A Parable about Corruption (Sorry, Anne… I think it applies to a lot of powerful principalities; not just Vatican Citystate)

Anne writes less and less as she watches the destruction of the Church to which she (claims and seems to) have devoted her life since seeing the light on the road to Damascus.  Her continued efforts to stand on her principle may or may not be rewarded in Paradise, but I continue to admire her for reaching into her Chrystal clear vision to pull out fables such as this to express her revulsion for the prostitution of her beliefs on the altar of pedophilia and sodomy.  I can’t help but borrow the anguish and anger she conveys with her rants about the infestation of her Church, which happens to present a wonderful analogy for what exists in the cradle of our liberties:  Washington, D.C.  Roaches.


When I was a kid, we had two Mexican fast-food joints: Taco Grande and Taco John’s.  Then, when I was about ten, Taco Bell came to town and built from a dirt-start a brand new Taco Bell on a formerly empty lot.  I never liked Taco Bell, and never ate there.  I preferred Taco John’s.

Fast-forward 12-15 years.  I am now in my early 20s, have been gone from the Kansas City area for many years, and have given exactly zero thought to the hometown Taco Bell.  I get a call from someone back in the ancestral homeland who tells me, “Hey, they razed the Taco Bell.”

“What happened? Did it burn?”  After all, why would they raze a building that was less than 15 years old?  Surely there must have been a fire, and razing the remains was the cheapest option, right?


It turned out that inspectors had discovered that the building was so filthy and thus so overrun with cockroaches that even intense treatments from professional fumigation and pest-control firms were ineffective in clearing the building of cockroaches.  So, the only path forward was to raze the building, haul away the cockroach-infested debris, apply pesticide to the pad and surrounding area, and build a brand new building.

Folks, this is what is going to have to happen in Rome.  Because people have failed to take any meaningful steps against the infiltration of faggots into The Church, and especially in Rome itself, Rome is now like the Taco Bell – the only way to clear Rome of the faggots is to destroy Rome.  And I mean physically.

The faggots are absolutely everywhere in Rome, and as much as it pains me to say it, some of the worst, most spectacularly evil, most notorious, sacrilegious, and most enthusiastic of them are on the so-called “right” or “conservative” or “traditional” side of the spectrum.  And it makes sense.  Where can satan still do the most damage? Where does it benefit satan to hide at this late hour? Amongst the Remnant Church.  As long as they remain hidden, like the filthy cockroaches they are, they can continue to privately scandalize, subvert and sabotage.  If they are publicly exposed, the resulting scandal will cause even more people to either leave The Church (usually for Eastern Orthodoxy or sedevacantist cults) or to lose their faith entirely. Either way, satan wins.

Fifty years of looking the other way, not saying anything, treating homosexuality as a joke or a novelty, when it is, in fact, a never-sufficiently-execrated depravity and a capital crime, and specifically in Rome, where faggots are literally meeting up for sacrilegious sodomy INSIDE ST. PETER’S BASILICA, and then turning around and serving the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or Divine Liturgy a few hours later across town, now the cockroaches are coming home to roost. It is too late get rid of them one-by-one, because they saturate the structure.

If you do your duty and keep the structure clean, you won’t get cockroaches.  If you aggressively attack and exterminate cockroaches at their first appearance, you have a chance to save the structure.  If you pretend not to see them, laugh them off, or even call them “cute” and “harmless”, or worst of all say, “That isn’t a cockroach!  That is a fluffy little bunny! How dare you say that sweet, innocent, fluffy little bunny is a cockroach!”, they will eventually necessitate the complete demolition of the structure.

“Those aren’t roaches! They’re fluffy bunnies that talk funny and act like girls because they are so intelligent and misunderstood!”

And only after the complete destruction of the structure will rebuilding be possible. And that is where we are.  We have failed spectacularly to keep the Church clean, and when the first signs came, we denied there was a problem.  Now, God will do what we refused to do.

The aching tragedy in all of this is that a Taco Bell can be thrown back up in a matter of weeks.  The Sistine Chapel and the rest of the artistic, cultural and ecclesial patrimony of Rome can never be replaced.  But, as we all heard when we were children, “THIS is why we can’t have nice things – because you won’t take care of them.” Indeed.  The chastisement is coming, and it is for all of us, because we have all been complicit in our silence and negligence.  In The House of The Lord, EVERYONE is responsible for helping to keep things clean.

