US Accuses Vladimir Putin Of “Personal Involvement” In Election Hack

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And just like that the narrative of Russia hacking the presidential election has escalated to the highest possible level, and has officially jumped the shark.

Moments ago, following a month-long barrage of unsubstantiated stories in the press accusing the Russian government of indirectly hacking the US presidential election, which culminated with last night’s 8,000 word NYT expose, and which followed a schism between the FBI and CIA, in which the former disputed the latter’s “fuzzy and ambiguous” claims that Russia sought to influence the presidential elections, moments ago the NBC News reported that U.S. intelligence officials believe with “a high level of confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election.


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Perhaps because the official narrative has so far been unable to gather traction with the previous “shotgun approach” in which just “Russia” was accused of handing the election to Trump, four short days before the Electoral College vote, the narrative has changed and it now involves the very pinnacle of Russia’s government: the president himself.

Citing two senior officials with direct access to the information, NBC reports that “new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.

So why did Putin hack a few million rust belt Americans into believing that their lives under Obama, and by extension Hillary, were bad enough that they demanded a change? NBC provides the following spoonfed logic:

Putin’s objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a “vendetta” against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to show corruption in American politics and to “split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn’t depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore,” the official said.

Ultimately, the CIA has assessed, “the Russian government wanted to elect Donald Trump.”

And this is where the latest turn in the story falls apart, because even NBC – which will blast this report on prime time TV to all America – admits “the FBI and other agencies don’t fully endorse that view“, but it adds “few officials would dispute that the Russian operation was intended to harm Clinton’s candidacy by leaking embarrassing emails about Democrats.”

One can call them embarrassing emails, others see in the 50,000 emails released by Wikileaks much needed insight into the corruption of the Clinton team, not to mention the DNC; after all the only reason we know that the Democratic Party rigged the elections against Bernie Sanders (and cost the job of Debbie Wasserman Shultz) is because of those emails. Emails which, incidentally, Wikileaks has repeatedly denied originated from Russia, but as we said yesterday, it’s Julian Assange’s word against that of the US government.

Sadly, the other disclosures in the NBC report fail to tell us something we don’t already know. Like, for example, providing actual evidence – that long awaited, missing link that would in fact confirm Russia is behind the hacking.

The latest intelligence said to show Putin’s involvement goes much further than the information the U.S. was relying on in October, when all 17 intelligence agencies signed onto a statement attributing the Democratic National Committee hack to Russia.


The statement said officials believed that “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.” That was an intelligence judgment based on an understanding of the Russian system of government, which Putin controls with absolute authority.

Because who needs evidence when judgment is enough, especially when the potential downside is a massive diplomatic scandal.

It gets better: “Now the U.S has solid information tying Putin to the operation, the intelligence officials say. Their use of the term “high confidence” implies that the intelligence is nearly incontrovertible.”

What is this incontrovertible intelligence? It appears to be personal opinions of Putin the “despot.”

“It is most certainly consistent with the Putin that I have watched and used to work with when I was an ambassador and in the government,” said Michael McFaul, who was ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014.


“He has had a vendetta against Hillary Clinton, that has been known for a long time because of what she said about his elections back in the parliamentary elections of 2011. He wants to discredit American democracy and make us weaker in terms of leading the liberal democratic order. And most certainly he likes President-elect Trump’s views on Russia,” McFaul added. Clinton cast doubt on the integrity of Russia’s elections.

What is the US response? “As part of contingency planning for potential retaliation against Russia, according to officials, U.S. intelligence agencies have stepped up their probing into his personal financial empire.

In other words, it appears that as punishment for Clinton losing the election, the US could actively crackdown on Putin’s financial assets held anywhere around the globe:

American officials have concluded that Putin’s network controls some $85 billion worth of assets, officials told NBC News. 


A former CIA official who worked on Russia told NBC News that it’s not clear the U.S. can embarrass Putin, given that many Russians are already familiar with allegations he has grown rich through corruption and has ordered the killings of political adversaries.  But a currently serving U.S. intelligence official said that there are things Putin is sensitive about, including anything that makes him seem weak.

While we are confident that Putin has taken countermeasures against precisely this kind of contingency, what is scariest is the NBC report’s conclusion:

“The former CIA official said the Obama administration may feel compelled to respond before it leaves office. “This whole thing has heated up so much,” he said. “I can very easily see them saying, `We can’t just say wow, this was terrible and there’s nothing we can do.'”

Well, if Obama is truly getting involved, he has 4 days in which to turn 37 Republican electors against Trump. As for the potential fallout, which may include various forms of social conflict should the Trump victory be overturned in the 11th hour at the Electoral College, then Putin will truly win as a result of what may then follow.


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kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 15, 2016 6:41 am

“…in October, when all 17 intelligence agencies signed onto a statement attributing the Democratic National Committee hack to Russia.”

Wow, I’m impressed – ALL 17 !!!! WOW and WOW.
And, if they didn’t sign, they would lose their jobs and wouldn’t work in DC again. NOW I UNDERSTAND!!!

