McCain Has Blood On His Hands

Submitted by Mike Shedlock  via,

If there was ever any doubt who perpetual warmonger, Senator John McCain, wanted for US president, this headline explains: Russian cyberintrusions an ‘act of war’

Today, CNN writer Frida Ghitis repeats McCain’s claim with Putin’s ‘act of war’ against American democracy.

“Moscow’s influence campaign,” as the intelligence report calls it, blended a variety of means, including covert cyberactivity by Russian intelligence operatives, along with “with overt state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or ‘trolls’.”

Hysteria Continues

It would behoove fools like Ghitis to stop and think. Anyone who takes CIA allegations as facts has mush for brains.

The CIA Liars, Torturers, Murderers are worse than useless.

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Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham want tougher sanctions against Russia following the hacking scandal.

In a show of solidarity, McCain Visited Frontline Ukraine Troops in Anti-Putin Gesture on New Year’s Eve.

“We stand w/them in their fight against #Putin’s aggression,” McCain wrote in one tweet.

The irony is staggering. Ukraine is a mess because of US meddling.It’s not Russia than started or was responsible for Crimea and the war in Ukraine that ensued, it was the US.

On April 30, 2014, the Guardian reported It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war.


Whether or not one believes the CIA had a hand in the overthrow of a democratically elected president (I do), the US has blood on its hands.

A flashback shows warmonger in chief, Senator John McCain was personally involved then too.

“America is with you,” Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.


When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia’s most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.


Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.


After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

Acts of War

Dear Senator McCain: If meddling in foreign governments is an act of war, you are personally involved, with tremendous blood on your hands.

Bombs Dropped



As reported by Reason, The U.S. Dropped More Than 26,000 Bombs Last Year in at least seven countries.

Both the number of bombs and the number of countries being bombed was higher in 2016 than in 2015.

So here we are bombing the hell out of countries in undeclared wars, killing and injuring scores of innocent men, women, and children, interfering in foreign politics, starting the war in Ukraine, destroying Libya and Iraq, and creating ISIS, and these jackasses complain that Russia is guilty of war on the US when all Wikileaks did was disclose the truth.

Clearly, the US media and the US warmagoners cannot stand the truth.

Related Article: CIA Liars, Torturers, Murderers: CIA Worse Than Useless


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January 8, 2017 2:09 pm

With Obama gone maybe we’ll be seeing things start changing.

Or finding out if power is to hopelessly entrenched in untouchable systems to do anything about it.

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 8, 2017 2:30 pm

Arguably the most loathsome man in America. His track record is a trail of lies stacked upon lies, contemptuousness (particularly toward the families of VN MIAs) of others, and double dealing. He is in my opinion a traitor to his Country, countrymen, and the uniform he once wore. I realize it’s Sunday and as a man who believes in God I shouldn’t say this. But McCain is a special kind of human filth. And I hope when he dies, he dies a horrible, painful death.

  Old Guy
January 9, 2017 6:02 am

Boy, are you right. I think McCain is actually known as the Tokyo Rose of North Vietnam. When the Donald said that McCain was no war hero he was 100% correct.

January 8, 2017 4:23 pm

As a woman of God…I can easily say that J.McCain is a truly loathsome
human being and a huge (HUGE) embarrassment to all in the USA.
At least what we apparently hear and see lead to that conclusion.
Quibble-Quabble…everything has to be qualified these days because we
swim in a sea of lies. And all the companies dump toxic waste in the
water, and then call it climate change. And, as a bonus, they want to get
paid for it.

January 8, 2017 7:47 pm

Add the enormous damage his behavior imposes on the morale of uniformed boys and girls or whatever they are. Forced to salute someone you know, deep inside, is a traitor and got special attention due to Daddy.

Just like the rest of the bastards.

Will all due respect to the Lord’s name, Suzanna.

January 8, 2017 5:15 pm

McCain was known by his fellow POWs as “songbird” McCain, currying special favors from his captors.
In the late 1990s, McCain and Kerry both had legislation passed that prohibited the investigation of live sightings of American POWs still held by North Vietnam, Laos, and China. Despite live verifiable sightings, all further investigations were cut off. So much for never leaving anyone behind. It is FACT that only HALF of the POWs in Vietnamese camps were returned. The other half were to be used as “bargaining chips” and would be released once “reparations” were forthcoming. Reparations never came, our POWs fates were sealed.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 8, 2017 5:25 pm

McCain is a traitorous scumbag. What is the penalty for treason?

January 8, 2017 6:24 pm

If Insane McCain and his paramour Miz Lindsey think endless war is a great idea, maybe they should run for president and win. They could use the campaign slogan “There’s never enough war.” With that winning strategy they are certain to win hearts, minds, and votes, and then, once elected by a landslide, they can be the ones who determine US foreign policy in regards to Russia. They better get started running for president. Oh wait…

Maybe these two losers should spend more time antiquing in the Hamptons and less time trying to start a nuclear war.

January 8, 2017 7:38 pm

First of all, his name is SHITSTAIN McCain


Jon Rappoport’s mocking of the US presstitutes is superb:

“Vladimir Putin is the secret president of the United States.

“Yep. That’s it. The US is now the USSR. It’s all over. Trump is a Communist who took orders from Putin. Trump is a Red. That was his game all along. He’s a billionaire Commie.”

Ridicule is effective, and nothing deserves ridicule more than the Washington Post, New York, Times, CNN, and the rest of the presstitutes who pretend to be real journalists. But as I have emphasized, and other real journalists, such as Glenn Greenwald (see, for example, here and here) imply, the fake news recklessly promoted by the presstitutes brings with it the threat of thermo-nuclear war.

