The Demise of the Left

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

On several occasions I have asked in my columns the rhetorical question: What became of the left? Today I answer my question.

The answer is that the European and American left, which traditionally stood for the working class and peace (bread and peace) no longer exists. The cause championed by those who pretend to be the “left” of today is identity politics.  The “left” no longer champions the working class, which the “left” dismisses as “Trump deplorables,” consisting of “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nuts.” Instead,the “left” champions alleged victimized and marginalized groups—blacks, homosexuals, women and the transgendered. Tranny bathrooms, a cause unlikely to mobilize many Americans, are more important to the “left” than the working class.

All white-skinned peoples except leftists, including apparently victimized women, are racist by definition.  Racism and victimization are the explanations of everything, all of history, all institutions, even the US Constitution. This program of the left cuts the left off from the working class, who have been abandoned by both political parties, and has terminated the left’s connection to the people.

The collapse of the left as an effective and real political force followed the Soviet collapse. The underclass had resisted their exploitation before the publication of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital in 1867. But Marx raised the exploitation of labor to a fighting cause on whose side was History. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia seemed to validate Marx with its overthrow of the existing order and proclamation of Soviet Communism.

Soviet practices deflated left-wing hopes and expectations, but nevertheless an alternative system which continued to speak against capitalist exploitation existed. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, neoconservatives and neoliberals declared that History had chosen capitalism over the working class, and Marx’s prediction of the triumph of the working class had been proven wrong.

The Soviet collapse caused communist China and socialist India to change their economic policy and to open their economies to foreign capital. With no rival, capitalism no longer had to restrain itself and allow widespread access to the growth of income and wealth. Capitalists began collecting it all for themselves.  Many studies have concluded that the productivity gains which formerly went mainly to the work force are now monopolized by the mega-rich.

One avenue to the concentration of income and wealth is the financialization of the economy (emphasized by Michael Hudson and by Marx in the third volume of Capital). The financial sector has been able to divert the discretionary income of the working class into interest and fees to banks (mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, student loans).

The other avenue is the offshoring of American jobs to which Donald Trump is strongly opposed.  Here is what happened:

Wall Street told US manufacturers to move their production to China in order to increase profits from lower labor and regulatory costs, or Wall Street would finance takeovers of the companies, and the new owners would raise the firms’ profitability by moving production offshore. Large retailers, such as Walmart, ordered suppliers “to meet the Chinese price.”

When the jobs were in the US, most of the gains in productivity went to labor.  Therefore, real median family incomes rose through time, and the consumer purchasing power this income growth provided drove the US economy to success for ever more people.

When the jobs were moved to Asia, the growth in real median US family incomes stopped and declined. The large excess supplies of labor and lower cost of living in Asia meant that Asian workers did not have to be paid in wages the value of their contribution to output. The difference between the US wage and Asian wage was large and went into corporate profits, thus driving up executives’ “performance bonuses” and capital gains (rising stock prices from higher profits) for shareholders.  In my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism published in 2013, I was able to calculate that based on current information at that time, every 1,000 manufacturing jobs moved to China resulted in a labor cost saving for the US company of $32,000 per hour.  These hourly savings did not translate into lower prices for US consumers of the offshored production.  The labor cost savings translated directly into the incomes of the executives and shareholders.

Thus, jobs offshoring permitted the productivity gains to be monopolized by corporate owners and executives.

Instead of responding to Trump’s support of the working class and his actions in their behalf during the first week of his presidency—Trump’s termination of TPP and his demand to auto manufacturers to bring manufacturing back to America—the “left” has rallied around a victim group—illegal immigrants. The “left” even elevates non-US citizens above the US working class.

Trump was elected by the working class. If the left is defined historically as the champion of the working class, then Donald Trump is their champion and the “left” is their enemy.

Throughout the contest for the Republican presidential nomination and the contest for the presidency, the “left” was allied with the ruling establishment of mega-rich capitalist oligarchs and the warmonger military/security complex against Trump. As Trump’s presidency begins, it is the “left” that wants Trump impeached and delegitimized, precisely the goals of the war- mongers and the mega-rich and their presstitutes.

Even environmental groups, such as NRDC of which I am a member, have joined the identity politics against Trump. Rhea Suh, NRDC’s president, has just sent me an email in which she declares NRDC, supposedly a champion of wildlife and the environment, to be standing with women in the Women’s March on Washington against Trump “in defense of our most basic rights as women.” “Women matter,” Rhea declares, and proceeds to blame Trump for Flint Michigan’s polluted water.

I am convinced that it is a mistake for Trump to emphasize jobs at the expense of the environment. Whether or not global warming is a hoax, environmental destruction is not. It is real, and the working class, as in Flint, are suffering from it as well as from the offshoring of their jobs.

The Democratic Party died during the Clinton regime when Clinton allied with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) founded in 1985 by Al From. I have often wondered who funded the DLC. It could just as well have been the Koch brothers as the DLC turned the Democratic Party into a second Republican Party.

