Hat tip starfcker

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January 26, 2017 10:03 am

Boot on the throat! Yeah!

I believe a paid protester has no Constitutional right to free speech or demonstration. Hope Trump fixes that too.

January 26, 2017 10:03 am

Or you could just issue shoot to kill orders.

Where are the blacks protesters? Without Obama to cover their crimes they have faded away .Seems they got the message.

January 26, 2017 10:28 am

Sure wish that was true.

January 26, 2017 10:29 am

“Where are the blacks protesters?”

They don’t wake-up before 3:00 pm.

January 26, 2017 10:38 am

Portland police showed great restraint and handled this situation in a gentle way. They should beat their asses and leave them laying in the street. Beat the bottoms of their feet real good and they won’t be protesting anytime soon. I have zero patience for this crap.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2017 10:54 am

Nothing warms the cockles of my heart like seeing a crowd of people applaud the rightful detention of criminal conspirators. It shows that the tide has turned.

Like Baretta used to say, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

January 26, 2017 11:03 am

They asked for it, they got it.

Hope they get big fines and jail sentences on top of it.

And I hope they’re happy about it since it is what they were asking for.

January 26, 2017 11:13 am

I never thought I’d ever say this again ….. I’m starting to like copfuks.

January 26, 2017 11:21 am

Big Joe is proving to be prophetic.

January 26, 2017 11:32 am

It is awfully easy to create a disturbance in our cities. The streets are fully of shabby, drug and alcohol abusing losers who, for a few dollars, can be hired to do what they enjoy doing anyway-creating chaos!

I am reminded of a story, perhaps apocryphal, of a rich man who took to throwing money out of his hotel window everyday. As the word spread, a crowd would gather on the street below to await the rich man’s appearance and battle for the dollars as they fluttered down. It was this struggle for the money that prompted the rich man to engage in the activity. He relished seeing the mob fighting over, what to him was chicken feed. The police or city council finally put a stop to the rich man’s sport as the crowds grew larger and the fighting more brutal.

I think we have something like this going on today with rich Democrats. Rather than spend $25,000 to attend another boring political dinner or write another $100,000 check to the DNC why not buy some entertainment with your money. Hire a few activists and let them pass out cash to some street people to create chaos in the street. $50,000 ought to purchase the services of a few hundred louts to smash some glass and beat up a few people.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 26, 2017 11:55 am

Communists and paid thugs of Soros do not have any rights. They are the Domestic Enemy. I love to see the cops curb stomp them. They should arrest Soros while they are at it. During the American Revolution the Domestic Enemies were the Tories. George Washington himself suggested that they should commit mass suicide and hanged them with commendable frequency. No rights for traitors and subversive agents.

January 26, 2017 12:06 pm

This was good but it was also a small demonstration from the looks of it.
During the big demonstrations I’d like to see the cops handle it like the police chief in a small Georgia city did it when MLK was leading protests.
He knew beforehand that there were going to be demonstrations. MLK’s events were relatively non violent so a huge show of force was not needed but the sheer #s of arrested people would overwhelm the system.
He did not have a big enough jail to contain the people who were going to be arrested so he arranged for a large fleet of buses to be available to take the perps to other cities & counties where he had already arranged to have them confined.
Most of these organized events have non protesters ready to bail the protesters out of jail.However,if the people arrested are taken 40/50 miles away,it stretches the “supply lines” of the organizers and makes it harder for the demonstrators to regroup.

January 26, 2017 12:19 pm

The small demonstration is the result of a new strategy of secretly spreading out in small groups -non permitted of course- to disrupt things with multiple small demonstrations instead of a massive announced demonstration that will attract large numbers of police in advance to contain it.

From a point of strategy on the part of the protestors, it is a good strategy as far as getting in place without being noticed beforehand.

From the point of the police, it is also a good one as this video demonstrates how easily it can be ended (imagine that being tried with a several thousand person strong crowd).

I understand there were more arrests at the other demonstrations as well, probably more total than would happen at a single large one and more of them successfully prosecutable as well if the prosecutor is willing to pursue them.

January 26, 2017 4:07 pm

it may be a new strategy, but these SJWs are so full of it, they still wind up broadcasting their “game plan” on social media, giving away any element of surprise, the cops monitor all the social platforms now.

Notice they also always seem to be color coordinated, (pink for girls, black for boys)

they are dumb all over.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2017 1:39 pm

Nip it in the (communist) bud.

  rhs jr
January 26, 2017 2:28 pm
January 26, 2017 2:14 pm

“Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions…….the main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” ~ George Soros

As many know, when Soros was a fifteen year old Jewish boy and the Nazis invaded his native Hungary, he convinced zee Germans that he was a Christian (and he calls Trump an imposter) and he helped zee Germans by identifying his fellow Jewish brothers, sisters and their belongings, all to save his own sorry butt. To this day he continues to sell out his fellow man for his own wealth and power. In his world, George comes first and everyone else can suck eggs. He has made a career out of selling out his fellow man. The man should be hung by the neck, his Open Societies Foundation (and all their subsidiary front groups) destroyed and fair warning given to his son that wishes to keep his father’s reign of terror going after he is dead. Kill the Beast.

