“When the system is rigged, when ordinary citizens are powerless, and when whistle-blowers are pariahs at best, three things happen. First, the worst people rise to the top. They behave appallingly, and they wreak havoc. Second, people who could make productive contributions to society are incented to become destructive, because corruption is far more lucrative than honest work. And third, everyone else pays, both economically and emotionally; people become cynical, selfish, and fatalistic. Often they go along with the system, but they hate themselves for it. They play the game to survive and feed their families, but both they and society suffer.”

Charles H. Ferguson, Inside Job

“Once completely freed, the bankers very quickly ran their institutions off the cliff, taking much of the global economy with them. Not only did they create and sell a huge amount of junk, but they turned the financial system into a gigantic casino, one in which they played mainly with other people’s money.”

Charles H. Ferguson, Inside Job

“In addition to the behaviour that caused the crisis, major US and European banks have been caught assisting corporate fraud by Enron and others, laundering money for drug cartels and the Iranian military, aiding tax evasion, hiding the assets of corrupt dictators, colluding in order to fix prices, and committing many forms of financial fraud. The evidence is now overwhelming that over the last thirty years, the US financial sector has become a rogue industry.”

Charles H. Ferguson, Inside Job

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October 5, 2016 9:42 am

We are all Neal Page…..

October 5, 2016 3:09 pm

“Once completely freed, the bankers very quickly ran their institutions off the cliff, taking much of the global economy with them. Not only did they create and sell a huge amount of junk, but they turned the financial system into a gigantic casino, one in which they played mainly with other people’s money.”

Charles H. Ferguson, Inside Job

They played with the money and lost the money of the people. Now they plan to take
the depositors/savers money…as those are the hapless “bank creditors” that will see
their dough last…as of course derivatives debt will be satisfied first. Talk about
screwing the little guy. These bankers are just asking for it. They, of course, believe
they are untouchable. Basterds. Can you believe it? The bankers paid for a “law” to
exempt themselves (thieves) from common law.