I’m a Gay Activist, and After Orlando, I Have Switched My Vote to Trump

This is the saddest day of my life. I can’t even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I’m sad — devastated, in my soul — about that; but I’m also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed.

Yes, there is a war between religious fundamentalism and the spirit of love and tolerance. But we progressives here in America still labor under the delusion that the religion we need to combat is Christianity. But that’s a strawman opponent, and has been so for decades. Since the 1990s, Christian extremists have essentially lost all their power, and are now toothless nonplayers in the “culture wars.” Meanwhile, Muslim extremists, with guns, murder us, and on the left our only response is to bleat about “Islamophobia” and jump through hoops trying to explain away the self-evident religious motivation for the killings.

Oh sure, all year I’ve been playing the “Bernie or Hillary?” game with all the other default-Democrats in my social and professional circles. But this is no longer some kind of game. Our lives are on the line. Although I voted for Hillary in the primary, I now cringe inwardly with shame and embarrassment at having done so, and in November I will vote for Trump.

Why? Yes, I know that Trump is an a**hole, Trump is a clown, Trump is a motormouth buffoon. You don’t have to convince me of that. But he’s also the only person saying anything about putting the brakes on Islamic extremism, and in light of what happened last night in Orlando, suddenly that is the only issue that really matters when it comes to the health, well-being and safety of the queer community.

As an aside, Trump has never said anything homophobic, and has always gotten along well with the gay community in New York, so there’s that in his favor as well.

I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician — and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV — who today have said “We don’t know what the shooter’s motivation could possibly be!” have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team.

I’m just sick of it. Sick of the hypocrisy. Sick of the pandering. Sick of the deception.

And you know what makes me angrier still? The fact that I have to hide my identity and remain anonymous in writing this essay. If I outed myself as a Trump supporter, I would be harassed and doxxed and shunned by everyone I know and by the Twitter lynch mobs which up until yesterday I myself led.

I am ashamed. I am angry. And I am sad. I don’t want to vote for Trump, but I must. And if you care about the safety of the gay community in America, so must you.


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June 13, 2016 12:50 pm

When I first read the headline “I’ve switched”, I thought he meant he went straight.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2016 12:52 pm

“This is the saddest day of my life. I can’t even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were…”

He could have stopped right there and I would have been completely on board.


June 13, 2016 12:58 pm

Well pal, you are taking the wrong approach. You have to stand up and out yourself; take some heat and also gain some converts. You will also find out who your real friends are.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
June 13, 2016 1:02 pm

i thought queer was an incorrect term, still mixed up as to what words are to be used. need a revised edition of urban dictionary

June 13, 2016 1:12 pm

Looking for Trump to make some new baseball caps —- Dicks For Donald!!

Hip hip, hooray!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 13, 2016 1:14 pm

Let the defections begin…. For every one guy writing a column like this there are thousands of others thinking it. Kokoda is correct. He should come out of the closet (again) and lead the charge. Others would follow.

June 13, 2016 1:18 pm

He needs to come out of the closet and tell his fellow fags of his new revelation.
Don’t be a pussy.

June 13, 2016 1:19 pm

It’s a shame that it takes a horrific terrorist act to wake some people up.

The real shame is that so many will never wake up until it is too late.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 13, 2016 2:43 pm

NEWS FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Russian files on Mateen also show he is a contractor working for G4S as conduit for Us State Dept. and CIA. G4S operates in 100 countries.

Get This- He has in the past run money from Us government to Afghanistan where (drum roll)…….

This means he has been working for Hitlery Clinton. You just can’t make this shit up !!!

June 13, 2016 2:44 pm

Beginning to smell a bit like a Regeneracy, or the point where the REAL enemy becomes clear and everyone puts aside petty differences to confront the threat and ensure their survival. I saw the press briefing live and Obama *did* blame it on guns and downplayed the Islamic terrorism part.


What we *really* need is a leader who encourages people to take responsibility to get trained on the safe and effective use of firearms in order to protect their families and communities.

June 13, 2016 2:48 pm
Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 13, 2016 2:49 pm

NEWS FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kim Kartrashian makes plea for gun control.

Does anyone here give a shit………I know I don’t.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 13, 2016 2:53 pm

What a bunch of fukkin shit wasting everybody’s time. Manufactured fukkin news.

Oh, and for anyone who gives a rats ass at this point with this pointless bullshit, there was a massive surprise drill going on in TAMPA. I’m fukkin shocked….shocked I tell ya !!!!!!

Doug Becker
Doug Becker
June 13, 2016 2:58 pm

Strange that while defending his right to be gay, he is offended by another’s right to follow Islam.

Both are characteristics of a person which either do or don’t cause them to act a certain way.

