Question of the Day, Dec 15

What is climate change if not global warming? What am I supposed to believe??

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Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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December 15, 2016 2:20 pm

Nobody disputes that the climate is changing. Nobody disputes that mankind can effect the climate in some capacity.

The dispute is over how much centralized control is needed to leave the climate in a “natural” state.

There are chemicals and elements that pretty definitively have a strong effect upon our environment, and I have little doubt that if we wanted to transform this blue orb into a barren wasteland that we could….but pinning it all on greenhouse gases is utter stupidity.

The best response I’ve come up for this problem is a pure strawman. Don’t argue with them about climate change, carbon taxes, or feel-good treaties. Immediately pivot and argue in defense of humanity’s inherent mandate to be the caretaker of the land. I’ll toss in a Teddy Roosevelt reference in as well. So far its worked.

As for CO2…give me a fucking break. Every year we have several new discoveries about this organism or that organism that utilizes/stores/releases several order of magnitudes more CO2 than we previously thought.

Even if carbon dioxide is the prime culprit we still couldn’t fucking prove it because the variables and unknowns are too damned complex. We just don’t know.

December 15, 2016 8:47 pm

I do not agree the climate is changing. We only have several thousand years data. In geological time, which is what a planet functions on, its weather, not climate. You would need a billion years data before you could portray climate.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 15, 2016 2:26 pm

GloBull Warming was shoved down our throats for many years (this was the CO2 induced Armageddon warming). THEN, as it hadn’t been warming, they changed their propaganda tactic to ‘Climate Change’, and with this change, no matter what weather event was to occur (too much rain, snow, heat, COLD, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. OR too little of same), man-made CO2 was still the cause.

When someone mentions Climate Change (C/C), always ask them if they refer to Natural C/C or Global Warming C/C – then watch their blank stares.

You have to have an IQ less than 70 to believe these shysters.

December 15, 2016 2:33 pm

OK AGW/ACC/AWhatever crowd. Humans are SO powerful they can change the climate on this planet. Very well. I challenge you to a test of this galactic power humans possess.

Put out this lake of fire or stop it in some manner, and get back to me when you do.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2016 2:37 pm

The ultimate irony is that the only possible solution to man made global climate change is man made global climate change.

It’s a lot like fighting with your spouse over the thermostat control.

Whenever anyone ever brings up climate change my first response is, “It must have been a challenge for you to give up electricity and your car.”

Puzzled looks round out the festivities.

December 15, 2016 2:58 pm

Climate change is just GloBULL Warming re-branded. With “climate change” they can never be wrong. Get it?

December 15, 2016 3:10 pm

Science will admit that our planet has experienced periodic magnetic shifts where the poles reverse.

They will give us an average of a reversal once every 450,000 years with a time of 1,000 to 10,000 years to complete the flip. Some though have been quite rapid, as in less than a hundred years to reverse.
As far as how long a reversal will last? Some are quite long as in 10 million years, others just a couple hundred years.

The last one coincidentally was 40,000 years ago during (drum roll please) our last glacier period.

Even though science knows this, what is the narrative now?

National Geographic: “Earth’s northern pole is drifting rapidly eastward, and it looks like climate change is to blame.”

NASA: Earth’s poles are tipping thanks to climate change.

Ya can’t fix stupid………..

December 15, 2016 3:32 pm

Killing off all the bees is a much larger danger, and its a present danger, not hocus pokus immagined to happen in year 2075. Its fixable too, but live bees won’t sell Al Gore’s books or make a buck for Monsanto.

December 15, 2016 9:50 pm

It is accepted now that aerosol spraying of various chemicals
(stripes in the skies followed by milky/no blue, no sun)
occurs. Gov does this to us!! That shite and Monsanto are
destroying our environment and killing countless creatures,
more and more by the day. What is the purpose? California
is in perpetual drought. The states that produce the “jobs”
(planes, chemicals, pilots etc.) lobby to keep those jobs.
I linked those governors here b4. Bees? Who cares? These
people will kill everything if it puts more green in their pockets.
Throw these ass****s in jail for the vile thieves and destroyers they are.
Just an opinion.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 15, 2016 3:38 pm

“Climate Change” is as simple as the changes in day-to-day weather, mid-term season-to-season changes, and longer term weather issues such as El Nino and La Nina.

“Global Warming” cannot be proven to be man-caused, as much as our liberal, government-grant scientists would have you believe. Our Sun is the primary driver of global weather, both short- and long-term. And add to that is the fact that our solar system travels into various warm/cold regions as it moves through the galaxy.

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  Rise Up
December 15, 2016 7:31 pm

I would characterize the solar system as moving through regions of greater or lesser charge environments. Not hotter or colder.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 15, 2016 4:05 pm

You are supposed to believe Al Gore and his cronies need your money more than you do, and that bad things will happen to us all if you don’t give it to them. All of it.

December 15, 2016 5:16 pm

Global warming is just another wealth transferring scam made up by the so called elites. It’s all about control and then money.Glad I could enlighten you ….. Knuckleheads .N o need to thank me but I would like me in your thoughts.

December 15, 2016 5:47 pm

Climate change is the burning of fossil fuels. The company that is most responsible from here on out is Exxon.

Especially now since they will be getting sweatheart deals from Russia.

December 15, 2016 10:26 pm

Provide your evidence, Mark. Should be interesting to read. Please don’t quote Al Gore, Brokeback Obama or any other politician. I want hard science–undoctored numbers, proof that fossil fuels and/or CO2 cause ANY change in temperatures or the climate.

December 15, 2016 11:37 pm

Well apparently your not up to snuff. You see I have to listen to NPR every day for hours. And what I’m saying will be reapeted. Over and over and over again.

