Trump’s Revolution Is Over

By Gary North at

“President Obama is a very good man. I will seek his counsel in the future.” — Donald Trump (November 10, 2016)

The honeymoon with his supporters did not last long, did it?

I begin with two statements.

First, Donald Trump is not part of what is sometimes called “the conspiracy.”

Second, he will be on January 20, 2017.

We are about to see the capture of Donald Trump. It has already begun.

The mainstream media are beginning to see this. By January 20, it should be clear to anybody who wants to look at his nominees for the top cabinet positions. CNN’s headline has it right: Team Trump is already filled with Washington insiders.

We have already learned that the transition team has approached Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase. He was offered the position of Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone who thinks that this would be an improvement over the former CEO’s from Goldman Sachs is living in a fantasy world.

The handwriting is on the wall. We can expect more of the same. We had better expect more of the same.

Just for the record, the phrase “handwriting on the wall” comes from the fifth chapter of the book of Daniel. May I remind you, that was originally written in Hebrew (Aramaic, really, and Hebrew and Aramaic are written from right to left. So is everything in Washington. You should also recall what the handwriting said.

And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. His is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. ekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Peres; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians (vv. 25-28).

That was a revolution. It was not just a coup d’état. Accept no substitutes.


There are two cabinet positions that really matter in every presidential administration. This goes back to Washington’s first administration. First, there is the Secretary of State. Second, there is the Secretary of the Treasury.

The other cabinet positions of importance are the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, which determines who is going to get prosecuted, and the Department of Homeland Security, which is the real enforcement arm of the government.

Watch who gets appointed to these five positions. That will tell you the direction of the Trump administration.

All of the rest of the departments are agencies for the enforcement of rules designed by special-interest groups and cartels. If President Trump is really serious about undermining the federal government, he will leave these other positions unfilled for four years. In doing so, he would help de-legitimize each of the departments. All but one should be shut down. Of course, so should the Department of Homeland Security. But it is not possible for a President to shut them down, so he can at least send a message: these departments are irrelevant, and ought to be shut down. No one should be appointed to run any of them. I am speaking of these departments: Agriculture, Education, Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Commerce, and Interior. If the budgets for all of these were cut to zero, the nation would be better off.

He should turn over the Department of Veterans Affairs to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They should take care of their own, institutionally speaking. They should run it like a military operation. It has proven again and again that it is utterly incompetent. Put the generals and admirals in control of it, and let them take the heat when another scandal emerges.

This would be a real revolution. This would strike a blow for liberty. This would make it clear to the public that these departments have long since been captured by the bureaucracies. They cannot be changed except by budget cuts. Therefore, we should stop pretending that the President and the voters have any control over them. There is no way to control these departments, because everybody in them, except for about 4,000 temporary figurehead appointments, are ineligible to be fired. If you can’t fire employees, you can’t change the departments. Therefore, the cabinet level positions are merely figureheads. They exist to placate the special interests associated with each of the departments. They are there to reassure the various cartels that in fact control these branches of the government that everything is just fine, and the money will keep flowing.

In every case, the money should be completely cut off. But this is impossible politically. So, the government should give paid leave to everybody on the payroll for the rest of their careers, not to be replaced. Again, it would be better to fire all of them, but Congress would not go along with that. So, it is best to stop the charade. Since you can’t change the system, you should at least admit this in full public view. Washington is an unstoppable bureaucracy that responds to nothing except the threat of budget cuts. This has been the essence of the federal bureaucracy ever since the establishment of Civil Service in the 1880’s. It was designed to work this way.

There should be no federal Department of Education. The federal government should have nothing to say in the area of education. It should have no rules to enforce. The same is true of agriculture, business, and so forth. But because conservatives are committed to capturing the levers of power rather than removing them, there is always a fight to get into control, and without exception, the conservatives always lose the fight. This never ceases to baffle them.

Candidate Ronald Reagan promised to shut down the Department of Education. President Reagan didn’t. Neither will Trump.

Let me explain how the Cabinet-level selection procedure works. It would be easy to find voters who would be ready to set up a Department of Whorehouses in order to regulate the nation’s whorehouses, making them safer for the customers. They would then find that the Secretary of Whorehouses is always somebody who is a successful developer of a chain of whorehouses, and is ready to gain recognition for the fine work that she has done. They would look long and hard to find a woman to represent them in this department.

