Trump and the New Religion

Guest Post by The Zman

The 2016 US Presidential election is shaping up to be one of those inflection points in the nation’s history. At this stage it is hard to know what comes after November, even if you are confident of the outcome. In 1964, the Liberals clobbered the arch-conservative Goldwater, but that turned out to be their last hurrah as 1960’s radicalism was about to blow itself apart. Similarly, many thought 2000 was a shift toward a post-Progressive America, but it was the start of a new Great Progressive Awakening.

I’m fond of calling the prevailing philosophy among our rulers the New Religion because it has all the attributes of a religion, just adapted to the mass media era. For those unfamiliar with this, the New Religion is based on egalitarianism, multiculturalism and anti-racism. The last part is an outgrowth of the first two, but it is such a key part of the believer’s worldview, it really must be treated as a foundation item. Spend time on social media and you will inevitably run into people calling themselves anti-racists.

As Eric Hoffer observed, mass movements can get along without a god, but they must always have a devil. For the modern Progressive, the arch-demon is racism and everything is organized around fighting it. Abstract concepts make for useful devils, because they can be redefined on the fly to meet new challenges. A racist used to be some who hated blacks. Now it is someone hated by blacks or by the people who do the hating on their behalf.

As much as anti-racism is the star of the show, the other two legs of the stool are important too and we’re seeing that in the election. Trump is running on an explicitly nationalist platform. Nationalism comes with certain assumptions, like “our culture is better than others” and “our people are worth more to us than the people of other countries.” These are value judgments based on a shared history and a shared identity. America is not a blood and soil nation, but it is still a nation. My fellow citizens mean more to me than the people of France or Lichtenstein.

The internal logic of the New Religion excludes parochialism of any sort. All humans are equal, to the point where sex is even counted as a social construct. Therefore, no one can be morally better than another. Since culture is personality writ large and all personalities are equal, all cultures are equal. Anything short of embracing all cultures equally is racism. That means all the people who oppose the one-world globalism of our elites can only be driven by racism. They are evil so they must be fought at any cost.

That’s what we are seeing with Trump. He is a man who is the epitome of color blindness. He opened his first big club in Miami to all races, despite the fact the local residents opposed that idea. Those local residents were very liberal, you should note. His business associates look like the color wheel and his daughter converted to Judaism after marrying her very Jewish husband. Yet, Trump is running as a nationalist so the New Religion casts him as a racist. They even obliquely hint that he is an anti-Semite by calling him “Herr Drumpf” all the time.

The so-called conservatives in the media are just as smitten with the New Religion as their paymasters.  After all, a key part of being on contract at CNN or ABC is to be in the good graces of the fanatics that run those stations. Since the people in charge have defined racism as the worst of sins, no conservative will be caught dead associated with a racist. Nothing strikes fear in the hearts of these nancy-boys more than the thought of being cast into the pit alongside guys like John Derbyshire and Steve Sailer.

Years ago, back in the early Bush years, I met Jonah Goldberg at a NRO fundraiser event. We were chatting and I mentioned Peter Brimelow and he turned pale. The look on his face was what you would expect if he just learned Godzilla was approaching. He pulled himself together enough to say, “You should never even read anything they write. It’s very bad.” and then he sprinted away like I was chasing him. It was old fashioned, gut level fear like you see in horror movies. Goldberg is now a unhinged opponent of Trump.

On the scale of certainty, the modern Progressive is quite sure he is an anti-racist. He even has that on the profile of his social media accounts. The old Buckley Right has always existed on the edge of grace, with respect to the Left so they are desperate to prove they are just as anti-racist as their brothers on the Left. It’s why they are so over-the-top in their hatred for Trump. It’s not a case of self-doubt leading to overcompensation. They fear their brothers on the Left do not believe they have cleansed themselves of racism, so their animus toward Trump is their purification ritual.

This is why guys like Erick Erickson are constantly trolling for the attention of Trump supporters on twitter and Faceberg. It’s why NRO has given itself over to anti-Trumpism to the point of self-parody. It’s also why the most over-the-top outrage about the Khan flap was from the so-called Right. These performances are not intended to convince Trump voters. They are intended to convince the Left that the official Right is fully housebroken and ready to live in the master’s house. Anti-Trumpism is a public act of piety by those who wish to be initiated in the New Religion.

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August 3, 2016 10:51 am

A terrific essay. A lot of good insight. Religions are value systems. Liberalism has become a religion.

August 3, 2016 11:01 am

All cultures are NOT equal – the historical record proves it. However, if you want to call me a racist for stating the truth, I will bear ‘racist’ as a badge of honor.

August 3, 2016 11:10 am

*Star – I disagree. Owing to liberalism’s toxic and coercive nature, I say it’s more akin to a cult. Either way, it will certainly be recorded by future historians as yet another in mankind’s long list of mass delusions.

August 3, 2016 11:18 am

Good point, walt

August 3, 2016 11:39 am

Public displays of anti-trumpism is what Derbyshire terms the Good-Whites.

At status classification based on Tom Wolfe novels.

I think status is associated with reproduction as opposed to survival.

As the economy moves into a greater depression, good-whites will attopt a survival mode with everything they do. Their attitudes toward the new religion will change.

August 3, 2016 11:39 am

If I were the Devil, the real Devil that is, I would create One World and unify all the peoples into One. To do this, I would make reason unnecessary, turn discernment into prejudice and make truth exclusionary.

Logic would then become relative and, thus, turn mathematics into my opinion. Then I would teach my people how 2 + 2 = 5. And, they will love me.

And, for those who reject me, I will call mightily upon the herd instinct of my people to lash the undisciplined without mercy, prior to their public crucifixions in the Town Square.

And, thus, will my disciples be entertained, love me with their whole hearts, and worship me everlasting.


August 3, 2016 12:32 pm

Well written, well thought out. Thanks for your work.

August 3, 2016 6:08 pm

Just what the fuck is this guy talking about? “Similarly, many thought 2000 was a shift toward a post-Progressive America, but it was the start of a new Great Progressive Awakening.” ????
As I recall, “W” stole the 2000 election from Al Gore and the Conservative/Progressive pendulum swung far right, (with 2 wars and $4 Trillion down the hole) where it sticks today despite 8 years of Obamaism.
You’re scraping the bottom of the barrel, Jim.

August 3, 2016 6:34 pm

I believe Bush the younger doubled the national debt and passed the largest tax increase in history to pay for Medicare Part D before the Obammy took the reigns.

August 3, 2016 7:33 pm

Trump is soooo RAAAYYYCCISSSS that he still fills auditoriums seating thousands …. with thousands waiting outside hoping to get in.

Hip Hip Hoorah for RAAACCCISSSM!!!!