Nuclear War Is On The Horizon: “This Is Not Just Talk… Action Has Been Taken”

So, while we are discussing Trump’s and Buffett’s tax returns and ignoring the former Secretary of State’s cavalier handling of classified information, the oh-so-clever politicians and military are refreshing the nuclear handbook.

As the U.S. elections draw nearer, the amount of bellicose rhetoric from politicians and key military commanders (in truth, “politicians” as well) has been increasing.  The main focus of that rhetoric has been directed toward Russia, and is also “blathered” in the direction of China, North Korea, and Iran when it suits U.S. political interests.  The problem is that all of it is not just talk: action has been taken, especially regarding Russia and the Syrian theatre of operations.

Within the past several weeks, the U.S. has bombed Syrian troops, killing 62 outside of Deor ez-Zor in airstrikes and then admitting to doing so “mistakenly.”  The Russians responded by firing up a UN/coalition convoy almost immediately after.  Russian naval artillery then took out a command post with approximately 30 “coalition” officers, some of them being Americans.  The U.S. then made itself responsible (indirectly) for an attack on the Russian Embassy in Damascus, Syria: anti-Assad Islamic militants did the job, and these have support with funding and materials of the U.S.

These “cat-and-mouse” exchanges have not been new by any means, as evidenced by the aerial “Top-Gun” provocative fly-by’s that have been occurring all year long, in Syria as well as in Eastern Europe.  The U.S. has retracted the cease fire agreement and suspended all operations and discussions with Russia pertaining to Syria.  What is new is the level that the rhetoric has reached…rhetoric that is no longer rhetorical but actually constitutes direct threats against Russia.

On September 29, 2016 the Washington Post reported these words from U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter:

“Across the Atlantic, we’re refreshing NATO’s nuclear playbook – to better integrate conventional and nuclear deterrence, to ensure we plan and train like we’d fight, and to deter Russia from thinking it can benefit from a nuclear use in a conflict with NATO.”

Source: Nuclear War Is On The Horizon: “This Is Not Just Talk… Action Has Been Taken”

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October 11, 2016 10:05 am

We need to work a deal with Russia to keep the nuclear exchanges confined to Europe.

That way we can both make a nice profit afterwards by going in after the destruction and rebuilding them.

October 11, 2016 12:21 pm

Time to fry!

October 11, 2016 10:13 am

So in summary, if we don’t elect a “non-Politician” we face nuclear war? We’re being threatened by both civil AND nuclear war if we don’t vote the “right” way?

October 11, 2016 10:29 am

That’s pretty much the situation, the question being whether or not we fight the civil war on a nuclear pot holed landscape or not.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 11, 2016 12:51 pm

It’s not about politician vs non-politician. It’s about not electing someone who has called Putin the “new Hitler”, who’s called for a no-fly zone over Syria (to shoot down whom, exactly?) and who’s said we should consider using military action against Russia if we determine (or claim) that they’ve hacked our computers. American rhetoric over Russia “seizing” Crimea has been wildly over the top. 12 countries have been added to NATO since the disintegration of the Soviet Union – in direct contradiction of assurances made to Russia by GHW Bush at the time. Expansion of NATO took place under both Bill Clinton and George W Bush. NATO has expanded right up to the Russian border. Wouldn’t we feel threatened if the Warsaw Pact had expanded & enrolled Mexico? The Assad regime has been in power for 45 years. Why did Hillary (& Sarkozy) get a wild hair up their ass to start funding Sunni lunatics to depose Assad? She is a crazy bitch. WWI started over the assassination of a Serbian archduke. A “no fly zone” shooting down Russian planes over Syria or the US arming Ukraine to “re-take” Crimea could easily light a fire we couldn’t put out. Hillary’s the one who’s said (about Trump) “if someone says who they are, believe them”. Why shouldn’t the same be true of Putin? If someone says they’re getting ready in case they need to use nukes against the “hegemon”, why shouldn’t we believe that, too? On the one hand, we have a crazy bitch talking ceaselessly about the Russian boogeyman. On the other hand, we have a guy who wants to get along with them and make common cause against the Sunni lunatics.

October 11, 2016 10:15 am

No-one is discussing Trumps tax returns, he won’t produce them.

October 11, 2016 10:32 am

He has enough IRS audits in his history to pretty much guarantee he pays all income taxes owed, why is that an issue to you?

And why do you need to change the subject from something as important as a potentially nuclear war with maybe hundreds of millions dead to a petty one about how much income has and how much tax he pays on it?

A student of Alinsky, I presume?

