I first stumbled upon this site in 2008 and followed the efforts closely.  There is a great collection of articles and literature linked here that SHOULD make anyone angry enough to vote against any incumbent in office, but like any well-constructed body of knowledge, it requires time, effort and the ability to think.  I’m hoping that TBPers will find it as interesting an idea as I do, even though the material here is old; it is still valid.  Maybe even more so now that we are in the final days of this critical election season.


Welcome to the Kick Them All Out Project and Fire Congress Campaign. This project provides a way for us all to hold Congress accountable by making them pay the price of losing their jobs for what they’ve done to destroy our nation! We can use the power of our votes to effect sweeping change NOW!


Before the results of the last election were final we saw Republicans celebrating exactly like the Democrats celebrated when they won control of Congress and the Messiah was enthroned at the White House. Conservatives are acting the same way, as if some huge change has occurred and the “Republican are now going to save us!” Seriously,when has either party ever saved us?! The Republicans are just as responsible as the Democrats for the nightmares we find ourselves in.

Truth is, there wasn’t much more turnover of incumbents than usual, which is typically about 15%. It appears that most of the turnover occurred because about 40 people decided to retire. This means that 85% of the incumbents that ran again, the same people that have betrayed our trust so many times we can’t count, are sill in office!

We threw away another golden opportunity to hold them ALL accountable. WE wasted another chance to FIRE THEM ALL! Far too many of us bought into the left/right paradigm again and failed to see we cannot afford to keep playing “their game.” When we do, we lose. It’s as certain as trying to beat the odds in Vegas. The House ALWAYS comes out on top when you play their games.

We have to become as ruthless with Congress critters as they are with us. We have to look at the election process with complete dispassion if we want to “actually” throw the bums out. We have to look at elections as a purely utilitarian act necessary to hold members of Congress accountable in the only way that we can, by removing them from office. At this point, it makes no difference who replaces an incumbent. None. What would make a difference is if incumbents were replaced en mass! If we did this just once, the whole game would change in ways we can’t even imagine. It would shake up the status quo like nothing else could.

In the next election the powers-that-be will do their best to fixate everyone’s attention on the totally controlled presidential race. Most everyone will ignore the heart of the problem, the Congress and become caught up in the presidential circus. The powers-that-be will once again con everyone into believing the most important issue is who the El Presidente is. They do this to drive everyone who still clings to a political identity into their respective camps. The powers-that-be know most people who vote still have strong political identities. Emphasizing the importance of these identities ensures that most of the vote will be split down the middle making most races fairly close, thus easy as pie to rig if necessary. All election results have to be is “believable.”

Friends, it’s a CON. The whole game is a con aimed at convincing you that political ideology has some real meaning in politics. It doesn’t. It’s a charade that hides the fact that no matter which party appears to be in power, there is an underlying continuity of agenda that moves forward regardless of which party “seems” to be in control. Overall, both parties endorse and push big government and do nothing to rid government of banking and corporate control. Things have gone so far that there is no longer any meaningful distinction between government and big business. Criminal global banking cartels and their to-big-bail corporations have seized the coercive power of government and are using it to impose their will on us all.

The simple truth is, if Congress was doing its job, the Congress could set everything right. It’s not about El Presidente. It’s about Congress. The Congress has more power than the executive branch. Sure the President can sign or veto bills but the important point to remember is it all starts with Congress. REMEMBER . . .

Even if the president vetoes a bill, the Congress can override the veto. We have to realize that the Congress encourages fixation on the President so they can pass the buck, blame what they are doing on the Executive branch.

Fact is, Presidents have no Constitutional authority to do most of the things they claim they can do. They can only ask the Congress to do what they want. The Congress could have stopped everything that’s happening; the wars, the Wall Street takeover, the TRILLION DOLLAR defense budget they just passed. Our so-called representatives have sold us out so many times it makes my head spin and what do we all do? We not only let them keep their jobs but we also allow them to give themselves a raise for the fine job of screwing us. Last time round they gave themselves a $4,500 raise. When was the last time you got a raise like that? The way we’ve been holding our representatives accountable is to let them keep their $174,000 a year jobs so they can stick it to us for another two years! In case you’re wondering, that’s $14,500 a month!

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October 22, 2016 11:39 am

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 22, 2016 11:54 am

Why is it the sheep do stupid shit like voting the same criminals back in office over and over and over again? If you slammed their hand in the car door enough times they would catch on not to go there again but when it comes to elections they seem to be hypnotized. Do these maroons enjoy being fleeced by public officials? Sure looks like it.

October 22, 2016 12:44 pm

This is my number ONE criteria for voting- incumbents need to go.

October 22, 2016 2:49 pm

I wish this group could get more traction. I too discovered them years ago, and don’t know why they don’t get any attention. I always vote against the incumbent reps and senators, no matter what their party affiliation, and will continue to do so until the legislative branch operates with some integrity (so until hell freezes over).

October 23, 2016 10:55 am

Love this Maggie. I too have come to the conclusion that the only way to ensure that corruption does not take hold is to limit the opportunities for corruption. I say one term and done, and I also think that nobody should ever be placed into office that has ever held any other office. The minute you step over that line you open the door for career politicians.

I too am at a loss to explain how merkins manage to return the same people who screwed them to congress so they can screw them even more. I have always chalked it up to party politics and for the most part stupidity but what do I know.

BTW – Trump announced that his priority for his first 100 days is to implement term limits. Oh and also a ban on lobbying and a five year ban on the revolving door between industry and government.