Question of the Day, Jan 25

I like this book. We should give it to all the folks in the vagina hats. Maybe it’ll help them frame their arguments on why it’s better to kill babies, and why you can only objectify women if you are a democrat?

My question is, since to me it is utterly impossible to believe that the vagina hat brigade believes they will change anyone’s mind with their behavior, why are they marching?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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January 25, 2017 3:05 pm

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

“Thus did they nurse their folly, as the good wife of Tam O’Shanter did her wrath, “to keep it warm.”
― Charles Mackay

January 25, 2017 3:06 pm

Didn’t you hear them explain why in the Crowder video that was posted here? lol

Fun with Liberals…

Me neither.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 25, 2017 3:09 pm

Same as dogs that roll in crap and queers who celebrate their perversions: somehow in their sick brains it makes “gay” sense to them. Causes me revulsion and motivates me to support God and Trump even more.

  rhs jr
January 25, 2017 3:13 pm

Rhs jr,
We are truly living in the time of the signs.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  rhs jr
January 25, 2017 11:22 pm

Bob, you would have loved Hitler.

B Lever
B Lever
January 25, 2017 3:32 pm

To date I have not commented on these creatures, I really don’t know why anyone would bother to offer an opinion on someone who would march about in a vagina hat. They used to put folks away at the “Funny Farm” for doing weird shit……………I really don’t care.

January 25, 2017 3:36 pm

Fee-wins, nothing more than fee-wins……

January 25, 2017 3:37 pm

They are ” marching ” because this shit is not real. We are a constructed program by ” god ” and he must be in the bathroom and his windows based PC just crashed.

I mean at this point what else makes any sense? Real is Fake and Fake is ” alternate point of view “

January 25, 2017 3:45 pm

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

January 25, 2017 3:42 pm

It’s a giant circle jerk (off) to reinforce their twisted view of reality via Trump hate. Being paid by Soros doesn’t ‘hurt’ either.

January 25, 2017 6:52 pm

“A giant circle jerk to reinforce their twisted view of reality”

You have summed up my thoughts nicely. Mike, I don’t think we should give them that book, or any real advice. Let them keep doing what they are doing. It will have the opposite of its intended effect. As Ive said here several times, regular people are getting sick of this shit. I guarantee you they have convinced more people that didn’t vote for trump to support him in 2020 than they have convinced people to side with them. No reason to stop them now. Trump couldn’t do a better job of ginning up support if he tried, and he doesn’t even have to lift a finger. Hopefully they get even more deranged and start smashing windows an rioting. The worse they get, the better it is for us.

There will come a point in the future where that kind of nonsense and disruption of people’s lives will not be tolerated. I have no idea when that day will come, but it will. Tick tock, assholes.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
January 25, 2017 3:49 pm

If enough people lie loudly enough it becomes “truth” for them! What a discovery!
What do you mean, Freud figured it out? Who’re you calling “delusional”?

January 25, 2017 4:00 pm

IMO, the ‘protest thing’ started with the Viet Nam war. Not that the protests did any good, but the left discovered it was some sort of ‘feel good’ mechanism.

When the war was over, there was nothing left to protest – and the left has been looking for a cause ever since then. It’s completely illogical. Look at BLM – 5,000 niggers get shot/murdered a year in Chicago – yet they protest about a couple of them that get shot by cops.

The Pussy march was about nothing. They have no stated platform. AAMOF nothing has changed in the last 8 years of Obama, they are demonstrating against what has happened under Obama – not Trump. So why march before the President has actually done anything? One thing for sure: these women have shown themselves to be angry / nasty / ill informed / crude / bad mannered / sluts. Who want to act up for no reason.

January 25, 2017 8:12 pm

Dutch said,
“IMO, the ‘protest thing’ started with the Viet Nam war. Not that the protests did any good, but the left discovered it was some sort of ‘feel good’ mechanism.”

Think again Dutch,they were extremely effective-they led directly to us losing a war that we won both on the battlefield & at the negotiating table.
Even though we are ridiculing this & joking about it,we should still take it seriously.

January 25, 2017 4:35 pm

“Life is like a box of vaginas. You never know which one is gonna fuck you.”

That’s why they’re marching. To FUCK UP us normal people.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2017 11:26 pm

I’m sure BB could have met a girl at the million pussy march. Dutchman too.

