Something is changing…

something is changing wolf in sheeps clothing

Anyone notice anything different as of late?

I am sensing something happening in the information sphere called the interwebs recently.

But first a quick reference. I recall something in some middle-eastern religious book that talked about infiltrating a society (acclimating, appearing benign) – then “waiting until the right moment” to pounce. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Also along the lines of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

This isn’t about that group of people.

It’s about the “thing” stupidly labeled as the “Alt-Right.”


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I certainly don’t like that label – but for the most part, those included in that group seemed to have a cohesive message. This was mostly before the election results.

Many blogs and channels got big traction as a result. Especially because of those nonsensical fake news lists.

But something has happened in the couple months since the election. Those people have now begun separating like oil and water.

Some off the top of my head include lispy Mike Cernovich (from Danger & Play) – who I never really liked because he was a self-promoting a-hole. And that other fruity moron “MILO.” There are several others that I’ve noticed a change with.

They’re now “in-fighting” with other “Alt-Right” people. There seems to be a growing battle going on. Getting away from real messages and communication – and devolving into attacks. Especially on the moronic social media cesspool.

It makes me wonder how many of these so-called “Alt-Right” sites were just “playing along” to get viewers (and influence) only to TURN on everyone to “muddy the waters” as they say. The wolves dressed as sheep. Waiting for the moment.

Or could it just be lust for money and notoriety? And now they’re vying for “top dog?”

While I’m sure the latter is partially true – it sure seems like they’re changing their tune when it comes to certain (((groups))) of people. And that is what is particularly striking me as odd. Because it appears to be coordinated – with no rhyme or reason. Just all of a sudden. Multiple entities. That raises flags for me and many others. Maybe some true colors are being prematurely shown. Maybe because of some recent U.N. decisions. I don’t know.

But something isn’t right.


PS – I’d like to add that I’m thinking about this from a holistic 30,000-foot observer view – not particularly with any low-hanging fruit or recent event or topic per se. I just get a sense that something was put into motion, which is why I wanted to created a thread / post about it.


something is changing wolf in sheeps clothing

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December 31, 2016 7:31 am

Wake up. The echo crowd never was part of winning anything. All delusion. I’m not offended by them honestly, they aren’t completely wrong about things, but I’ve never seen a less tactical group in my life. Keep playing to each other, fellas, and see how left behind you can get. Nothing has changed. You never were contenders. And there are respected people who write here that have paid a big price for being indiscreet. Learn from them. Nothing wrong with being a proud whitey. But that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee. Being a man of any stripe is about accomplishment, about accepting the bit and yoke of responsibility. Want respect? Do something more tangible than putting echoes around names.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 31, 2016 8:02 am

It’s reassuring to see that someone understands the current paradigm.

I learned the hard way that associations can be costly, especially when someone is in one of the early stages of an awakening- what is so frequently referred to as “red-pilled” on the Internet. It is not uncommon to seek out people who see the same kinds of things that you do, to search for some kind of solace or reinforcement in those who share your perspective while you try and define your perspective but those people and those associations are not always in your best interest.

Belonging to a group, inclusion in a movement or political ideology or similar types of associations are for followers. I would much rather be left to pursue my thoughts in relative solitude and then share my conclusions in an open forum than to collaborate on the process and condemn the writing to a narrow audience.

No group offers all the solutions you are looking for, only you can solve those riddles.

The “Alt-Right” was a marriage of convenience and it included exactly the kinds of groups that make them an easy target for the establishment and it’s functionaries to launch attacks against and the label expanded that definition to include formerly unassailable groups so that now everyone in or near it can be tarred with the same brush. The biggest difference today versus the period when I stood in their ranks- long before there was a label for it other than White supremacist/racist- is that the establishment has done so much self-inflicted damage that their own brand is now damaged, hopefully beyond the point of repair.

We shall see.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 31, 2016 2:38 pm

The issue, as I see it, is that your enemies are “groups” of people. How does a lone man fight a group without having his own group?

December 31, 2016 7:50 am

(((Cernovich))) and (((Milo))) eh? Wonder why they are separating from the nationalist Alt-Righters? To me, those guys just looked like brilliant self-promoters who saw the writing on the wall and decided to ride the wave to their benefit.

December 31, 2016 8:24 am

(((WHEN))) did the use of multiple parenthesis begin …. and, wtf does it mean?


December 31, 2016 8:34 am

(((Good))) question.

December 31, 2016 8:39 am

It’s a gold star, Stucky

December 31, 2016 2:41 pm

I think it was probably first used on the TRS forums and spread to Twittr at some point. It’s derived from the Daily Shoah’s practice of using an echo effect when saying the names of Jews on their podcast. I don’t know when they started doing this.

