US population can finally relegate all those “conspiracy theories” surrounding the real perpetrator behind the Sept 11 terrorist attack to the “conspiracy fact” pile.

It won’t have to wait that long.

As The Times writes today, new evidence has come to light of a definitive link between Saudi Arabian officials and the 9/11 terrorist attacks “further raising tensions as President Obama travels to the kingdom.”

According to the report, Ghassan Al-Sharbi, a Saudi who became an al-Qa’ida bomb maker, is believed to have taken flying lessons with some of the 9/11 hijackers in Arizona but did not take part in the attacks on New York and the Pentagon that killed 3,000 people in 2001.

He was captured in Pakistan in 2002 and has since been held at Guantanamo Bay. According to a US memo, known as document 17, written in 2003 and quietly declassified last year, the FBI learnt that he had buried a cache of papers shortly before he was captured.

Think of “Document 17” as a mini version of the “28 pages” whose content has yet to be revealed. The document was written by two US investigators examining the possible roles of foreign governments in the attacks.

One detail leapt out at the FBI agents from the papers that Sharbi had tried to hide: his US flight certificate was in an envelope from the Saudi embassy in Washington.

A car pulls into the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington, AP Photo


And there is your smoking gun, which has been fully available to the US government for the pat 13 years. It should have also been available to the American public.

Understandably, Brian McGlinchey, the activist who uncovered document 17, asked a simple question: “The envelope points to the fundamental question hanging over us today: to what extent was the 9/11 plot facilitated by individuals at the highest levels of the Saudi government?”

Here is the problem. As the Times puts it, “president Obama is expected to meet on Wednesday with King Salman, whose kingdom is under pressure from low oil prices, an emboldened Iran and Washington’s tougher stance. The Saudi government threatened last week to dump $750 billion in US Treasury securities and other American assets if congress passes a bill that would clear a path for the families of 9/11 victims to file lawsuits against the kingdom.”

In other words, Obama will not ask any questions of King Salman, let alone the “fundamental” one.

So perhaps it is time to get a president who will ask the question: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidates, backed the bill, which Mr Obama has signaled he will veto. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, the leading Republicans in the race, have warned Saudi Arabia that its relationship with the US must change. “Friends do not fund jihadists that are seeking to murder us,” Mr Cruz said.

Sp even as all of Obama’s potential replacements have at least promised to investigate further, we wonder: just why is Obama so terrified of the US public getting access to the truth?

If he is so worried about the Saudi liquidation threat, he shouldn’t be: after all the Fed would be deliriously happy at the opportunity to monetize another $750 billion in assets and inject three-quarters of a trillion in fresh “reserves” aka liquidity into the system.

Meanwhile, Obama has other problems: the US president also faces calls to release a redacted 28-page portion of a joint congressional report on the 9/11 attacks, produced in 2002 and thought to link senior Saudi figures to the plot. He suggested on Monday that a decision was imminent.

We are confident his “decision” in this matter will be to likewise prevent the truth from emerging, because as Congressman Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, said: “I had to stop every couple of pages … to rearrange my understanding of history.” No further comment necessary.

Meanwhile the lies go on.

Bob Graham, a former chairman of the US senate intelligence committee, has alleged that Saudi Arabia was the principal financier of 9/11. “The effect of withholding [the pages] has been to embolden Saudi Arabia to be a continuing source of financial and human terror resources,” he said.

Document 17, written by Dana Lesemann and Michael Jacobson, will deepen suspicions. Ms Lesemann is said to have been sacked from the 9/11 commission after she circumvented her boss to access the 28 pages.

Mr Jacobson was the principal author of the 28 pages, and document 17 hints at his suspicions. “How aggressively has the US government investigated possible ties between the Saudi government and/or royal family and the September 11th attacks?” it asks.

The answer: not at all. It’s about time the American people asked why not.


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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 21, 2016 8:29 am

In other news, water is wet.

April 21, 2016 8:35 am

Unsurprisingly, there will be people that are surprised and taken aback by this.

It was actually done by Muslims, not a false flag secret US Government Jew cabal blaming it on them. And it actually happened the way it looked, those planes were real with real passengers, not holograms and such to cover up demolition charges being used.

But mostly conspiracy types, not thinking people.

But most of the conspiracy types will probably believe these documents are false as well when (and if) they are made fully public.

April 21, 2016 8:47 am

“Former MI-R Congressman Pete Hoekstra read the 28 pages a decade ago when he headed the House Intelligence Committee.

“I think in terms of diplomatic relationships, it may be very, very sensitive,” Hoekstra says.
Today, Hoekstra is a business consultant—and he agreed to explain the rationale of those protecting the secrecy of the 28 pages because of what they imply about Saudi Arabia or other U.S. allies.

Hoekstra says, “I think they’re concerned it may be embarrassing to the countries or the individuals that are talked about in that section and it’s a complication that they’d rather not deal with. They’re just saying ‘We’ve got enough problems. We’ve gotta deal with ISIS. We’ve gotta deal with Iran. We gotta deal with al Qaeda.”

On the POTUS radio this morning while being interviewed by, Tim Farley, Hoekstra said while he read those 28 pages, he doesn’t really remember what was on those 28 pages.


rhs jr
rhs jr
April 21, 2016 9:39 am

As long as NWO turds run the federal government, it will stink like Hell. Vote Trump for a reset.

