John Harwood Asks “Who Do You Believe America?” – Gets Surprising Answer

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CNBC Political reporter, friend of Hillary, and Democratic Party sycophant John Harwood took to Twitter last night to ask:

“Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US Intel Officials?”

The response is yet another slap in the face for the establishment’s perspective on how the world should really run…

And that Mr. Harwood is why Donald Trump is about to become President! When will you and your ilk wake up to this?

As Trump tweeted earlier in the week: “It is for the American people to make up their minds as to the truth.”

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January 6, 2017 9:06 am

AFAIK, Wikileaks has never lied to me.

US Intelligence sources have (think WMD’s, FBI clearing Hillary, Benghazi reports and such stuff).

So I have to ask myself, do I trust someone that hasn’t been telling me lies, or someone that provably has been?

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
January 6, 2017 9:34 am

RT mixed interview/ lional nation/guy from ron paul institute/ destroy a journalist, suppose he believes james clapper/ msm is imploding rapidly

January 6, 2017 9:43 am

Is this the Harwood that got outed as working with the Clinton campaign?

January 6, 2017 9:51 am

US intelligence agencies lie, people die…

January 6, 2017 10:13 am

All news is fake news. It is always people who don’t know anything reading what other people who don’t know anything think is what happened based on other people who don’t know anything telling them their opinion of what happened. No one in the chain knows shit. At least with the alt media you know that you are getting opinions and you can proceed from opinion. With the fake news media you are never told that they are presenting fake news so most believe what the see.

Fake News.

January 6, 2017 10:22 am

You have to get past the real world “intelligence operatives” versus the intelligence bureacracy to determine the real world in this business. Once the data is brought into the national capitol region it is synthesized by the bureaucratic politicians for consumption by the politicians…….Think of the hill’s alphonse and gaston act know as McCain and Graham…..necon follies……

PS Harwood is a nothing short of a “useful idiot”……

January 6, 2017 10:31 am

They have to get that old fucker Clapper outta there. He’s as believable as a three dollar bill.

January 6, 2017 10:56 am

The WikiLeaks number is up even more since TBP posted this! Who here has Twitter and can vote?

January 6, 2017 11:03 am

The old cliche comes to mind when thinking of the question Harwood posed….Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 6, 2017 11:21 am

He’s a very pretty man. Definitely a Frederick’s of Hollywood kind a guy.

January 6, 2017 1:03 pm

The MSM and current Administrations minions simply have no credibility with the majority of citizens. They have EARNED that position! What’s even more laughable is that they epitomize the image of the moron who can’t figure out the obvious.

January 6, 2017 1:48 pm

@ RetiredOregonLEO
I think it is more than being moronic. It gets into elements of social psychology and propaganda implementation, specifically.

The Mockingbirds continue to regurgitate the same talking points in an attempt to continue to dupe the majority of the masses. However, many of the masses have become inoculated against their bullshit. Until a critical mass of people have awakened from their stupors and can find common ground on the roots of the problems and the culprits responsible; the MSM will continue to parrot the talking points passed down from their editors who are heavily controlled by their secret oaths and skeletons in their closets that have been kept hidden by their frat brothers!

January 6, 2017 10:34 pm

Only the usual Useless Idiots believe the slave masters anymore.

January 7, 2017 5:07 am

Almost from the beginning of my doom porn odyssey one of the crazier tin-foil hat stories I’ve read is that from the beginning, the CIA was an elitist “front operation” designed to appear as a legitimate “USA” intelligence organization while really carrying out the agenda of the world’s globalist elites. Thousands of hardworking, patriotic Americans work the numerous “front operations” that actually are of tremendous benefit to the USA while a “shadow CIA” carries out the globalists agenda.

I never really placed much stock in the theory and I had bigger fish to fry at the time and I never bothered with looking deeper but the crazier the continuous stream of leaks/revelations of late plus the potential for pizzagate “fire” I have to wonder if such a theory is that far fetched.

Back in the 1950’s the CIA dreamed up a need for a stealthy, high speed, high altitude aircraft that could fly over the USSR with impunity gather photographic and electronic intel. This became known as “The Article” or Project Oxcart’s “A-12” spy plane which spawned the YF-12, MD-21 and eventually the famous SR-71 Blackbird. A big issue in building the plane was that it would requires huge amounts of titanium and the best titanium came from the USSR. The CIA set up a number of front companies including one in Canada that intended to manufacture titanium cookware for every decadent American housewife. All of the titanium to build these planes was sold to the CIA by the USSR and they never guessed it was actually being used to build spy planes to spy on the USSR. Brilliant and beneficial (to a degree).