You see Leonard ” No serious scientist disputes global warming ” . just as ” no one disputes the fact the Russian hacked the DNC”.

And ” since no one disputes fossil fuels cause global warming ” And Exxon is most responsible for fossil fuels. And Trump Secretary of State is CEOS of Exxon and a good friend of Putin. It follows that that he , Putin, and Trump are responsible for Global Warming and hacking and fixing the election.

No one seriously disbutes that. Listen to NPR tomorrow or the next day , if you don’t believe it.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 15, 2016 6:32 pm

Climate change in Canada. Up here the middle class calls it “the seasons”.

Our corrupt communist governments call it “a good reason to tax the shit out of us” because you know, as temperatures plummet and the cost of heating your house sky rockets fighting global warming with taxpayer money just makes good sense.

I think someone should give boy wonder and his cronies a t-shirt, a pair of shorts and pair of running shoes and make him/them clear the 3 to 4 foot deep drifts (generated by minus 20 degree winds) the grader is clearing off the road west of my house right now. Then we can have an honest chat about ‘global warming’.

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December 15, 2016 8:03 pm

Anyone who denies that the planet is warming is a bloody fool. How serious the change and it’s causes is yet to be determined, imho. There has been a migration of species northward in my lifetime. In Alaska I have walked on dry tundra in June that was waterlogged in previous years, and seen massive slides on mountainsides where the permafrost has melted. I walked to the face of a glacier which has retreated a quarter mile since 1946. Soon after I moved here the elderly descendant of the founder of my little river town in the Southern hills told me that his grandfather had an ice house and harvested ice from the river. A lady who retired from my bank this year has fond memories of skating on the river as a young girl. In the 40 years that I have been here there has never been a year when you could safely walk across the river ice. Most years the river only has a thin skim for a few days.
Science is constantly evolving and beliefs once written in stone have been replaced as new information is accumulated and interpreted. Though we have learned a lot since the start of the scientific revolution we have barely scratched the surface of what makes the Universe tick. To those of you who proclaim that the earth is not undergoing measurable change I have to ask what in hell is the basis of your bloviating opinions.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 15, 2016 9:51 pm


That’s what you get when you screw with the narrative of a climate thread.

BTW – the picture above your post is supposed to be of a region of my country that is considered “temperate rain forest”. Does that look “temperate” to you? It’s minus 20 degrees celsius with the wind chill outside and I’m not happy about it… in case you hadn’t guessed.

Seriously though.

I liked the other climate thread better with the curved line going through the 10,000 year (or so) chart.

Based on that here is what we “know”.

The planet gets hotter and cooler all the time. We’re not 100% sure why but we think that big yellow thing in the sky has something do with it. That being said – given the record of climate on this rock over the last few millennia the period we are living including the past 100 years or more has actually been a paragon of climate stability. That is unless you consider a mile of ice covering most of the northern hemisphere “stable”.

Food for thought.

PS – I didn’t down arrow you.

  Francis Marion
December 15, 2016 11:15 pm

Sorry if I screwed with a climate thread. The home where I was raised in New England was under a mile of ice 10,000+ years ago. I understand that there have been sudden changes that left wooly mammoths frozen with fresh food in their guts. The book ‘Noah’s Flood’ posits that a sudden warming melted the ice sheets and raised sea levels 200+ feet changing an inland lake into the Black Sea and initiating the legend of the Great Flood, shared by several cultures as people fled in all directions from their lakeside communities. My present home in the Southern Appalachians was a temperate rain forest, creating its own weather, before the virgin timber was removed 100 years ago. Now our rain originates in areas to the south and west. Change.
I am not sure where you draw the line between weather and climate. There is no question that our part of the world is warmer overall than during the last ice age and that the change continues. As I implied, the jury is still out on the causes and the seriousness of the issue. I lean toward variations in solar output as a major factor. Scientists have discovered that the sun is composed of different layers, moving in different directions at different speeds, which could account for variations in its radiation. Someone recently suggested that there may be a Maunder Minimum very soon, based on this new information.
Regarding the winter photo of your own temperate rain forest, I don’t see much forest, but it is normal to have snow and cold weather in a temperate climate. Our temperature dropped from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 13 degrees last night, nothing like what you are experiencing. A change in the weather not climate. I guess it comes down to whether or not you consider the general warming during the recent one hundred year period a variation in weather or climate.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 15, 2016 11:36 pm


I’m just giving you a hard time. Mostly.

I am a climate realist.

That the climate does indeed change, both heating and cooling over long periods of time is indisputable. That we can mess with the quality of our air, soil and water is also indisputable. That we are responsible for the warming and cooling of the planet given how little temperature and climate has fluctuated recently relative to what it has done during other periods over such a long time line is unknowable and frankly not worth worrying about. I say that because we are rank amateurs and fakes in relation to what we know mother nature can do to the planet (and us) on her own over said long periods of time. This means that those pushing taxes to control said climate are snake oil salesman at best. Something else much worse is more likely.

That leads me to a great question of the day.

Tune in tomorrow.

PS – The forest is outside the agricultural zone you see in the picture. A lot of it is clinging to the sides of the mountains you can see in the background… and beyond.

December 15, 2016 10:25 pm

chemical drying not global warming…idot
yes idot, not a spello

edit add: Francis you are one patient nice guy.
The most noticeable changes we see and feel
in certain areas are due to chemical bombardment.

December 16, 2016 12:20 am

FM: ‘Tune in tomorrow.’
Copy that.

December 16, 2016 7:35 am

Oh fuck.. I don’t even care any more.
Sick of trying to wake up the mindless nomophobe masses
Believe what you want – get it wrong, you’re dead. Simple as that suckers.
Believe 50 years of post WW2 warming BS or believe THOUSANDS of years of hard data saying the opposite. Your choice. You have 1 year. Bye.