April 21, 2016 9:52 am

Mohammedans have been engaging in total war with the non-mohammedan world since the 7th or 8th century. If you do not believe and act on that you are a dumb ass. Papers and reports might give some details but won’t change the basic facts.

April 21, 2016 9:55 am

this Saudi involvement/financing issue is smoke and mirrors
to shield Israel from it’s involvement, and the potential that
9/11 family members could sue the Israelis.


April 21, 2016 9:57 am

Or we could just invade them like we do for everybody else. Your tax dollars for world freedom.

April 21, 2016 10:35 am

Ever consider that our gov’t conspired with the Saudi’s to implement 9-11.

April 21, 2016 10:54 am

Though it may seem psychologically difficult to consider that the 911 report may not be entirely correct, those that actually take the time to look into the 911 story with an open mind, will find that the 911 commissions study is the least plausible story of all.

April 21, 2016 11:00 am

Rob, you should have posted that video on the “Impossibility of a soft landing” thread.

April 21, 2016 11:20 am


I’m with you. I don’t think “the government” conspired with the Saudis, though, just a few people in the government. Info in the 28 pages will lead to this conclusion, and that’s why it must stay secret.

The Saudis would not be trying to blackmail us if the story has no legs.

April 21, 2016 11:27 am

Card – true enough but I hadn’t seen that one yet and this is less of an economic comment and more of a “let’s go kill everybody” comment.

April 21, 2016 11:36 am

Look! A squirrel!

John Angelo
John Angelo
April 21, 2016 11:37 am

I despise Saudi Arabia. They’re a den of vipers, wolves, and jackals. I wouldn’t trust them for anything. When I visited LA the summer before last they were everywhere, mainly in Beverly Hills, since the “royal family” rents most of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel to “summer” there. They’re out every night eating at the most expensive restaurants driving in their Bentleys and Lamborghinis and eschewing the required customs of Riyadh. Hypocrites one and all. When I see photos like this (as well as Obama bowing to them) it makes me think the US government is the eastern puppet state of theirs.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 21, 2016 11:38 am

I have not had a comment about the 28 pages as it is just another fabrication to divert attention. Nothing to see here, move along………………

April 21, 2016 11:57 am

Anyone who believes this is a fucking moron. But it wouldn’t surprise me since jews are worshiped by admin here.

Anything to divert from the real culprits.

April 21, 2016 12:41 pm

Doesn’t surprise me one bit. But then I’ve hinted at how SA tried to cover its tracks in the days and weeks after the event. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they were also behind a propaganda campaign trying to create a conspiracy theory about the US government pulling it off.

April 21, 2016 12:43 pm

” ….. jews are worshiped by admin here.” ——– BuelahCunt

That because Admin is Jewish, asshole!

Actual picture of Admin contemplating his next article;
[imgcomment image[/img]

April 21, 2016 12:46 pm

Fuck you Stucky you Jersey boy cocksucker. THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN you jew-loving fat pig.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 21, 2016 1:40 pm

The evidence related to 9/11 being a home-grown event is enormous: reams and reams of engineering refutations of the government story, the WTC Bldg. 7 “mystery” (even announced in England before it actually fell), the lack of any aircraft parts detritus at the Pentagon, the photos of cleanly sheared major steel beams at the Twin towers,, the reports of firefighters who repeatedly stated they heard post-aircraft-impact explosions at the lobby level, and, the obvious thermodynamics of kerosene’s inability to melt steel beams, etc., etc.
While there is likely Saudi involvement, what I think this current “expose” is about is another red herring to deal with an increasingly skeptical public interest in the facts of 9/11. The government hope is to keep the issue confused and the press is doing its level best to divert attention to these new revelations.
It is has been postulated that 9/11 did double service to cover Pentagon misuse of money as well as to cover what was a major bank heist. But, in any event, the current government/press brouhaha does not begin to explain the major inconsistencies in the government storyline for 9/11. The Saudis are a side issue.

April 21, 2016 2:48 pm

Is it a smoking gun or just a steaming turd? Tyler has swallowed another MSM meme whole.

April 21, 2016 2:51 pm

Will these 28 pages explain the dancing Israelis who were there filming and dancing when the planes hit the towers? No? Then it’s just a limited hangout. Release a small but not very damaging (to the IS govt at least) portion of the truth. Less and less people believe the official story nowadays, so this is done to convince people they now know the truth.

Maybe the Saudi royal family has just exhausted it’s usefulness to the US. The petrodollar is increasingly fragile these days, and their sponsorship of terrorism is getting a little too blatant these days. Maybe they just gots to go.

April 21, 2016 2:51 pm

But mostly conspiracy types, not thinking people.”

… says the anonyhole. Grow a screen name, you chickenshit. Until you do, FOAD.

April 21, 2016 3:27 pm

Ferret… we don’t mention WTC Bldg 7 here on TBP. It is a trigger phrase that causes monkeys to start throwing shit.

April 21, 2016 3:31 pm

Especially THIS one:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 21, 2016 3:45 pm

So says Maggie………….Ferret keep up the good work and you can talk about WTC7 all day for all I care. 🙂