(Afterthought:  Well, Anne, in the People’s House(s) and Courtroom in D.C. the roaches are so thick the Exterminator just may have to raze the place to get rid of the parasites.  I think Donald might do what needs to be done.  Will it help the next batch of eggs layed by the next pack of poliTICKS elected?  Who knows, but it will be fun to watch them run for cover.)

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Michael Keane
Michael Keane
January 12, 2017 11:26 am

I feel the answer is to install “employee notices”, similar to those found in restaurant bathrooms. So… for example, priests “must wash their hands, before returning to work”.

That way, whether co-habitating with a woman, or even a man, the rest of us need not fear for the exercise as, at least, sanitary.

Insofar as whether any other human replacing God, as Judge, is sufficient to the care properly afforded, within the realm of the Health Department? Not so much.

Pedophilia: Any adult harming any child, in any way, is subject to the LAW. The fact the LAW is now in thrall to Greed and Criminal Banking, is a pestilence and needs a forceful expulsion and prosecution. God will take care of his own. Humanity has LAWS and “Accountability” must be returned even as judgement, here on earth, must be severe in defense of Innocents.

January 12, 2017 11:56 am

Extremely religious people scare me almost as much as leftists do when I think about what they would do if given total control. It still blows my mind that so many otherwise intelligent people believe in stuff like this.

January 12, 2017 12:22 pm

The Protestants need to clean house too. In every Western institution, the foxes (liberals) are guarding the Hen Houses and some Big Dogs (Conservative Prosecutors) need to be hired to get rid of the scum. Liberals will call it a Witch Hunt or McCarthyism, but either we and Trump get it done or somebody really like Hitler will be elected.

Tennessee Patriot
Tennessee Patriot
January 12, 2017 12:38 pm

In 1770, William Murray, the 1st Baron Mansfield said; “Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum” “Let justice be done, though the Heavens fall”. I agree 100%. I have no reservations about exposing, and punishing, the corruption that infests the world. Let justice be done, though the Heavens fall.

January 12, 2017 12:47 pm

Anne is a bit of a zealot, but shouldn’t we all be passionate about the ideals and principles we hold dear?

She’s still welcome at the pond, but with Nick being a lapsed Catholic and both of us married before, I doubt she would consider us even at the level of sinners or publicans to sit with at the tavern.

January 12, 2017 12:50 pm

Just what the world needs …… a bug-eyed batshit crazy Catlick being the determiner of what other Catlicks to exterminate. Allah Snackbar!!!

And to think some people admire this fucken nutjob. Wow.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 12, 2017 1:10 pm

That’s not what she’s doing at all – as I read it. She’s predicting that God has one big-ass chastisement headed Rome’s way. Maybe nuclear, maybe something else – natural disaster, meteor, who knows. Maybe the Mohammedans will mount an attack and kill off the entire Catholic hierarchy.

January 12, 2017 1:15 pm

Good grief you are stubborn when it comes to Anne, Sticky. For one split second could you open your mind along with your pants and consider the analogy I was trying to draw.

As Rome must be destroyed to eliminate the Roach infestation, so also must DC.

January 12, 2017 2:54 pm

When I open my pants women lose their minds. Does that count?

Crazy Eyes is a judgmental cunt who rains down curses and pleads for death to all those whom see things differently than her. I loathe her. You, of course, are free to continue adoring her.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between a Catlick zealot and this one.

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January 12, 2017 4:23 pm

Catholic zealots aren’t cutting people’s head off.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
January 14, 2017 1:41 pm

I bet Barnhardt REALLY wants to.

and don’t you just love her calling people “cockroaches”
jeez, she would have made a great SS prison camp guard

January 12, 2017 4:56 pm

Catholics are very guilty of mass murder. Ask the native populations of South America whose villages were razed in the quest for gold and their cultures wiped out by the priests brought along to deal with the superstitions of the peasants and the tribes whose cultures reached thousands of years into the past.

However, Anne might have that lovely pink long-gun, as she likes to call them, but she invites them all to come find her and doesn’t take her nonsense beyond her private rants, which people can choose to view. Or not.

You choose not. That is fine, Stucky. But everybody has their sacred cows; a few of us know what they are.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2017 11:57 am

Ending human sacrifice should count for something, though.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2017 11:56 am

“Crazy Eyes is a judgmental cunt who rains down curses and pleads for death to all those whom see things differently than her. ”

Curses, yes. Pleading for death? Don’t think I’ve heard her do that.

