Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

From time to time I’m called simple minded. I take it as a compliment and thank my accuser for noticing. Few things are as complicated as they’re made out to be. Examples: before ObamaCare there was no ObamaCare. Duh. It made things worse. Repeal it and make things better instantly.

Nullify and denounce every federal, state and municipal gun control act, law and regulation ever passed, including the commerce clause stuff. The Constitution prohibits government from interfering, in any way, with our right to keep and bear arms. So stop doing it.

And illegal aliens. They have to go. It’s the law. Don’t like it? Change the law. Until then it’s the will of the people, duly enacted. Either enforce it or stop saying ‘representative democracy’ and ‘rule of law’. => Insert “it’s not that simple” and pictures of baby seals here <=.

And why is it a routine winter snowstorm can cross the whole country unremarked until it reaches the east coast, then it becomes a blizzard emergency with a name and ’round-the-clock national breaking news?


Ronbo at Freedom Fighter’s Journal says, in this comment at Crusader Rabbit responding to an opinion I expressed in Woodpile Report:

The pot is boiling and recent events in Washington D.C. are almost a mirror image of what happened there in the spring of 1861, when pro-Confederate elements inside the federal government attempted to sabotage the new Lincoln Administration.

And do we not have in the person of Barack Obama a new rebel president of a rival republic? Do we not see secession being seriously discussed in Leftist dominated California? Do we not hear millions of Leftist say, “Trump is not my president.”

I predict soon they will say, “The United States of America is not my country.”

What will happen next? If history is a teacher the guns of opposing sides will begin a dialogue.

Mr. Barbour is a retired Army NCO with combat experience of the kind that can get you killed, when it comes to war and the politics of war he knows his stuff. His premise is sound , his conclusion compelling and widely shared .

Mr. Barbour noted my reluctance to call the coming debacle a civil war. Fair enough, but I have my reason. The oft-cited parallels appear to, and perhaps are meant to, conjure up “the” civil war except without the cavalry and Parrott twenty pounders. Alas, there have been more substantial changes in the hundred and fifty years since The Unpleasantness.

The civil war of the 1860s was geographically defined, its manifestos canonical, the armies Napoleonic, the front was bounded and orderly, gallantry and honor were valued if not always practiced. All in all, a classy affair as wars go. Contemporary civil wars are multi-cornered murderous brawls between partisan militias. Added to this are armed opportunists and the outright deranged. Front lines appear and disappear like summer squalls, alliances shift by the day, high-minded principles devolve into homicidal savagery while everyday life drifts into destitution and universal hunger.

“Everywhere and nowhere” is an expression often used by partisans. Such unrelenting fear, added to general deprivation, can topple the mental stability of a whole populace. The slave labor camps of the last century depended on reducing their inmates to just this sort of haggard, fearful zombies. When partisan wars end, almost always by exhaustion, such a people are poor makings for the future republic.

You’ll recall Lee was urged to transform the Confederate army into a guerilla outfit and continue the war rather than surrender to Grant at Appomattox. He declined. The war had its raiders and marauders and the march to the sea, he knew such warfare and was repelled by it.

In today’s USA there are too many players for some guy in the hills—me, to pick one at random—to keep track of, much less figure out who’s allied with who, all the hows and whys, and so forth. It suffices to be situationally aware at the local level, ready to repel invaders and prepared enough to outlast the calamity.

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March 14, 2017 4:05 pm

That “routine winter snowstorm cross the whole country unremarked” met and combined with another storm that came charging up the east coast to meet it. And the rotation of the resulting storm combining with ocean influences means that the intensified storm will rotate back around and whup us on the backside instead of just moving through. The result is not the storm of the century or even the storm of the decade, but definitely more that just the routine winter snowstorm that they saw in the Midwest.

March 15, 2017 11:15 am

….And, with any luck, this storm will flatten strategic areas of the east coast, especially Washington DC, Langley Virginia, New York City, and not to be left out Boston and especially the 30 blocks of squalor. The REST of the country will immediately be better off.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 14, 2017 4:06 pm

Admin is busy.
[imgcomment image[/img]

March 14, 2017 5:01 pm

Looks like we’re going to get just snow. I’d rather have the 18 – 24 inches of pure snow than what you got. It is easier to shovel when the sleet is on top of the snow instead of the bottom, though. Thank God for small favors 🙂

March 15, 2017 11:55 am

I agree with what Mayor Curley said about snow
Go put it there, let Go take it away.

