The Donald Lives!

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Donald Trump turned in perhaps the most effective performance in the history of presidential debates on Sunday night.

As the day began, he had been denounced by his wife, Mike Pence, and his own staff for a tape of crude and lewd remarks in a decade-old “locker room” conversation on a bus with Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood.”

Tasting blood, the media were in a feeding frenzy. Trump is dropping out! Pence is bolting the ticket! Republican elites are about to disown and abandon the Republican nominee!

Sometime this weekend, Trump made a decision: If he is going down to defeat, he will go out as Trump, not some sniveling penitent begging forgiveness from hypocrites who fear and loathe him.

His first move was to host a press availability, before the debate, where a small sampling of Bill Clinton’s alleged victims — Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick — made brief statements endorsing Trump and denouncing the misogyny of the Clintons.

“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me,” said Broaddrick, “and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”

The press had to cover it. Then the women marched into the auditorium at Washington University to watch Hillary Clinton defend her behavior toward them after their encounters with Bill.

As the moderators and Hillary Clinton scrambled to refocus on Trump’s comments of a decade ago, Trump brought it back to Bill’s criminal misconduct against women, his lying about it, and Hillary’s aiding and abetting of the First Predator.

It was like a tawdry courtroom drama in an X-rated movie, a new low in presidential debates. But what it revealed is that if Trump is going down, his enemies will carry away their own permanent scars.

As Caesar said of Cassius, “Such men are dangerous.”

Hillary Clinton has never been hammered as she was Sunday night, and it showed. Knocked off her game, she was no longer the prim and poised debater of Hofstra University.

There were other signs that, win or lose, Trump intends to finish the campaign as he began, as a populist-nationalist and unapologetic adversary of open borders, globalization and neo-imperialism.

When moderators Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper revealed their bias by asking Trump tougher questions and more follow-ups, and interrupting him more rudely and often, he called them out.

“It’s one on three!” said Trump. And it sure looked like it.

How could the moderators have ignored that other leak of last week, of Clintons’s speech to Brazilian bankers where she confessed she “dreams” of a “hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.”

If the quote is accurate, and Clinton has not denied it, she was saying she dreams of a future when the United States ceases to exist as a separate, sovereign and independent nation.

She envisions not just a North American Union evolving out of NAFTA but a merger of all the nations of North, South and Central America, with all borders erased and people moving freely from one place to another within a hemispheric super-state.

If this quote is accurate, Clinton is working toward an end to the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution.

After all, Thomas Jefferson did not write some declaration of diversity in 1776, but a Declaration of Independence for a new, unique and separate people.

Clinton dreams of doing away with what American patriots cherish most.

When the issue of Syria arose, Clinton said she favors a “no-fly zone.” Unanswered, indeed unasked by the moderators, was whether she would order the shooting down of Syrian or Russian planes that violate the zone.

Yet, what she is suggesting are acts of war against Syria, and Russia if necessary, though Congress has never authorized a war on Syria, and Syria has not attacked us.

Trump did not hesitate to overrule the suggestion of Mike Pence that we follow Clinton’s formula. He believes ISIS is our enemy, and if Syria, Russia and Iran are attacking ISIS, we ought not to be fighting them.

As of sunrise Sunday, the media were writing Trump off as dead.

By Sunday night, they were as shocked and stunned as Hillary and Bill.

What did Trump accomplish in 18 hours?

He rattled Hillary Clinton, firmed up and rallied his base, halted the stampede of the cut-and-run Republicans, and exposed the hypocrisy of liberal and secular celebrants of the ’60s “sexual revolution,” who have suddenly gotten religion where Trump is involved.

Trump exposed the fraudulence of the Clintons’ clucking concern for sexually abused women, brought Pence back into camp, turned the tables and changed the subject from the Trump tapes to the Trump triumph at Washington University.

Upshot: The Donald is alive.

While his path to 270 electoral votes still looks more than problematic, there is a month to go before the election, and anything can happen.

Indeed, it already has — many times.