It indicates the (((person))) is a Jew.

December 31, 2016 8:36 am

Alt-right, alt-left, anti alt-right, moderates and etc. etc. the labels are all being throw against the wall to see what will stick. Thinking that voting makes any difference is the true cognitive dissonance. Things have been set in motion since the end of WWII that seek their natural course. No one is actually in control and the geopolitical aspects of our modern world are what they are. Human nature is the only constant, the world is supposed to be nutty!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
December 31, 2016 9:06 am

I think it is pretty obvious what is “happening”. Many of these “Alt-Right” characters were fakes, only in it for the publicity. It is easy to tell the sheep from the goats. I mean, really, Milo? A queer Greek weirdo? Come on. If they will not name the Zionists they are not for real. Case closed.

December 31, 2016 9:51 am

On associations, the red pill and Mike Cernovich:

Red Pill Me On Mike Cernovich

Just two of this joker’s tweets:
Jews are more powerful than ever and running the white house. The altright is imploding like the clown show it is.
— Loren Feldman (@1938loren) December 29, 2016
So here’s the answer to the JQ. Its fucking true. Its always been true. Now take your redpill faggot bullshit and shove it up your ass.
— Loren Feldman (@1938loren) December 29, 2016

January 1, 2017 6:39 am

Hoboken, I get that this shit is real to you. I’m not mocking you. But you’re riding a one way ticket to obscurity. The echo crowd has no numbers, has no traction, and never did. Any light that shined on them, now or in the future, is meant to do harm, as hardscrabble explains above. Jimbo mentions the jewish question. Let me give you a tip. There is no jewish question. You guys asking each other doesn’t make it so. You seem to be asking why people are abandoning the echo club. It’s a total misread. You were never part of the winning coalition. Wise up. We have lots of work to do, cleaning up the culture, bearing down on the grifters, etc. I get where you’re coming from. I get where Jimbo is coming from. This country has been a mess under obongo, he has shit on the people who carry the load, no question. But he’s gone in three weeks, and we have a best case scenario replacing him. Don’t marginalize yourself. Better days are coming. I see enough obese third worlders parking their porsche cayennes in the handicap spots every time i go to the grocery store, then going in and filling two baskets. It enrages me. They never worked a day since they arrived here penniless. They don’t speak english. Yet they live in the lap of luxury, while I watch friends of mine lose businesses and divorce when they couldn’t have tried harder. It’s not a race issue. It’s a culture issue, and can be solved with the power of the purse. Llpoh says all the time, the unskilled are about to get real poor again. He’s right. Don’t paint yourself into a corner you will regret, as hardscrabble suggests. Peace.

January 1, 2017 2:44 pm

Right, there is no Jewish question. The Jews have a country specifically created to protect and secure the future of their race. Now lets talk about the White question. What homeland will will be given to secure our protect and secure our posterity or is that no longer important?

December 31, 2016 9:59 am

You must be very careful when getting into bed with queers. You migh tget buggered.

December 31, 2016 10:17 am

What some call the alt right I call people just fucking sick of the bullshit!We may have many differences but seem to have more in common and realize we are far from alone.How this works going forward to a large degree depends on whether as a group we push for the ideas played out in election.I still believe Trump will sell us out to the reptillians but will give him a chance.We get sold out do see the country breaking up as the powers that want to be keep pushing their crap will have violence on many levels,including unfortunately blood shed,time will tell

December 31, 2016 12:13 pm

We got “sold out” a long time ago. We are being taxed and “fee’d” more than
we get to “keep.” We are pushed around and lied to at every turn. MSM is a
propaganda arm of gov. Civil forfeiture? Are you kidding me? Soros openly
funding rioters? Immigrants that are sworn to murder us “dumped” hither
and yon? We could write a book. We are screwed at every turn…
but we want to defend our freedom? LOL
Alt-media? Let them all in. Self-promoters need to make a living too. And,
if they told the “unvarnished” truth in an indignant fit of rage? Murdered.
They would be murdered. Lord knows, enough people are being murdered
every day for that. They will sort themselves out in due time.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 31, 2016 10:58 am

Assume that everything is weaponized. Assume hair triggers that any light breeze can set off. Assume that the intent of it all is to further the Prog/Lib/Left/Globalist goals of world government and world currency. Rest assured that the fear of being deprived of wealth will get nearly all the rich people everywhere (be they self made industrialists, crony capitalist parasites, financiers, and especially all the mid 7 figure pensioners) will at least reluctantly support the globalist goals in a vain attempt to keep the pile they think they own. Remember that the mass of people (especially the urbanite crowd) can be under close control and command in under two weeks, world-wide. Last, do not forget that the dominant opinion among this crowd is that there are too many people in the world, and that having quite a lot of them go away before they have to be supported in their dotage would be a good thing. They do not care if you die, in short. They might not really want to kill a lot of people, but will not long weep if a lot of people die, especially deplorable people.