October 11, 2016 10:42 am

One has to wonder why he’s got so many audits…

And if you hadn’t noticed, the subject of taxes was brought in on the first paragraph of this article.

I’ve only just now heard of Alinsky, but after looking him up, why wouldn’t I be a student of his?

October 11, 2016 11:09 am


It’s what the IRS does, particularly for complicated returns.

Ever wonder how many audits, say, GM or other government backed corporations get? Even they are under almost constant audit with entire accounting departments dedicated to it.

But I notice again that you change subject, an acknowledged leftist tactic to avoid answering a subject you know you have no reasonable answer for.

What’s your analysis of the very. very dangerous and rapidly developing situation with Russia over their attacks on ISIS or in the Ukraine with NATO and who do you feel -I say feel since that is what leftists do, I don’t expect thought- is better able to handle it, how and why using their current and past actions as a demonstration of it?

Or is the potential of hundreds of millions dead simply not as important to you as coveting someones income and tax position is?

October 11, 2016 11:50 am

Anonymous here and in other threads sounds like that cockroach, randy.

October 11, 2016 2:42 pm

No Stuck,
Randy is decapitated/on to the compost pile/also different syntax

October 11, 2016 2:33 pm

nope, no God talk

October 12, 2016 12:55 am

Anon. is just a troll. Just ignore him.
The Clinton Foundation, in return for millions in ‘donations’ to there ‘charitable’ foundation arranged to sell Uranium1 to Russia. Roll that over in your mind. These crime families like the Clinton’s and Bush’s are breathtaking in their criminality and their corporate media machine suppresses this information.

I don’t believe there will be a nuclear war or full confrontation with Russia because the only people who want this ‘war’ are sitting on their collective throne in Basel, Switzerland. The Europeans certainly don’t want it and are sick of being jerked around by the banks…. and that’s who we’re talking about. The BANKS want to supply Europe with energy for profit. They are pathological in their desire to prevent Russia from putting a pipeline through Syria. That is the primary reason the CIA/Mossad/MI6 created Al-CIA-Duh and ISIS are fighting there; for the BANK’S profits. Insanely, we now have CIA backed/funded ‘rebels’ and Pentagon backed/funded ‘rebels’ fighting each other. Syria and Assad are not a threat to the U.S. The ‘war on terror’ is a smoke screen to hide the activities of the BANKS and their minions. Do you have any idea of the fortune they are making on heroin coming out of Afghanistan?

The public is either hapless or willfully ignorant but either way they will reap the whirlwind for their ignorance and we will be along for the ride whether we like it or not…

October 11, 2016 2:32 pm

many big shots are in perpetual audit,
it is called hassle your political enemy…

Whatever shenanigans are in Trumps tax papers
pale in comparison to the fraud in the Clinton
“Foundation” charitable giving programs.

If the IRS found BS in Trumps returns (issued by tax attorneys,
not Turbo Tax) he would be fined up the gazoo. You will find
tax fraud galore within the administration, think Timothy Geithner,

Timothy Geithner – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Proxy Highlight

Timothy Franz “Tim” Geithner is a former American central banker who served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Barack …

Nuclear war? I don’t think so. Threats between nuclear powers…indeed.
Wouldn’t it be great if every citizen phoned their congress people and demand
“we” get out of Syria immediately? Some 200 million people calling might shake
the powers from their hubris.

October 11, 2016 11:11 am

Not you, Maggie, deep threads get a bit confusing as to who is replying to who sometimes.

You’re right on topic, and topic to be taken seriously at that.

October 11, 2016 11:28 am

I’ll get back on topic then…

If we don’t elect the “right” candidate, (a man who will not disclose his tax returns,) we will be threatened by both civil and nuclear war.

This is because he will not operate like a large corporation, yet he does just that by being under constant audit.

He has a great plan that he doesn’t want to disclose to the “enemy”. He’s not disclosing it to the American People!

Maggie, how can you label me a student of someone you don’t even know? It’s just because Alinsky is Jewish, right?

October 11, 2016 11:46 am

Here are your own words, Maggie: “A student of Alinsky, I presume?”

Why is it that some people just can’t remember what they’ve said?

EDIT: My mistake – Maggie didn’t label me, someone named “Anonymous” did.

My apologies.

October 11, 2016 2:38 pm

you suck dog d**k

October 11, 2016 4:26 pm

Brilliant retort, Suzanna.

Right up there with “Stinky” and “Poop-head.”

October 11, 2016 2:02 pm

No one’s talking, but I’m suspicious that it was the USA that hit the “aid convoy.” Lots of data suggests the signature was “Hellfire” through and through.