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October 11, 2016 8:54 am

I believe the silent majority is clearing its throat. I think they will be crawling out of the woodwork to vote for Trump. I hope I am right about the people because otherwise I believe there will be civil war. Most Americans appear to understand they are being screwed but they are not quite sure how it’s being done. They do not yet grasp the machinations of the global central banking system. Ah, but they can smell a rat and we have been overwhelmed with thousands of them; we are corrupted from sea to shining sea. Then there is the ‘underdog’. Trump reminds me a bit of Steve Young trying to come out from under the shadow of Joe Montana. Young was practically playing the game all by himself; throwing the ball, catching it and then making the touchdown until finally the ‘team’ realized he was a great guy, a great player and decided to join him on the field; to back him up. This is, of course, what Americans must do now for Donald Trump. Stop dithering and back him up! Morph from glazed eyed Sheeple back into People and fight for your country.

October 11, 2016 10:09 am

DataJunkie is threatening civil war if his candidate doesn’t win?

October 11, 2016 12:47 pm

I believe there will most likely be civil war regardless of who wins. Beliefs are not threats. Hell, there is already civil war in certain isolated pockets of the country. So we’re really just talking about degrees.

October 11, 2016 9:23 pm

No cival war with the harpy winning. Unfortunately, they have the hired guns, the commu ications and the organization. If by some miracle Trump should win (already has my vote in Fl) the losers can use these to overpower the people. Sad to say there is no bench. A great 70 year old quarterback but where is the framework of follow on officers and NCOs?

October 11, 2016 2:12 pm

Anony-mouse, shove it up your ass. The redistributive state has robbed the capable and distributed part of the loot to a coalition of fringes (blacks, browns, gays, harpies, etc.) while keeping the lion’s share to its managers and their handlers/campaign contributors.

It has been this way for 50 years, since the feverish idiocy of the 1960’s (funny money, the Civil Rights & Immigration Acts, etc.). As long as the people paying for it all were moving ahead (or felt like they were), they consented to the exactions.

That’s over. Wage stagnation, crushing debt, and the open/obvious import of tens of millions MORE grasping dependents has caused those who MAKE this country work to stop consenting.

I don’t know who you are or what you do, but my guess is that you have NO CLUE from where our prosperity arises. You think cell phones, reliable electrical power, and every other aspect of modern comfort grows on trees planted behind the White House.

Go away.

October 11, 2016 10:20 pm

Calling yourself ‘anonymous’ seems appropriate… of course I am not “threatening civil war”, I am saying the people of this country have had enough of the lawlessness and destruction; both economically and culturally. In my opinion, I believe we are on the cusp of civil war… it has nothing to do with me personally ‘threatening’ it… use your head 😉 I believe informed People will at least see what will happen under Trump. They know what will happen under HRC.

October 11, 2016 3:52 pm

I don’t agree on civil war, but how about “civil disengage?”
Or some variation. No one decent is going to arm against
their fellow American unless there are guns pointed at them
first. If Hillary is elected, then we are cooked. Who will give
a shite then?

October 11, 2016 9:12 am

“Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan
Donald Trump turned in perhaps the most effective performance in the history of presidential debates on Sunday night.”

Thank God…..HE’S BACK!

Now I’m off again to /pol/, to continue posting in favor of Trump. If you go there, lurk a while before posting.

William Mann
William Mann
October 11, 2016 11:39 am

The people are ignoring Bill Clinton who has dozens of women who claimed he raped them while trying to make a major distraction out of what Trump. said 11 years ago.
Hillary still has serious email problems she can’t shake, nor should she be able to shake. The FBI severely tarnished their reputation and basically gave Hillary a pass, where other people are prison for doing much less. She doesn’t obey are laws.

October 11, 2016 11:53 am

I just got an email that says Joy Behar (The View) just called the women accusing Bill Clinton of rape a bunch of Tramps. What a hypocritical bitch.

I didn’t watch it… can’t STAND her, but here ‘s the link.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 11, 2016 1:24 pm

Whoopie Goldberg said that Roman Polanski drugging and raping a 13 year old wasn’t “rape rape”. I guess if you don’t have a loaded gun to her head, it’s not real rape. Unless, of course, you’re a Republican. Then a joke about grabbing pussy is rape.

October 11, 2016 3:57 pm

We would have believed you without the link. lol
I would not care to have my eyeballs on that woman,
not even for soft leather boots, a fab back pack, and
a down filled robe. (I hope the Mr. reads this one)

October 11, 2016 12:50 pm

The view. Basically the MSM version of the cat lady. All of those women on that show are nothing but overpaid shills and social justice warriors. If any of those feminist oppressed witches had a single brain cell in their head, they would love The Donald. Drama queens, nothing more than the stupid drama filled, self important women noone listens to, that permeate inner city ghettos of this country – and probably most of their audience.