How Do I Wean Myself From The Raging Bullshit?

I already won’t watch ANY movies with certain shitfuk actors; Alec Baldwin, Cher, Danny Glover, Streisand, Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, all the Sheens … for starters.

Now, I must and will add DeNiro to the list. Dammit.  I really liked him in a lot (not all) of his movies.  But, he’d done. Toast. Finito. Out of my life. People who don’t know me just don’t know how serious I am. When I’m finally done with something, I am truly DONE! (Not as if he would give a flying fuck.)  So long, DiNiro, you piece of shit.  BTW, I would give my left testicle to punch YOU in your face!

It’s actually only 55 seconds long … it’s played twice, back to back.

I’m in a conundrum. I absolutely LOVE movies …. ever since I was a kid, seeing TWO shows, plus a cartoon …. for 35 cents.

Here’s one of my first memories of what I thought was a GREAT movie. My parents would not let me listen to rock and roll. There were ways around it. They didn’t monitor my movie going! Ha! (Although, one time mom refused to let me see “Thunderball” … because of the “half-naked”  women in bikinis. Tyrant!) So, I saw all of Elvis Presley’s movies. Take that!! 

But, my favorite was Bill Haley’s “Rock Around The Clock”.  It came out in 1955.  But, as the “2nd feature”, the Strand Theater in Newark showed it in 1963.  I was 10 years old.  My mom couldn’t figure out why I can home rockin’ and a rollin’ and singing, too!

I would like to completely divorce myself from watching movies … 90% or greater of those actors are libtard fucks with whom I have nothing in common …. not to mention the whole joint is run by eeevul Joos. I would love to stop Feeding The Beast.

But, I can’t.  I love movies.  Sometimes I feel like such a damned fucking hypocrite. Dirty, even.

Has anyone here been able to give up movies totally?  If so, how did you do it?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 9, 2016 9:44 am

So long, DiNiro, you piece of shit.

There’s an unmarked grave in the Pine Barrens where that piece of shit should be composting right now.

It’s not personal. It’s just business.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 9, 2016 9:55 am

Don’t fret for a second. I worked on cape fear with him and scorsese. A couple of first rate douchebags. Only place I ever got shorted in that biz. I hear the movie sucked.

  starfcker the deplorable
October 10, 2016 12:10 am

no kidding star? hmmm…anything to do with your moniker?

I felt sympathy for DiNiro around the vaxxed movie/his
damaged child and his desire to enlighten people…
but now? Drop dead DiNiro phony basterd, dog, freak.

October 9, 2016 9:59 am

…” (Trump) doesn’t pay his taxes…”
His (De Niro’s) 78 acre estate in NY…

In 2006, the trust that owns De Niro’s Gardiner estate sued the town to have its property tax assessment reduced, arguing that, at $6 million, it was too high and should be compared only with similar properties in Ulster County, where Gardiner is located.

Robert de Niro received an Italian passport in 2006. His Italian citizenship was granted by the Prime Minister, on behalf of the Italian Republic despite a strong opposition of the American-Italian community.

[imgcomment image[/img]

What can you say? He lives in another world.
Edit: BTW, he was/is (?) married to this Michelle ‘look alike’, Grace Hightower.

October 10, 2016 12:12 am

Yikes, the woman outweighs him.
And, small hands.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 12:26 am

Suzanna- We ain’t sure about that being a female. True, the hands on that she-male makes DeQueiro’s look very small.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 12:40 am

Bea, rather than sift through all the rags to find out who’s batting for the butt-slappers, I decided that all the Hollywoodies are queers. Guilty until proven innocent.

It saves time and the shock factor of finding out your favorite pussy grabber is really into male cock instead of female cock.

Brokeback Mountain WTF?

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 9, 2016 10:07 am

Was DiNiro providing the fodder for his own obituary?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 9, 2016 10:12 am

Stucky- You won’t wean yourself, heck you pay full ticket price at the theater to watch these lowlifes. I’m betting that you will be sharing with us in the next month or two that you have been to the movies yet again.

I spend much of my time watching docs, mostly war/Nazi. I prefer the old Nazis to the new Nazis. Now that you are a flat Earther, you could spend some time on youtube watching flat Earth docs.

I just don’t see you changing.

October 9, 2016 10:13 am

Jesus said it best “they know not what they do”

Once, the NON VIOLENT NON COMPLIENCE movement hits . They will.

October 9, 2016 10:22 am

That movement did nothing in India during Gandhi’s time, or at Kent State or the University of Wisconsin for that matter, without a whole lot of violence done by associated groups.

Until violence erupts, and large scale violence, no one takes minority political movements seriously even if they are not the actual violent ones.

October 9, 2016 10:15 am

Never watch a first run movie, you’re financing Hollywood when you do.

Wait till it gets on Netflix or something where any profit they (Hollywood) make on it is marginalized or not there at all.

And don’t watch stuff on Netflix that pushes normalcy for the globalist, anti Christian, immoral, perverted, and socialist agendas being promoted by the Elite.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 9, 2016 10:21 am

anon- +100

October 9, 2016 3:35 pm

“And don’t watch stuff on Netflix that pushes normalcy for the globalist, anti Christian, immoral, perverted, and socialist agendas being promoted by the Elite.”