I think this establishes my basic position. Anything less than this is a compromise.

Trump should look for the hardest core people he can find for State, Treasury, Defense, and Justice. The people who occupy these cabinet level position should reflect his revolution, if any.

Whoever gets the position of Secretary of State will either reflect the existing commitment to internationalism, or else reflect a real revolution, namely, the shutdown of the American Empire. But the conservative movement basically is committed to the Empire, which is why we can never get budget cuts in the Department of Defense. So, we wind up with neoconservatives or outright Wilsonian internationalists as Secretary of State.


There is going to be a growing sense of betrayal within the conservative movement. They will see, certainly by January 20, and no later than the end of 2017, that nothing has changed. The general population will never really understand this, but there will be a growing awareness that this is the case.

Donald Trump is not going to betray deliberately the revolution that he launched. That is because he did not launch a revolution.

There are four driving forces in the lives of successful males: money, sex, power, and fame. More than any man in American history, Donald Trump is going to prove to be the incarnation of all four. There is nobody else in American history to match him in this regard.

He has done what no one in the history of the United States has done. He has been elected President of the United States, and he really is beholden to nobody. He has no experience in politics. He was not vetted by the powers that be. He has no agenda. We have, for the first time in American history, a President who got the position entirely on his own. We speak of the powers behind the throne. There are no powers behind the throne. But there will be on January 20.

There will be conspiracy theorists who will tell us that this was all planned from the beginning. It was not. This is what in the English language we use a Latin term to describe: sui generis. It is something that is truly unique. It is in a class by itself. There are no precedents. None. Really.

Donald Trump never had a list of men and women who are independent of the existing power base that runs this country. He would be a real threat to the powers that be if he had such a list. Agents of the powers that be are now rushing into the vacuum. By January 20, the deal will be done.

Let me give you examples of what would constitute a revolution. If his choice for Secretary of State were Angelo Codevilla, I would be impressed. If his choice for Secretary of the Treasury were Paul Craig Roberts, I would conclude that he really has an economic agenda. If his choice for the Department of Defense were William Lind, I would assume that Trump knows what he is doing. If his choice for the Department of Homeland Security were Sibel Edmunds, I might have some hope. As for the Department of Justice, Andrew Napolitano is the obvious choice. But, in the words of John Wayne in The Searchers, that’ll be the day.

Here is the problem that Trump now faces. He doesn’t know anything about the federal government. He really doesn’t. He doesn’t know who’s on first. He doesn’t know the good guys from the bad guys. He is surrounded by people like Newt Gingrich (CFR) and Rudy Giuliani. We already know where this is headed.

We see a unique opportunity. We have a man who has just been elected to sit on the supreme throne of political power in the world, and this time, there are no powers behind the throne. I have a Ph.D. in history. I can assure you, that there is nothing like this situation in American history. I suggest that there is nothing like this in British history.

Now I’m going to say something which could be misinterpreted. There are two figures in the 20th century who are at least comparable to Donald Trump. One is Vladimir Lenin, and the other is Adolf Hitler. I am not suggesting in any way that Donald Trump thinks like Lenin or Hitler. I’m speaking only institutionally. From the point of view of political history, these are the two men who are most like what Trump is today. They had no political experience before they gained the top political positions. They came from what seemed to be out of nowhere. They were never elected to political office. People tend to forget that Hitler’s Nazi party did not win the election of 1932. He was appointed as Chancellor by President Hindenburg. There were no subsequent elections.

Yet even here, the examples don’t hold. Lenin ran a hierarchical political organization, the Bolshevik Party. Hitler ran a hierarchical political organization, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, called “Nazis” as an acronym. Donald Trump has come out of the world of business, which means he has always faced competition in an open market. His skills are completely separate from the skills of political mobilization. He has no skills whatsoever in the area of politics, which is a matter of power inside a system that is not based on free-market pricing.

Ludwig von Mises in 1944 wrote a little book, Bureaucracy. In it, he showed that there are two completely separate kinds of management: profit management and bureaucratic management. They are separate because the sources of their funding are separate. Profit management seeks monetary profit in a world governed by double-entry bookkeeping. Its income in not guaranteed. Bureaucratic management seeks power in a world controlled by a monopoly: civil government. Its income is guaranteed by law. The two forms of management are in no way linked in terms of the skills required for success in each.

