DOJ’s Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign

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On Monday we were the first to note that Podesta’s friend Peter Kadzik was the DOJ representative chosen to head up a “thorough” review of the new Huma Abedin emails as revealed by a letter he wrote to Congress.  Given Kadzik’s personal relationship with Podesta, it seemed like a “convenient” choice for the Clinton campaign.

In the letter to Congress, the DOJ writes that it “will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible,” assistant attorney General Peter J. Kadzik writes in letters to House and Senate lawmakers.

“Ironically”, that is the same Peter Kadzik who has proven his “impartiality” in multiple WikiLeaks emails including this newly released bombshell in which Kadzik provides a very helpful “heads up” about Hillary’s email server investigation.


Sure, who needs an independent investigator…this guy will do just fine.

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November 2, 2016 10:55 am

Kadzik is Podesta’s best friend.

Enough said.

Podesta, 67, is no innocent when it comes to security matters. A Georgetown University-educated lawyer, he served as the chief of staff to President Bill Clinton in the 1990s and as counselor to President Barack Obama in 2014 and 2015.

For Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, it was literally a day to erase from memory

incestuous basturds

November 2, 2016 11:30 am

It becoming clear that the greatest threat to this nation is corrupt Jews and their negro auxiliary in the US senior civil service. If Nixon had had slimey operatives like this Kadzik, Holder and Lynch those tapes of his would never seen the light of day and Archibald Cox, as likely as not, would have been found shot to death in Ft. Marcy Park.

We are up against a people with no regard for the rule of law and with no loyalty to the United States. The next Congress should reconvene a House UnAmerican Activities Committee and Kadzik, Sidney Blumenthal and Obama’s cavalcade of Hebrews before it

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 2, 2016 5:51 pm
November 2, 2016 9:07 pm

“The fact that the meeting that I had is now casting a shadow over how people are going to view that work is something that I take seriously, and deeply and painfully,” Ms. Lynch conceded at an Aspen forum in July. The Clinton campaign compounded the problem by gossiping to the press that Mrs. Clinton would keep Ms. Lynch on as AG if she wins.”
In Mr. Obama’s April 2016 absolution of Mrs. Clinton, the President said repeatedly that “I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.” He added that “Guaranteed. Full stop. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law.”

Abject liars…do we get to sue? Imagine a class action against the administration and
personal suits. Of course everyone working on this would get murdered post haste.

Lynches comments are grammatically bizarre.