Right this minute, they are trying to screw up the courage, waiting for the right moment to spring the trap they have set. It will be interesting to watch.

December 31, 2016 10:59 am

I try to never think of myself as a “member” of anything. To be identified with a group colors ones arguments in the eyes of those we wish to persuade. Assumptions are made about motive and intent that blunt the sharpness of any given position, and allow the target of persuasion to put up mental barriers against whatever truth they may find uncomfortable.
Washington’s warnings about the deleterious effects of party and faction on individual liberty have been clearly borne out in our history. The current body politic is infected with every conceivable form of attachment to identity, group, party, victim status, etc. I don’t give a damn about who or what the “Alt-right” is, any more than I identify with the buffoons who see the “evil Jew” behind every tree. Get off the groupthink train and identify as what God made each and every one of us: a free human being with the ability (if not the inclination) to discern the truth. As such, we owe loyalty to no one and nothing that does not have the same objective: not family, not friends, and certainly not the state. No one and nothing has the right to demand of a free man that he accept lies as the price of liberty. There is no right or left, liberal or conservative. There is only what is true and what is not. Discerning which is which and charting life’s course accordingly is the proper job of a free man. Show me a country filled with hardscrabble farmers and I’ll show you a truly free nation.

December 31, 2016 2:45 pm

“Truth is treason in an empire of lies”.

December 31, 2016 12:50 pm

There’s a big difference between people who label themselves alt-right and people who have been given the label alt-right. No wonder there are conflicts within a group who have been flung together by the opposition and are now being defined by the opposition as something only a small part agree with.

December 31, 2016 2:25 pm


Please don’t pile on too hard, but could I get definitions of alt-right, alt-left and neocon. I am not particularly stupid, but these terms don’t make sense to me. Fake news I get. It has all seemed fake to me for a long time. Although I admit a period of embracing Democracy Now and the rest of that genre,whatever that label is.
What can I say ? I was younger then and it was at the height of the W craziness.
Thank you

January 1, 2017 2:01 pm

Your masters will infiltrate and sidetrack any resistance to their power – a la “tea party”. Soon your “leaders” will be some chameleon like Sarah Palin or Glen Beck.
The Juden play longball with a timeline of decades if not centuries.

January 1, 2017 2:37 pm

Interesting and timely stuff, fer’ shure’. It appears that after the election the AR has now split into two warring factions.
Vox Day, who at the forefront the Alt-Right movement has often said those that don’t like/support the Alt-Right agenda of ending the foreign invasion more moderately known as immigration and putting America first when it comes to global trade agreements(Nationalism) certainly won’t like what comes next if Alt-Right initiatives fail…e.g. Ultra-Right. That said, it’s strange times indeed to hear Vox of all people claim that the Spencer wing of the Alt-Right has become too extreme while his best buds Milo and Cernovich often engaged in attention whoring activity like bathing in pigs blood and tweeting how libtards ignore raciss (((Israel))) while promoting #WhiteGenocide. Strange times indeed. And like VD sez’ if you don’t like the AR, what comes next will even be less appealing . One has to wonder if he still believes his own rhetoric.

Moths drawn to the media flame
The fact is that if you run around using vulgar language, throwing Roman salutes, wearing bedsheets, denying the Holocaust…

Moreover, those who are dealing with a hostile mainstream media on a regular basis simply don’t have either the time or the inclination to defend your stupid, attention-seeking antics. If you don’t have enough respect for yourself or your public image to put on your big boy pants and play by the observable rules, there is no reason for anyone else with anything at stake to maintain a connection to you. You’re not worth it.

I went from libertarian to alt-right after realizing tolerance only went one way and diversity is code for white genocide.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 28, 2015

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
January 4, 2017 8:15 am

The reason the alt-right is turning on itself is the same reason the lunatic-left are turning on themselves – they aren’t principled, they are reactionary. Both of their positions are purely emotional and care nothing for any sense of congruent logic between their various positions. Ultimately, both the left and the alt-right are about using violent authoritarians to force their beliefs on others. The alt-right and progressives only differ in details, not substance. If you want to be logically and morally consistent, start with the self-ownership and the private property ethos and build out from there, anything else will naturally contradict itself when carried to its natural conclusion.