For all the saber rattling, I wonder if the USA will try to see if Russia’s Ground-to-Air missiles are good enough to knock down billion-dollar a piece airplanes? A lot of what is being discussed by people who are supposed to be smart enough to know better amounts to declaring war on Russia over Syria.

Someone must have forgotten to ask me my opinion about doing this.

October 11, 2016 2:39 pm

they have toys and they want to “test” them

October 11, 2016 2:47 pm

How many times during the last debate did Hillary mention Russia or Putin, how many times did she point her finger at Russia, make accusations about Russia, insinuate that Russia was behind certain things?

She uses every public opportunity to build the anti-Russian narrative, subtly laying the ground work for what is to come in the future. Keeping the rouse in the forefront of public consciousness, that will make it easier to sell aggression towards Russia later.

She even has her staff parroting the anti-Russia narrative every time one of them steps in front of a microphone or camera. Just listen to Podesta the past few days. They are going to great lengths to create an enemy, create fear. We live in a fear based society and we are governed by fear to change laws in the name of safety and security.

Politics is all about creating the impression that we should fear one candidate over the other. If you vote for this person this bad thing will happen, if you vote for that person some other bad thing will happen and so forth.

The Clinton campaign wants you to believe Putin is evil, Russia is evil and operating with bad intent, they are hacking into Hillary and the DNC servers for God’s sake. Trump said he respects Putin, he says nice things about Putin and would like to have constructive discussions with him. Obviously this makes Trump evil. Hell I have even heard the Clinton campaign say they believe Putin is hacking the servers at Trumps request. That makes Trump doubly evil. Isn’t the connect the dots game fun.

What a bunch of horse shit. And so it goes….

October 11, 2016 9:29 pm

Now the fbi and doj are investigating the hacks. Someone has “suggested”, I’m sure strongly, that Russia is behind it all. Maybe Russia didn’t have any intent and it will all be ok.

October 12, 2016 9:27 am

Nobody seems concerned whether or not China and the Mossad are hacking and packing away for future use.

October 11, 2016 3:14 pm

These fucking neo-cons are stark raving mad. It is like watching “Dr. Strangelove” for real. Russians aren’t a bunch of stupid towelheads, they have nukes you braindead assfuckers. And who gives a shit about Trump’s tax returns. Hey Anon -Newsflash- you can carry forward and write off business losses you uninformed government titsucking fool. You deserve to get roasted at ground zero.

October 11, 2016 4:24 pm

Diogenes: Why then doesn’t Trump release his tax returns? If everything will come up roses, he would do it.

You sir, seem to be feeding off a tit, and that tit is orange and watches too much Alex Jones.

Between the two of them, I’d rather elect Alex Jones. At least he appears to know what he’s talking about (but then, how would he know so much about a cover-up and conspiracy if he weren’t IN the godamned thing.)

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 11, 2016 8:59 pm

Who gives a flying fuck about one guy’s tax returns? If any of these breathless reporters had half a brain they’d care less about whether a “real estate professional” can shelter ordinary income with a loss carry forward (he can) and more about that $916,000,000 loss in 1995. Undoubtedly some of Trump’s asset values tanked in the aftermath of the 1986 tax reform. Did he sell depreciated assets to entities he controlled for the sole purpose of being able to shelter future child income? If he did, that was pretty clever.

  Iska Waran
October 12, 2016 2:47 am

Exactly, Iska. That’s what the Trumps want you to do, not give a fuck about the most blatant lie committed.

Once more, for the record: WHY DOESN’T HE RELEASE THEM? If you actually didn’t give a shit, you wouldn’t mind them coming out, right? If he didn’t have MUCH to hide, he’d release them.

October 11, 2016 9:42 pm

Are you freakin’ serious? Did you read the article or did you just obsess on the first paragraph? These hideons are trying to stir up WWIII and nuclear war with a country that can actually DELIVER nukes to our soil, and Killary is blaming Russia for everything except the sun rising in the east! And you’re worried about tax returns?!?

I give exactly Zero Fuks about Trump’s tax returns. He meets the basic requirements to run for president. One of the most important issues to me is non-stop war, especially wars of aggression. Trump has mentioned a non-interventionist foreign policy, that we can’t be policeman of the world, and that it might be a good idea to get along with Putin, et. al. That’s good enough for me. With Killary, we have a very good chance of being burnt toast (if ovomit doesn’t beat her to it).

October 11, 2016 3:39 pm
October 11, 2016 4:10 pm