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July 18, 2016 8:03 pm

Shep is just another fucknut. STFU asswhipe, but governor………..oh, just STFU.

July 19, 2016 12:15 am

Don’t forget Shep sticks his weenie up other men’s asses, not that there’s anything wrong with that … it’s just that you can’t trust the judgement of such people.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 18, 2016 8:32 pm

I watched that exchange (Jindal was on the phone) and Shepard Smith was terrible with his tone. Never liked him at all, and was hoping there would be calls for his firing. The exchange between Don Lemon and Sheriff Clarke from Wisconsin on CNN was also popcorn time.

July 18, 2016 8:52 pm

PC to the point of becoming an idiot. What a total pussy.

July 18, 2016 9:12 pm

Shep said that the “All Lives Matter” is divisive.
I disagree – using “Black Lives Matter” is breaking out a portion of the American population; that is divisive.

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 18, 2016 10:04 pm

Believe it or not, I understand where the fools propagating the Black Lives Matter mantra are coming from when they seek to keep it about “black lives” and not an inclusive affair. I think their premise is fatally flawed and based on hate, vengeance, envy, jealousy, purposelessness, willful ignorance, and outright lies. The sight and sound of their protests repulse me to no end. However, I understand their logic.

Whether in Hollywood, academia, or government, these black Bolsheviks are not interested in equality or care for the plight of other races than their own. They are a cultural ISIS, far more deadly and dangerous than the rag-tag group marauding the Middle East. There is no middle ground and no mutual understanding. They are cancer and will kill the host if not contained. Unfortunately their doctor, the intelectually impervious POTUS, cultivates more unhealthy cells in the lab with each word and deed. Perhaps the coming amputations by a President Trump will be the remedy to save the body politic before it’s too late.

July 18, 2016 11:52 pm

The only lives that matter are those that drag themselves out of bed every day to work and pay their own way and that includes retirees who lived below their means to fund their retirement. All other lives are just dragging us down. We need a top down culling…..pronto!

July 19, 2016 12:04 am

Shepard Smith needs to go suck a black dick.

July 19, 2016 12:28 am

I too understand the BLM mantra, but it is fatally flawed, especially once they insist on it being “only BLM”. What person in their right mind argues that all lives don’t matter?? Apparently Shep Smith, but I did say right mind. And who argues the Blue lives don’t matter?? Certainly not the law abiding and peace desiring. Today I saw police dogs lives matter, and they’re right! So the BLM mantra is fatally flawed, which is perfect for a movement built on lies!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 19, 2016 12:40 am

“And who argues the Blue lives don’t matter??”


I would say that they do matter but it is getting increasingly difficult to have sympathy for them in a world where “the law” means little more than what the elite and their political puppets want it to mean and where it does not apply equally to all. In such a world “blue lives” come to represent little more than muscle for said elite and thus not really the protectors or perpetrators of the peace as they are so often painted. So while I am disgusted by the BLM mantra and what it represents and what it has produced I am equally disgusted by the myth that the police are still the thin blue line that they claim they once were because increasingly they appear to be little more than the enforcement wing of a corrupt and entrenched oligarchy.


July 19, 2016 12:55 am

Ironing Board-E said:
“What person in their right mind argues that all lives don’t matter??”

See my post at 11:52pm above. Any life that isn’t pulling its own weight is simply dead weight…..children and actual retards excluded.

July 19, 2016 12:51 am

I’ve never been one to blame or condemn all cops. Having said that, long before all Ferguson and BLM, this country was growing tired of the bullshit being perpetrated by cops on both innocent people and suspects alike. Roadside cavity searches by cops, the planting of drugs by cops, colonoscopies by cops when they couldn’t find the drugs, the theft of money by cops during traffic stops and even fucking accidents, wrong address “no knock raids” by cops, upholding the thin blue line by cops……….all of this and much more has brought us to where we are today.

I do not agree with what these fucking cowards are doing to the cops now. I think it will only result in the theft of more rights and freedoms for all of us but the writing has been on the wall for a long time in letter that Stevie fucking Wonder could see.

It is interesting that the majority of this violence is being done by liberal whack jobs.

[imgcomment image?w=700[/img]

July 19, 2016 2:46 am

Is it just me or does that fag look like he hired Tammy Faye Bakers ex make up artist? Hell, its hard to tell with all that foundation on the old queen might be a wookie.

July 19, 2016 5:35 am

I quit watching Faux a long time ago. The gov propaganda and indoctrination lines would make the KGB proud

Lamont Cranston
Lamont Cranston
July 19, 2016 7:29 am

He’s an Ole Miss a**hole. That’s all you need to know.

July 19, 2016 7:45 am

Why do you think we call it “Faux News”?

July 19, 2016 10:21 am

Fox is full of liberal cocksuckers. S Smith, Howard Kurtz, Geraldo Rivera, Mike Wallace,Megan Kelly. They are just carrying on the tradition of being objective journalists until they can stab America in the back. Just like Walter Cronkite and the 60 minutes types.

I have never thought that liberal and literal could be synonyms before.