The Queen of Babyland

by Uncola

Light and dark cops shooting black and white robbers on a playground with no rules. Rowdy black kids kicking, screaming and throwing rocks as their cities burn. Little blind snowflakes with hands over their ears, napping in safe spaces as thought-policing wet nurses cover them with warm and fuzzy blankets as they dream in their cozy cribs. Establishment politicos and moronic media shills whining over a scary, orange Ooopa-Loompa man who wants to be their babysitter. A body politic mesmerized with shiny baubles as they watch others play with balls and pass pictures of themselves to each other complete with tiny digital messages drawn upon their electronic Etch A Sketch toys.

Full grown infants crying over their lost allowance when their EBT SNAP cards won’t work. Ken and Barbie dolls playing in doll houses all made in China. Blubbering babies bankrupted on Boardwalk and not passing “GO”. Elderly hippies waiting for Santa while smoking legalized, candy-cane flavored blunts while watching cartoons. Ask an aging baby boomer today if they wear boxers or briefs, and they will answer: “Depends”.

Girls pretending to be boys and transgendered boys acting like girlie girls playing dress up in a jungle gym empire of debt built around Jenga -like card houses in an overgrown and weed infested sandbox. Rich kids pouring fancy champagne, sparkling like grape juice into their glittering, crystal sippy-cups. And fat, ugly brats with magic marker drawings inked on their bodies, inhaling McHappy Meals with their slobbering mouths wide open, their pants pulled down around their knees and their butt cracks exposed in the breeze.

In the make-believe golden kingdom where royalty reigns and little tinpot kings and pretty princesses are adorned with plastic tiaras and crowns: A bobbleheaded Queen, smiles before her subjects and screams: “Vote for me! Vote for me! Vote for me!”

The Queen was born on October 26, 1947. Her father was a conservative businessman from Park Ridge, Illinois, and was, in fact, a supporter of Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign in 1964. According to the Queen’s husband, the former king: His father-in-law: “never gave up hope that his son-in-law would join him in the Republican Party and support a cut in the capital gains tax.” This means, somewhere, sometime ago, the Queen took a left turn and sped away from the road that was paved by her father.

Her glowing Wikipedia page reads like a veritable campaign website and radiantly records the apparent divine inevitability of her political destiny. Stated therein we discover, not only the Queen’s devotion to the cause of children’s rights, but we also learn how, as a child, she:

“…was a favorite of her teachers at the public schools she attended in Park Ridge. She … earned numerous badges as a Brownie and a Girl Scout. She has often told a story of being inspired by U.S. efforts during the Space Race and sending a letter to NASA around 1961 asking what she could do to become an astronaut, only to be told that no women were being accepted into the program.”

Although the Wikipedia’s online endorsement does not disclose facts such as the Queen’s college senior thesis endorsing the cause of an infamous domestic terrorist whose own book, “Rules for Radicals”, was dedicated to Lucifer; at least we have the mainstream press to spin everything nicely back into place regarding the Queen’s dirty little secrets.

Moreover, we should also be grateful that the Queen’s profile comes pre-packaged, complete with a catalogue of conspiratorial controversies and here we discover:

“(Her) Wikipedia article consistently comes up near the top in a Google search for her name and earns hundreds of thousands of views each month. The New York Times may grow scandal-weary, but (her) Wikipedia watchdog remains steadfast in protecting her highly influential profile.”

So forget about Whitewater. Ignore Troopergate. Look away from Paula Jones, Travelgate, the impossible suicide of Vince Foster, the alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick, the sexual harassment of Monica Lewinsky and the subsequent attempts to cover it all up; Sidney Blumenthal, the failures at Foggy Bottom, the deaths in Benghazi , the hidden cash of the Clinton Foundation, the lost e-mails from private e-mail servers, hammer-smashed Blackberry phones, and mysterious body counts which overwhelmingly exceed normal actuarial tables. And, most recently, cast aside the Queen’s nationally televised indictment from the Director of the FBI for being simultaneously incompetent and dishonest.

Who cares if the Queen was once the enabling wife and defender of an impeached past king; or regarding her disastrous foreign policy mistakes in the Middle Kingdom that created an immigration crisis in the Northern Lands. Pay no heed of the Queen’s fealty to foreign Kings and dark powers. Look away as you notice her wrinkled face flushed with a burning desire to make war in the distant lands; and feel free to castigate and ridicule the one, brave Knight who now stands in her way.