Who should I believe, the U.S. Government or Wikileaks????
Who has more cred for truth?? Who has been known to lie at the drop of a hat (or a pointed question)???
OK, I believe Wikileaks. Geez, that was a tough one to call. Really, really tough.

  kokoda the deplorable
December 15, 2016 7:41 am

If this evidence is unimpeaceable, and clearly shows Russia has launched cyber war against the US, then isn’t an attack against the homeland necessating full retaliatoy response? Shoud not Obama make a peremptive strike against Russian missile sites, their small submarine forces at sea and all their nuclear capable aircraft facilities? Then after Obama has neutralized their nuclear 1st strike and retaliatory capacity, the Russian population centers will be at the mercy of our vast second strike counterforce potential. John Kerry can take their unconditional surrender ( being the modern day U.S. Grant that he fashions himself to be). Obama can declare himself Emperor of the world for life and the Russkies as a concession for ne allowed to survive can be forced to pay reparations to be used primarily for maintaining and enhancing the FSA in the USSA and refugee first citizens in Europe.

December 15, 2016 7:36 am

The Russians did it, I saw pictures of the tubes and we know they have Yello Cake.

December 15, 2016 10:51 pm

In fact, I’m eating yellow cake and ice cream right now!

December 15, 2016 8:01 am

What a load of crap. These people are bound and determined to start a war. Why can’t we all just get along?

December 15, 2016 8:49 am

A very dangerous and serious game is being played. One which the genie once released will not so easily be put back. When Trump won the election the left rose up in stunned disbelief. They all to a man conveniently forgot all the uproar over Trumps refusal to accept his presumed defeat at the debate some weeks before November 8th. In the weeks since the left has embarked on a coordinated campaign to delegitimize and steal the election.

Then I watched this morning the following piece of tripe. I love the fake moral outrage by Keith. I highly doubt it occurs to him the clear and present danger of what he proposes.

The depths of shameless shilling for Deep State has no bounds.
The heights of hyperbole far beyond what can been seen.

This fellow is hoping for at best a Civil War. What he will likely get if he has his way is an all engulfing World War. This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. The left has never been afraid to burn things to the ground to get their way. This will be no different.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Keith Olbermann is a bought and paid for whore. Just one of many. We need more fake news if this world is going to be saved.

December 15, 2016 9:55 am

Well a Head Injury a long time ago might explain things somewhat. Maybe there is a medical explanation for this performance. I wonder if being a completely unhinged Liberal is symptom and outward expression of his underlying condition.

From Wikipedia.

Olbermann suffers from a mild case of coeliac disease,[113] as well as restless legs syndrome.[6] In August 1980, he also suffered a head injury while leaping onto a New York City Subway train.[114] This head injury permanently upset his equilibrium, resulting in his avoidance of driving.[6]

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 15, 2016 3:18 pm

He should also avoid video cameras, especially those pointed at him.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 15, 2016 9:38 am

Well at least the murder of Scalia wasn’t for nothing then, right? A 4/4 decision leaves any lower court ruling in place. If the CIA really believed this bullshit, then they wouldn’t be refusing to brief congress on their findings.

December 15, 2016 3:47 pm

Paul Ryan could stop this today with one sentence.
“If the POTUS is to be chosen by the House of Representatives,no person not named Donald Trump will be voted on.”
If you agree with this & have a Republican representative,call their DC and district offices & tell them this.Then pass this on.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 15, 2016 9:58 am

This is worth a read:
US intel vets dispute Russian hacking. Key point: the CIA depends on the NSA for data. The NSA could trivially produce evidence of Russian hacking. It doesn’t exist. The people behind this site (above) are all ex gov, including one US senator.

  Iska Waran
December 15, 2016 10:50 am

Iska, excellent!

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 15, 2016 10:27 am
  kokoda the deplorable
December 15, 2016 11:13 am

I did not read the connection to Pamela Anderson.
I must have missed it. Koko, you rock!

I don’t think PA is a good person. We had read that she visited
Julian at the embassy…can’t find that now.

December 15, 2016 10:32 am

All the governments do it. Remember when the Obama administration got caught trying to fix the Israeli election so BB wouldn’t get re-elected? John

Hollow man
Hollow man
December 15, 2016 10:34 am

Proof. I need proof. If it is that bad. The Democrats are truly idiots. Then go to war with the Russians. We have for a lot less, war that is.

December 15, 2016 11:06 am

I’m posting a link to a Rasmussen poll about why Clinton lost to Trump.If you do not want to take time to read it,it shows that an astounding 39% believe that Hillary lost because of “outside factors”,not the weakness of her candidacy or the strength of Trump’s candidacy.
How hard do you believe that it will be to convince people like this that the Russians stole our election.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 15, 2016 11:09 am

Let us not forget that propaganda by the US government was made “legal” in 2013 (previously it was only “legal” to push propaganda overseas via Voice of America and the like).

Also there’s this tidbit:


December 15, 2016 11:20 am

We so appreciate this post.

NYT and WAPO are toilet paper.
I am 99.9% sure Russia had no role in the election vote.
Pure BS

Thanks for the links everybody. Let us hope the dead man switch
is secure, and more leaked emails ensue.


December 15, 2016 11:44 am


Yup, this whole Russian Hacker story is bullshit. The FBI doesn’t believe it and the CIA won’t brief Congress on it either.

Looks like the hacker is a DNC insider who actually has a conscience. Probably has kids and is disgusted with John Molesta.

~ Hardnox

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 15, 2016 1:02 pm

“John Molesta” – love it!