The Tribal States of America

Guest Post by The Zman

The other day, I heard someone use the word “kike” in public. I can’t remember when I last heard someone use the word in conversation. My grandfather would use it, along with WOP, Spic, Mic, Jew, Polack and other colorful euphemisms. That was just the way men of his generation spoke to one another. One of his old friends was Italian and he called him a “Guinea bastard” so often it may as well have been his given name. In turn, his buddies would call him a commie, a rook, a pinko, etc.

That was a long time ago. In our sensitive age, people are afraid to mention the race of a crime suspect, lest they get accused of blasphemy. The result is we get crime bulletins from the news that tell us the suspect is tall and bi-pedal. In fact, I’ve learned to take some pleasure in mentioning race in conversation, just to see the honkies flinch. Blacks and Hispanics never flinch, but honkies are so beaten down they come close to tears at the mere mention of race or ethnicity.

In the incident the other day, no one seemed to notice, although I probably missed the context. Still, I was bit surprised to hear the word in public. I don’t think “kike” was ever a slur as it has no negative connotations. It’s roots are supposedly from Ellis Island, but that could be apocryphal. It’s also possible the people I overheard were Jewish, and they were owning the insult, in the same way blacks use the word “nigger” in every other sentence. Given the complexion of the people in the room, my guess is they were not Jewish.

The hand-wringers all swear that we are reliving Weimar Germany and Trump is the 12th invisible Hitler the prophecies foretold. The inevitable result is the Cossacks galloping through the streets of Jewish neighborhoods. Maybe so, but I’m skeptical. Trump seems to get along well with the Tribe and he seems to love his Jewish grandchildren. He has quite a few Jewish advisers and business partners. Maybe they are not making Hitlers like they used to, but my hunch is he is not Hitler and we are not Weimar Germany.

Still, the special position for Jews in American may be changing. It’s impossible not to notice that the roster of people leading the opposition to Trump reads like a Manhattan law firm. It’s also hard to not notice that people with a precious metal in their name are wildly over-represented in America’s ruling elite. It’s fair to say that Jews in America are the new WASP’s, a narrow ethnic group that dominates the ruling classes. Instead of Pemberton and Prescott in the overstuffed leather chairs, it’s Goldstein and Silverberg.

As a result, it will become increasingly acceptable to make sport of the Jews, just as it was acceptable to make fun of the WASP’s in the prior century. I grew up in a time when all the rich people were portrayed by Hollywood as a cartoonish version of the Monopoly guy, plotting with others in the elite to block the advance of the lower classes. The horse-faced actor William Devane made a career out of playing the sinister WASP at the head of a conspiracy against the swarthy people, excluded from the best golf clubs.

I doubt we’ll ever see Hollywood treating elite Jews that way, since Hollywood is run by Jews, but you never know. The movie War Dogs was not very sympathetic to the two Orthodox Jews at the center of the story. Still, mockery of the new ruling elite will probably be restricted to the on-line culture, which is increasingly where people get their enjoyments. The Right Stuff’s podcast The Daily Shoah is a good example. It’s a blend of commentary, locker room humor and Family Guy style mockery of the Chosen People.

Whether or not this is a sustainable arrangement is debatable. Whites in American have never been anti-Semitic and have largely accepted the reality of Jewish success in America. In fact, most whites take some pride in it, seeing it as validation of America’s meritocratic culture. The millions of Muslims being imported will obviously be hostile to this arrangement. Hispanics and Asians don’t seem to care. Progressive whites, on the other hand, are increasingly anti-Semitic, suggesting there is a war brewing among the Cloud People. The Democrats coming close to putting Keith Ellison in charge is a good example.

There’s something else to consider. There are a decent number of Jews in the Dissident Right, supporting Trump and often sympathetic to the alt-right. For example, the news site Breitbart is run by Joel Pollak, an Orthodox Jew. Mickey Kaus has been on the forefront of the patriotic immigration issue. It’s entirely possible that American Jews will come to view multiculturalism and open borders as suicidal, because they are bad for the Jews. Israel, after all, is pretty much the opposite of what the American Left advocates.

