Donald Trump’s Candidacy—–The Good And The Bad Of It

Trumped Final

 Donald Trump’s Candidacy—–The Good And The Bad Of It

In the next sections we shall document at length why the US is a nation on the brink of financial ruin. Our purpose at this point, however, is to dispel any illusion that Donald Trump—–the man and his platform—-offers any semblance of a remedy.

In the great scheme of history, the Donald’s great purpose may be to simply disrupt and paralyze the status quo. And that much he may accomplish whether he is elected or not.

For what is actually happening is meta-political. The bipartisan ruling elites are being Trumped.

Their entire regime of casino capitalism, beltway racketeering and imperial hegemony is being unmasked. The unwashed masses are catching on to the “rigged” essence of the system, and have already become alienated enough to rally to outlaw politicians—– like Bernie and Trump—–peddling ersatz socialism and reality-TV populism, respectively.

To be sure, the metaphor of Shock and Awe and the idea of “regime change” have been given a bad name by Bush the Younger and his bloody henchmen. Yet there is no better way to describe Donald Trump’s rise and role than with exactly those terms.

The current regime arose in the 1980s from Ronald Reagan’s regrettable decision to rebuild the nation’s war machine——along with the GOP’s conversion to “deficits don’t matter” and Alan Greenspan’s discovery of the printing press in the basement of the Eccles Building. Those deplorable, illicit and unsustainable departures from sound policy have subsequently morphed into a full-blown mutant state that is fundamentally anti-capitalist and anti-democratic.

Its many deformations are undeniable. They include soaring public and private debts at home; the peace-destroying and fiscally crushing American Imperium abroad; serial financial bubbles that have gifted mainly the 1%; and rampant beltway influence peddling and a PAC-based campaign finance system that amounts to money racketeering, among countless other ills.

This entire misbegotten regime is now well past its sell-by date; it’s waiting to be monkey-hammered by an unscripted and uninvited disrupter.

For at least that role, Donald Trump is eminently qualified. He represents a raw insurgency of attack, derision, impertinence and repudiation.

He’s the battering ram that is needed to shatter the polite lies and delusions on which the current regime rests. If he had been ordered from central casting for that role, in fact, it would have been difficult for Hollywood to confect anything close to the brash, egomaniacal rabble-rouser that is now heading the GOP ticket.

It is no wonder the elites are virtually screeching that he is “unqualified”. Yes, Donald Trump is rude, impulsive and loutish to a fault. That’s why, in fact, his is unsuited for the establishment’s job definition. That is, to preside over another four years of the kind of risible, kick-the-can fantasy-world that serves the interests of our Wall Street/Washington rulers.

The latter would have the left-behind legions in Flyover America believe that everything is all fixed and that the financial crisis and the Great Recession were but a random and unrepeatable bump in the night that will never recur. As Obama blatantly fibbed at the Democratic convention, America is already great and America is already strong.

No, not even close. America is heading for a devastating financial collapse and prolonged recession that will make the last go-round look tame by comparison. Under those circumstances the very last thing it will need in 2017-2018 when the brown stuff hits the fan is a lifetime political careerist and clueless acolyte of the state who knows all the right words and harbors all the wrong ideas.

Indeed, during the coming crisis America will need a brash disrupter of the status quo, not a diehard defender. Yet when the stock market drops by 7,000 points and unemployment erupts back toward double digits, Hillary Clinton’s only impulse will be to double down.

That is, to ignite the printing presses at the Fed from red hot to white heat, plunge the nation’s fiscal equation back into multi-trillion deficits and crank-out Washington’s free stuff like never before. A combination of a Clinton White House and the devastating day of reckoning just ahead would result in Big Government on steroids.

It would also tilt the Imperial City toward war in order to distract the nation’s disgruntled voters in their tens of millions.

After all, Hillary has fatuously likened Vladimir Putin to Hitler. She and her government in waiting are also now deeply invested in the dubious claim that the Russian government was behind the hacking of the DNC’s trove of email gossip and skullduggery. And her prospective war cabinet—including Victoria Nuland and Michelle Flournoy—–is comprised of the actual architects of Washington’s unprovoked NATO siege on Russia’s own doorsteps.

So Hillary Clinton may be perfectly qualified to wonk and conciliate her way through the fantasyland jabber of the New York Times editorial board room. But that’s the wrong venue entirely.

The next four years, by contrast, will be a time when Washington connections, manners and an extensive official resume will not count for anything at all. Nor will a facility for establishment double-talk about how Uncle Sam is riding to the rescue be a virtue.