Why DO the little children love their Queen so much? Well, it seems her subjects gather within two main play groups:

1.) The well-read, rich kids getting all “A’s” in school;


2.) The other less fortunate kids majoring in lunch.







The smart kids believe “truth is subjective” and, therefore, like black lives, only their opinions matter. However, they fail to realize if truth is subjective, then “reality is relative” which is another way of saying “facts are optional”. These mental midgets live like holograms within the revivified nightmares of George Orwell.  Truth has become the new hate speech and this why all lives don’t matter. Orwell said:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

This is why the pretentious, intellectual effete embrace social justice but not law. It’s how they can serve the Queen in spite of her lies. Orwell said:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

The smart kids use facts only when they benefit from them, yet they choose to avert their attention away from the facts which prove to be problematic. This explains why, when presented with truth, the rich and smart kids feel their very existence to be threatened. Orwell said:

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

The smart ones clamor for peace while serving their Queen as she leads them down the rabbit hole to wars with Russia, China and in the Middle East. To the Deep State War Machine, the Queen is merely a figurehead; a postmenopausal puppet planning war with Putin to preserve the precious Petro-dollar. To the globalist elite, the Queen is the Eye of the Pyramid overseeing the subjugation of her realm into multinational servitude. And, to the Fabian Socialists, the Queen is the domestic role model for all of the children in the abnegation of the U.S Constitution, the Bill of Rights, American history, individual liberty and moral law. Orwell said:

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

As for the rest of the children? They have already traded their liberty for an Obama phone. These are the same lost souls who Mark Dice interviews and posts frequently to his YouTube channel.

These poor boys and girls do not care, except for their own “welfare”. The law means nothing to them. And the media feeds them only the lukewarm baby formula they can comfortably digest. Yes, everything is wonderful in paradise for the people of Walmart.

Obviously, the elite daycare providers could not get away with their daily war on truth if it weren’t for a complicit press and an ignorant, apathetic populace. These are where the real problems lie. A majority of Americans have become so lethargic they don’t even bother to vote, let alone think for themselves when they do vote. Enter the media who is only so willing to lull the little children to everlasting sleep: “Go back to bed, kids. Everything is fine”.

Vladimir Lenin said:

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.

Newspaperman and author Ernest Cuneo once said:

“The number of useful idiots who have unwittingly served the Communist cause… speaks well for the diligence of Lenin’s disciples.”

The six corporations comprising the mainstream media overtly engage in spinning the news according to scripts handed down from their elite masters. In return, the children comply in order to satisfy their lazy complacence and insatiable materialism. The children have no appreciation for either their birthright, or their inheritance; and by their voting record, or lack of one, they stand convicted.

This is how a strange but eloquent, teleprompter-reading, mulatto music man was allowed to create a crescendo of chaos over the last eight years that now is building to a culminating climax with no conciliatory coda in sight. My, how the malevolent maestro masterfully manipulated the musical movements of the children’s choir with songs like: Trayvon Could Be My Son and “The Stupidity Of The Police”. Now the children are pleading for an encore, a race war and a world war, but this time, with the Queen as the new conductor.

In the end, the smart and rich kids are hard to fight, but easy to beat because they will never embrace reality. The dumb ones, however? Well, you just can’t fight stupid. So America burns as its emperor’s fiddle and a royal pied piper plays her pathetic tune.

Why do the little children love their Queen so much? What difference, at this point, does it make?


Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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DaBirds (Dirty Bird)
DaBirds (Dirty Bird)
October 4, 2016 2:18 pm

As Hank Moody would say, “Nailed it, Motherfuckerrrrrrr!”

October 4, 2016 2:35 pm

I suppose our politicians have always been less than the stellar people their official biographies paint. Who in their right mind wants to run for president and live in a fishbowl. The thing was their megalomania was constrained by the ‘rules’. President’s weren’t dictators and money was hard to come by. Now the ‘rules’ have changed and money can be ‘created’ by a little Jewish woman in a marble palace in Washington.

