Fissures in the Empire

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:

Washington has raised the cost of being a member of its Empire too high. Vassals such as France and Germany are beginning to exercise independent policies toward Russia. Observing the cracks in its Empire, Washington has decided to bind its vassals to Washington with terror. Most likely what we are witnessing in the French and German attacks is Operation Gladio.

Washington’s policy toward Russia, which has been imposed by Washington on all of Europe, benefits no one but the handful of American ideologues known as neoconservatives. Neoconservatives are crazed psychopaths willing to destroy Earth in behalf of American hegemony.

A delegation of members of the French National Assembly and Senate went to Crimea to participate in Russian Navy Day on July 28. Thierry Mariani, the head of the French delegation, addressed the parliament in Crimea and said that there are no reasons for France to continue to support Washington’s illegal sanctions on Russia.

As the Strategic Culture Foundation reports, this “is part of a trend taking place in Europe.”

“On June 8, the French Senate voted overwhelmingly to urge the government to gradually reduce economic sanctions on Russia amid growing opposition to the punitive measures across Europe. The French National Assembly voted for lifting the sanctions in late April.”

Politicians in Italy, Belgium, and Cyprus are taking the same tack. Politicians in Greece and Hungary have also questioned the sanctions.

So does Donald Trump, and that is why the servile American press is trying to drive him into unacceptability and out of the race.

Democratic websites are spreading the rumor that Trump never intended to win the nomination. His goal was to come in second. His campaign was just an elevation of his name recognition to help him in his deals. But he and his advisors misjudged the disaffection of the voters from the Establishment parties and Trump won.

Democratic websites claim that Trump is trying to get himself so opposed by criticizing Muslim families of war heros and women for abortions that he can withdraw, thus allowing the RNC to select a candidate that can rival Hitlery in appeal to the ruling oligarchs and pressitute media.

Considering the degeneration of America, this could possibly be true.

But for now we must doubt it and ascribe it to the effort to undermine Trump with his supporters. The evil that rules in America is determined to have in the White House its own servant, and that servant is Hitlery.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
August 4, 2016 2:01 pm

Two for one: elect Harpy to get a Communist Dictator and a third world war.

August 4, 2016 3:12 pm

The problem is that it is extremely difficult to keep the wheels on the bus. In other word for those who have trouble with analogies, The more complex a system is the more it is prone to devolve into a simpler state. Entropy is a real universal constant. In other words for the daft, that’s why things rust!

It take an enormous amount of energy to keep complex systems running. Look at the amount of energy you expend to keep your house clean, to keep dust and dirt from building up. It’s a losing battle as you grow older and your energy dwindles and you give up the fight and the dust and dirt take over. It’s the same with complex governmental systems in the long run, a loosing proposition. Entropy always wins. There is a limit to the energy available to stave off the inevitable.

Governments get their energy from you. Their life blood is Fiat Currency, which represents your energy put into real things. Iron ore in the ground is meaningless, but refined, it produces a ship, auto, or refrigerator. Your life’s energy and time goes into changing ore into a productive item and that productive item is represented by money, get it?

France and Germany, the state, is seeing its life’s energy(money) diminishing because of the sanctions. Sanctions means less trade, which means less revenues for the state. In a socialist world money becomes the all encompassing need. Like a vampire the ‘state’ sucks the energy from the producers and get the support of the people by doling a portion back to the needy and indolent. France and Germany realize that their continued existence as a ‘state’ relies on trade.

Trade is good, Free Trade without government restrictions (protectionism) is better. If you have three daughters and your neighbor has three sons, a trade benefits everyone. The whole point of civilization is trade. Money is the grease that makes trade possible in modern society.

France and Germany are the loose lugnuts on the wheels of the bus. As some of the lugs loosen others will follow and without wheels the American hegemony bus will grind to a sudden halt.

I think that would be good for 90% of the world, but not so good for Americans in the short term.

Just sayin’.

Big Dick
Big Dick
August 4, 2016 3:40 pm

Ever seen a fishing net caught in the rapids of a breaking up ice flow? That’s the United Stated and its foreign entanglements and commands. They are literally being torn to shreds as the other side is tired of the demanding bullshit of the POTUS. They no more want war with Russia than they want more moslem refugees. Soon the dollar will be turned aside as the worlds currency in favor of SDR’s from the IMF. A basket of currency with solid gold backing will take its place sending the US down stream with the rest of the broken web of control. Lies, corruption, and life sapping wars are now taking its toll. Get ready for the historic Roman fall as history will repeat itself and very soon.

August 4, 2016 3:41 pm

With the dollar as the reserve currency, America has made itself the middleman of world trading.
It has abused its power by dictating the terms of the trade. It was no longer a contract between two parties, but a mother in law interjecting herself between a married couple. That’s changing as ‘direct exchange’ is becoming a reality with the Chinese and Russians new trade agreements.

America doesn’t like being cut out of the action. Perhaps, that is why Russia and China are so demonized by the AP p–the American Propaganda press. Wars are started over trade, you know.

Who’s more likely to start a world war, HiLlARy or Trump? I think HiLlARy likes war and I think Trump likes trade. Either goods flow across borders or solders do!

Good and evil is put before you. What will it be? It’s your decision. Choose thou!

August 4, 2016 4:28 pm

I was just reading an article on Obama’s money laundering to effect a ransom payment to Iran. As usual, Tehran was referred to as a “rogue regime”. I contend that the Obama administration is every bit as “rogue” as Tehran. We are constantly reminded that Iran sponsors global terrorism, which undoubtedly it does, but the Obama administration sponsors its own brand of terrorism (anti-Russian) from the Ukraine to Syria, Libya and other Middle East and African countries. Sure, Iran is rogue, but so too is our administration. Let’s call a spade a spade.

August 4, 2016 4:58 pm

nkit–Is the ‘spade’ comment a racial slur? Just askin’.

August 4, 2016 5:21 pm

Well Homer, not really, more of a colloquialism, but I made a comment very similar to this on another site that is censored and I said “Let’s call a club a club” because I thought a spade a spade might be taken as a racial slur and would have gotten me barred – perhaps. On TBP I don’t care how it is taken….Funny how an old saying like that can be interpreted.

August 4, 2016 5:53 pm

nkit–I’m funnin’ you.

August 4, 2016 6:13 pm

yeah, I got that Homer.. I laughed at your post because I refrained from saying that on a site that would have banned me perhaps, because everybody is so politically correct that such a simple saying like that can get one branded as a racist..Pretty sad…Next time I’ll just say let’s call a darkie, a darkie…

Here, chord with this:

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
Far, far away,
Dere’s wha my heart is turning ebber,
Dere’s wha de old folks stay.
All up and down de whole creation
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for de old plantation,
And for de old folks at home.

August 4, 2016 6:46 pm

Look if Stucky can’t get banned, nobody can get banned.

August 4, 2016 6:19 pm

nah, there is only one interpretation.

August 4, 2016 7:18 pm

The 4 million ransom payment was but the first installment on a 1.7 billion dollar deal Obama gave to the global sponsors of terrorism. Consider that the alleged payment wasn’t really ransom as Obama claims…because he didn’t give a rat’s ass about those captives…it’s not ransom…it’s a gift…his allegiances have been under scrutiny for some time..