In fact, the credibility of every financial institution along the Acela Corridor will be in tatters. That includes the fiscal firemen of Capitol Hill, the money printers at the Fed, the IMF bailout brigades headquartered in DC, the global banking cartels domiciled in NYC and the gambling houses and fast money hedge funds of Wall Street.

In that context, Donald Trump’s overwhelming virtue is that he is not Hillary Clinton and does not carry a bulging 30-year old bag of bad ideas. Hillary’s ideas—–and those of the establishment for which she shills——about how to fix the coming economic and foreign policy crises, in fact, are so unequivocally and irremediably bad that it is not possible that there is anything worse.

That’s not to say that Donald Trump’s economic policy ideas—-to the extent that they are semi-coherent and describable—-aren’t plenty dubious. You can find much that is pretty awful in his public quips and bromides.

Indeed, if you are a “low interest rate man”, as he claims to be, you are clueless about the central menace of our times. To wit, the rogue central banks and the massive falsification of financial markets that have resulted from their heavy-handed intrusion, ZIRP and money-pumping.

If you don’t want to touch social security and medicare—-ever—-you have your head buried in the fiscal sand. On that score, even Trump’s prodigious comb-over has disappeared below the surface.

If you think that fraud, waste and abuse have anything to do with the nation’s suffocating national debt, you are not thinking at all; you are channeling Ronald Reagan.

If you think, in fact, that giant corporate and individual tax cuts will pay for themselves in higher economic growth you are also channeling Ronald Reagan. Despite the subsequent GOP revisionism, the Reagan tax cuts didn’t come close to self-funding. The only reason that the national debt rose by a mere 250% on the Gipper’s watch is that upwards of 40% of the original revenue loss was rescinded with tax increases later in his term.

If you think a $10 minimum wage is warranted, as apparently the GOP candidate does on alternating days of the week, you haven’t meet any robots lately. The minimum wage was always a job killer because it causes capital substitution for labor, but with today’s breakthroughs in robotics a big minimum wage hike will literally ionize millions of low-skill jobs.

If you think a big public infrastructure program is needed to prime the economic pump, you don’t understand Federalism or even where productivity comes from.

The only genuine Federal infrastructure responsibility is the Interstate highway system, but that’s generally in good shape already and could be perfected with a modest hike in the gas tax. The rest of it is either pork or public works, and the difference can only be sorted out by local governments, affected voters and taxpayers who actually foot the bill.

Finally, if you think that the $8 trillion in cumulative current account deficits that the US has run without interruption for the last 35 years is due to bad trade deals, you are essentially clueless as to why America is on the brink of economic ruin. The $60 billion we import from Mexico and $500 billion from China is a symptom of the nation’s rotten regime of Bubble Finance, not its cause.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump appears to be an economic blank slate who can embrace any and all of the above errors and delusions. That’s because his economics are purely glandular. Insofar as it is possible to discern, he has never been troubled by any kind of economic model or coherent philosophy at all.

But, alas, that is also his virtue. What needs to happen when the next recession and stock market plunge unfolds is exactly nothing. “Policy” is what is ruining American capitalism, and the corpulent state is it creating is what is eviscerating political democracy.

If Donald Trump is elected President, there will be no shovel-ready stimulus plan or any other economic policy fix within the first 100 days. Instead, there will be a gong show of such fury and fractiousness as to immobilize the Imperial City indefinitely.

If Hillary Clinton wins, the GOP controlled House of Representatives will lapse into a partisan killing field for any economic tonics the White House may offer.

Either way, both ends of Pennsylvania avenue will end up in political trench warfare. And either way, the Fed will end up even more paralyzed.

If in the face of recession it attempts negative interest rates, Flyover America will finally erupt with torches and pitchforks.

On the other hand, if it goes for another massive QE campaign it will be an admission that $3.5 trillion of it was an utter failure. Even the Wall Street gamblers will stampede for the exits.

In a word, the historic virtue of Donald Trump is that win or lose, his candidacy means that the illicit Washington/Wall Street “policy” regime will finally come to a grinding halt.

In that event, the Great Liquidation of crushing debts, insanely inflated assets prices, rampant carry-trade speculation, debilitating malinvestments and unspeakable windfalls to the gambling classes will finally commence. And none too soon.


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July 31, 2016 10:35 am

If anybody wonders what Sophistry is, this would seem to be a good example of it.


Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 31, 2016 11:16 am

Anon, You believe the Donald because he says things you already believe.

I said a few days ago that even if he loses, he wins. Donald Trump is the Ignatius J. Reilly of our times, a fool with just enough savvy to screw things up so badly that they lead to actual improvement by inducing much needed change.