What a fool I have been! The thousands of dinners I did not buy at nice restaurants. The embarrassment my family felt when I kept driving the old compact car. I did not travel the globe on vacations. I was cheap and I saved. Now that little Jewish lady in her marble palace is swindling me. She uses my savings to fund the ambitions of the egomaniac in the White House. No tax legislation is needed. Just ’emergency monetary policy’ year after year after year.

October 4, 2016 2:38 pm

Another well distilled, savory rant. Well done, look forward to more.

October 4, 2016 3:10 pm

Agreed, nicely done.

October 4, 2016 3:31 pm

If your going thru Hell, keep going!

October 4, 2016 3:37 pm

As a socialist who will be voting for Trump I don’t know what to say about this. I’ll point out that focusing on all the old Clinton scandals is what caused her to duck anything she has ever done wrong as baseless attacks from the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” in the hearts and minds of the useful idiots who don’t pay any attention to politics at all then vote with conviction on some concept that Clinton gives a crap about anything besides power and money and that crap is them.
She doesn’t want to, and won’t do a damn thing to help anyone that doesn’t have CEO on their business card or at least 9 digits in their bank account. Her deplorables comment is emblematic of her world view; never mind that her husband rolling back depression era regulations on banks is what caused the great recession, it’s racism and sexism that has everyone so unhinged. If we could just get more women and minorities on the boards of our corporate lords than our new feudalism would be perfect in her mind.
The American Dream is a fairytale rich people tell themselves to justify the misery they inflict on the poor. At this point to suggest otherwise is laughable. 90% of elected politicians don’t answer to anyone but the billionaires who have bought them.
Surprising to absolutely no one on the actual left, as opposed to the vichy left media oligarchs, bombing the hell out of poor muslim countries creates terrorists. If you think some peasant in Syria whose whole family just got killed in a drone strike by accident gives half a crap about whatever spin the media has put on our latest reason to topple a government, you are wrong. War creates War and fat wallets. Clinton likes the fat wallets part so she is happy to expand the empire.
Try using attacks on Clinton where tangible people have been harmed by her. She has enslaved the entire nation of Haiti and created a military dictatorship in Honduras. I had to show multiple links to articles in the post or times to anyone before they would take me seriously (thanks right wing attacks) but once someone believes me they were horrified and could never vote for her. The level of corruption with travelgate is about what most people suspect all politicians do. By blowing it out of proportion you have made most people immune to actual problems with the Clintons.

If you want more people to take Trump seriously get him to appear more flexible on Climate Change. Your kids will already hate you for being duped into allowing the 1 foot of sea level rise we have already ensured over the next few decades by believing the oil industry’s propaganda. Who exactly benefits from big renewable? And they managed to buy off 99% of science? With that level of trust in science you should just move back in time a few hundred years because technology and medicine shouldn’t exist either.

October 4, 2016 3:58 pm

I think you made a lot of really good points.

But, I also believe you are getting thumbed down (including one by me) for being a Socialist and your climate change horseshit. Rightfully so.

October 4, 2016 10:32 pm

What exactly is it about Climate change you don’t believe? I can break it down process by process if that would help. Do you understand how the sun heats the planet, specifically how some heat stays and how some goes? Do you understand the greenhouse effect? Do you think that the amount of CO2 is just too small to have any significant impact?

I’m not going to get into a stupid fight over the accuracy of measurements but if you have any questions on how CO2 heats the planet ask away. I don’t mean this to be condescending, sorry if it comes across that way.

October 5, 2016 12:05 am


99.9% of our Solar System is that giant flaming ball in the sky. You could easily throw 1.3 million Earths inside of the Sun. The Sun has cycles of activity that very much influence our weather. Over time, though, the Sun will continue to heat up as it uses its fuel. One billion years from now, the Earth’s oceans will have boiled away because the Sun will have grown hot enough to turn us into Venus.

The Sun is the driving force behind weather – behind everything. We’re nothing but a fleck of dust.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 6, 2016 10:31 am

Hey UserFriendlly! “What exactly is it about Climate change you don’t believe?”

This is a very complicated subject, but let’s start with the physics. The physics, while superficially plausible, has been simplified in away that makes it wrong. Yes, I understand that CO2 absorbs and reradiates infrared. Based on the measured properties of CO2 in the lab, if the concentration of CO2 doubles, the result will be an increase in temperatures will be (all other things equal) about 1C. Simple? Plausible? maybe… The IPCC then throws in an extra factor of perhaps three times for the effects of additional H2O. Resonable? No, none of it, not when compared to the actual data.

