I Want A Thank You

Guest Post by Zman

News brings word that one of the hyper-violent meat-heads the NFL hires to entertain us on fall weekends is making a nuisance of himself over the custom of playing the National Anthem before games.

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

His latest refusal to stand for the anthem — he has done this in at least one other preseason game — came before the 49ers’ preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi’s Stadium on Friday night.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Kaepernick was born to a destitute black white mother¹ in Milwaukee, who put him up for adoption. His father was a deadbeat from the neighborhood. In other words, he was born into the typical black environment, but unlike most black children, he was saved by a nice white couple who adopted him and raised him as their son. This got him into good schools, sports and a middle-class lifestyle. Later, nice white coaches helped him with his sports career, first at college and then in the NFL. Jim Harbaugh made Kaepernick a legitimate NFL player.

Kaepernick has decided to respond to this amazing run of good fortune, almost exclusively the result of generous white Americans, by giving his middle finger to his fellow Americans. Specifically, he is his flipping the bird to white people so he can pretend to make common cause with the black people from whom he was saved as a baby. You would think that someone living this wonderful life would be grateful to the country and the people who make it possible, but that’s not how things work in a grievance culture.

The 49ers issued a statement about Kaepernick’s decision: “The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.”

There are people paid lots of money to come up with statements like this. They sound pleasant, but say nothing. Exactly no one is saying this guy should be forced to stand during the anthem. No one thinks he should be barred from staying these stupid and nasty things about his countrymen. It’s a another way to shift the focus from the front lash to the backlash. Let’s not notice that Kaepernick is an ungrateful d-bag. No, let’s fret over some imaginary people who seek to oppress the ungrateful d-bag.

The people in charge think this type of response is safe and they may be right. To come out and say, “Our player is an ungrateful, spoiled meat head with the IQ of a goldfish” would be accurate, but probably cause more trouble than it is worth. Everyone would know it is true, but everyone also knows you can never say anything bad about the black guy in these cases. To do so gets every bean pie eating black media guy howling for your head, calling you a bigot.

No, the honkies are expected to just wait it out. Eventually, Kaepernick will have his big interview where the black interviewer will yuck up it up with him, cause you know, they’re brothers in the struggle and all that. This is why TV networks hire guys like Steve A. Smith. These two-person performances are intended to send a message to the honkies at home. “See, we can be reasonable, but we can also be unreasonable so you get to choose. Either go along with what we reasonably demand or else.”

Like a lot of people, I suspect, I’m going with “or else” this time. Bring it on. Black people have some legitimate complaints, but they need to be directed at their fellow blacks. Whites in America have been incredibly generous and accommodating to blacks over the last half century. It has not been perfect, it never is, but there’s nowhere on earth you would rather be black than in America. There’s a reason the Back To Africa Movement has no members. I don’t want to hear any more complaining. I want a thank you.

¹I mistakenly thought his birth mother was black.

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August 29, 2016 9:27 am

I don’t agree with Colin K. (for his demonstration) or with Zman (for his analysis/conclusion).
Reading Colin’s statement, the phrase “There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Colin is being specific, very specific. For the readers that ‘somehow’ (yes, that is sarcasm) miss his point, it is all about the CopFucks. It is about those that ‘protect and serve’ (yup, more sarcasm) by shooting citizens in the back (fucking LEO COWARDS) when there is no personal danger to the LEO. It is not about any racism in general or any hatred of whites.

OK morans, bring it on.

August 29, 2016 9:37 am

The vast majority of black murders area result of black on black crime. In fact, the vast majority of murders in the US are a result of black on black crime.

The problem is that people like this jerk-leg or the Black-lives-matter group are ignoring the larger problem at hand because either:

A) They are just that stupid.
B) They just want exposure.

Frankly, I think its a combination of the two. They don’t understand just how severe the black-on-black crime problem is, and they are all after their own person 15 minutes of fame, be it on Worldstar, Youtube, or CNN.


August 29, 2016 9:47 am

“B) They just want exposure.” – that was my thinking when I first heard the story. Like the ‘famous’ actors, some, only some, get swelled heads and provide their opinion to the unwashed.

I recognized that my thinking may be incorrect. I was just asking myself, is there an underlying reason for his action.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 29, 2016 10:11 am

Kaepernick is probably an imbecile. His full-body tats have cost him endorsements, and this latest protest will cost him even more – money he could have sent to his new buddies in ISIS (he’s reportedly converted to Islam).