Trump is the most naïve elected senior politician in the history of Western civilization. He has no skills whatsoever for the position which he has now been elected do. He is what is sometimes called a babe in the woods. More to the point, he is a sitting duck.

Before January 20, the revolution that millions of voters hope for today will be gone with the wind. The revolution is going to die a stillbirth. Trump is going to cooperate with Ryan. He is going to cooperate with McConnell. He is going to cooperate with the Council on Foreign Relations. It has already begun.

This is a unique historical situation. We have never seen anything like this before. This is why the conventional approaches to explaining what has gone on will fail. This really is sui generis. There are no historical precedents for what is now taking place.

Here is Trump’s problem. Political power is based on leverage. It is based on the ability to raise money. It is based on the ability to gain support from the existing political hierarchies. Trump has literally broken into the political system the way a thief breaks in to a bank. Nobody has seen anything like this before.


Power is based on a system of representation. Always before in Western history, a senior political figure got into the top position by way of a hierarchical system of representation. He was always the representative of a particular group or worldview. Donald Trump is not. He represents Donald Trump. We have never seen anything like this in history.

He has been elected directly by the people, or at least almost directly: by way of the electoral college. This has never happened before. He owes nobody anything. This is why there is a frantic scramble by the powers that be to get his ear. I think they have achieved this already. The revolution is less than one week old, but I think it has been captured.

I am not saying that Trump is going to sell out the voters. The powers that be cannot buy him. He owns too much wealth. He is already at the top of the political system. I don’t think anybody is threatening him with assassination. I think it is a situation in which a politically naïve man with no political experience finds himself at the top of the most important political hierarchy in the world, yet he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Nothing he has ever done in the free market has prepared him to sit on the throne of political power.

Today, there are no powers behind the throne, but there soon will be.


Every senior political leader is captured by special-interest groups by way of the flow of information. There is no bureaucracy in history that is not based on a hierarchical system of the control over the flow of information to the decision-maker at the top. Trump will soon be trapped in a system in which the papers that are put on his desk, and the people he is scheduled to meet with, will be determined by a handful of appointees. He will issue orders. But the hierarchical system that supposedly must carry out his orders is staffed by people who know how to control the flow of information upward.

Below them is the army of bureaucrats in each department. Civil servants control the flow of information in all but the top 4,000 positions, and he doesn’t have time to run a vetting operation over all 4000 appointments. I’ve written about this here. It is called the Plum book, and almost nobody knows about it. The Plum Book lists the plum jobs available to political appointees when a new President is inaugurated. There is a scramble of potential employees to get to the top of the pile in the job applications for the Plum Book. I doubt that Trump has ever heard of the Plum book. So, he has no list of people from outside the system to be put in charge of the various departments. In any case, the person in charge isn’t in charge, because he can’t fire anybody. Everybody else protected by Civil Service. I have described the Plum Book and its importance here.

There isn’t going to be a Trump revolution. There will be a few things that probably will be better. If Obama cannot get the Trans-Pacific Partnership passed by Congress in this lame duck session, then the election of Trump was worth it. If he can cut the funding on the worst features of ObamaCare, the election of Trump was worth it. More good news: global warmers are in near-despair. But don’t expect anything remotely resembling a revolution. It’s not going to happen.


Here is the bottom line: the Washington bureaucracies can be controlled only by one thing, which is budget cuts. Nothing else scares them. Nothing else affects them. Only if their budgets are cut will their influence be reduced. We will see with Trump’s proposed budgets over the next four years how committed he is to changing the system. If there are no budget cuts, there is not going to be a revolution. It’s very simple.

Ultimately, the Speaker of the House is the dominant figure with respect to the federal budget. The United States Constitution places initiatory authority over the budget in the House of Representatives. I realize that the federal government pays no attention to this any longer, but legally speaking, this is the law. Paul Ryan is the guy who holds the hammer. The Ways and Means committee is where the decisions ought to be made with respect to the federal budget. But, these days, the President of the United States is the one who submits the budget.