To start, the IR window of CO2 measure in the lab is not correct for the earth’s atmosphere. The lab measurement is for dry CO2 with no other greenhouse gases. In the real world, the atmosphere has much more massive amount of H2O with its own IR window greatly overlapping that of CO2. Since the effects are logarithmic and H2O is already hogging most of the IR, the actual effect of doubling CO2 in the real world is negligible. Additionally, the lab tests on CO2 IR properties tell us nothing about the HUGE amounts of heat transported by convective air motion and phase changes of H2O, up to the tropopause where it is radiated into space.

Still, no matter what physics I point out, you may just think that I am confused — but there is one point which over-rules any theoretical discussion. It is this: All accepted models of CO2-caused warming predict one special aspect which does not show up in any of the other possible causes of warming; that is a hot spot in the upper troposphere in lower latitudes. Millions of satellite and balloon measurements have not found the hot spot. When a theory predicts that a region will warm (the upper troposphere) and you put a thermometer there (via balloons) and the region has not warmed… well, the theory is wrong. It really is that simple.

You may argue about whether or how much the earth has warmed. You may argue about whether or how much the sea has risen. You may argue about sea ice or glaciers. The one thing that has been disproven is the idea that extra CO2 is causing it.

  Jason Calley
October 10, 2016 7:49 am

Re:Jason Calley
Sorry for the delayed response I had a family emergency.

Thank you for the detailed response. Here is where I take issue:
You seem to have taken issue with H2O’s IR absorption and possibly overlapping with CO2. CO2’s main IR absorption is at 2350 cm-1, which is far removed from H2O’s peaks at 1590, 3660, and 3760 cm-1. There is effectively no overlap. Given that other greenhouse gasses are in small enough concentration I don’t see overlap as an issue.

Spectral absorption of molecules is like a finger print. Short of reacting with another chemical there is nothing you can do to change the wavelengths that are absorbed. CO2 is inert, without a catalyst it won’t react on any reasonable time scale.

The upper troposphere is warming.

I guess the part I don’t understand is even if you really doubt that there is a significant effect from CO2, why risk it? That is a really high price to pay if you are wrong. And it’s not just you that pays it. Even if there is a 1% chance I’m right it’s worth trying to stop.

October 9, 2016 6:44 am

Re: NickelthroweR
Sorry for the late response, I had a family emergency.

Yes the sun is the driver behind all weather and the sun will keep getting hotter and bigger until it dies. Did you know that when the sun was born it was only about 70% as bright as it is now? Yet, that was still enough to heat up the planet for the dinosaurs. That is called the ‘faint young Sun paradox’ and the is explained by greenhouse gasses.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
October 5, 2016 10:29 am

“Climate Change” is your new religion. We get it. You want to burn all the heretics and non-believers at the stake for daring to defy your high priests.

Apparently you are too stupid to realize that “Climate Change” is just another vehicle for neoliberal fascism, where rentier megacorporations extract money from the economy via carbon credits, all with the government’s corrupt blessing.

But seriously, wringing your hands about Manbearpig ain’t gonna get you far around these parts.

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  Dick Jones
October 9, 2016 6:53 am

You will not find a more vocal critic of neoliberalism than me. Since Reagan and Thatcher revived neoliberalism everything has gone to hell. Clinton deciding to jump on board by deregulating wall street with GLBA and CFMA and that is what caused the great recession. It also left the GOP with no where else to go but extremes on social issues, which is why that is all that ever gets talked about anymore. Really all they are fighting about is which group of billionaires will get to keep raping the rest of us.

(also, nothing is my new religion)

October 4, 2016 3:55 pm

Excellent job!

Now, if you were to be intellectually honest (I’m not saying you’re not), and if you want to stretch your writing skills …. then write a similar piece about Trump.

Or, do you think Trump, as opposed to the Wicked Queen, will be a Good King?

October 4, 2016 5:22 pm

It’s a fair challenge, Stuck. I have actually been thinking about it and you can be assured that if I do, I will try my utmost to be fair and accurate.

