So, You’ve Been Made Superfluous…

So, You’ve Been Made Superfluous…


In the US, 94 million people have “dropped out of the workforce,” and the unemployment situation is often worse in Europe. The ruling systems of the West have made these people superfluous. If you’re one of them, I’m sorry. It’s happening to millions of people right now, and it’s a horrible thing. (And it’s going to continue.)

If you think this is your fault, you’re wrong. You are willing and capable of productive work, but the system has its own needs, and they no longer involve you.

Please get clear on this: The system doesn’t give a damn about you and never will, unless you suit its needs. All those “we care about you” speeches are sucker-bait.

“I’m Not a Charity Case”

Here are a few lines from the song Blue Collar Man, by Styx. See if any of them resonate with you.

Give me a job, give me security

Give me a chance to survive

I’m just a poor soul in the unemployment line

My God, I’m hardly alive

My mother and father, my wife and my friends

You see them laugh in my face

But I’ve got the power and I’ve got the will

I’m not a charity case

My message to you is this:

You do have the power, and you do have the will. But the system has no place for you; it needs you to be a charity case. If you want more than that for your life, you’ll have to make it yourself.

Read on and I’ll explain how that’s done.

The Will and the Power

We’ve all been seduced into discounting our own will. We’ve been trained to abandon it to the system. And so long as that pattern holds, the only hope you have is that the system will reform itself to suit you… and that almost never happens. How many times in a row do we play the sucker before we stop believing the system and its agents? Let’s make this clear:

Your government has no idea what to do with you, aside from keeping you permanently distracted and giving you just enough handouts to survive.

So, if you want things to get better, you’ll have to exercise your own will.

Yes, I know you’ve been taught never to hold your own thoughts supreme. And being taught that repetitively, you did what everyone else did: You demoted your own mind and obeyed Teacher. And by so doing, we handed our minds to the system.

We were children of course and too young to realize what we were doing. Nonetheless, it remains our responsibility to pull our minds out of that trap. And this is necessary, because once you reclaim your will – once you start to act on your own judgment – you will have power. And not until.

Words Are Impotent

Please understand that changing your situation requires action, not words. You can play with words forever to no effect. And that’s just what the system wants. Write letters to your congressman, support the party-hack of your choice, and so on, without end. They want you to limit yourself to words… which ensures that nothing really changes.

But when you get up and act, not only does the world change, you change.

The Usual Problem

The fear of acting is a lot like the fear of public speaking; it can be profound and debilitating. People freeze, or they jump to wild, all-or-nothing concepts. (Starting small is just fine.)

So, please understand, what I’m talking about here is acting on your own will, whatever that entails. Anyone who hands you a plan to follow is squeezing your will out of the equation.

Yes, it’s scary to act on your own, but you have to do it anyway. Below I’m going to make some suggestions. But I’m only doing this because I know how minds can freeze up at such moments, and I want to make this step easier for you. Do not misconstrue this as a plan of some sort; I’m just listing ideas to get your mind moving. You must choose, and you must act. You must accept responsibility.

Hopefully this list has jogged your mind at least a bit. Acting on thoughts like these are the first steps on a path to real liberation, and there is no substitute. You have to act on your own, without permission.

Your other option is to watch TV, buy the products they promote, maintain your Facebook addiction, and die young. That’s what the system expects of superfluous people.

* * * * *

If you’ve enjoyed Free-Man’s Perspective or A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, you’re going to love Paul Rosenberg’s new novel, The Breaking Dawn.

It begins with an attack that crashes the investment markets, brings down economic systems, and divides the world. One part is dominated by mass surveillance and massive data systems: clean cities and empty minds… where everything is assured and everything is ordered. The other part is abandoned, without services, with limited communications, and shoved 50 years behind the times… but where human minds are left to find their own bearings.

You may never look at life the same way again.

Get it now at Amazon ($18.95) or on Kindle: ($5.99)


* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

Notify of
July 19, 2016 3:20 pm

I hardly think people out of work (and out of luck) have any impetus to “invest” in Bitcoin or anything else.
My advice is to consider your skill set, including your hobbies and areas of interest; then see if there’s a way to offer these skills to others for pay or barter.

Don Levit
Don Levit
July 19, 2016 3:28 pm

Very empowering
It is a lonely feeling when you know you must be in the world but not of the world
Find those few people who are like-minded who encourage you to be the best you can be
Not utilizing our gifts, talents, and abilities not only harms the commons; personally, it is a living death

  Don Levit
July 20, 2016 12:21 am

I do not ponder life after death , Usually I ponder if there is LIFE before death !
Live it all best you can .

July 19, 2016 3:40 pm

“Start teaching cryptography.”

What the hell? That’s like saying: “Start coding in C++”, or “Start crafting violins by hand”.