  Filomeno Reyes
July 31, 2016 11:33 am

I believe Trump believes in the the things he says.

Compare that to Hillary, or almost any other candidate for that matter.

But you, what do you believe? And I mean actually believe.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 31, 2016 12:13 pm

Anon, I have been stating in various ways the very thing I have written above. Like many thinking folks, I am confused by the choices we are left with and can’t explain how it all came about.

Conspiracy? That is always the best excuse when information is lacking. Dr Pangloss said that anxiety is caused by the lack of information. Anxiety then leads to neurosis.

Modern Americans have developed a coping mechanism called Conspiracy Theory to supply the missing information.

Maggie Alert.

July 31, 2016 10:41 am

There is an unavoidable truth that both the establishment and the anti-establishment both understand but also try not to think about. The truth is that printing trillions and giving it to the 1% is and was the only solution that avoids all out depression. The moment this printing stops, we end up in a depression worse than the 1930s. Actually, not stopping isnt enough. The printing has to accelerate continuously. The bubbles have to get bigger. A visit to the doctor must soon cost $5000 and a year at college must soon cost $50000 or everything collapses. And what sense does it make to argue that it should just collapse? Once it collapses, it may as well still cost $5000 for a doctor visit because even if the cost falls back to $100, in a depression, who is going to have that measely $100?

July 31, 2016 11:37 am

The result of debt based money since the money borrowed is not sufficient to pay both the principal and the interest on it to get out of the debt so more needs more to be borrowed to pay it off which results in an ever increasing upward spiral of debt.

Muck About
Muck About
July 31, 2016 7:52 pm

@Anon: That’s also called a Ponzi Scheme which – given a little time – will turn into a”Minsky Moment” (That’s the sound of all the glass breaking when it happens!)


July 31, 2016 11:31 am

“Sophistry” — for people like El Coyote and bb — is the use of fallacious arguments with the intention of deceiving.

As such, Anon’s “analysis” above is 100% organic bovine excrement. Although I will vote for Trump this fall, I am not and never will be a Trump-eteer. Stockman speaks truth, like it or not. Donald doesn’t understand economics at all …. how is that not a true statement?

July 31, 2016 11:38 am

You demonstrate sophistry as well.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 31, 2016 12:01 pm

Stucky- Why are you not voting for Johnson after all the years of preaching the Ron Paul devotee line to sound money here on TBP? Did all of that disappear in the mist of TBP time? You and Admin have forgotten that lesson and pledge to vote for a candidate who has failed to mention any justice in store for the banksters or to restore our money.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 31, 2016 12:15 pm
July 31, 2016 2:40 pm

Stucky. Stockman is full of shit. I predicted after his last article this was coming. You could see it a mile away. The repug wish list. Keep that trade a flowing, and let’s hammer social security. Fuck Stockman.

July 31, 2016 3:02 pm

Stucky….don’t dump on Trump with “Donald doesn’t understand economics at all”.
Ask how many U.S. Presidents knew economics better than Trump.

I don’t expect the President to know Economics, or be a Maff Whiz, or etc. Presidents get staff and advisors.

July 31, 2016 11:48 am

This artificially induced corrective phase we have seen from 2011 to the end of 2015 is over. The first so-called “recovery” that has been worse than the recession! The long term trend of loss of confidence, in financial instruments and assets is set to resume. Regardless of who occupies the oval office the coming financial reset will be a depression, where systemic deleveraging must occur.

Assets will be sold, often for pennies on the dollar. The result being that asset prices collapse. Equity levels drastically decline. This triggers more selling of assets. Credit levels shrink as the value of underlying collateral vanishes. Cash flow dries up and debt service stops, generating more asset sales and bankruptcies become common.

We now have more than $14 trillion in the world of negative yielding debt. Where is this money going to go? It won’t sit there getting none or negative yields forever. It is going to find tangible real assets. Gold, silver, real estate, etc. Trust in the system is breaking down. People are afraid. They look at what is going on with the leadership and they are getting scared.

Over this next decade we will see a trend towards nationalism as globalization is rejected.

July 31, 2016 12:24 pm

“Assets will be sold, often for pennies on the dollar. The result being that asset prices collapse. ”

That’s what the gold spot price beatdown looked like to me, when it happened. Naked shorting of gold contracts reduced the spot price to the point that the sale of gold to foreign buyers became more like a gift. Of course, those doing the shorting classified gold as a commodity rather than an asset.

July 31, 2016 12:38 pm

“We now have more than $14 trillion in the world of negative yielding debt.”

