Escape from Obama’s transgender school bathrooms

Guest Post by Daren Jonescu

Barack Obama’s transgender regime has officially carried its demands for your child’s compliance with sexual deviancy to the level of an imperial directive:

Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina.

The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat their transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex.

The Department of Justice, which apparently now means primarily “social justice,” aka cultural Marxism, is joining the Department of Education a thoroughly anti-constitutional entity the continued existence of which represents the greatest failure of the Reagan presidency to complete American compulsory schooling’s true, original, and essential mission: the reduction of the population to a confused, helpless mass of spiritually unindividuated “worker units” for the benefit of a permanent corporate-political ruling elite.

The sudden (but long anticipated and well prepared) drive for transgender bathrooms in public facilities is part of progressivism’s final assault on modesty and personal privacy.  Train children from an early age that sexual behavior is a harmless physical gratification, no more important than scratching an itch; teach them that there are no consequences of sexual activity that cannot be prevented or “taken care of” with a visit to the doctor; teach them that marriage and family are mere lifestyle choices not at all different from any other, and in no essential way related to the erotic impulse; and teach them that nothing but the old-school morality of racists, sexists, and homophobes stands between their bodily urges and a dream world of polymorphous pleasures teach children all of that, and you have destroyed the soul of man, sapped a generation of its vital energy, and dried up the primary sources of civility, personal responsibility, and moderation.

Advanced progressives for a century have known two things with perfect certainty: (1) that delayed gratification, sexual modesty, and in general self-restraint are the chief moral obstacles to the compliant, state-dependent collective required of democratic socialism (i.e., populist totalitarianism); and (2) that government-controlled schools are their ace in the hole, the progressive poison in the civic well that ensures that, in spite of all private resistance, the population will eventually, gradually, succumb to materialism and amorality.

Here’s a prediction that I am very confident in making: thousands of parents who are shocked and disgusted at the thought of their young daughters being forced to share a shower room with boys are going to be in for an even bigger shock when their daughters mock their concern with “what’s the big deal, Dad?  I mean, it’s just bodies, after all!”

This transgender assault is being pursued now because generations have been prepared for it.  They have been prepared in public schools, which teach both in explicit lessons and, more importantly, through their social structure that sexuality is “no big deal,” that modesty is for prudish grandmothers, that sexual differentiation is sexist.  Eros nature’s delicate thread linking our bodily urges to our essential purposes, our souls to the stars, our petty existence to being and eternity is being deliberately snipped, in order to leave us stranded on this earth, with no hopes or aspirations beyond immediate physical comfort and pleasure.  In other words, nihilism.

Men left stranded on earth, without a sense of the divine, including the divine spark within themselves, are primed for a material savior, a new divinity to replace the one toward which Eros and nature had previously pointed us.  They are ready, willing, and eager to submit to the State.

Nothing less than that creating the moral (or rather amoral) platform for progressive authoritarianism is the true significance of Obama’s imposition of transgender bathrooms in public schools.  Though inherently absurd, this absurdity is an indication of how far the progressives know they have traveled toward their ultimate goal.

The good news, for those still able to hear it, is that the solution to this final degradation is both available and actually quite obvious.

Get your children, your children’s children, and your friends’ children out of public school now, and keep them out.

If thinking of your nation’s girls and boys being submitted to this degradation and even worse, thinking of them learning to accept this degradation is not enough to shake you out of your well-trained adherence to the fool’s dream of “improving the public schools,” then perhaps you are unreachable.

If, on the other hand, these thoughts are able to move you, then it is beyond time to get serious about unraveling America’s, and the entire world’s, most insidious entitlement program: public education.  (If you are in this latter group, stay tuned!  I’ll be explaining all of this what public education is, how it came to be, what it causes, and what to do about it in my book, The Case Against Public Education, coming very soon.)