I would first cover the Donald’s background and describe his path that got him to where he is now (including both his successes and failures). I would also identify and categorize that which his enemies find about him to be so repulsive (beyond the normal ad-hominem attacks) and report upon the accuracy of each; including a truthful appraisal of any of his opponent’s claims and concerns that might have actual merit.

And finally, I would then, possibly, try to quantify the actual magnitude of the overwhelming obstacles he would face should he win the election next month.

As far as being a good king? Well, I’ll take him in a New York minute over his opponent right now in spite of any flaws he may have. And, like I have said before, we only have two viable alternatives currently. But after that, I am cynical. It is always possible that he may sell out his supporters at some point the way politicians always do when they move to DC (think Scott Brown & Paul Ryan). Or, he may not actually have the “right stuff”. And if he DOES, indeed, have the right stuff, history proves he will be snuffed out by someone with a diary. Time will tell.

In the meantime, consider how far he has come, how he appears to have the establishment in an apoplectic, raging panic, and, at this time, how there appears to be no other potential Gray Champions on the horizon.

Hope springs eternal but reality sucks. Therein lays the dilemma of we the people who are about to experience, in its full fury, the violent throes and chaotic convulsions of another Fourth Turning.

October 5, 2016 7:51 am

12 people up voted your response to my idea.

I look forward to your piece. Now, get to it!!!

October 5, 2016 12:45 pm

Dangit Stucky! OK, OK. You win. How can I say no to the Stuckmeister? I was toying with the next ideas being either Johann Adam Weishaupt and his rockin’ Illuminati’s or perhaps the Agenda 21 deception. But I guess the Donald can be moved up the list. I can’t get to it until (hopefully) this weekend and, if I deem it necessary, I may wait until after the debate this coming Sunday before posting it just to keep it current.

I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long before venting these written rants. Now I am running out of time.

If the Harpy wins, it won’t be long until I get Vince Fostered or put on the rack and most likely both, but probably not in that order. In the meantime, it feels good to expunge it all. I am actually having more fun than I’ve had in a while.

October 5, 2016 9:54 pm

Is a good idea to write one on Trump too, Stucky.

Undefiable has put together some good articles about Obama and Hilldebeast. Of course my favorite anti-Hillary post this week was THIS

Liar Liar Pants on Fire… A Classic!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 9:16 pm

Now, if you were to be intellectually honest (I’m not saying you’re not), and if you want to stretch your writing skills …. then write a similar piece about Trump. – El Stucko

Excuse me for stirring the pot but didn’t SSS ask you to write an article on the evils of illicit drugs in general and pot in particular?

Of course, this is coming from the intellectually dishonest (according to Billy) EL Coyote .

October 4, 2016 3:59 pm

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”

It is plain to see that this is what has happened. The big pharma drugs these people are on. The fluoride in the water. The mental reprogramming from decades of televsion. They are literal zombies. It is actually surprising that Clinton isnt up 20 points really.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 4, 2016 4:40 pm


Masterfully done. Poetic even…

October 4, 2016 10:07 pm

Ditto above
We like Uncola!!

October 4, 2016 11:10 pm

I agree there’s no fighting stupid. A co-worker today said that she was going to vote for Hillary because she likes her. When questioned about which policies Hillary supports that she agrees with, her response was “oh, I don’t follow politics, I just like her”. Folks, we are doomed. The old adage that we get the government we deserve could not be more true than it is today. So sad to see what our once great country has become.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 5, 2016 12:37 am

You lost me, bro. I liked your last article because it dumbed down a tough subject. It was plain speaking about the ghost (or spook) in the machine.

I enjoyed recognizing that same approach here, if only for a bit. I got a little boner thinking, oh shit, he’s going to pillory Hillary just like he barbecued Barry. Then it got weird with inside references to last week’s comments and an unexpected field trip detour about Animal Farm and Lenin. You could have saved that ‘bringing it all together’ for a 3rd installment.

One of the things I like about Stucky’s writing is that he never starts preaching to the choir. His approach is sort of facile and never gets too complicated for the average moron like me.

You hit that stride out the gate then you got cocky with this Frankensteinian nightmare. No problem, movie makers have done that also (Heaven’s Gate). Leave the grand opus for the Godfather or Titanic.

Am I hitting you too hard? Nah, I like you, your a damn good writer – you’ve proven it. Look, the guy (White) who wrote Making of the President didn’t change the formula midstream. He left the gonzo shit for HST.