The DLC convinced Democrats that the defeat of the presidential campaigns of George McGovern and Walter Mondale proved that economic populism is not politically viable. Democrats had to turn away from the left and embrace “mainstream values” and “market-based solutions.” The DLC was a big supporter of NAFTA. Reportedly, the DLC’s Will Marshall regarded pacifists and Iraq war protesters as anti-American and advised Democrats to keep their distance.

In short, the message was: compete with the Republicans for the big corporate and financial sector money. It certainly worked for the Clintons, but not for the Democratic Party.

As “market-based solutions” offshored US manufacturing jobs, the Democratic Party’s finances declined with union membership and power. Today Democrats and Republicans are dependent on the same interest groups for campaign funds. Thus ended the Democratic Party’s connection with the working class.

The question is: Can Trump stand for the working class when both political parties and the presstitute media, the think tanks, universities, environmental organizations, military/security complex, Wall Street, and courts stand against the working class?

Who is going to help Trump help the working class?

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January 26, 2017 9:24 am

Good question.

January 26, 2017 9:28 am

The Dem’s are just a party of angry / deranged / freaks and nig-nogs. Hope they pick my representative to lead the party – Keith Ellison – from Minnesota. A fucking nutcase muslim elected by the 50,000 Somali’s that now live here.

January 26, 2017 9:49 am

Think of elitist/leftist thinking and it’s effects on the world the way you would think of a parasitic infection and you understand what is happening to us.

If minor and kept in check, the infection only weakens the host (that would be the productive working class) and requires extra output from it to support the parasite, but if or as it grows the host becomes weaker and weaker and is less capable of the extra output it needs to support both itself and the parasite infecting it.

Eventually, if not kept in check, the Host cannot keep supporting the infection and it dies.

Then the parasites die along with it since by their nature they cannot support themselves independent of the supporting host.

Start treating the infection early enough and it is cured and the Host recovers and lives, start too late and the treatment may prolong the life of the Host by keeping the infection from progressing but it eventually dies of either the infection or other causes brought on by the weakness it creates.

So, looking at our nation this way, viewing Trump as the treatment, have we started treatment in time or is it too late and we can only prolong ourselves a bit longer than if we didn’t treat it?

January 26, 2017 10:19 am

Seems clearly that is is way too late to eliminate this hideous disease, with virtually all institutions, from unions & schools to non-profits (scouts & PTA) & government non-elected bureaucracy being totally infused with the disease of liberalism. It can only be continuously be attacked with prejudice.

January 26, 2017 11:13 am

I don’t want to be a downer, but I do believe t is too late also.
Among the millenials, the numbers are sharply skewed toward the brainwashed, cultural-Marxists.
This may be the last hurrah for the aging boomers–these elections have been razor-thin close and attrition alone guarantees that we will be dying off and leaving this twisted progeny in charge—I hope I am wrong.
Gromschi was right…through the dissolution of the family, the courts and (#1)- the education system and universities, American freedoms, culture, liberty and history would be destroyed. The leftists followed his outline to a tee.

January 26, 2017 9:52 am

“Even environmental groups, such as NRDC of which I am a member, have joined the identity politics against Trump. Rhea Suh, NRDC’s president, has just sent me an email in which she declares NRDC, supposedly a champion of wildlife and the environment, to be standing with women in the Women’s March on Washington against Trump “in defense of our most basic rights as women.” “Women matter,” Rhea declares, and proceeds to blame Trump for Flint Michigan’s polluted water.”

These environmental groups are just pandering to their demographic for more donations. They, like the race baiting industry and all of these other so-called activist non profits are just make work programs for liberals. Period. They create themselves a job, by pandering to their chosen demographic and soliciting funds from them to “fight” the “other side”.
I saw an episode of the old 80’s show Night Court last night. In it, there was a preacher that citizen arrested a comedian (presumably the show’s characterization of Andrew Dice Clay). Judge stone dismissed the charges, however the comedian goaded him in to having him arrested for contempt. Immediately, the preacher stood in front of the news camera’s gathered and said some religious nonsense. Long story short, the comedian and the preacher were in a scam together, where the comedian leaked a copy of the show to the preacher, the preacher would solicit donations from the religious right to keep the comedian in jail (from spreading his filth), while the comedian would solicit donations from his audience and followers to release him under “first amendment rights”.

Sounds familiar – Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, most congress critters, and in many cases MOST of these charities and the RNC and DNC.
It’s all a scam folks. All of it. the Dems figured out a long time ago that identity politics brings in dollars. The repubs figured out that their causes (anti gay marriage, pandering to churches, guns etc.) bring in dollars. No one, outside of Donald Trump himself (time will tell) has ANY incentive to fix ANY of these problems. If there is no problem, there is no “fight”, if there is no “fight” there is little continuous income.
When you look at all of these matters through that filter, you will be surprised how clear some of these things are, and how much calmer you are, and in some cases, how much larger your bank account is.

January 26, 2017 9:54 am

Soon to be a 100,000 who live there.They breed like rabbits .All taking a big shit in your front yard.