In other words, don’t watch movies (or TV) because that’s 99% of the content.

October 9, 2016 10:27 am

Pawn your TV. They are not worth much and if you pawn it instead of selling it you can console yourself that you can get it back. Before your first payment is due you will be cured.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 9, 2016 10:29 am

Is that DeNiro’s husband? Why is he carrying Robert?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 9, 2016 10:36 am

Har har…..HSF. That is exactly what I thought also. Somewhere under that black dress is a big black pud.

October 9, 2016 10:36 am

If what some actor, sports figure or other entertainment figure says plays in any role in how you choose to vote, you’re an idiot who should not vote. I stopped going to the movies years ago, when the crowds started talking through the movies and using their phones the whole time and ruined the experience. I stopped going to concerts when the entertainers began spouting political opinions instead of just entertaining and the crowds just held up their phones instead of enjoying the show, not to mention it’s not a smart thing these days to go to places where large crowds of people are congregating.

But what do I know? I live in country that made an unaccomplished, part-time drama teacher, yoga instructor and bouncer with a famous last name the leader of their party, instead of choosing the very accomplished retired military officer, former astronaut, and engineer who was the first Canadian who’d been to outer space. The unaccomplished man with the famous last name is now the leader of Canada.

We are living in times when facts don’t matter and it seems large swaths of voters pick their leaders as if they were picking a boyfriend. Overheard at my polling station during the last federal election were two young females squealing they were voting for Trudeau because he’s so good looking. What hope do thinking people who care about the state of their countries have when people like that are allowed to vote?

October 9, 2016 10:46 am

OOps, wrong vid. This is the tribute to the famous actors who are smarter than us…

Muck About
Muck About
October 9, 2016 3:45 pm

Mags, loved the video and got my days worth of laughter out of the first five minutes knowing where it was going!

Add another gold star!


October 9, 2016 10:57 am

His character in Jackie Brown is probably closest to his real-self. A great movie that too few have seen.

Another great movie DeNiro was in that bombed at the box office was Once Upon A Time In America. The director’s cut was over four hours long and one of the greatest movies ever made. The original release in U.S. theaters cut out over half (!) of the movie and made no sense.

I highly recommend both these films. And don’t feel guilty as though you were ‘supporting’ actors you otherwise despise. They get their soup spit into by restaurant workers more than you would guess.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 11:12 am

Stucky is spot on. We can all live without DeNiro and the rest of those slugs. Let the movie theater companies know it, don’t watch them on NexFlix or TV. One more thing. The picture Maggie posted of some idiot actress, the one with the blue eyes (don’t know who it is). This wide-eyed, half-crazed stare has become chillingly commonplace among American women. They look absolutely out of their minds, and it is even worse if they are laughing. They look like they are ready to pull a meat cleaver out of their purses. You NEVER see this look on foreign women. Something is going on here.

  Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 11:48 am

Boy, oh boy.

It’s a good thing Trump didn’t say that!

  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 10:25 am

The “something” that is going on is called SSRI, prozac, etc.

Once prescribed, these mind altering agents change the brain, and require even stronger versions.

US Medical Establishment, creating legal junkies, one anxiety attack at a time.

October 9, 2016 11:18 am

The entertainment industry ( Hollywood , TV ,Music industry ) are the devil’s advocates in this ANTI CHRIST World System.Part of the allure of this industry appeals to the SIN in our flesh. Lust of the flesh , Lust of the eyes and the Pride of life as the apostle John described is part of our fallen nature .Since we are surrounded 24/7 with media there is no escape . You just have to be wise and use much discretion while watching entertainment programs.Best answer I could come up with Stucky.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 9, 2016 11:20 am

Sage- Agreed, there is something about that look and behavior that they are imprinting on this country, but why?

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 9, 2016 11:52 am

It’s easy. Just stop. The last movie I saw in the theater was that 3D one with scantily clad blue aliens whose world was being taken over. Truthfully the only reason I went was because it was a 2nd date & she wanted to see it, & I was hoping to get some, dare I say this, pussy. Oh… & I kept the 3D glasses too. Before that the last theater movie may have been… I forget. As Good as it Gets? For the same reason. Funny how that works, huh?

Music is much the same. A quick example… I enjoyed Bonnie Raitt in the 70s & early 80s. Then she got all politically wrong-headed so she hasn’t seen a penny of my cash since.

I do buy a cheap movie or CD once in a while from Amazon to get the free shipping on a book order, but will now have to find a better alternative than feeding that Bezos jackoff.

So, get righteously angry & just stop “spending money you dont have on shit you dont need”. Life really isn’t that complicated (he says with a grin).

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 9, 2016 12:00 pm

I have a TV just to watch DVD’s, no cable connection other then my Internet.

I gave up on cable TV a few years ago when the math of what I liked to watch versus the monthly fee became too much. Plus, I didn’t want to support the inane TV shows that displayed my Race as effeminate, stupid, awkward, sexist and racist. To Hell with that shit.

