Stereotyping Millennials

Stereotyping Millennials {unfairly?}

I, like many other people – have been known to “label” the millennial generation.

While it is an accurate label (a group of people generally born in the early 80’s to the early 2000’s), many of the points are worth discussing at least for a few minutes.

Many articles we’ve read – typically identify Millennials as being liberal, or at the very least being “left-leaning.” And that may be true (not sure what the exact percentage is – but I’m guessing it’s at least over 70% – maybe even more in big cities – especially on the coasts).

Our “position” regarding millennials is via the technology vortex. And how easy tech has affected the human mind. Whether it be their political beliefs, work ethic, or their ability to learn anything. The internet, social media, etcetera. Those who grew up without that tech – most certainly have a different viewpoint of the world – simply because of their experiences. Technology is great, but it does not come without significant downsides.

Look at the Millennials having fun outside!

Parenting is a huge factor in what a millennial is today

Also oft left out of the discussion – is the role of the parents in today’s millennial.

Left-leaning parents are most likely to have left-leaning millennial offspring. Or a family that has an equal number of iPads at the dinner table.

But there are countless conservative families across the country. They too, probably have left-leaning millennial kids as well – simply because of the tech (and other MSM indoctrination) the kids, unfortunately, had to endure as they matured.

The STRONG conservative families out there were more fortunate. Their children turned out to be upstanding, hard-working individuals. Who learned the “hard way,” or other real-world aspects of life in America and on this planet. Doesn’t always relate to the horrible political climate we had for decades.

I’ve seen farming families who raised incredible kids with impeccable work ethic with little room for nonsense. Young adults who understand the important aspects of living in this REAL world.

So grouping “millennials” might need to be re-thought

Putting all millennials into one group might be a bit harsh. Easy, but harsh.

I certainly can say with good accuracy – that most millennials have a very different mindset when it comes to real life. They are hooked on all sorts of technological outlets. Mostly because of social media, videos, and other garbage online. It is how they grew up.

After witnessing COUNTLESS toddlers at area shopping malls with pods or tablets in their hands to “ease the burdens” of lazy parents is DISTURBING to me. I see fully capable kids (who can walk) get schlepped around in strollers HEADS DOWN looking at their brain-sucking videos. C’mon! Being out and about is the BEST time for a kid to learn and discover – NOT on a gadget!

But I digress. It’s just one of the ways that can negatively affect people in their developmental stages.

Some millennials, however, are not in that “lazy” or “tech dependent” category. And I’m not sure why they’re not pushing harder to re-classify this generalization many of us make towards that age group. There appears to be a growing contingent of “Millennial Patriots” now that Trump is forging a new path for our fledgling country. So there is hope.

Observe the Millennials having conversations with each other!

Technology slaves are not limited to one group like Millennials

It also has to be pointed out – that Millennials are not exclusive when it comes to the “Technology Slavery” epidemic that has taken the world by storm.

No, most groups of people have been affected (sans the Amish).

It’s just that the millennials have been the MOST affected by this captivating virus. Thus, the negative vibes.

Unplugging from our easy and app-filled world is not so simple to do. Once you’ve become accustomed to the virtual crutch guiding your life.

But it is something that more and more people are “discovering.” As they realize the shallowness of their lives, or that the fun things the believe they’ve “accomplished” via this hollow technology – people slowly awaken – and take the necessary steps to find more solid ground.

Getting back to basics, or “fundamentals” as some say – should be a paramount objective for everyone.

Crazy how Millennials cannot eat without taking a photo of themselves!

(This post originally appeared on –

About Hoboken411

We’ve been “blogging” as Hoboken411 since before Twatter and Fakebook infected the masses. Back in 2005, it was all about politics and other bullshit in and around Hoboken, New Jersey (and the tri-state NYC area in general). But since those social media “apps” have amazingly coerced the majority of the populous to “blog for free” (to make Fuckerberg insanely wealthy) we’ve taken a slightly different approach. We talk about whatever the fuck we feel like talking about (including some things in Hoboken). But our main objective is to slap the “mentally-enslaved morons” (as Mark Dice eloquently says) upside the face with a dose of reality. We know full well that most people won’t be receptive to our ideas all the time. But feathers get ruffled to this day still – which means (as they say in the medical industry): “It’s working!”