Donald Trump knows nothing about this. Hardly anybody knows much about this. This will determine what happens over the next four years. If he takes a blue pencil to the budget, he really can change the country. He is not going to do it. The powers that be, which this week are not yet the powers that be, will make sure that the flow of information to his desk is tightly controlled. Garbage in, garbage out. Keynesianism in, Keynesianism out.


So, don’t be surprised when you read that the revolution has been betrayed. It hasn’t been betrayed. There was never any institutional arrangement by which the revolution could be implemented. This is a man with no experience politically who gained the senior position of world politics without anyone’s having vetted him.

It’s going to be fun to watch. There will be a mountain of monographs written by scholars on what takes place over the next four years. Nothing like this has ever happened before. As an historian, I lament the fact that I am 74 years old. I would love to write one of the monographs.

Don’t get seduced by articles that tell you that, from the beginning, he was an agent of the conspiracy. He blindsided them as no one else in history has blindsided the powers that be. But they understand power, and they have already moved in on him. He really is a sitting duck. I hate to say it: he really is Donald Duck. Up until now, he was Scrooge McDuck.

I just hope he isn’t in a barrel.


Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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DaBirds (nine hard innings)
DaBirds (nine hard innings)
November 14, 2016 6:24 am

I don’t doubt that you’re evaluation is spot on, the job of POTUS doesn’t allow time for on the job training. His term, should it survive the coming financial turmoil, may allow other more experienced mavericks to ascend however and that may be the true value of his election.
If allowed, time will tell.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  DaBirds (nine hard innings)
November 14, 2016 2:22 pm

A good line going around is “Trump supporters take him seriously but not literally, while Trump detractors take him literally but not seriously.”

Trump supporters got all psyched up by his campaign rhetoric and now have to come down to earth.

I’m willing to be patient so see how his governing style takes shape.

November 14, 2016 6:52 am

That was a brutal wake up piece. Seeing this morning that Rinse My Penis has been appointed Chief of Staff certainly begins to confirm what you’ve written.

OTOH, Bannon is still in the inner circle so there’s that.

November 14, 2016 10:57 am

Somebody has to deal with congress and the rest of the outliers……..People is policy and the ones in the bureaucracy are the ones to get the best Trump talent…..kinda like Lois Lerner in reverse. DO not sweat the Rance P. deal…..

kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 14, 2016 7:21 am

Yes and No/Maybe.

The big Yes refers to the Cabinet appointments.
The No/Maybe refers to all the Nostradamus projections.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 14, 2016 2:09 pm

Kokoda, what Nostradamus projections are you referring to? If you are really into Nostradamus (personally I’m on the fence regarding his quatrains), the “Conversations with Nostradamus” trilogy by the late Dolores Cannon are intriguing (on the fence about her, too, but I’ve read many of her books).


November 14, 2016 7:37 am

I’m still going to hold out some hope by trying to wait until next summer to settle this in my mind. I want to see not what he says but what he actually does.

Appointing the usual suspects is not a good start. Hopefully the Trump revolution is at least a little more real than Obama’s hope and change turned out to be. I can’t help but think of the millions of folks who really thought they were voting for change 8 years ago and got pretty much a big helping of more of the same jammed up their collective asses.

The bureaucracy grinds ever forward seemingly on its own volition like some massive glacier creeping along, scraping and scarring the earth and bringing cold and darkness. There is not much one man can do about it and I seriously doubt an experienced business manager will even think to just leave positions unfilled because the idea that those positions serve no function will not occur to him.

November 14, 2016 7:40 am

Bullshit! We had two choices on 8 Nov: Trump or Clinton. We KNEW what a Clinton presidency would be: Obongo X 1000 in the worst way. Trump may or may not “betray” us. Any appointment by Trump will be infinitely better than Clinton’s. Worse case scenario: Trump appoints insiders and not much really changes. At least he buys us some time, time to do the best we can to prepare for the shit-storm this guy envisions.

Idaho Homesteader
Idaho Homesteader
November 14, 2016 1:10 pm

Exactly, Ragman.

Even if Trump is a mediocre to bad president, it will still be a win compared to Hillary as president.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
November 14, 2016 2:10 pm

I am reading only the comments. I never read Gary North. Let it be remembered that he “Staked [his] reputation” on the Y2K disaster. Repeatedly said–in writing–that it was “too late” and that “nothing [could] stop it,” etc. etc. Why people read what he says is beyond me. I don’t. Neither should you.

