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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 25, 2016 10:30 am

Thanks to the food industry and other factors in American society many people struggle with weight issues ! Some have medical or heriditary problems that pack on the pounds no matter what the do ! Still many are just lazy fat fucks that continue to do the wrong things between diet and exercise and that’s a choice ! It does seem funny that in many cases with women the larger they become the more attitude displays itself in a negative manner especially towards men thus the fat feminist persona prevails . It is human nature sadly when we are disatisfied with our selves or situation we look to blame someone rather than look in the mirror ! The Hillary lose is a prime example on steroids say what you want left right center sooner or later there is only one conclusion “DA BITCH CRAZY”

December 25, 2016 10:51 am

The Peter Factor = (IQ/mass)(beauty +grace factor) Melania scored 98 Ellen DeGenerate scored 49 Whoopie scored 13 Two First Wives (Harpy and Aunt Esther) scored < 0.0000001 PS: The Feminist Ratio is the Inverse of The Peter Factor.

December 25, 2016 1:33 pm

I have learned in my life the uglier the female the more probability she is feminist. And males, the more wimpy the more likely they are liberals.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 25, 2016 2:17 pm

I’ve learned in my life that a woman’s uglyness depends on how long its been since you got laid. And males are only wimpy as long as they are well fed. Even beta males can grow some balls to crash an airliner into the mountains, could you do that? I suspect you piss your pants on a roller-coaster.

January 3, 2017 4:32 am

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