Via Breitbart

SiriusXM Announces Suspension of Glenn Beck over Brad Thor Interview Comments

SiriusXM hosts Stephen K. Bannon and David Webb announced on Breitbart News Daily that SiriusXM has suspended Glenn Beck and Webb will temporarily take over Beck’s 9AM to noon Eastern time slot on SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel 125.

SiriusXM issued the following statement:

SiriusXM encourages a diversity of discourse and opinion on our talk programs. However, comments recently made by a guest on the independently produced Glenn Beck Program, in our judgement, may be reasonably construed by some to have been advocating harm against an individual currently running for office, which we cannot and will not condone. For that reason, we have suspended The Glenn Beck Program from our Patriot channel for the coming week and are evaluating its place in our lineup going forward. SiriusXM is committed to a spirited, robust, yet responsible political conversation and believes this action reflects those values.

The suspension is in response to the interview Beck did with fiction author Brad Thor last Wednesday, in which Thor likened the GOP’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump to a South American-style dictator who would cause an “extinction-level event” for the country if elected. Thor then declared that in such a case, Congress would not be able to remove Trump from office by “legal means” through impeachment, so Thor asked “what patriot will step up and do that” if Trump oversteps his Constitutional restraints. Beck agreed with Thor’s assessment.

Here is the exchange:

THOR: He is a danger to America and I got to ask you a question and this is serious and this could ring down incredible heat on me because I’m about to suggest something very bad. It is a hypothetical I am going to ask as a thriller writer.

With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President? If Congress won’t remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that if, if, he oversteps his mandate as president, his constitutional-granted authority, I should say, as president.

If he oversteps that, how do we get him out of office? And I don’t think there is a legal means available. I think it will be a terrible, terrible position the American people will be in to get Trump out of office because you won’t be able to do it through Congress.

BECK: I would agree with you on that and I don’t think you actually have the voices we’ve been talking about and we’ve been talking about this off-air for a while. I think the voices like ours go away. I don’t think we are allowed – especially if things, and I believe the economy is going to go to crap, even if Jesus was in office. It’s going to naturally reset. It has to.

Read the rest of the exchange here.

After receiving criticism for these comments from people who believed Thor and Beck were suggesting or at least implying assassination, Beck offered a lengthy defense of his statements. You can read the full transcript of his defense here.

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May 31, 2016 11:16 am

It appears to me that THOR was referring to Obama.

May 31, 2016 11:52 am

“He (Trump) is a danger to America …… I’m about to suggest something very bad ….. With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President? If Congress won’t remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that”
—-Brad Thor

Pretty clear to me that Thor is suggesting the assassination of Trump.

“I would agree with you on that ….”
—-Glenn Beck

Either Beck is 1) hard of hearing or 2) has a terrible listening comprehension OR 3) agrees with what was just said by Thor. I’ll go with Door #3. Sirius Radio made the correct decision.

May 31, 2016 12:01 pm

May they share the same cell in peace and harmony.

May 31, 2016 12:09 pm

“That is the type of guy he is and I guarantee you, Glenn, that during his presidency, during his reign if you will – he is going to petition the American people to allow a temporary suspension of the Constitution so he can help America get back on its feet again.”

Thor also compares Trump to Juan Peron and Hugo Chavez.

Where do they dig up these mentally ill MF’s?

May 31, 2016 1:53 pm

I think Brad Thor just lost a publishing career. Beck’s empire is imploding badly now and I bet XM doesn’t put him back on.

May 31, 2016 2:12 pm

I used to like Glenn Beck .I used to listen to his radio program .I think somewhere around last year he began to get really stupid . I stopped listening to him .

May 31, 2016 2:17 pm

Beck has turned out to be a nut case.

May 31, 2016 2:21 pm

Beck is a turf. I knew he’s as a fraud when I saw him using an aide that helped him shed years on his TV show.

May 31, 2016 4:17 pm

Don’t call it assignation, call it retroactive birth control. Much more politically correct..

May 31, 2016 5:47 pm

Beck’s off the deep end, has been for some time now.

Probably most of those that still pay any serious attention to him as well.

May 31, 2016 6:32 pm

“So far, Trump said $5.6 million had gone from his organization to veterans groups.”

Correct. Trump speaketh the truth, and his organization just released a list of the specific recipients of that money, to include how much each received. I checked on a couple of those vet organizations. Whoever made the final decision, perhaps Trump himself, on those recipients did some homework and chose wisely.

Huge plus for Trump. It will not be reported as such.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 31, 2016 7:36 pm

I have been waiting my whole life for somebody with the guts to tell the leftist, liberal press to shove it. They are all lying, smug, arrogant sacks of shit, and old “Uncle Walter” Cronkite was the worst of the lot. stabbing our troops in the back during Vietnam. They are totally discredited. Only an idiot pays any attention to the mainstream press. As for Beck, he needs to be confined to a mental institution pronto. Completely bonkers.

May 31, 2016 8:15 pm

At some point Beck lost me as a fan.Loved when he had his blackboard of where/who the money goes to with energy credits global warming tax set up to make Obama,Michelle,Jarret,Michelles mother,Hillary,Goldman and a plethora of politicians rolling in taxpayer dough filthy rich.Miss that Beck.Maybe he was tapped on the shoulder by the FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS…..

May 31, 2016 9:50 pm

Well Trump called the tit sucking press out today so now we are gonna see if the people are really waking up and stay with him. I wanna believe in him but man after so many bullshitters before him its hard. Fuck it , pass the popcorn.
Long , hogs chickens, lead

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
June 1, 2016 3:46 am

“Maybe he was tapped on the shoulder by the FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS….”

Must have occcured with finality in early 2012. I still listened to him, getting harder to do and then one day HE CHANGED DRAMATICALLY and I knew he sold out any principles he had left. His whole show seemed to take a 180 from one day to the next. Bye bye Glenn.

June 1, 2016 6:32 am

Sirius has a fuckin Patriot Channel? That’s just funny as shit.

June 1, 2016 8:46 am

bb-concerning Beck same here.

Sage-nobody can say what you said any better.

I sure hope that Trump is real.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
June 1, 2016 10:21 pm

Glen Beck is nothing but a Benedict Arnold, a shill, an back stabbing traitorous sack of shit.
I’ll never forgive that asshole for screwing over Debra Medina who ran for Governor of Texas in 2010 against that RINO Prick Ferry…um Rick Perry. Beck invited Debra on for an interview which he used to accuse her a being a 9/11 truffer.

From WIKI:
In an interview on the Glenn Beck Program on February 11, 2010, host Glenn Beck asked Medina if she thought the US government might have had a role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Medina said that “some very good questions have been raised in that regard … the American people have not seen all of the evidence there, so I have not taken a position on that.”[10] Soon after the interview her campaign released a press statement disavowing any 9/11 conspiracy beliefs.[11]

Immediately after the interview, Rick Perry had a Pre-recorded robo call go out to Republicans with that accusation. It was clearly a collision between Beck and Perry.

Debra Medina had run on the promise to eliminate the property tax in Texas. She’s honest to the core and was instrumental in Ron Paul’s campaign for President.

So Hypothetically, if I were to meet Beck, he would get a satirical punch in his fat fucking mouth.