Yup…..Got my bank statement in the mail yesterday – $2.15 in interest.
Won’t be long before they charge me $2.15 for the privilege!
In the end, – it is just a piece of paper backed by nothing other than someone else’s promise to pay.
When that promise evaporates, which it will, the game is over…….
The smart one’s will pull their fiat out of the bank, before collapse, and convert it to something tangible.

Yes Ed…. When the gold futures contracts are ripe and the SHTF, everyone will finally realize that the vaults are empty of any gold they “thought” was in there!!

July 31, 2016 4:08 pm

Fiatman, as I said when the spot beatdown was going on, the people who have gold ain’t selling and the people selling have no gold.

July 31, 2016 12:04 pm

Interference in the marketplace by central planners, the benefits of which are uneven and generally accrue to favored entities at the expense of the masses.

This regime continues until the masses revolt. That is occurring and will become more virulent.

You are barely in the 4th inning of the revolt. Trump wins easily because the masses are sticking the middle finger to the system, regardless of whether they believe Trump is mature.

July 31, 2016 12:13 pm


I have seen tapes of Trump talking years ago about tax rates. Trump understands the incentives which guide businessmen like himself, but he does not understand the problems at the federal government level.

July 31, 2016 12:35 pm

A question for the group. Where does one put their money. Outlookingin, you state put in real estate. If a collapse happens, real estate collapses to. Which leads me to a conundrum: if one has cash to buy up cheap assets after the collapse, where does one put cash during the free fall. Are digits in a money market matter safe? You can’t have too much physical cash because if you purchase anything over $10,000 with cash that raises red flags. Gold, okay great. Gold goes to $5,000. What happens if they outlaw gold again. I go around and around on this crap and it makes my head hurt. I believe that when the reset happens, everyone loses 25-35 percent no matter where you put it. Thoughts?

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 31, 2016 12:40 pm

I’ve considered that question and I agree with you; even if you can scoop up cheap real estate, it will be taxed to high heaven and you’ll be robbed by the municipal authorities.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 31, 2016 1:29 pm

Stockman is a perfect example of a man who has all the facts but still can’t see the big picture. Yes, he may be – and probably is – right on the economic and financial future of America. That, however, is not what the crisis in our country is about, although certainly it is a huge issue not to be ignored. Our country is being destroyed demographically and our culture and national identity is being crushed by Marxist ideologues. No, Trump may not save the economy, but he may be – may be! – the first step in saving the country. Economies can be rebuilt from virtually nothing, as Germany and Japan have shown. What can’t be recovered is a nation overrun with aliens, its traditions and history erased. Get your head out of your butt, Stockman. Man does not live by bread alone.

  Southern Sage
July 31, 2016 2:02 pm

Indeed, another vote against Aristotle’s formal cause as a sole determinant of what a thing is. A United States overrun with aliens, devoid of its own history, traditions and culture is not the same nation. It is a mere shell of itself. Thus, it appears that we need Captain Trump at the helm of the proverbial Ship of Theseus before Hilldebitch rips up every last plank, as it were. Argh…..make her walk the plank…

July 31, 2016 4:39 pm

Maybe the owners are (s)electing tRump so that an outsider is the one to *cause* and poorly navigate the coming financial festivities allowing them to ride in on their shiny white steeds to save the day?

Maybe we can convince the muzzies that the Fed is the source of everything anti-islam in the world and destroying it is the path to muzzie heaven? Using the muzzies to vanquish our enemies before we vanquish them sounds like a plan if I’ve ever heard one.

July 31, 2016 5:08 pm

At least Stockman didn’t rant about buying Gold.(this time) Trump at least has a few good ideas.NAFTA was a bad idea and having trade deals that at least make it so we ar not getting bent over makes sense. YEARS of having people all over the country tell me about factories closing down and moving overseas about drove me crazier.
Trump seem’s to talk the common sense talk of a lot of Americans.The third grade name calling also.
Trump is a breath of fresh air.
The debates between Trump and the Hildabeast should be entertaining.
I still think everyone should prepare for the worst.

Muck About
Muck About
July 31, 2016 8:06 pm

Don’t neglect what Stockman did for years, as Head of the Budget Office working out of the White House.

He ain’t no dummy and he’s been there and seen that.

It simply _doesn’t_matter_ who is elected Pres…. The ever widening crack into which past Federal polities have stuffed us in the years since Volker last had the balls to run up interest rates and shut down the party is too wide to build a bridge across. We’re going to fall in that crack and it won’t be pretty.

Status quo is D-Y-I-N-G and as soon as a sufficient number of people fall off the bottom of the ladder, the restless masses will get pissed and bad things will happen (and accelerate)..

TANSTAAFL no matter who promises there is.