January 26, 2017 2:23 pm

FWIW, both Russia and Hungary are going after Soros backed NGO’s and other Soros supported organizations.

Maybe we can join in with them sometime soon.

B Lever
B Lever
January 26, 2017 2:44 pm

You left out that he is a minion for the Rothschilds. He does what he is told to further the Jooish NWO.

January 26, 2017 2:17 pm

I had to laugh when I noticed that the one dude who was actually sitting on the bumper of the bus appears to have slipped the noose of the cops!

January 26, 2017 2:45 pm

As soon as they saw some push back they scattered like the cockroaches they are. Did I see michael “the fat fuk” moore switch sides and tell people to stand back at the end?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
January 26, 2017 3:15 pm

Ahhhhh, Portlandia. Is Roaseanne still serving as Ms Temporary Mayor? Or has Mr Mayor returned from his goat farm?

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
  lamont cranston
January 26, 2017 3:54 pm

Our former mayor, Sam Adams, did return to the goat farm of sorts. After he left office he took a position in Washington, DC.

January 26, 2017 3:16 pm

No quarter

I’m not a fan of any new laws but I think mandatory minimum sentences for anyone receiving money for protesting would be good. And while we are at it, if a “hate crime” gets an offender extra time in jail then I think fabricated “hate crimes” should warrant extra jail time for the false victim.

January 26, 2017 5:49 pm

Police did that justified because they were on the road? Most of them vamoosed in 2 seconds. They seem to have nothing else important to be doing and stop people who do need to be places like jobs or appointments getting where they need to go. That will get them no extra support and I cant think of anything else they hope to achieve doing that.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
January 26, 2017 6:16 pm

I love how the grandmother gave them a thumbs up. Not all, but many senior citizens have seen enough to have the wisdom that these youngsters won’t have for a very long time if ever: the right to protest does not give one the right to cause public mayhem or disturbances (such as blocking a public service like mass transit, which is provided by the government through taxpayer money – something these anarcho/communists/leftists/etc couldn’t care less about).

January 26, 2017 7:36 pm

…put them to work in zee gulag for many years.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
January 26, 2017 11:37 pm

I agree that obviously it’s not legal to stop traffic and impede the public with “protests” like these. And I do commend the Portland police for clearing the problem quickly and safely as they did. These paid libtard protesters and their idiotic tactics will not achieve what they’re seeking, esp since tactics such as these obviously get them on the wrong side of public opinion.

BUT, I can’t help watching videos like this and think, What If… Hillary won the election, and it’s conservative Tea-Partiers out there in the streets trying to protest. I think most would be smart enough to not stop traffic, but there’s always dumb-asses, no matter what side you’re talking about.

I’m just saying I think people on our side would be saying something akin to “How dare these fascist pigs stop people from protesting a liberal regressive take-over of our government.”


james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
January 27, 2017 2:09 am

We were silent, mostly, when Obama the Usurper took over the Presidency, and began his Reign of Error. Sure, various and sundry made speeches (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee at one notable occasion) but marches were not called, store windows were not broken, chaos did not break out. It only encouraged the idiots, and we got transgender bathrooms, ObamaCare and worse later on.
I think if Hillary had won we would be seeing shutdowns of a different kind. Let’s say 100,000 truckers went on strike; no one to arrest, no one to jail, just 100,000 idle. Park the Trucks as a national slogan. What would happen?
REAL CHAOS, as the cities ran out of supplies and no more were coming in. REAL RIOTS, as the hungry and desperate went hunting inside the city limits, since raiding the countryside would be a short-lived exercise. REAL PAIN, as things continued to deteriorate and no obvious solution (Hillary would never resign) came forth.
THAT would be the Tea Party answer to a Hillary regime: Park the Trucks. It would bring the Left to its knees in a way they could never understand, cope with or respond to. Can you imagine the Left trying to find 100,000 capable big-rig drivers and setting them loose on the highways?
You don’t have to respond in a way that the Enemy wants you to.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
  james the deplorable wanderer
January 27, 2017 2:32 am

Excellent reply, and excellent idea. The idea of a bunch of lib-tards trying to drive big rigs is hilarious… and scary.

Now that the Demobrats have completely abandoned working-class Americans, I definitely agree that the majority of the productive part of the country is now conservative. And it’s a lot easier for people who actually power the economy to shock people awake than it is for these idiots in the Free Shit Army who just want to throw temper tantrums, break windows and burn trash cans.

I really just wanted to make a point about cheering for more strong-arm police tactics to shut down protests, when it could just as easily be us out there protesting.

But you are totally right about the difference b/n the left and right. The left protests by being a bunch of cry-baby dumb-asses. The right finds ways that, if not more effective, at least allow us to maintain our fucking dignity.

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January 28, 2017 2:19 am

Agree with u Kelly, what the hell message are those crazies giving to those children. I can see a lot of women like yourself speaking up following that PR debacle for them. Its encouraging to see.