Hat tip starfcker

Via David Stockman

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June 12, 2016 7:10 am

Another reason why DC fears and loathes Trump. 80% of them could be out of a job a year from now.

June 12, 2016 9:04 am

Trump must not have gotten the memo that he is supposed to hire a bunch of useless but well connected functionaries to work on his campaign, like the children of big donors.

He is really doing all this with 15% or so of what those two require for staff?? That’s incredible. Just shows you the difference between how someone used to running private businesses operates vs a couple useless government flunkies who have never done anything but run government offices and programs where no one gives a shit how much money is spent(all government Monopoly money, if you run out you can always get more) or how useless most of the employees are.

June 12, 2016 9:22 am

So does Hil have to pay the Bernie people now?

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 12, 2016 2:13 pm

One person of Merit is worth 100 Affirmative Action hires.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 12, 2016 3:56 pm

The talk is that Trump doesn’t have a national team. Well, he does; it’s the media. They give Trump all the airplay he needs without his having to pay for it.

Rancid Priapus says he will supply all the boots on the ground that Trump needs to campaign nationally.

This election cycle is breaking all the rules and established procedures. Records are dropping like flies. I’m seeing but not believing.

Let’s play Donovan’s song again: First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain…
Pretty soon we will see Trump walking on water.

Fuck off, haters, I did not say anything derogatory about poor little Donny.

June 12, 2016 6:36 pm

EC, spot on

June 12, 2016 7:19 pm

All those lies won’t tell themselves, you know!