On a personal level, the immediate solution, for most families, is fairly simple.  It does, however, require long-term commitment, a lot of mental effort and a genuine love for your children and grandchildren that supersedes petty concerns about practical inconvenience and reduced income potential.  If you understand that hearing a thirteen-year-old girl say, “What’s the big deal?  It’s just bodies!” is the Rubicon progressive totalitarians have been aching to cross, and that they are literally months away from crossing it on a nationwide scale, then is there really anything left to debate about?

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May 14, 2016 8:13 am

All the more reason to permanatly revole the federal governments authority to be involved in education in any way whatsoever. Since the constitution does not mention anything about education or schools, it has no right to be involved in either. Where are all of these self professed “constitutional conservatives”? They probably can’t be bothered to point that out, becoase they love public education too, they just want to control it and fill it with a bunch of Jesus nonsense. There is nothing wrong with public school runs by local unities that have input on curriculum, etc, but ending the DOE would save a ton of money and get fedzilla out of the classroom.

Hopefully this will be the final push that moves parents to take their kids out of public school, but who knows. In a couple years, they will probably crack down on home schooling too. Progressives genuinely believe that YOUR children belong to ‘the community’ as a whole, not just you, and the community has the job of raising them. Since the community, to progressives, basically means the government, that’s right, friends, your children belong to the government.

May 14, 2016 8:32 am

Read Ayn Rand’s Anthem… don’t bother with any of the epic tomes she penned to explain her loathing of communism and the collective; Read Anthem. It is something a middle school child can “get”. As a matter of fact, my son read it when he was in seventh grade and wrote a most excellent essay about it. So, read it and have your kids read it if you want them to know where those in power WANT this society to go.

Or just go along to get along. But don’t come HERE.

May 14, 2016 8:34 am

Daren, very well stated.

Maggie, Anthem is one of those books that certainly stays with you.

May 14, 2016 8:35 am

@Gator. I wish it were so, but I think that so many people have accepted the idea that educating your children is some complex task that requires some sort of skill set that can only be gotten with a bunch of worthless degrees on the wall.

Screw them all. My son was reading the Cat in the Hat at age three. I studied Theodore Geisel to understand what he understood about kid’s minds. I got my degree in Dr. Seuss although it says University of Oklahoma. I wasted time at OU.

May 14, 2016 9:01 am

I read this earlier today, a must read.

Sex and State Power — What’s Behind Obama’s Transgender Push

Sex and State Power — What’s Behind Obama’s Transgender Push

May 14, 2016 9:02 am

Here is food for thought, especially for those who support “public education” and rally about the doctrine of “socialization” that they claim is lacking in “homeschooled” children.
Let’s look at what “public education” has to offer:
1. Cliques and rampant bullying, quite often the victim of bullying punished more harshly for fighting back. Many times, bullies are part of a “protected” class–racial minorities, jocks, etc. Strong official disapproval of students making friends outside their grade level. “Peer pressure” used to push conformity.
2. Teachers that don’t teach reading writing and arithmetic. Pushing communist principles such as rabid environmentalism, blaming humanity for conditions beyond our control as well as pushing “communitarianism” (“it takes a village”)–actually communism. This also ties in with teacher-recommended feminizing and drugging (mostly boys) to make them “less fidgety” and more compliant–all for the “benefit” of the teacher.
3. Non-existent moral guidance…the communist concept of “values clarification”, allowing each student to set his own moral standard with no discussion permitted as to guidelines. A student dare not mention God or the Bible in “public school”–not permitted…discussing Islam is OK…even field trips to mosques are encouraged.
4. Sex education that normalizes homosexuality and other deviant practices, actually encouraging deviant behavior and downplaying heterosexuality and abstinence.
5. Insane zero tolerance practices, punishing students for pop-tarts shaped like guns or a student having an “unauthorized aspirin” or plastic butter knife. Of course, abortions and birth control are available without parental notification.
6. Lockdowns and backpack/locker searches by police utilizing “drug dogs”, getting the upcoming generation used to random unconstitutional searches. Quite often, students “roughed up” by “school resource officers”…just because they can…Lockdowns should be reserved for prisons–not schools…
Since these “socialization” practices seem to be the norm in our “public education” systems, parents who send their children to these dysfunctional “indoctrination centers” are guilty of child abuse…
Children who are homeschooled actually do much better in life as they are comfortable with people of all ages. True socialization takes place outside the classroom.