It’s fair to say that the America now passing into history was one built by the northern WASP elite, that emerged after the Civil War. These were the men who got rich in the Industrial Revolution. They built a country in their image. They wanted to conquer the world and they did. The people in charge now, in the technological age, will remake America into whatever they believe will suit their purposes. The Tribal States of America will reflect their interests, their cultural prejudices and their view of what’s best for the people in charge of the country.

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March 14, 2017 11:28 am

Did you hear about the suicide bomber that blew himself up, out side a Jewish restaurant?

A panicked bystander ran in and said: “Didn’t you hear that explosion?” One of the Jew’s responded: “No, we were eating.”

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 14, 2017 11:37 am

“Progressive whites, on the other hand, are increasingly anti-Semitic, suggesting there is a war brewing among the Cloud People….

There’s something else to consider. There are a decent number of Jews in the Dissident Right, supporting Trump and often sympathetic to the alt-right.”

Ding ding ding. Give the man a cigar.

March 14, 2017 12:26 pm

Modern jews aren’t biblical jews, they’re khazars, and they’re not the 13th tribe of Israel.

They are, however, the ruling class of Israel and the tribe from which Rothschild originated. Draw your own inferences. Hopefully, Trump won’t trust the khazars more than he would trust anyone else.

We’re at the tail end of a nearly 300 year debt cycle, and Western civilization is being threatened by those who would seek to extend their hegemony over the entire earth.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 14, 2017 12:27 pm

….and…Llpoh quit TBP again. Just kidding. When I was a kid “jew” was a verb.

  Iska Waran
March 14, 2017 5:00 pm

True about the verb, as in : “He’s trying to jew me down on my price”.

March 14, 2017 5:58 pm

Yep, “Jew me down on a price”
To “Gyp” someone was to commit a crooked deal like a gypsy
To “welch” on a bet was to not pay your debts like the welsh
an “Indian giver” was someone who wanted to take back a deal they had struck–like Manhattan for beads.

A friend of mine used to use the term, ” to “kike up” a price instead of hike up the price. Don’t know where he got the expression but the inference was clear.
Now where did the expression, “cotton-pickin piece of chit” come from?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 14, 2017 9:19 pm

Too bad Billy left. Yo’bo has really transformed the atmosphere. He’s got all sorts of friends now. Amazing that in this day of Trump, BB is suddenly a respected gentleman. I have already projected that shit is going to get weirder. We are not one hundred years from the last worldwide depression and subsequent conflagration and here we are proving Ursula Iguaran’s observation that “…time was not passing…it was turning in a circle…”
― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

March 14, 2017 12:30 pm

‘The hand-wringers all swear that we are reliving Weimar Germany..’
Perhaps they are less ignorant on the subject of Jewish subversion than you seem to be, Zman.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany was the National Socialist government’s first English-language attempt to explain the rationale behind their legislative moves to restrict Jewish influence in Germany after 1933.
Using official pre-Nazi-era demographics, this work showed that Jews were massively over-represented in all fields of German social and economic life—except that of farming and creative work.
It lists the ownership of mass media in Weimar Germany, the astonishing financial scandals, Communism and political subversion, degenerate theater, sexual psychology, Communist indoctrination in educational institutions and the media—all of which was predominantly Jewish in origin.
This new edition contains the entire original text and illustrations, and benefits from a series of appendixes by Francis Dupont which reveal:
– The measures taken by the Nazi state against Jews;
– Details of the Havaara transfer Agreement whereby the Nazi government and the World Zionist movement worked together to help create the state of Israel;
– The World Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933; and
– A series of eye-opening parallels between Weimar Germany and the present-day United States of America, showing exactly the same trends of Jewish domination of educational institutions, the mass media, and financial scandals—proof that history does repeat itself.

PDF available here:

March 14, 2017 12:50 pm

And we imported cultural marxism to the US in the form of the Frankfurt School.

March 14, 2017 12:33 pm

Z, great article, thanks.

There are several kinds of people in the world/USA let’s say.
The unseen and unknown rich and powerful dictating to the pols.
The less rich and barely known locally powerful, aligning with
the less powerful pols.
The working class divided into the D and the R group, which vie
for politically correct identification and perceived control.
And the loser class that is supported by the working class as a bribe
not to go full riot/and the unsuccessful class caught up in that mess.