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 29, 2016 9:54 am

Kokoda, For those instances of true copfuk criminality, you and Kaepernick have a point. The case of the mentally ill guy on a park bench in Milwaukee a few years ago might be one. We had a pretty questionable one here in Minneapolis – Jamar Clark – but even then, the forensics precluded prosecution of the cops. Most of the cases of black guys getting shot, though: Trayvon, Big Mike in Ferguson, the recent one in Milwaukee, the dead guy brought it onto himself. I’d be more sympathetic to Kaepernick’s opinion if they could find a few copfuk victims who were actually innocent. The shooting of Jacquan MacDonald in Chicago seemed completely unjustifiable, and was suppressed to help Rahm Emmanuel get reelected. Maybe Kap should protest Rahm Emmanuel. And that Chicago cop is being prosecuted. That he’s the first one in 50 years makes your point, I guess. Where Kaepernick and BLM are wrong is in thinking that cops kill blacks disproportionally. Only about 30% of those killed by cops are black – remarkably low, given black criminality.

  Iska Waran
August 29, 2016 2:52 pm

Its two separate problems, which has been rolled into one by the political elite so that the real issues are obfuscated.

Police militarization is a real problem, with stories like Kelly Thomas of Fullerton CA being completely forgotten overnight.

Urban crime rates are escalating again, for two primary reasons:
1. The media is fanning the flames through lies and manipulation.
2. The destruction of hope. People are getting desperate, and the rise in violent crime reflects that.

Barack Obama, Destroyer of Hope, The Deathknell of America, and all around terrible person.

August 30, 2016 9:11 am

Perhaps people here and elsewhere should actually find out what Colin said in addition to his statement about black and brown lives and the police. He went on to say that Hillary Clinton should not be running for the Presidency as not only did she do illegal things that would put others in prison – but she also labelled black youths “super predators”.
You may have all kinds of objections to him including his omission of any reference to the black on black wars going on in Chicago, but he was very clearly focusing on certain issues. He has that right. He spoke about the loss of liberty in the USA as well.
He also pointed out that there is a lack of police training and the fact that police actually are ‘government officers’. I am not black or brown but I think Colin deserves more respect for his views. HE did not ask for the views on Clinton to be censored. It was the mainstream media that decided not to print or broadcast those views.
As for Trayvon Martin ‘deserving’ to die – the kid was followed by a vigilante who had been told by the police that they would handle it, and decided to confront the vigilante Zimmerman. A huge mistake because Zimmerman was armed. But imagine yourself being trailed by somebody because you are walking somewhere at night. You’d want to go and confront them too.

August 29, 2016 9:35 am

This is just another brick in the wall.

Our antebellum period is coming to an end. For 150 years Progressivist cultists have squatted on the high moral ground. For 50 years they were given a “mandate” from a once-in-300-years social mood peak (of mass optimism) and for 35 years they had a blank check from our fully FIAT monetary madness combined with a secular decline in bond rates.

Anyone dumb enough to stand up and point out the idiocy of the Cult’s dogma was painted with the SCARLET LETTER (R) or in some cases, (M) [Racist or Misogynist] and faced economic ruin (ostracism in both work–being fired) and social leprosy. Simply speaking the truth destroyed brilliant careers (e.g. James Watson.)

This led to a condition where large numbers of people are privately ENRAGED, but have no freedom to express it. This brings us to today, where we approach a sentiment turn so profound that I now refer to it as a “Phase Change.”

Just as the characteristics of water are fundamentally different as it passes from liquid to solid over a very tiny change in temperature, what human societies approach is a wave of mass minded inversion-of-interpretation that promises to make a near-term tomorrow so different from today that we are unable to imagine the world on the other side of the change. Events of the past won’t change; they will be re-interpreted in a new, enraged light.

I quake in fear at the mass-minded, white-hot, mass-murderous rage that will flow through the minds of currently docile (mostly white) people when the inversion destroys most of what people today think of as “wealth.” Those who find themselves having “lost everything” will “lose it” (quoting Gerald Celente.)

It is as though today, a vocal group of whites, using blacks as their foil, are setting up blacks to be on the receiving end of a pogrom that could make the massacres in Rwanda or Cambodia look like kindergarten.

This process is inevitable, it is spontaneous, and its amplitude grows larger with each day we pass adding to its fuel. I thought it would begin in earnest in 1995, and several times it could have begun since then. Each time we paused, the trend resumed rather than reversed. No one knows the timing…but sooner or later we will find that no natural laws have been repealed. Gravity will reassert. Hell will be paid.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 29, 2016 1:46 pm

@dc, glad to see you commenting–have not seen you around here much.