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February 17, 2017 6:30 am

You racist son of a white man. Haven’t you heard of black millennials??? Where’s our point of view. Don’t we have a voice ?? Are we not Americans ??? From now on Check your white privilege before you post more racist propaganda..

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
February 17, 2017 10:04 am

I hope you forgot the ~sarc tag on your comment BB.
Otherwise we need to talk about Asian privilege, Indian privilege, Jewish privilege.
Not to mention Black privilege, women’s privilege, cats privilege,….
In fact, where is my fracking privilege? How come I didn’t get none?
My only privilege has been I am less likely to get shot by somebody of my own race.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
February 17, 2017 7:12 am

Both of my kids are millennials 28 & 34. Yes, we raised them at home.

They have both worked hard since they grew up, but still it somehow seems that they expect that opportunities should be provided and available for them to move into in the event that they qualify for such.

We are blue collar people who scraped together a living, tried to keep the roof patched and water bill paid, and hoped that if we worked hard enough the family wouldn’t end up living under a freeway.

I don’t think it ever occurred to either one us, their parents, to expect that opportunities should be available. That the society/government/country were obligated to reward us for trying hard. We always knew that failure was an option and that it happened to all too many people. Next one might be us.

So we have managed to stay afloat in America all these many years, none of them have been easy.

There is a difference between us and our kids, and we have good kids I’m proud of. But they have never known life without a safety net, and their expectation is that technology will be all good once the kinks get ironed out, and will then lead humanity into a new golden future in which they will bask. -I don’t think that’s the way it will go down.

Maybe that’s the difference, their skepticism level is low, they’re believers. Whereas as we their parents know shit can go to hell in a real hurry and without warning (how many financial crashes and wars have we lived through now in the last 50 years?) and that the Jetson whizbang future has never arrived as promised on the Saturday morning cartoons we watched in 1963.

February 17, 2017 7:33 am

Stereotypes don’t arise out of the ashes for no reason whatsoever. They are always based on at least some level of truth.

For example …. “niggahs like free shit like Obamafones.”

See what I’m talkin’ about, Willis? Dere be some trug in da above comment ‘n dats whut makes sterotype so mutherfuckin powerful.

February 17, 2017 11:27 am

Crassly put and generically offensive in the uncompromising Stuckian style, but true nonetheless.
I have to agree with Stucky on this one (shocking ain’t it Stuck). He is on target when he says that stereotypes arise for a reason. I’ve seen enough hipster doofus, tattooed, pierced, skinny-jean wearing, purple-haired manlets (love that word) in Montana these days to last me a lifetime. Millennials deserve to be stereotyped, as does any group that so slavishly toes their particular party line that they become cartoon versions of real human beings.
Sadly, while interesting from the standpoint of general mockery, stereotyping is not the substantive issue. The salient point of the post is the ongoing and accelerating “technological enslavement” of virtually every “labeled” generation across the nation, of which the Millennials are only the most obvious and stark example. Breaking free of that trap is difficult on an individual basis. Liberating an entire generation would be a gargantuan task. Freeing the minds of the nation from this creeping horror is, at this stage, a pipedream.
Recently, the Queen of the Underbrush and I cut off the satellite TV in an effort to disconnect somewhat from the problem we are discussing here. We installed a simple antenna, so now we’re slaves to only 11 channels instead of 1100. Progress of a sort I suppose, but digital sand against the technological tide I’m afraid. I remain cognizant also of the irony of blathering on about “techno-enslavement” while staring at a laptop screen.
Despite our little experiment in trimming back the electronic overgrowth, I am not optimistic about our overall cultural trend; especially when I watch my eight-month-old granddaughter play with her favorite toy…an old cellphone.

February 17, 2017 1:24 pm

“I have to agree with Stucky on this one (shocking ain’t it Stuck).”
——— xrugger

Can you say “friend”? Sure, you can!