Change these morans’ minds, don’t let them change you too soon.

  EL Coyote
October 5, 2016 8:30 am

El Critico – I always appreciate your thoughts and honesty. We all know the sins of the Queen and it would have not been overly difficult to Pillory Clinton. However, when it comes to writing a post like this, as I commented here once to the Canadian Fox, Francis Marion (this time a little more expanded upon):

“…you give it birth by typing the first word onto the page, then you watch it grow and mature. Soon, when you feel it is ready, you release it into the world and hope it takes root within the minds of others before it fades from existence. On the interwebs, all this happens within the span of a very short time: sometimes days and more often in just hours. In the end, all you can wish for is that it may have altered the course of humankind even if just by a degree or two.”

So yes, in that respect, there may be, indeed, some elements of pontification.

However, that said, once the first word is written it is often hard to tell exactly how the piece is going to “grow up”. And, I would rather let it free associate rather than to force it into something it wasn’t meant to be. In this case, it “grew up” to be less about the “Queen” and more about “Babyland”, or rather, the country I used to love.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 5, 2016 8:50 pm

I didn’t mean to say you sounded preachy. I guess I used the wrong phrase, forgive me; English is not my first language.

I found this discussion on the ‘preaching to the choir’ idiom: “Beating a dead horse” has the same meaning as preaching to the choir, minus the religious connotation, in that nothing is to be further accomplished by continuing. ”

The way I used it meant that the ‘choir’ is a group that is well versed in your topic which allows for their deep appreciation of what can sound a little bit esoteric to morans like me. That is why I said that you lost me.

I also explained that Stucky, in contrast, writes in plain English and, where needed, he provides a bit of background without making the readers resort to Wikipedia to find out who Lenin, Marx and Orwell were.

Anyway, do you remember back in the day when political debates contained statistics and discussions on policy? Today’s debates are more about getting that gotcha soundbite for the next day’s continuous replay.. The fuckers on CUNT and FAUX even promote the upcoming debates with a clip of the low-blow beat-down of Quayle. It really gets the morons salivating, waiting to chortle or snort in their suds.

Nikita was way ahead of his time when he banged podium with his shoe. Eventually, the candidates will roll up to the podium in a gladiator outfit and chariot. If they are going to turn these debates into show-business, we should be able to bring rotten veggies to the show.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 5, 2016 7:02 am


There’s something about righteous indignation that fires up the keyboard.

October 5, 2016 7:49 am

“What exactly is it about Climate change you don’t believe?” — UserFriendllly

I should have been more precise. I don’t believe in MAN MADE climate change.

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. So, here is my summary-pic of what ACTUALLY causes climate change.

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Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 5, 2016 7:59 am

Uncola is an entertaining writer. Makes you think. One of my thoughts after reading his article was that this period of time we are living in would’ve made a good movie-of-the-week back in the 70’s.

October 5, 2016 8:07 am

Well!! Sumvabitch!!! Looky at what’s on Drudge today.

“Earth heading for ICE AGE as sun goes blank: Analysts reveal shock SUNSPOTS discovery”

Damned sun!!!!

October 5, 2016 2:29 pm

” I am actually having more fun than I’ve had in a while.” —- Uncola

Excellent. And, believe me, we are having fun reading your works. You are talented.

It used to be that it was Admin, me, and a few others who wrote original pieces. Now, more and more are contributing. I mean YOU … came out of the fucking woodwork and surprised the hell out of me, in a good way.

You, and others, keep up the most excellent work. Thank you.

October 5, 2016 3:55 pm

Thanks Stuck. Your above comment means a lot to me. I will admit, cause I’ve always pushed limits, I did hit some rough patches here. But, in the end, I was able to get my head and heart back in line and y’all are my peoples. The monikers don’t matter, but the ideas do. May TBP rock the Free World until the very End, whatever that may be.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 5, 2016 11:04 pm

Another great post uncola. I too have hit some rough patches and like you I am still here. It has been for me boot camp of bits and bytes. I do appreciate the effort you make to write. It’s funny above in the thread you talk about the first word written and how you never know where it will lead. I have found it to be the same. Sometimes it works but more often it doesn’t. At least for me.

I am not a writer by trade. It is an art I am trying to learn but I like the process. I have found that if the idea is geniune it will resonate somewhere.