November 14, 2016 7:47 am

Unco, where did you find this dumb fuck? Steve Bannon is about to get a corner office in the west wing. Kelly Ayotte is not. Bad day for reading here on the Platform, so many sceered lil girls and boys.

November 14, 2016 8:00 am

Chris Christie? Rudy Guilani? Newt Gingrich? Those three names are enough to give me big concerns about what is to come and how little change there will actually be. Then throw in Jamie Dimon and all I can do is shake my head. I’m not scared, but I am trying to wait and see what he actually does and not pay too much attention to what he says he will do.

November 14, 2016 8:34 am

@ Star – Just considering all angles and showing another perspective. TBP reports, you decide.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 14, 2016 8:37 am


What did you think of the 60 Minutes interview last night?

  Bea Lever
November 14, 2016 10:12 am

I think the last sentence Trump spoke said it all. “It’s unfair what’s happened to the people in our country, and we’re going to change it, it’s as simple as that.”

November 14, 2016 10:58 am

Ayotte as a chief policy assistant at State….not pouring coffee in the WW

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
November 14, 2016 2:12 pm

It’s Gary North, don’t forget. He should be ignored. The fact of the matter is that even if nothing else happens, the Trump Revolution has already taken place. This North guy should get a clue: What he is so lamely trying to say is that there won’t be a Phase Two of the Trump Revolution. Phase One was a resounding success.

November 14, 2016 8:20 am

Ragman x 1000.Trump will save the supreme Court,he will protect the second amendment.He will keep us out of a war with Russia.He will begin to deport illegal immigrants.Maybe build a wall .So much better than Clinton treasonous sorry ass.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2016 8:28 am

I don’t agree with a lot of it, but I can’t deny that your writing has improved immeasurably. I can’t believe this is the same guy.

Really strong, well constructed writing.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2016 2:19 pm

@HSF, looks like this piece is written by Gary North, not Uncola.

November 14, 2016 8:28 am

Trying to judge a President elect before he takes office is not the worthiest thing to be done.

Remember Reagan?

All of his (almost entirely wrong) pre Presidency critics saying similar things never seem to be around to point out how they were right, not even around to acknowledge what they were saying at the time for that matter.

Your intent and agenda isn’t changed by whom you appoint, how it is to be instituted and to be accomplished is. Appointing (hiring) people who can accomplish what you want accomplish in the real world is the only to get anything done in the real world, and Trump has a long track record of doing this. (he is also known to fire those who don’t work out without hesitation to appoint someone who who will)

November 14, 2016 8:40 am

I remember in my younger days not too many years out of engineering school taking a job at a small company. When I initially dug into the software this small team had written prior to my arrival, I didn’t spare any criticism. I was kind of a dick about it actually. Over time it became clear that what I had done was burn many bridges. If I had used TACT, I would have been able to get a hell of a lot more done with a lot less aggrivation. I’m hoping that all this recent ass-buttering by Trump is just that – an attempt to be tactful. He’s just one guy with a small team trying to jump into the giant sesspool that is DC. He’s not going to be able to get a damn thing done if every bureaucrat behind every desk in every corner is gunning for him. I’m skeptical, but I’m willing to cut the guy a break until we see actual ACTION.

kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 14, 2016 9:57 am

Right on.

November 14, 2016 10:57 am

Agreed TC–you need someone on your side. When he was running for POTUS it was okay to piss off the neocons AND the progs because the silent majority–the middle class, everyday Americans –if unified, could get him elected.
Now that he is elected, you can’t fill cabinet positions with Joe the Plumber.
He will pick those with experience, intelligence and hopefully malleable to his itinerary. I expect, knowing his business acumen, that each of his appointees will have to understand that Trump gets last say.
Also, I never expected him to fix everything. This is decades of cultural shift and Marxist ideologies infiltrating the very core of America–(children, courts, education, families and even basic biology).
If he can staunch the flow of invaders who have no interest in being americans, can protect the rights of existing americans, repeal some of the executive orders, amend obamacare, and give us constitution honoring SCOTUS appointees, –then we are miles ahead of where Clinton would have taken us, Dimon or not.