March 15, 2017 11:55 am

That is God put it there let God take it away,

March 14, 2017 4:47 pm

“The pot is boiling and recent events in Washington D.C. are almost a mirror image of what happened there in the spring of 1861, when pro-Confederate elements inside the federal government attempted to sabotage the new Lincoln Administration.”

Sorry ol’ Remus, but you need to prepare yourself for the likelihood that your pal Ronbo is a fucking idiot. Anyone who would state such a wrong-headed idea in such florid, purple prose is retarded and hopes to make a point on an internet board by appealing to the stupidity of those reading his post.

Never mind that he’s a retired military public tit addict. That only makes him an expert on fucking off and collecting a paycheck, nothing else. I know so many retired military asshats who are as full of shit as a used Pamper, but are convinced of their own brilliance because they fucked off in the military for 20 years and now can loll around doing nothing while the rest of us work to pay their pensions.

March 14, 2017 5:00 pm

I’m old. Consequently I’m expendable. I’m not being flip when I say if it need happen, I hope it gets here before I’m gone. Sat Cong.

Ricky Collins abused child
Ricky Collins abused child
March 14, 2017 7:44 pm

Bingo we have a winner! Sat Cong/Snowflakes.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 14, 2017 8:15 pm

“To many players in the hills to pick one”… I’ll pick a couple for you: The FSA that thinks others owe them a free education, free food, etc. The Muslims that want to cut your head off. The Mexicans that want to take the land. The BLM, Black Muslims, Black Panthers, etc that don’t like you. TPTB that want you and 6 billion others dead.

mark branham
mark branham
March 14, 2017 9:01 pm

Speaking of winter snows, which have been remarkably absent here in Chicago… until yesterday. What I noticed in the clear blue skies a few days prior was an unusual number of chemtrails. Just wondering…

  mark branham
March 14, 2017 10:18 pm

They have been absent here in San Diego too. What I noticed in the clear blue skies were seagulls and pelicans.

March 14, 2017 10:50 pm

94 degrees today in SoCal. The wife and I rode our tandem bike and enjoyed the sunshine!

March 14, 2017 11:40 pm

‘Such unrelenting fear, added to general deprivation, can topple the mental stability of a whole populace.’
Anyone who thinks the populace is mentally stable is delusional, and therefore mentally unstable themselves.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 15, 2017 12:07 am

I guess the bad weather up there caused the chemtrails to come to north Florida…They spray like hell here, the tropical Jet Stream carries them to the Northeast and ya’ll catch hell.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 15, 2017 8:14 am

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me ! The east coast storms have hi humidity that gives us below 20 degree temps and rain between snow squalls the result is a half inch of ice and 6 plus inches of snow that new arrivals cruise out unfamiliar with driving on ice ! It’s not like further north or west ! Usually after a car wreck they realize why we just kick back and wait a day or two for the freeze refreeze cycle to break ! Nobody can drive on ice unless you have a zamboni !
As for our FUBAR government antics and actions today is March 15 and the money supply will be gone by June or sooner then poof who knows ? As great grandmother said -“they are all down there in Washington scurrying around like cats covering up shit ” and when they are done at least Jessie James had the guts to face you with a gun when he robbed you !
Try to prepare to hold out as best you can because the shit will hit the fan and all the Obama snowflakes will go into meltdown and the FSA will be a force to deal with ! Invest in precious metals , lead and brass !

March 15, 2017 12:12 pm

The numbers from 2014, Americans on the following Drugs
All Psychiatric Drugs 78,694,222
ADHD Drugs 10,291,860
Antidepressant Drugs 41,226,394
Antipsychotic Drugs 6,845,303
Antianxiety Drugs 36,472,663

The information is from IMS Health, a company that provides information, services and technology for the healthcare industry. It is the largest vendor of U.S. physician prescribing data,


Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States

March 15, 2017 12:17 pm

In the event of any major civil or economic disorder, one that disrupts the delivery of medications, we can expect to have tens of millions of people going off their psychiatric drugs at the same time, not a pleasant thought.