Politics has no place in sports. Wish they would stick to just playing the game and not injecting themselves into social affairs. Of course, it’s the media’s (and public’s) fault for idolizing sports stars.

August 29, 2016 2:56 pm

I do hope you are wrong in your prediction.
“Phase Change”…hmmmm.
Blacks have been propagandized to the max. Everything the Blacks
attempt turns to violent shite. The % of successful honest Blacks
is smaller than it should be. That is what happens when 14 yr olds
are rewarded with a free apt and food and fuel subsidies for giving
birth to another baby. The dispensers (locally) of this largess (usually Black themselves) are quick to point out additional services (money) they can collect. After all it is job security for them. They have their own children to consider. Over time these
services have come to be known as “entitlements.” Who wouldn’t
seek entitlements?
I have led a frugal life through necessity/lol and later as habit.
And I will royally pissed if the non-earning dough in my bank account is stolen by gov. However, I will not be motivated to go
after Blacks. Frankly, my attitude had always been, as long as we appeared to prosper that is, that the handouts to Blacks were
inevitable, so why undue stress about it. Now = no more prosper
and likely a global reset and loss of “wealth” or rather meager savings, by the many of us. But that does not equate to wishing to take out the extreme frustration on any other dumb-ass group.
Drawing and quartering a certain group of bankers and pols sounds
satisfying altho a bit too grisly…I wouldn’t do it. Maybe someone else will. Bloody revolutions do harm everyday people…people that
just want to be left alone/to starve in peace. LOL

August 29, 2016 9:54 am

The nigger in the mirror is the cause of Afikan problems.

August 29, 2016 10:12 am

Kaepernick is black? Always thought he looked a little more middle eastern, kinda like a long lost relative of Ahmadinejad. Figured he’d be more pissed about Trump’s wall than #BLM.

August 29, 2016 10:22 am

Neegrows are the gift that keeps on giving.

Asking, demanding, something for nothing must be in their ancestors chimpanzee DNA.

I know of no other group that relentlessly demands entitlements, programs, grants than the Neegrows. I heard one on a talk show the other day, he said: “It’s only been 150 years since the end of slavery.” WTF.

August 29, 2016 11:08 am

All publicity is good publicity for BLM. They keep it in the public eye to divert from the real problems in the black world. Illegitimacy, moral decline, criminality, and politicians that wish to keep them on the plantation so as to have total control over them. Colin K. Is nothing but a smokescreen!

Big Dick
Big Dick
August 29, 2016 11:39 am

If this asshole is so concerned why doesn’t he give his millions of white pay to the reviving of the oppressed black community. Then his butt will be where his mouth is!

August 29, 2016 12:09 pm

The hildebeast ought to send this guy a thank you note, and probably a large check. Same with the lying swimmer dude. The whole country is in an uproar over some football player not standing up for the National Anthem; meanwhile, not a peep in media about all the clintoon scandals. How convenient.

I just heard that huma is finally separating from the weiner because of another sexting scandal—that should keep the media busy at least until election day…

P.S. I give exactly zero fuks whether or not this guy stands up. He has that right for whatever reason. But to bring this kind of negative attention to his team mates and employer is completely inappropriate and just plain WRONG. He should have done it on his own time.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 30, 2016 12:03 pm

serve his country? in the Army?
ROFLOL, no, he is serving his government. the military is just another cog in the imperial war machine.

August 29, 2016 6:16 pm

“refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.”

hehe , pussy, if he really wanted to make a statement about the evils of uncle sam he would refuse to file his taxes anymore, after all the money will be used to oppress the brothers.

August 29, 2016 6:56 pm

Go ahead….keep paying their salaries…

August 30, 2016 5:24 am

DC Sunsets, that was brilliant analysis. I agree. I’ve been saying for some time that we’re on a pendulum that swung too far towards tolerance, past reasonable tolerance, and towards white hate and insanity, and now the pendulum will swing back towards the opposite extreme. When the blacks and libtards see what they’ve created, they will be astonished.
I think you can date the change to the cop who arrested noted racist Louis Gates on his porch and refused to back down when accused of racism. If that cop had refused to go to the “beer summit,” things might be even farther along now. I would have refused-preezy had no say in the matter and made an ass of himself. And Gates was a typical liberal racist moron having a temper tantrum.

If black lives matter, I’m still waiting to see them act like it. No other people on Earth destroy themselves so willingly and with such abandon while condemning those who actually attempt to better themselves and blame everyone else for their self-created problems.