May 14, 2016 9:29 am

It’s all over. It’s why I keep saying don’t have kids. The distance you have to go to protect them is just too far.

May 14, 2016 9:49 am

@Walt, I submitted your link to be posted here, but forgot to credit you.

May 14, 2016 10:29 am

OP is an idiot. Why would you need to remove your kids? O wait I know why. It is easy. No meetings. No running for school council. No contact with teachers and administrators letting them know that bullshit will not be tolerated.

Just run the fuck away coward.

May 14, 2016 10:39 am

@JIMSKI, I am in an area where the school districts are heavily reliant on federal monies because people tend to vote their pocketbook and reject the school bonds that would prevent the need to accept more and more federal largesse. So, while telling teachers and school boards what they will and will not tolerate in the school is all fine and good, since they do not put their money where their mouths are, it really is NOT their school. Their children just go there for babysitting.

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 14, 2016 10:41 am


May 14, 2016 10:41 am

@Walt… I just finished the article at the link and hope it gets posted. It is excellent.

May 14, 2016 10:41 am

Is either Original Post or Ocean Pacific.

May 14, 2016 10:48 am

JIMSKI, what is easy is to let your kids go to public school, get on the free bus at the end of the driveway and forget about it. Sending your kids to private school is NOT easy, travel wise, money wise, time commitment wise. Leaving kids in public school is the lazy cowardly way out imo, in most circumstances.

May 14, 2016 10:50 am

Walt, from your article.

“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” (Loretta Lynch)

Yet there seems to be plenty of room for discrimination against all the normal kids that seek natural personal and sexual privacy.

I don’t see any push being made to insure there are sexually protected bathrooms and locker rooms for the normal people, they’re being forced to go against their natural desires for sexual privacy and be pushed into close sexual contact with those they don’t want to be in contact with.

When the left calls for an end to “discrimination” of any kind, it means that the majority will be discriminated against in favor of the minority, not that discrimination will be ended.

May 14, 2016 10:53 am

Pardon me for my local control ideas for education. I blame it on our school district of 2500 students.

You see the idea that I would live and raise a family in some hive with 300,000 other ” people ” was just not ever going to happen.

I live in a township. We have local control of our school. We do not have a zero tolerance policy for anything. We have a school board with the ability to suspend any employee of the system.

Our school system has not yet received this memo. My guess I that it will be ignored.

You folks decide to live like rats in a cage well then certain rules will be passed to control the more dysfunctional rats in your cage. Did you not expect this?

Yer an idiot then too.

May 14, 2016 11:15 am

if the law can force all children into the same locker rooms,
showers, and bathrooms…they can darn well force compliance…
ie, NO homeschooling.

“Schools” (in cities anyway) have been unhappy and unsafe
locations for many years. All the important issues are ignored
and the BS blossoms. Kids remember their school days with a shudder
and dread. Further, I have met “teachers” that have no education
themselves. Last, many teachers (again in cities) are among the
least happy of people. Work place is a hell for them.

May 14, 2016 12:10 pm

You said it Susanna. Pure hell.

May 14, 2016 2:43 pm

Public Schools have not achieved Peak Stupidity yet. Just as the public is revolting against the Rats and RINOs, the Federal Dept of Education’s day is coming.

May 16, 2016 5:09 pm

Update on Candia NH passing the tran bathroom rule last week:

Current count is now 16 families that have pulled their kids out of the school, and meeting about homeschooling. One mother who is heading up the homeschool group had the principal of the school plead with her not to pull her kids out and talk to others. Not happening. The principal told her that the kids of those now 16 families were the best behaved and had the best grades in the school.

So, as a glass half full insight, maybe these fascist panderers are going to make many families pull their kids out of school with ever more perverted and burdensome rules. That’s a good thing, more kids not poisoned by state indoctrination. Actions have consequences.