January 26, 2017 9:57 am

I like this PCR screed, he blames the left’s demise on the Clinton’s, completely ignoring obumer as a 2nd rate iteration of the same ilk

January 26, 2017 9:59 am

What? The first two paragraphs made sense but, after that, nonsense.

The problem is that Republicans and Democrats alike have become increasingly bought and paid for by corporate interests since the 1970’s. Offshoring and “free trade” agreements are a product of this as managers of these interest have short term vision (i.e., never built a business and are not truly invested in their own companies). Each of the respective parties had to naturally take opposing positions to maintain the illusion of choice – even though they worked for the same master. And, by tradition, the Democrats (i.e., left) represented the working class. This became strained with Bill Clinton who turn the scheme on its head by overtly embracing corporate interests. This is why political correctness emerged at the same time; the embrace of the corporate interest was recognized as problematic at the time. The “left” need to identify with something to be electable by offering an illusory choice, and that something was political correctness. As a result, the “left” became increasingly unanchored due to the fluidity of what political correctness means and drifted to where it is today. It’s that simple. And, today, we live in a state that would theoretically be deemed fascist because of the manner in which state and corporate interests have merged. Other name would be a kleptocracy (although communism and any other form of socialism fall into the same category).

The theoretical jumbo jumbo in this article seems more like an academic excerise rather than a practical examination.

January 26, 2017 10:25 am

Crony-capitalism is a Progressive construct to destroy real capitalism and the freedom of the individual that it fosters.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 26, 2017 11:06 am

” Rhea declares, and proceeds to blame Trump for Flint Michigan’s polluted water.”
“Even environmental groups, such as NRDC of which I am a member, have joined the identity politics against Trump.”

Pls explain how you could continue to be a member of NRDC when it blames Trump for the Michigan polluted water, which occurred and was ignored under Obama’s watch.

January 26, 2017 12:18 pm

If nothing is done about the financialization of the economy (for once I find myself agreeing with Michael Hudson) and the debt-money system, the downward spiral will continue. Granted, it’s already late in the game, but stripping the assets of the money-manipulators is the only way to delay it other than through less-than-peaceful means. Take the funding from the fringe groups and the damage they have done, do and will continue to do will be mitigated if not eliminated.

Prez Trump may make a valiant effort to make America great again, but it will take longer than the (hopefully) eight years he or a successor (should he die in office) will have to get the job done. Those who elected him truly have to step up and carry the movement forward or the insane fringe groups self-identifying as the “left” will continue to create havoc while sitting in the cat-bird’s seat in education, media, entertainment, etc.

January 26, 2017 1:24 pm

“It is real [environmental pollution], and the working class, as in Flint, are suffering from it as well as from the offshoring of their jobs.”

Much the same as politicians who rant about guns with “shoulder things that go up” the scientifically/common sense challenged media has the wrong end of the stick when it comes to the reality of what happened in Flint. Gets in the way of the narrative, dontcha know.

Did the system have some lead services? Yes. However, the amount of lead used was by no means comparable to Rome in it’s heyday. Was the water still safe to drink ? Yes, until the Flint municipality fucked things up.

Originally, the water system effectively encapsulated any lead in the pipes (thus rendering the lead inert and the water safe for human consumption) when the system was run by the Detroit Water Dept. (not that they’re currently any kind of brain trust by any means, but the system was built eons ago by folks who actually knew something). Most municipal water systems of any age will have lead somewhere and the older ones may even still have wood lines in use. But, back to the story. As most liberal institutions do, Detroit charged exorbitant fees to the suburbs to which they provided water services (Flint being one of the more farflung duchies of the empire). Flint took umbrage with this practice and decided to sever ties with Detroit water dept to save a few frogskins. They then started drawing water out of the Flint River. Not a bad job. Saved money for the constituents! Except the local officials screwed the pooch. They neglected to actually implement the pH treatment system speced out by the consulting engineers to maintain the protective coating on the lead services. More frogskins saved (and possibly pocketed…..) The non-treated pH levels of the Flint River water dissolved the protective coating on the lead services remaining. Hijinks then ensued. After an investigation, several criminal charges have been (and continue) to be filed against said pooch screwers. I’ll let the reader guess the political persuasion of those involved.

It doesn’t take much critical thinking or scientific acumen to derail this typical farce. Sadly, the bell has been rung and the story is is way beyond the typical snowflake’s attention span to register. Not to mention how repugnant those pesky facts are…..

January 26, 2017 4:58 pm

I was wondering how that happened. Whatta shocker! All done under Reign of King Obummer, the locals all democrats. I could never figure out why a water system put in place eons ago suddenly was so polluted with lead. Now it makes sense. But it is much more lucrative for media to just persue the broken down infrastructure angle. Get some poor black folks on TV getting oppressed by the evil whiteys.

Throw in some platitudes from that fat POS Mike Moore

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And then Dag Gammit you have perfect recipie for another story promoting the false narrative of the Progressive Stack.

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Maybe a benefit concert

And Presto! Another Circle Jerk of Righteous Progressives scooping up money for something they fucked up in the first place.