November 14, 2016 10:47 am

Indeed I appreciate your passion and your writing style.

Regards Trump, he isn’t “officially” in office yet. Please let
us wait awhile to see how this unfolds.

Pulling one item out, I have a comment. Jaime Dimon for Treasury…
at first blush it may seem reckless, but thinking it through lent an
explanation. JD, an insider to be sure, can provide the truth about
how things work, and how best to manage that machine. That machine
will have a different attitude toward JD than say, PCR. I personally
think choosing JD is a brilliant move.

November 14, 2016 10:51 am

When I saw a blurb that T was contemplating Jamie Diamond for Treasury I Puked up my 18 year old Scotch.

We have been fools to think he was going to be different. Even his COS is a shit covered insider. All the neocons for cabinet choices leave me thinking was are sill going to have that war.


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 14, 2016 11:14 am

Gary North has his head up his ass. Trump’s statements are mere window-dressing. They are what he has to say and should say. What does an idiot like North think Trump is going to do? Go to the White House and punch Obama in the nose? As for his cabinet picks, these are not permanent appointments and, in any case, Trump inherits a mess. He has to pick people who know what they are doing, at least in theory. Good God! The man isn’t even in the White House and this crap starts. Give him his first 100 days, North, and then make your call. I am sick of these cranks with their whining. North sounds like Miley Cyrus.

November 14, 2016 11:19 am

Christie is out, well played, no?
Trump fired 2 of 3 campaign managers. Is it safe to assume he MAY be smart enough to use positional players to gain position and then discard when divergent outcomes are realized?
Rudy Guliani. I remember his start in the 80’s, he hunted democrats. I am sure floating his name for AG has immeasurable leverage concerning current negotiations. Of course Clinton(s) are at the top of the prosecution ticket, but their acolytes are vast and equally guilty.
Rudy would literally be their nightmare. The Donald is certainly cutting a Deal, right now, actually many, across the entire globe.
Your points are well made, but underestimating the Donald is common and dangerous. Talk of ‘sitting duck, fish in a barrel’ casts inaccurate lighting on the situation, reminding of so many bankrupt pundits.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 14, 2016 1:37 pm

If Trump wants to go after Obama & Clinton, the smartest way to start would be by reassuring everyone that they’re “good people”.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 14, 2016 2:30 pm

Christie and Trump (and their wives) have been close friends for years. I would not be surprised to see Christie serving in some capacity for Trump.

November 14, 2016 11:21 am

above was I

November 14, 2016 11:34 am


In reading through this thread this morning it appears some may be under the impression that I wrote this article. I DID NOT.

As attributed above – it was written by Gary North at

Here is the link:

I don’t necessarily agree with the conclusions of the author….. yet. It is too early to tell. Trump seems to value the contributions of Reince Priebus and Reince did stand with Trump during the dark days of the campaign, unlike other Republicucks (i.e. Paul Ryan, etc).

If I were the leader of the free world I would want many opinionated advisors on my staff in lieu of clones of myself. Trump may see the balance between advisors such as Priebus and Bannon.

At the same time, you have to admit, it would be fantastic to see Paul Craig Roberts at Treasury and Judge Napolitano at Justice. That would be a revolution indeed. However, reality is always “in between”. Compromise and political expediency is necessary at times in order to get the proverbial balls rolling. This is reality.

Furthermore, even if Jamie Dimon is one of the highest paid bank executives in history and did not support the Donald’s campaign, maybe he’s had a change of heart? Maybe his inner patriot has been awakened. It COULD happen?

All we can do at this point is wait and see.

In the meantime, stand by for my next piece entitled “The Good, The Guilty and the Guillotines”. It may not be what you would expect. Will start piecing it together hopefully tomorrow.

tampa red
tampa red
November 14, 2016 12:50 pm

Do any of you remember what a disaster the Carter presidency was?While many factors contributed to it,one of the major factors was the alienation between the White House & Capitol Hill,which was controlled by his own party.
Trump needs to work the system while being on guard not to let it work him.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
November 14, 2016 12:53 pm

no question bureaucrats can make life difficult, ask jimmy carter. many positions must be confirmed, and ryan no cinch to remain top dog. if we really have a revolution, trump will not approve ryans spending omnibus garbage. then take the bully pulpit expose the rats for what they really stand for. many dems may well cooperate simply to have a pray of reelection. survival is always the objective in the cesspool, see what manschon does, he is jumping ship.