January 25, 2017 4:37 pm

I have two grown kids who are really smart, but went to private universities … in California. They are now staunch, emotional liberals. I can tell you, from careful and honest conversations with them, that what these libs want is empathy and our truly acknowledging their feelings. They want acceptance that they have a valid point of view, even if they have no next step and will not discuss “the other side.” What’s unspoken is that anyone who does not agree as strongly as they do, is at the polar opposite; hence someone who thinks marriage should be between a man and a women, is a homophobe and hates everyone with anything other than a heterosexual orientation. It’s baffling, but all emotional. The result is an inability to reason or discuss, since that would mean *they* were acknowledging that their feeeeeeelings might be wrong. I just pray that with enough time, life will teach them otherwise.

January 25, 2017 4:53 pm

I have two university educated children who were also indoctrinated, time will change them back to the norm, I hope that it is not too late when they make their way back!

January 25, 2017 8:45 pm

My kids are very conservative. They like nothing better than to make their snowflake acquaintances cry.

One of them celebrated so hard, and rubbed it in so severely, at Trump’s win one of the housemate snowflakes went into his bedroom and did not reappear for two weeks except to come and go to work.


Not all Injuns are liberals.

January 25, 2017 9:37 pm

I have three sons and they are all conservative too. I feel like I won the lottery.

January 25, 2017 10:00 pm


I live in the very center of the heart of super liberal land. Liberals that would make the vagina hat wearing crowd look entirely normal swirl around me. 99% of the time I just ignore them but when they do decide to come at me, I do not use logic or reason but instead just attack them personally. Here is an example.

Everyone is all upset that the Russians hacked the election and, by golly, something must be done about it. I point out to them that I actually enlisted in the army in the ’80’s specifically to fight the Evil Empire with a duty station in Europe as part of my enlistment package so I could be right there when it all started. I go on to tell them how it personally disgusts me that I didn’t see ANY Privileged Liberal Elites living in the mud there with me. I remind them that they are latte sipping cowards and that they owe 100% of whatever free speech they have to the deplorables that had the balls to actually stand up to the Russians and that maybe they should just go and change their FB avatars as that is all they are good for.

Logic doesn’t work with these people. They must be shamed and humiliated.

January 25, 2017 5:07 pm

I’m in a fucking foul mood.

The people buying the house just left. (Closing is on Feb 13.) They brought their architect. They are going to gut the entire kitchen!! Tear down the wall between the kitchen and dining room to make one big room. New cabinets and new sink. After all that fucking work I did!!! They’re also going to rip out the ceilings in the living room and dining room, to put in vaulted ceilings.

Oh, here’s the kicker. They’re going to have a professional redo the floors …… AFTER THEY FUCKING ASKED ME TO DO IT!!!!! WTF??? Jesus fucken Krist.

THis shit is really pissing me off. I’m done for the day. Me and Ms Freud going to B&N. When we get back I’m finishing of the bottle of Tequila wile wearing my new pussy hat. Really.

Have a nice fucken evening.

January 25, 2017 8:38 pm

Stuck – I’m on my phone, without much juice, so my short memo to you here cannot begin to express my condolences to you.

You put a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and love into that house to try and sell it, and some douchebag buyers are going to undo it all.

I’m sorry, Stuck.

January 25, 2017 8:56 pm

Man up, Stuck. What people do with their own property is their business. You sold it- end of story.

I sold a nice property once, got a record amount, sold in under a week at full asking price. The new owners did much as you mention, and changed everything.

Two years later, they divorced. They sold the house for half what they bought it for, because they fucked it up so bad no one wanted it anymore.

I just shrugged. Experience is often gained at great expense.

January 25, 2017 9:55 pm

When I looked at pictures after you completed refinishing I saw a kitchen that looked much like the one in my house. The rage right now is open concept. These home reno shows knocking down walls might be reason, who knows.

My wife wants to do the same thing here. I dont want to because I understand construction, load bearing walls and the insanity of ripping apart a perfectly good house. These people buying cant be too smart. But stupid people’s money spends just the same as money taken from the smart ones.