For several years Russia and her president have experienced endless demonization. The Russians know that Georgia’s invasion of South Ossetia (done while Putin was at the Beijing Olympics) was a Washington provocation. The Russians know that Washington’s coup in Ukraine (done while Putin was at the Sochi Olympics) was a provocation aimed at seizing Russia’s Black Sea naval base in Crimea and cutting Russia off from the Mediterranean. The Russians know that Washington knows that the charges that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and the US presidential election are lies. The Russians know that the “Russian threat” created by Washington is a lie along with all of its permutations, such as an impending Russian invasion of Poland and the Baltics. The Russians understand that US ABM bases on Russia’s borders are provocations, as are NATO military exercises on Russia’s borders and in the Black Sea. You can add to this list on your own.
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The lies are ubiquitous, have grown more absurd, and are now institutionalized in the US government in the CIA, executive branch agencies, and among many US senators and representatives. That these lies are validated by endless media repetitions throughout the Western world are viewed by Russia as indications that Western populations are being prepared for a military attack on Russia. Putin has warned publicly on many occasions that the Western propaganda is dangerously destabilizing. Yet, as he also notes, no one hears his warnings.

Washington is so intent on its anti-Russian propaganda that Congress has passed, and Obama has signed, an intelligence bill that contains a section, Title V, that authorizes active measures to counter purveyors of false news. These purveyors are alternative media websites, such as this one, that challenge the official lies. The truthful alternative media is accused of being under Russian influence. Last summer a website shrouded in secrecy was created that recently posted a list of 200 websites alleged to be under Russian influence, either directly or indirectly. The Washington Post irresponsibly published a long article endorsing the fake news of 200 websites working for the Russian government.

In other words, the suppression of the truth is the last defense of the corrupt American ruling establishment. During the last 24 years three Washington regimes have murdered millions of peoples in nine or more countries along with US civil liberty. To cover up these vast crimes, unparalleled in history, the presstitutes have lied, slandered, and libeled.

And the Washington criminal regime holds itself up to the world as the indispensable protector of democracy, human rights, truth, and justice. As the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said recently, what makes America exceptional is the use of might in the service of evil.

Washington brands not only its opponents but all who speak the truth “Russian agents,” hoping that the demonization of Russia has sufficiently frightened the population that Americans will turn their backs to those who speak the truth.

It would seem obvious even to the insouciant that an establishment that has gone so far out on a limb that the CIA director publicly attributes the election of Donald Trump to Russian interference but is unable to produce a shred of evidence — indeed in the face of totally conclusive evidence to the contrary — is determined to hold onto power at all costs.

The CIA’s open, blatant, and unprecedented propaganda attack against a president-elect has caused Trump to throw down the gauntlet to CIA director John Brennan. There are reports that Trump intends to revamp and reorganize the intelligence agency. The last president who said this, John F. Kennedy, was murdered by the CIA before he could strike against them. Kennedy believed that he could not take on the CIA until he was re-elected. The delay gave the CIA time to arrange his assassination.

Trump appears to understand his danger. He has announced that he intends to supplement his Secret Service protection (which was turned against JFK) with private security.

Isn’t it striking? The president of Russia states publicly that Washington is driving the world to thermo-nuclear war and that his warnings are ignored. The president-elect of the United States is under full-scale attack from the CIA and knows that he cannot trust his official security force. One might think that these extraordinary topics would be the only ones under discussion. But you can find such discussion only on a few alternative media websites, such as this one, branded by PropOrNot and the Washington Post as “under Russian influence.”

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
January 10, 2017 9:32 am

and the name is HuckleFAIRY Graham

January 8, 2017 7:56 pm

I don’t know if the stories of Russian meddling are true or not. I do know that the people telling us that story have lied to us enough that we should be very skeptical.

Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonken, Castro is not a communist, weapons of mass destruction and worst of all Islam is a religion of peace just to name a few. Very Skeptical!

January 8, 2017 9:41 pm

“The lies are ubiquitous, have grown more absurd, and are now institutionalized in the US government in the CIA, executive branch agencies, and among many US senators and representatives. That these lies are validated by endless media repetitions throughout the Western world are viewed by Russia as indications that Western populations are being prepared for a military attack on Russia.”

There were leaked emails of the D party operatives …why? Patriots? We don’t know
for sure. We do know “the Russians” did not “hack” the mails. MSM bent this Russia
meme toward voting machines were altered/hacked against HC. Now, that has melted
down to Russia hacked the DNC mail/released some 65K of them/to discredit the DNC/HC.
This “Russia hacked” lie is “absurd,” and the story keeps changing. May I please add that
no one has come forth and stated that any material is false. The lawyers have said: Do
not talk! The exception was Megan Kelly interviewing Alefantis so he could blab about
fake news. Someone pretended to threaten his Comet Pizza place as well. Many of us
are now reluctant to make pizza…but we are not buying that Putin/Russia are in any
remote way involved.

Thank you Stucky!
What is happening with your home sale?

January 9, 2017 8:57 am

Suzanna… nicely put, however Nick and I stopped by Pizza Hut the other day for one of our favorite lunches.

Shitstain McCain needs to stop flapping his jaws and do like old Strom did… fade away.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 9, 2017 8:47 am

News flash. The CIA is not some autonomous entity running around doing whatever the hell it wants. Despite loud claims by the president and Congress to the contrary, EVERYTHING the CIA does is known to them before, during and after it is done. Anybody who denies this does not know what he is talking about or is a God damn liar. We got sick and tired of seeing some bloated, pompous horse’s ass Congresscritter on TV crapping all over us when everybody knew damn well the SOB had been briefed on it a month before and had patted us on the back. Don’t blame the CIA – blame yourself and the people you elect. There are Americans who vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and all the rest. Look in the mirror before you bad mouth the CIA.