That is what matters and the reason why this place is important. It is easy for the left to dismiss those on right as heartless, uncaring and unrefined. I get accused of that a lot but when historians look back years from now they will be able to see that we cared just as much as the virtue signalling SJW’s that seem to infest

Every crevice of the MSM,
Every nook in every legislature and
Every campus that is higher learning.

And if the left in the end are too thick to see past their dogma. Well then that is their loss. Maybe time to write something myself. The Sarge still thinks it is worthwhile to try and whip me into shape.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 12:14 am

Ha, I can’t take credit for Undiscovered. Maggie is the one who welcomed him into the tribe. No matter. I did my part to encourage the young lad.

Hmm. Actually, they were HSF and Admin who welcomed him even when he was but a diamond in the rough.

  EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 11:46 am

@ El Chimerical says “Maggie is the one who welcomed him into the tribe. No matter. I did my part to encourage the young lad.”

Yeah…., about that… ahem… So I find this place when admin reposts a 4th Turning article of his that ties in to the punk rock group, Green Day, if you can believe that. I read articles posted here ever since, and then start lurking the comment sections around a year after that. A year later, Hardscrabble writes something so touching that I can’t help myself from commenting and Maggie invites me to “jump into the pond”.

Within 25 days later: Stucky calls me the “scourge of TBP”, Indentured Servant says I am “squirrely” and would never let me inside his shop, SSS says I am “intellectually lazy” and “not worth responding to anymore, Hardscrabble says “jimmy crack corn and I don’t care”, llpoh says I am not worth the effort any longer, El Canine says “F U” to me not once, but thrice, Maggie says I am an “immature person lacking in social graces” (and much worse) before looking away, Stucky counts my over 600 down votes on one thread and Admin calls me a troll who is about to be bounced from this website if I don’t get it together.

Like I said above, I test limits. But when I saw the Big Dogs gather to protect this place, I realized how wrong I was. I needed to hear the brutal honesty (shit) that was thrown my way and I listened. But it still took me several more months to figure things out here, and personally, as well. I was in a bad place mentally for awhile. I see too much and was overwhelmed with profound melancholy regarding our future. I felt like Sarah Conner in Terminator with visions of mushroom clouds and Haley Joel Osment seeing dead people.

But, around 6 months ago now, I decided to rejoin the living.

My biggest regret here was roughing up dear Rose. I loved her but have not seen her since. And, I am thankful to Admin for giving me another chance as well as llpoh who I believe had the motive, opportunity and wherewithal to perform a coup de gras in my case, but instead, gave me grace when I didn’t deserve it. But that’s all history and now I just want to look forward. In the words of of Willy Wonka: “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men”.

Per Stucky’s request, the article on Trump is coming soon. I hope I am up to the task. But, then again, Willy Wonka also said: “…you should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about”.

October 5, 2016 11:48 pm

“boot camp of bits and bytes” and “virtue signalling SJW’s”

Great comment Rob. I think you are more of a writer than you know. I always enjoy reading your perspectives.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 12:23 am

Anybody can write. It takes brains to convey an idea. Maybe it takes brains to conceive an idea.

HSF said it takes heart.

HF, I wanted to use the word courage but only in the sense of the word as spoken in Spanish -coraje- meaning, righteous indignation.

My grandpa said, where there is fear, there is no ‘coraje’.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 9:49 am


English your second language? I find that hard to believe. You should be writing more than comments here too. Now get busy.

October 6, 2016 12:23 pm

As dead on as Uncolas’ well written article is regarding HRC, I still have this sinking feeling that the Deep State really wants Trump to win so they can blame him and the Populists when everything goes down the shitter after he takes office.

All of the overtly in your face we are in the tank for Hillary schtick has a very distinct “Whatever you do, please don’t throw me in the briar patch” (I.E.- please don’t vote for Trump) feel to it.

You have to keep in mind that the entire world economy is a house of cards and they can pull the plug on it whenever they want with one manufactured Black Swan event. Then the globalists come to the rescue as long as you follow the new globalist communitarian rules.

We now have so many mindless idiots breathing air and taking up space that they will gladly go along with the “some animals are more equal than others” worldview.

