UH prof agrees to hand out ’emotional first-aid kits,’ balks at pacifiers

Via Campus Reform

  • A University of Houston professor agreed to distribute “emotional first-aid kits” to students, apparently not realizing it was a satirical ploy by James O’Keefe.
  • The emotional first-aid kits contain a baby blanket, chocolates, a plush kitten, a bag containing the smell of lavender, ear plugs, a genderless pastel teddy bear, hand written notes, and a pacifier.
  • Prof. Schindler did, however, express reservations about the pacifiers, which she feared might be taken the wrong way, and suggested advising students to suck their thumbs instead.

An assistant professor at the University of Houston recently agreed to distribute “emotional first-aid kits” to students, apparently not realizing it was a satirical ploy by James O’Keefe.

O’Keefe, who is undercover in the Project Veritas video, claims he is a member of the “99.9 percent,” a group created for students who are “emotionally disturbed by opinions which differ from their own.” His correspondent, Philosophy department advisor Bobbie Sue Schindler, agreed without hesitation to the idea of “emotional first-aid kits,” even offering her assistance to help assemble them.

“The stress of school gets to them, like a bad grade, a missed class, being late, a microaggression, uh whatever…”

“The stress of school gets to them,” Schindler observed to O’Keefe regarding the emotional distress that students face, “like a bad grade, a missed class, being late, a microaggression, uh whatever…”

To help students deal with such burdens, the emotional first-aid kits contain a baby blanket, chocolates, a plush kitten, a bag containing the smell of lavender, ear plugs, a genderless pastel teddy bear, hand written notes, and a pacifier.

Only the pacifier gave Schindler any pause, though only out of concern that students might take them the wrong way. Instead, she suggested that the kit just contain a note encouraging students to suck their thumbs.

The video features several prominent conservative movement opinion leaders, including VICE co-founder Gavin McInnes and Fox News contributor Guy Benson, who act out the roles and sarcastically repeat the quotes from the university officials to highlight the absurdities that students face on college campuses today.

This video is the first in a series where Project Veritas introduces yet a new angle on oversensitivity on campuses gone wild.

Campus Reform reached out to Bobbie Sue Schindler for her reactions to the video, but had not received a response in time for publication.


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Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 27, 2016 3:31 pm

There ya go. Two fucking mommies. Literally. No father influence to teach her how to suck it up when she got hurt.
What else do you need to know? There’s just too much estrogen in these little snowflakes. The real world is gonna chew them up and spit them out. They’ll make good little passive slaves.

September 27, 2016 5:03 pm

There’s a severe echo in this post!

September 27, 2016 5:37 pm

i’ve got an emotional first aid kit for them – it comes with a pacifier, xanax, and a glow stick with an ” i heart my mommy” sticker attached.”

September 27, 2016 6:31 pm

I must not get out enough. I can’t believe there are losers like this in the real world.

September 27, 2016 7:35 pm

Universities aren’t the real world.

September 27, 2016 7:41 pm

No diapers?

September 27, 2016 8:04 pm

God, I wonder what it’s like to be a player in this day and age? On the one hand, these bitches must be so weak and helpless and such easy marks. On the other hand, they must be such big man-hating dykes that a man just can’t get through. And if you do manage to get some chick’s digits, it’s even odds it was a transvestite.

September 27, 2016 8:46 pm

These are the people the left thinks can fight their communist revolution for them.

I’m going to need a bigger backhoe.

Arnold Ziffel
Arnold Ziffel
September 27, 2016 8:53 pm

With increasing society violence (i.e. Black Lives Matter) how are these cucks going to defend themselves? Are we obligated to defend them?

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Arnold Ziffel
September 28, 2016 11:44 am

“Are we obligated to defend them?”

No. Absolutely not. In fact, you would be violating their principles if you did. The same goes for anyone who is anti-Second Amendment. If you know anyone who supports restricting individual ownership of weapons (not just guns) make sure to tell them. “I respect your beliefs. If you and I are ever together and we are mugged, robbed or otherwise threatened, I will be sure to NOT protect you. I will tell our attackers that I will defend myself, but that you are unarmed and do not believe in self defense. You are on your own!”

Seriously, tell ’em.

And if you are REALLY hard core tell your acquaintance this: “I have a right to be armed. Any attempt to disarm me is the equivalent of rape, robbery, kidnapping, or murder. I will defend myself by any means needed, including deadly force. A person who sponsors or calls for murder is the same as a murderer, even if he personally does not do the deed. If the day comes that the police or soldiers attempt to disarm me, I will remember that YOU are one of them and deserve the same response.”

September 28, 2016 7:57 am

Sam Houston would be proud.