[imgcomment image[/img]

Can I be your friend? I don’t see why the fuck not!

February 17, 2017 1:51 pm

Sure you can Stuck old boy! I’m guessing you and I agree on a great number of issues. We just phrase our thoughts somewhat differently. You’re kind of a sledgehammer guy. Me…I’m more of a 22 ounce framing hammer with a waffled head. You can count on me to remind you that there might be more genteel ways of getting your point across, but you can rest assured I won’t get all butthurt about your approach like some of the pussies out in the ether. Keep up the good work and keep being yourself, even if you are an abrasive, foul-mouthed, guttersnipe. And to all you Stuck-haters out there I would say this, “Piss off you bunch of panty-waste, flaming homo, knuckleheaded, safe-space seeking, pajama-wearing, cocoa-drinking, commie, crybabies!!

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
February 17, 2017 7:40 am

IMO, your 2nd para is the driving force behind the dissension. Disappointment at the lack of jobs, lack of a future after having a degree with student loans. Or even for those w/o college, there used to be opportunity for middle class employment.

Jobs erase a lot of social problems.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  kokoda the deplorable
February 17, 2017 9:20 am

I was referring to the deplorable stanley comment.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 17, 2017 8:46 am

Last night before we went to bed my fifteen-year-old son and I are watching the TV. A commercial comes on with some hipsters and my son quips:

“Hipsters definition: ‘the first to go.'”

I chuckled and asked him where he had heard that. He says, “I made it up”.

I was so proud I nearly burst.

  Francis Marion
February 17, 2017 11:33 am

You raised a good one there Francis. By the way, love your City of the Dead stuff. I find myself looking for the next installment every time I come to TBP.

February 17, 2017 8:59 am

they look like models

February 17, 2017 9:40 am

I am averse to post two “preachy” comments in one week but this Bible reference comes to mind.. During the end times people will be lovers of self, boastful, proud, without natural affection.. Nothing more unnatural than love through an IPhone or tablet.. Social media allows for the pride, boastfulness of every minor activity they perform and hundreds of self-loving photos on their Facebook albums…So self involved, no wonder they counter this inner darkness with so much phony virtue signaling.

February 17, 2017 9:50 am

I think most of the attitudes, values, and leanings of the Millennials come from the public schools their parents sent them to.

Which makes their parents the ones responsible for them.

February 17, 2017 1:50 pm

We as sheep are to keep grazing, not look up and stay occupied. I feel like I have been grazing far too long. I looked in one of my daughters textbooks some years back and had to read the chapter three times to prove to myself that no answer to the vague question was in that chapter. When I grew up Dad said”the answers are in the book” They were. Everybody gets a trophy, Freud says spanking “bad” , we have Jones’es next door, and every kid should have one. Some farm kids got to drive the family truck others started saving at 13 to get theirs. Yuppie kids had everything handed to them. Want a cell phone, save your money. Kids tons of them don’t know hardly anything about real work. Give 100% for 8 hrs.
If these younguns have a job, they’re lucky, even luckier not to be in Mom n Dads basement The numbers on millenials is shameful. How about that boob tube? It delivers the moral backbone for the families that needed two working parents. Worse for single parents that were too tired to spend proper time developing their children. Then we get hand held computers that let anyone access anyone with one, and any topic anywhere in the world. Sheep! What everyone is saying on facebook is more important than the cashier standing in front of them. Future mate? Maybe if they are not too interested in their phone. Hook-up with someone, we don’t know what they are really like. The world is going by and we are not supposed to look for greener grass, weak links in the fence, or to smell or see what is being sprayed in the field we will be eating from tomorrow. Eat, breed all is good. The shepherd says so or he wouldn’t put us here. Right.
How many millenials would look at a jar full of M&Ms, knowing one of those M&Ms was would poison or kill one of their kids would let them in line. Tell one of them what is in McDonalds food, or what GMO, nutrasweet red 40 or high fructose corn syrup does to their kids health, what happens. I feel like we as sheep helped these crimes along by being sheep. swords sharp powder dry.
nice piece F