The latter 2 groups are set up to destroy each other from the envy side
to the resentment side. Enemies stirred up by the MSM on behalf of the
2 upper classes.

President Trump didn’t win anything, so to speak, he was selected for a reason,
let us hope it wasn’t to accelerate the destruction. Is there a 5% chance he is
a real person with good in his heart? I suppose anything is possible. My best hope
is that he was selected to cushion the fall of the USA and “negotiate” on our
behalf. Or, so some may survive. I would love to be wrong.
We all want to see heroes. The cited link may be TLTR for many, so see the first

Miles Long
Miles Long
March 14, 2017 3:10 pm

The election choices for the past 1/2 century have been much less than optimal. There’s a familiar quote along the lines of those that yearn to be powerful at any cost are the ones who least deserve that power. I think a great many here were/still are skeptical about Trump & yes… voted against $hillary more than for Trump. Not even a good protest vote candidate this time. I mean, WTF, Gary Johnson?

  Miles Long
March 14, 2017 6:35 pm

Right.. and William Weld? Libertarians? 2012 and 16 were the first times I couldn’t vote 3rd party. Purely out of shame. How could I pull the handle for a DemoFascist and a Rockerfeller Republican from Ma. and look at myself in the mirror.

March 14, 2017 4:25 pm

Interesting take.

March 14, 2017 12:44 pm

Give me control of the currency with the authority to counterfeit as much paper as I want and I would be a member of the ruling class. Especially after 1971 when Nixon took us off the Gold standard.They counterfeited billions of dollars and bought what they wanted .This is how and why Jews own 90% of the media and most of the Banking.They counterfeited their way into the upper class.O f course they bought off the Anglo-Saxons Politicians every step of the way.Hell , even the dumbest blacks could have own this country if they would have been given control of the currency .

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 14, 2017 1:44 pm

I know some small town Jews that think like us; they sure don’t like or trust Democrats and won’t be carted off to FEMA camps by anybody or let us be either. I trust Trump but wonder about many of his appointments and lack of firings too; don’t trust Ivanka and worry about Pence. But if Trump loses our support, TPTB will kill him and we’ll all get toasted. Pray for God to guide his heart and mind; and for his health. Amen.

  rhs jr
March 14, 2017 5:07 pm

I’m with you there, Jr. I know some regyoulah joos who are just like you describe. I’m leery of Pence too and have been since he was picked. He looks like a shifty motherfucker, and talks like a neocon. Trump needs kevlar in the back of all his suits with Pence around.

  rhs jr
March 14, 2017 6:53 pm

Theres good WOPs and SPICs too. So what.
I always felt sorry for the Nigger that married my welfare queen Afro-centric sister.
He was such a good SPLIV I took care of him in his last few months of cancer so He wouldn’t suffer the indignation of a nursing home. He He disliked Niggers and Kykes equally.

March 14, 2017 5:30 pm

Best line in the film “Blazing Saddles”………..

“Alright, alright. We’ll give some land to the Niggers and the Chinks.
But we don’t want the Irish”!

March 14, 2017 5:59 pm

Hmmm. Somebody touched a nerve and now some asshole wants to censor TBP. No, we need to double down. The
fact that there are “good JEWS” does not change the facts, and the “good Jews”, like Michael Savage and Ron Unz (true patriots) know it. You can’t blot out the sun with your thumb.

Ricky Collins abused child
Ricky Collins abused child
March 14, 2017 8:11 pm

I have no problem with religious jews. They are people of principles.

I do have a problem with cultural jews, who have no believe in anything but the state. I asked one person what jews prayed for, and she replied I am not sure that jews pray. This comes from an idiot covered in jewish tatoos, although I have been told that religious jews will not have anything to do with tatoos.

Such jews are like buffet Catholics, or mainstream Protestant demoninations that believe in nothing, so they accept anything.

If jews dominate in any field I’d expect its the same reason other groups do, superior abilities, skills, drive and aptitude.