It doesn’t make sense. Sounds to me like some sort of fucked up shit test that they made you do but you agreed to price and as long as they pay it hardly matters.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2017 11:39 pm

I’m afraid to say several of us told you so.
Gertrude Stein said that the trouble with Oakland was, “there is no there there”.
She meant that there was no place to arrive that was her former home, it was all urban now.
The house you leave behind will also not be there for you ever again.
Alas, my friend, you may now sound like the ancient king:

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

If your house was a dog, and that was my dog,
I’d rather shoot it than sell it to a vivisectionist.

January 26, 2017 12:51 am

Yep Stucky. That is why on August 9th last year when you asked about cabinet refinishing my advice was:

“I’ve built a few houses and lived in them long enough to avoid capital gains taxes a few times. I have learned that it is impossible to know what your ultimate buyer is looking for in a home and one can drive themselves crazy trying to speculate.
Don’t spend any money. Your house is what it is. I realize you weren’t seriously considering spending $10,000 on cabinets but I believe dropping your price $10,000 would do a lot more to sell your house. Starfcker is right. Drop the price till it sells. That is how much your house is worth whether you agree or not.”

Don’t look at it as a waste of time though. Now that you are proficient at cabinet refinishing and concrete staining you can buy a house that needs those jobs done, buy it at a discount and do the work yourself.

Hope everything goes smooth and your house closes on schedule.

January 25, 2017 5:46 pm

“My question is, since to me it is utterly impossible to believe that the vagina hat brigade believes they will change anyone’s mind with their behavior, why are they marching?”

Because they are pissed off (which I believe is a legitimate emotion on their part) but they were never taught or given the tools to productively solve problems or even to think. I only see this problem becoming worse.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 25, 2017 7:44 pm

Yes much worst because The Problem is Demonic Liberal Insanity compounded by dope (ie Useless Idiots); victims behavior and IQs fall below Functional and they become socially misfit scofflaws. It is incurable using Psychiatry.

January 25, 2017 7:42 pm

We hired a 23 year old female to help out in the office about a year ago. After speaking with her from time to time about politics and everyday shit, I really think the only issue’s these women face is all their own doing, but they must blame someone else.

They could not blame obama, oh no no no. Their “issues” have been building for eight long years and now they have Trump, goddam racist, misogynist, white billionaire, motherfucking Trump.

They are millennial’s after all, nothing is their fault., through no fault of their own………don’t cha know.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Back in PA Mike
January 25, 2017 11:42 pm

How is the hat offensive other than the association with the women’s march?
Shit, that might be a QOTD.

Do you think up these questions while your on the head, or are you using commenters here to answer your own imponderables?

January 25, 2017 9:03 pm

Are we being played? Is the radical insane left being used to generate support for Trumpso he can establish the Fascist States of America? The people of America can’t be stupid enough to believe this crap, can they?

January 25, 2017 10:04 pm

Muhahaha!! I owned a big old house in Portland that was built in 1921. I called it a Colonial Bungalow because of the mixture of styles. Most of the period woodwork had been removed, as well as four french doors off the foyer in the 1940’s to “modernize” the place and render the first floor more open. Using the large fireplace mantle as a model, I built new door frames for all the interior doors and restored all the big ol’ baseboards. I made the stuff in my basement shop. Had to sell the place during a divorce to pay off the old lady. Some years later I happened to see the place on the market (it sold for over $500 k at the top of the market in 2007). Anyway the photos on teh netz showed my beautiful handiwork and it said “all original woodwork.” haha.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2017 11:46 pm

It’s a marketing play on words, the woodwork was original in that nobody had seen woodwork so shoddy, it had to be a novice that did it, thus, ‘original’.

January 26, 2017 1:04 am

I think the real question is why do vaginas need hats in the first place? Is it simply fashion or because they are cold (it did look cold in D.C. that day)? How do the hats stay on anyway? Are vagina hats sold in the lingerie department or the hat department? If a woman wants to put a hat on her choacha I really don’t care. How would I even know if there is a hat under her skirt anyway? I believe that what a woman accessorizes her vagina with is her choice.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2017 7:21 am

Someone said it first- it may have been here-

The left thinks based on their feelings and the right has feelings based on logic.

Of course whoever said it first said it better, but I thought it was very close to the truth.

You either let your emotions lead your behavior or you allow your feelings to follow after consideration of facts.

January 26, 2017 8:43 am

I always appreciated the quote by Horace Walpole, the 18th century 4th Earl of Orford:

“The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.”

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
January 26, 2017 11:22 am

tampons on their heads would have worked as well.