People have wildly different aptitudes and interests, and won’t fit into the box that the author of the article suggests. Westcoaster said it better.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
July 19, 2016 4:33 pm

The author zigged when he really should have zagged. If you’ve lost your job, that’s the perfect time to examine your values and priorities against the limited life-energy we all have. Is that McMansion important enough to invest so much of your life into a job that sucks? Or could you take a step back, think about what you really need to be happy (thinking very intentionally about what happiness is to you)?

I think we could all get by with a lot less if we took the time to define and pursue real happiness.

July 19, 2016 4:56 pm


First – Money buys freedom. If you want a bunch of freedom then acquire a bunch of money. It is really that simple.

Second – In order to have everything you want (freedom), you have to be willing to risk everything you have. Every single thing – no exceptions.

Third – It isn’t how many times you get knocked down but how many times you can force yourself back up that matter. Ten attempts with nine fails is a win!

These are the three things that I live by and I can tell you that it isn’t for everyone because you will either succeed and get what you want or you will have an epic fail that you will have to justify to your family, friends and supporters.

That there is little room left in the workforce makes this kind of thinking imperative and it should be crammed down the throats of young people because, after all, they are the ones that can best weather the initial setbacks. With that said, we should be very demanding of our youth and drive them towards entrepreneurship with a fury.

July 20, 2016 12:30 am

I think it is a Japanese quote it says “get knocked down 7 times , GET UP 8 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!
You basically are ended when you just give up . Been there , done that !
Let the journey flow however it goes .Do not GIVE UP!
Live some , whichever form it takes .
Have as much life as you can cram into your life as you can ))))))))))))))
Be well , just a cook that has been knocked down 9 times got up 8 times and working on that 9th fucker lol Whatever 🙂

Nurse ratched
Nurse ratched
July 19, 2016 5:07 pm

I read the article linked about the war-loving church…could anybody enlighten me with a biblical reference on his assertion that “all governments belong to the devil”? Not that I disagree with his overall point, but an inflammatory point without basis weakens the argument…

  Nurse ratched
July 19, 2016 5:47 pm

Nurse, if you really care start with 1 Samuel 8. That alone tells most of the story.
If you want more, find a good commentary like “Matthews Commentary”. Easy, online.

  Nurse ratched
July 19, 2016 11:42 pm

Luke 4:5-8.
5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.
6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.
7 If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
8 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

July 19, 2016 5:15 pm

94,000,000 people unemployed. Too many excess people. It’s going to end badly.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
July 19, 2016 9:08 pm

Don’t have kids.

July 19, 2016 5:48 pm

Dutchman , that’s what Satan through the Jews invented genocide…one dead is a tragedy , a million is a statistic…

July 19, 2016 5:54 pm

“could anybody enlighten me with a biblical reference on his assertion that “all governments belong to the devil” ———– Nurse ratched

Off the top of my head, in the Bible …….. the devil is called the “ruler of this world” …. and the “prince of the power of the air” ……. and he is like a “roaring lion” seeking people to devour …….. and even Jesus when he predicted his own death said the world was being judged and the “prince of this world” would be driven out.

There are many more such verses. In short, the devil rules this world until Jesus returns.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 19, 2016 6:42 pm

It requires a great deal of personal reflection not to buy into the line dribbled out between government insiders and the rest of us . “THEY” the ever present group no one can identify yet we all know who they are will support comments like those union jobs put to many demands for money and benefits yet the “THEY” group of insiders deserve their goodies but you well , you want that 50 cent raise go on up the road or stick a jack up your ass that will give you a raise . Stand up and walk with a polite fuck off asshole as you clear the job area . You have self worth and dignity and piss on the true little people that attempt to convince you other wise ! In today’s economy $65 plus per hour is a fair wage for skilled people just do the math health care housing transportation retirement all must come from the earned income now but “THEY” can’t fucking add for anybody but their own selves ! Remember this important fact the “THEY” I speak of are all the minions working for any government entinty in any capicity police , fire , teacher pick any . None of these people would have shit if the power and force of government did not confiscate it from you first ! So you are deserving of the same wages and benefits and if you do not recieve them you are cheated and “THEY” don’t give a fuck because they are not taxed the way you are ! Tax on your earned income is nothing less than legalized theft from you to “THEM” . Hell Even A Dog Knows The Difference Between Being Stumbled Over Or Kicked ! Show the world you won’t be kicked anymore . Sure we need government services but not at the cost we now pay you work 6 months just to cover your tax bill . Sound Fair?

July 19, 2016 7:14 pm

Working 6 months to pay the taxes due every April? What is the
complaint…that is the price for peons trying to “act rich”…and
enjoy the high life. Only play that game if you can earn 200-500K
per year. Otherwise, you will actually be poor.

July 20, 2016 12:28 am

Nurse ratched

I took the time to answer your question.

The least you can do is say “thank you”, you ignorant slut.