The shadow CIA also created and supplied the US crack cocaine epidemic while simultaneously “fighting the war on drugs”. It was a massive “off book” money making machine that continues today with record opium crops being grown and harvested under US military protection in Afghanistan. Word is that the shadow CIA is supplying the current and growing US heroin epidemic from the flourishing Afghani opium fields. One thing I find particularly interesting about that is that we all know the Bin Laden story is a bullshit black swan. The Taliban were vehemently anti-opium and rumored to impose death sentences for possessing a single poppy. Running the Taliban out of power sure turned on the money spigot on in a big way and all that money is untraceable and tax free.

January 7, 2017 2:08 pm

@ Indenturedservant
Your first paragraph pretty much sums it up.

The story of the real Rick (freeway) Ross and Catherine Austin Fitts exhaustive research on the Iran Contra affair, weapon selling, drug smuggling aspects of the CIA and the crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s all have been well detailed.

A movie called Kill the Messenger details San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webbs part in exposing the CIAs connection….spoiler alert, after helping get Rick Ross out of prison and exposing government corruption Gary Webb tragically killed himself for some reason…

January 7, 2017 6:09 am

You are totally full of shit. Without the CIA the USA would have already been taken over by Communists. You should wake up every day thanking God above that the CIA, and people like me, have been protecting you. Stop being a slimeball.

January 7, 2017 2:11 pm

SSSHHH! The “resident spook” speaks!

January 7, 2017 2:41 pm

I have a lot of respect for you SSS but I have to say fuck you! I’ve asked you numerous times to weigh in on things from a CIA perspective because I truly believe you are a decent, well intentioned patriot but you either refuse to respond, which is your prerogative or perhaps you’ve never seen my requests.

If you can, refute what I’ve said or fuck off. I’ve acknowledged that thousands of hardworking, decent Americans work for the CIA and that the CIA has done things that absolutely benefit the USA but there is no fucking way tou can deny the heinous shit they do in the shadows to undermine the freedom and well being of this country and it’s citizens. If I were you I’d be absolutely fucking FURIOUS at the well documented and illegal drug and gun running ways of the CIA that took place throughout your career while you were being USED to put forth a “front” of legitimacy in fighting the bankrupting/futile “WAR ON DRUGS”. The drug problem in this country is far worse today than it was the day you started fighting and there is NO WAY you can deny that. I’m not saying it’s YOUR fault and I’m not saying that your work did not have a positive effect. I’m sure that without your work the problem would be FAR WORSE than it is. If the shadow CIA were not working at every turn to undo all your hard work we may not even have a drug problem to speak of.

So go ahead……..prove me wrong. Prove the work of Webb, Ross and Fitts wrong.

January 7, 2017 3:16 pm

No fucking surprise.

I need to find better things to do with my time.

January 7, 2017 4:43 pm

Your response was great IS. I, for one, am glad I got to read it. On the one hand, I loathe doppling because of the confusion/misrepresentation. On the other, I keep reminding myself the ideas take precedence over the personalities.

No regrets. However, I wish it was the original SSS who commented first, because I would have enjoyed seeing the ensuing dogfight. On well. Maybe another day…

EDIT: My guess on the original SSS doppler (above): Stucky maybe? EC?

January 7, 2017 6:47 pm

I generally don’t mind the doppelganging but I’m not currently in the mood for it. I let my guard down because I’m carrying a heavy load that needs my attention at the moment and I wasn’t even considering the doppelganger angle. I respect SSS and would like to see a response by him and even get in a dog fight or two with him.

I suspect Stuckeroo myself or maybe even admin. It’s hard to tell with this crowd.

January 7, 2017 8:10 pm

I spent the entire day working in a soup kitchen and then in the afternoon I visited sick children in the hospital. So, it wasn’t me.

January 7, 2017 8:29 pm

And that shit eating grin on your face is just a coinkydink right? 🙂

B Lever (aka Bea)
B Lever (aka Bea)
January 7, 2017 3:05 pm

Spooky- We were taken over by the commies long ago. Free clue for the day……WE have had a Marxist commie as our fearless leader for 8 LONG years now. How did you miss that?

January 7, 2017 5:08 pm

That survey is a false dichotomy, folks. It’s like going into a bar and asking “how many of you would like to receive a blow job, and how many would like to receive fellatio?”

At my stage of life in this 21st century world, the only thing from the internet i believe at face value are the stats from ‘PING’ and maybe even that is phony too…