October 6, 2016 1:49 pm

Order out of chaos. Genaro hits the bullseye with the arrow, the nail with hammer and the blackberry screen with another hammer, right there. TPTB will still be TPTB even if Trump gets elected and they can turn him into Herbert Hoover any time they want faster than a high-frequency trader’s algorithm can process a sell-order. In a nano-second the Donald and his movement then becomes the bullseye, the nail and blackberry screen within Babyland and beyond. This is when the prison guards utilize their combined leverage in the hostile takeover of the daycare. Although the odds favor the house, one can only hope Trump has a few other tricks up his sleeve.

October 6, 2016 2:48 pm

Uncola says; —

Stucky calls me the “scourge of TBP” …. and counts my over 600 down votes on one thread

Indentured Servant says I am “squirrely” and would never let me inside his shop

SSS says I am “intellectually lazy” and “not worth responding to anymore,

Hardscrabble says “jimmy crack corn and I don’t care”

llpoh says I am not worth the effort any longer

El Canine says “F U” to me not once, but thrice

Maggie says I am an “immature person lacking in social graces” (and much worse)

Admin calls me a troll who is about to be bounced from this website if I don’t get it together.


That brought tears to my eyes. Well, you know what you got there, dontcha?

That’s the Exclusive TBP Welcome Wagon Party! (We only do that to people with promise … to test their mettle … and ya passed.) :mrgreen:

uncola, btw, what the hell was that thread about? I really don’t remember.

October 6, 2016 4:01 pm

Yeah. I read the articles on TBP for a year or so, coming a few times a week at first, then daily and then several times a day. Gradually, in time, I started reading the comments and realized the real action here was beneath the surface in the teeming underworld that is the comment section.

I felt like the scientist Robert Hooke discovering cells for first the time through the lens of a microscope. These comments, weren’t random, no, there were real personalities here engaging in not only in complete conversations, but throwing monkey feces as well. How interesting!

Yep, how interesting indeed. I take full responsibility for my ensuing adventures in keyboarding. My first moniker was the alleged 27th victim of Newtown and died a few days later on another thread. As mentioned here before, he had to, so the undead could rise. It’s all cool. Monikers and avatars will come and go but the ideas will remain. Besides, as Hardscrabble once aptly stated: “The internet is forever”.

October 6, 2016 4:05 pm

PS – I should be researching and writing about trump right now, but I keep post-crastinating. I do that often. Will get to it though. Stand by…

EDIT: Also just for fun I went back and re-read that Sandyhook thread from around last Christmas. What is funny, is that in one of the comments, it said: “Don’t forget to vote on November 8th, 2016!” At that time, it seemed so far away. But now the day is almost here. Wild how time flies

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 6, 2016 7:51 pm

Great analogy of the shape we find our nation in . The pathetic part is those of us who have struggled to stop it have suffered the alienation and ridicule of a social leper . The constant comments or criticism , what do you think your going to do about it or why do you care . I have written letters even had a few published in the local paper but with some health issues I am wearing down but not out . Why do I care ? I love my children and I loved this country and knew people who sacrificed a great deal and one in particular who gave all , a dear friend ! So in a show of gratitude for the service and sacrifice , I despise what has been done to their country that they preserved for my children and so I will not go quietly . I will continue to speak out and sadly be thought the fool our children deserve to inherent a better nation than what we have allowed it to erode too and it must stop now ! This eliction is pivotal and if some lunatic thinks going to war for any reason other than a direct attack on our shores is needed pack their flippant ass up put an M4 in their hands and point them in a direction where they will only injure themselves ! Entertaining a war with Russia or China your a fucking imbecele not worthy of us to piss on if you were on fire !

October 7, 2016 7:53 am

“Excuse me for stirring the pot but didn’t SSS ask you to write an article on the evils of illicit drugs in general and pot in particular?” ——— El Coyote

I don’t recall that at all.

Actually, Juan, I do believe illicit drugs are evil. Very evil. They fuck up your body and mind. I also believe the gooberment should stay the fuck out of the equation andleave people the fuck alone to their own devices. Maybe SSS wanted me to stretch my mind by having me write a pro-government intervention piece? I dunno.

I do not believe pot is evil. Imprisoning people and generally destroying their lives simply because of smoking a type of tobacco makes the government EVIL COCKSUCKERS ……. and I would never consider writing an article espousing the opposite view, even for just the intellectual challenge.