You’ll do okay, Stucky. I like to watch old movies…….really old. There’s a bittersweet feeling I get watching the movies that naturally reflected the times they were produced. No niggers, unless they are bell hops, no faggots, women being real women and men being men. When the movie is over I return to the Bizarro world I live in and a deal with it, but then, at least, with a sense of perspective of what was lost and can never be again and an anger towards those who destroyed it.

  Lysander The Deplorable
October 9, 2016 12:06 pm

‘No niggers, unless they are bell hops, no faggots, women being real women’

Wow…do you talk to your children with that mouth…

Your talking about a time when black Americans could die fighting for your freedom in war, yet couldn’t sit at some restaurant counters…


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 9, 2016 12:16 pm

randy- Calm down, that was back in the day when kneegrows worked a real job before the “great society”. So, I’m guessing you like them better as FSA collecting your tax dollars in section 8 and EBT with a sprinkling of medicade? Is that what you teach your children is best for blacks?

Lysander is correct, old movies reflect society before the bizarro world took hold. Men acted as men, women acted as women and dare I say it………blacks actually worked a real job.

October 9, 2016 2:04 pm

I don’t understand why the people in the entertainment industry think that being in the entertainment industry qualifies them to publicize their opinions on anything other than the entertainment industry. I don’t understand why anyone would listen to anything that they say and give it any credibility at all. In general the people in the entertainment industry are complete hypocrites – claiming to be for “gun control” yet acting in movies that glorify violence in general and “gun violence” in particular – for example.

I kept the TV and dish (no OTA available where I live unless I want to put up a giant antenna) mostly to watch the local news. I do still watch some movies and some teevee shows but I don’t think I’ll ever go to a movie theater again. I have a dish with a dvr so I record anything that I think I might watch (news, teevee shows, and “free” movies). That way I can skip over all of the commercials and have a selection of things to watch. I say that I’m watching the teevee shows and movies just to keep an eye on the memes TPTB are promoting, but I think I’m just deluding myself on that one. At least I’m trying to minimize any profits they get. I only pay $27 a month for the dish+dvr, it’s amazing what you can get with a little persuasion.

So I can’t seem to give up the movie/teevee habit, but I will definitely find a new favorite ice cream vendor.

October 9, 2016 4:00 pm

I just mentioned this here a couple of weeks ago. I don’t watch too many movies especially if any of the actors in them start flapping their pieholes telling me how I should vote. (Not that I lower myself to vote anymore.) The four years I spent in high school and the following four years I doubt I saw more than four movies. Prior to that I saw mostly westerns with my dad.

I’ve always preferred documentaries and fact based films. I don’t give two shits about 99% of Hollywood and what they put out. It helps that I don’t watch TV, at least not in the traditional sense. The little TV that I do watch is recorded and I skip commercials so I don’t even see ads for movies.

This all leaves plenty of time to play with real pussy

October 9, 2016 8:26 pm

If you want to watch the movies but don’t want to deal with the theaters or the big companies, try Kodi. Just google it.

October 9, 2016 8:47 pm

Good to see you commenting on De Niro. He lost me when he bowed to pressure to remove the movie “Vaxxed” from his Tribeca film festival. Just too controversial, you understand. Can’t piss off Big Pharma. He’s a douche. I’ll bet Trump could take him in a fist fight.

October 9, 2016 10:12 pm

DeNiro? Actor?? Don’t those guys LIE for a living???
Letting monied people put words in their mouth to vomit forth to the gullible public?
Qui bono?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:33 am

1. When you get it through your head that only one person has written the whole script. In real life, these guys are tongue-tied automatons. If they had a brain they could go to DC, instead, they depend on writers to give them the words to speak.
2. When you realize these bozos give themselves awards for ‘acting’ when really, they get to do hundreds of do-overs to get it right.
3. When you realize that a lot of social programming goes on in movies and teevee.
I don’t watch teevee but I notice other people who don’t know each other, suddenly are using the same expressions: my buddy John said, When I hear people speak of Jesus, I’d like to drive nails in my head!
Where did that come from and why did somebody on TBP repeat that expression of frustration?

Doc Pangloss said, I don’t subscribe to HBO or all that shit, why pay to listen to somebody cursing in your house?

October 10, 2016 12:36 am

My husband said okay to cancelling cable…gone over 2 years and zero regrets.
Then he brought me a Roku…but I can only have TV on if I have mending or ironing,
which I rarely do. Know what? One gets out of the habit. And also, I am a reader.
Last, I am mad that the crazy little shrimp Tom Cruise is going to be in another
Jack Reacher movie. I love Reacher, and Cruise is not believable in that role.
I’ll stick with the books. Reacher is a super alpha, Cruise is a wimp.
DiNiro essentially endorsing the Killary? He is out for good. Thank you for posting,
I didn’t realize he was a NWO shill and people slayer.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:43 am

OMG, Suzie’s hubs is a neanderthal! Why isn’t he posting here? He’d be right at home.

Gustav Horst
Gustav Horst
October 10, 2016 3:36 am

DeNiro’s tough guy act is just an act. Like any man who supports Clinton, he’s a faggot.