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February 3, 2017 4:43 pm

Naturally, they made Putin bigger, but otherwise it is somewhat neutral. But I don’t think Trump will be so popular over there in a little while.

February 3, 2017 5:24 pm

But I don’t think Trump will be so popular over there in a little while.

Really? If the situation in Syria entails U.S. military cooperation against ISIS and other Salafist jihadi, such that Russian personnel will have been getting support from American assets, we might be seeing plenty of “popular” regard for The Donald.

Western civilization is engaged in war with Dar al-Islam. If the Russian Federation is on civilization’s side in this confrontation – and it is – then it’s time to acknowledge our co-belligerency.

February 3, 2017 5:42 pm

Hey, doc

I spend more than a little time on russia-insider, sputnik, and rt. They have several English speaking Russian commentors. I am starting to see anti-Trump rumblings … kind of like here on TBP.

Some people are pretty pissed off that Trump is keeping the sanctions. They really pissed about the Nikki retard … but, are still focusing on her, rather than Trump. Not sure how long that will last.

Trump always said America First. If he acts that way with Russia without giving in return that lovefest won’t last long.

The mooslim thing. Russia’s mooslim population is just over 10%. So far, it’s the only country in the world with a mooslim population that large … yet, without any substantial internal problems. They seem to have the mooslems under control … and probably not AS paranoid about those fuckers as we are.

February 3, 2017 6:57 pm

The mooslim thing. Russia’s mooslim population is just over 10%. So far, it’s the only country in the world with a mooslim population that large … yet, without any substantial internal problems. They seem to have the mooslems under control … and probably not AS paranoid about those fuckers as we are.

You’re not considering the Russian history of dealing with ethnic minorities over the past century and more, which has entailed brutal suppression of such dissidents – and Dar al-Islam is a most certainly and entirely viciously “dissident” population both politically and religiously – in the Federation’s culture and government.

The substantial minority of the Russian population who profess membership in Dar al-Islam are well aware of the fact that they’re enemies of the Russian body politic, and everyone else in Russia consider them so.

No thought about Beslan?

The people of the Russian Federation sure as hell remember.

February 3, 2017 5:45 pm

I hope Trump remembers some history

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Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
February 3, 2017 9:29 pm

That ain’t bad. Someone gets it. Hope they’re right.

February 3, 2017 11:20 pm

I agree. Bad idea to fuck with the Russians. Best to just leave them alone.

February 4, 2017 9:31 am

Better still to make them allies.

They’re really a lot like us in essential values thinking (or at least like we were before Obama’s “fundamental change” took place).