They are both either chosen or born into, the jury’s still out on that one.

His answer to hate all Muslims equally disregards the highly probable fact that there are good, righteous Muslims just as it is as highly likely that there are bad homosexuals too.

Hating a person for a characteristic not causal to their behavior is the textbook definition of prejudice, and it is this prejudice that needs to stop.

It was a hate-crime against a targeted group of people for a characteristic claimed (falsely) to be causal. Surely another hate-crime will not remedy this situation?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 13, 2016 2:59 pm

Thinker – Live up to your name.

This is about human and drug trafficking coming through Mexico mostly by the criminal cabal. Don’t even come off with the guy is nuts, this is BUSINESS.

June 13, 2016 3:39 pm

Try reading for comprehension, Bea. The guy posted videos claiming that he is already president of Afghanistan. It was posted just hours before the shooting. But if you need to form a conspiracy theory, I’m sure you’ll find one.

Doug Becker
Doug Becker
June 13, 2016 4:15 pm

Administrators ‘solution’ is that bad things are going to happen, so be a part of it. You snooze, you lose I suppose. Wake up and smell the coffee, there’s gonna be a whuppin here and you don’t wanna be the side that gets whupped.

Great advice.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 13, 2016 4:57 pm

Dougy , that might get you on “America’s Got Talent”. You might be surprised how many sheep would vote for you on Farcebook.

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 13, 2016 5:56 pm

Think about this. As a Christian, I really don’t care what you do. You have the right to be wrong. Self determining your own destiny. Just as I do. Freedom. I believe in it. I also have the right to support the causes I believe in as you do. What you don’t have a right to do is encroach upon my rights to enjoy my life as I see fit as I don’t have the right to encroach upon yours. Muslims believe and act upon that belief to enforce their will upon you and I. That I do not and will not accept. Why? I am an American. Unlike my so called government leaders. That is why a Christian will fight the Muslium along side the gay, Buddhist, atheist, ect. Because ,in the end, it will become necessary to kill them to survive.

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 13, 2016 5:57 pm

No that is not a threat. They are coming here and look at what they are doing. How stupid do you have to be

Doug Becker
Doug Becker
June 13, 2016 6:49 pm

My posts are now not making it to TBP.

Apparently, only views congruent with the mass opinion are allowed.

Lets see if this one passes the filter.

Doug Becker
Doug Becker
June 13, 2016 7:20 pm

I take that back (in the spirit of intellectual honesty). I got confused following two posts. There is no evidence of filtering to my knowledge.

My bad!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 13, 2016 7:35 pm

This isn’t a soccial justice safe space. You write it, it gets posted. The only way it gets taken down is if you ask for it to be deleted. People around might think you are wrong in approach but nobody is going to deny you your rope to hahg yourself.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 13, 2016 7:39 pm


Fat fingers, beer and tablet is not a goodd recipe for spelling correctly. Time to watch baseball…,

Go Jays!

June 13, 2016 7:53 pm

Good for this guy I suppose. I’m not among those who thing trump, or anyone else, is going to make America great again, even if he is given the chance, and even if he is genuine in his desire to do so. But, rejecting an obvious fraud like Clinton who most definitely does not have your best interests at heart is a good first step. But he is doing himself, and his new candidate a disservice by ‘staying in the closet’ about being a trump supporter. If he really believes in it, he should say so. Being a self proclaimed former leader of the SJW twitter hit squad, he should know very well how falascious the arguments those people make can be. He, more than anyone else, should be able to easily counter them.

As I’ve said before, trump is right here. Letting more of these people in is madness. If Leftists have this burning desire to save some refugees, there are plenty of christian, yadizi, Jewish, Kurdish, etc refugees who are actually being persecuted in that region that could be let in. Yet we almost exclusively bring in Sunni Muslims, I wonder why that is?

June 13, 2016 9:04 pm

Gun control = municipalities offer free gun training
to citizens so the people can become effective shooters…
(in case of emergency) the people can protect themselves
and others…and if need be, against Muslim murderers.

Sam Adams
Sam Adams
June 14, 2016 12:21 am

You had me at joyful dancing queers

June 14, 2016 2:13 am

I’m a Christian, and I should really be disturbed when something like the Orland attack happens. But to be honest, it doesn’t even register anymore. It’s just another headline. It doesn’t even feel like it’s real people I know that sounds bad. The stories are so contradictory. Mainstream media says one shooter, witnesses say more than one. Sounded like a machine gun, which for most people are illegal. Even Rep. Alan Grayson said it was a machine gun. Guns blamed for human action. FBI tracking and then not tracking him. “Government Informants” “assigned” to him. It’s the same story for every attack. I’m just sick of it all. You can’t help but tune it out after a while.