November 14, 2016 12:57 pm

I am LMAO.
Uncola posts a Gary North article
it’s obvious:
“By Gary North at”
and gets comments on ‘his’ (Uncola’s) writing skills
Too funny

November 14, 2016 1:04 pm

All this blah-blah from the waah-waah wankers here is tiresome. Trump is a revolutionary. I expect him to perform accordingly based upon his speeches, his white papers, his advisors, his campaign, his promises, etc. (especially since it’s universally acknowledged that “he’s not a politician”). However, we can’t know for *SURE* until about four months into 2017. Should be interesting, and possibly barrels of fun. All indications are that our new Prez will do what he has SAID he’s going to do. So…I’m optimistic.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 14, 2016 1:32 pm

This article makes some good points about how hard – almost impossible – it is to “drain the swamp” or to reverse Uniparty policies. Try to name 3-4 Secretary of State candidates who are credible non-interventionists. Then you see how hard the task is. Still, until such time as Trump is assassinated, he’ll have the ability to say “no” to war with Russia over Syria.

I’m concerned about this: Even if (as I hope) Trump remains committed to pharmaceutical re-importation and ending healthcare disparate billing, the Uniparty weasels are already trying to stymie that.

November 14, 2016 4:04 pm

Trump is not dumb, do I like every thing no but no one ever does,

RCW, a deplorable
RCW, a deplorable
November 14, 2016 4:17 pm

Say what you will about North & I too think he’s jumping the gun but he’s no dullard and knows his U.S. history, especially the other sub-rosa side & “rest of the story”, which wasn’t even mentioned when I was classroom confined (outside of recess) in the ’70’s. North has forgotten more than I know about his field of study.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 14, 2016 9:02 pm

Here’s a thought: Priebus has NO authority as COS outside what Trump gives him – he is removed from RNC (and perhaps a Trump pick might get that position), but Rience will no longer direct RNC funds towards one (RINO) candidate and away from another (conservative) candidate. Likewise, a Treasury secretary who fails to follow instructions and proves uncooperative can be fired. Pretty much any position that’s appointed can be de-appointed; the main exception being judges, gotta be careful going in on those (and per Roberts, you can still be disappointed).
All Trump has to do is to put his enemies in one appointed position after another, groom replacements of better character and disposition (towards law and order, say, instead of mindless avarice), and keep shuffling until he gets a staff that can follow instructions, creatively administer the bureaucracy while shrinking it at the same time, and deliver results instead of ideology.
I make it sound simple but until he roots out the traitors, partisans and fools he’s not done. This may well take one or two successors to finish, but if he only starts, then he will have done more than the last four presidents combined.

November 14, 2016 11:24 pm

This makes no sense to me. The author says Trump is politically naïve ( I don’t think so, but OK), then insists that he should have hired either equally unprepared people, complete outsiders or former insiders who became renegades.
How would then Trump learn the inner works of Washington? By trial and error? That wouldn’t be good, because the media would instantly label him as incompetent.
And of course, if Trump actually did hire a bunch of decent but relatively unknown folks, then he would be unable to break through all of the obstruction that he is likely to encounter. You need some of the tough old guard to do that for you.
Anyway, only time will tell. I am quite optimistic.

November 22, 2016 8:53 pm

You motherfuckers better get on board. Revolution is here. They did not build Rome in a day. We better get real and follow Bernie “Fucking” Sanders kind of shit. Get the fuck off your ass. Infiltrate the institutions. Be heard and represent. Do not retreat. Stop the cocksucking gig economy. Buy less of the shit you do not need. Shop the resale shops. Put an end to this bullshit. Fuck the branders. They are the Nazis. Love thy neighbor. Treat the common man as the star. Donald infiltrated the institution of liberalism and has damaged his brand among rich prick liberals. Pretty fucking noble. My old man helped make _____ an institution traveling the back roads of Texas. The three beer rides to small banks. In the end they cast him aside like a sock with a hole in it. Those little pricks made millions while Pop was cast aside. Time to step up and kick ass. The time is here. Vote like your never going to vote again.