  Iska Waran
January 13, 2017 12:15 pm

She is perhaps the most devout Catholic I’ve ever known, but she doesn’t plead for the death of anyone. She prays incessantly for deviants like Stucky’s souls at candlelight masses with horsehair undergarments on to scratch her hoo hoo so she doesn’t have improper thoughts.

I admire her because she is true to her Faith and her Beliefs. She was willing to stand up to the tyranny of the majority in her field of work and tell them that she could not be bought. She continues to rant and gloats very sadly when her wild predictions came true about bail-ins and theft of moneys belonging to investors being used to generate big bonuses and profits for corporations and Congress-critters now allowed to use insider information. When they finally track her down with some money in her hands, they’ll shove her into a tax evasion prison and let her die like Peter Schiff’s old man. (I imagine “they” know where she has parked her van in the mountains but until she has something of value to seize, there is no reason to give her free publicity.)

So, Stucky, put that in your paint-can and sniff it for an hour. Bury yourself up to your unsnipped pecker in the neighbor’s flowerbed and pour maple syrup on homemade bread for the birds until you sell your home. Works every time.

Honestly, whether justified or not, I can’t help but admire her for being willing to give up all her money and follow her Beliefs, with a Capital B. For about a year, I stood up to a bunch of corrupt management people, government contract hander-outers (competitive bidding means bribery, just like in the old days of the Politburo in USSR) and big fat union leaders who told me I had no right to file a grievance without their permission. I was a bit rabid like Anne in those days, declaring myself to be standing on a principle that meant something beyond a union steward stopping management from firing a sick man unjustly.
If I had to do it again, knowing what I know now about how corrupt the entire Labor/Management/Government relationship truly has grown, I would just shrugged and let them fire the guy. I could have saved myself a lot of interviews with NLRB investigators and EEOC agents and six months of stress until the suspension was overturned and I was able to walk into the boss’s office and tell him I quit AND tell the entire union membership how evil their president was.

Like Anne, I made zero difference. But, unlike Anne, I cashed out and ran. Fighting city hall is for Grey Champions and the young men and women who will figure out how to rebuild. It isn’t for wandering nomads like myself. Or Anne.

Which is why she can park by the pond, but we probably would avoid one another most of the time.

January 13, 2017 11:26 am

Good grief you are stubborn when it comes to Anne, Sticky. For one split second could you open your mind along with your pants and consider the analogy I was trying to draw.

January 12, 2017 2:39 pm

Religions, especially the Catholic Church, are nothing but a means of controlling the masses. The more people who stop going to those churches, and especially stop giving them their money, the better.

I understand the analogy and agree, but she is acting like this is some kind of new thing in the Catholic Church. It’s not. Child molesters and homos have been a big part of it sinception get before any of us were born. Same with the corruption. It’s a feature, not a bug.

January 12, 2017 4:58 pm

Well, that’s a good point. Corruption in DC is probably inbred there.

January 12, 2017 7:57 pm

I would love to hear someone tell me I am wrong, and that child molesters, homos, and corruption are recent additions to the Catholic Church.

January 14, 2017 2:29 pm

Those things exist everywhere you go… and they are far more rampant in the secular religion of “desire to orgasm = love”.

What is recent about the Catholic Church, and what Anne is doing a very good job of standing firm against… is that it has begun to openly preach in favor of discivic behavior. Prior to the past several decades those behaviors existed, but were strongly rejected by the body of the church when it was brought to the surface.

I personally know full well the importance of discouraging acting on certain completely natural and consensual biological desires in the interest of civic stability. The Catholic Church has begun to preach openly in favor of suicidal social attitudes and we are all going to experience the consequences… and Anne is one of the few people brave enough to say it out loud.

To Gay Veteran… I agree… I think it’s an insult to the magnificence of cockroaches to equate certain people to them. Cockroaches are biological miracles… the people Anne is talking about would be of better service to humanity if they were reincarnated as cockroaches.

January 12, 2017 8:53 pm

Her destruction will come. But, not for a while. Satan has plans for poppa yet. He will introduce the world to the AC.
And when the world gov’t has had enough of her they will destroy her with fire.
Rev.17:16- “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.”

The only thing left for any true Christians left in her to do is flee! Because;
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Rev.18:4


January 13, 2017 1:25 am

“religious unity had fractured with the survival and spread of Protestantism. The Protestant Reformation destroyed the concept of a world order sustained by the “two swords” of papacy and empire.”

– Kissinger